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单词 Lizard
(1) Whom a serpent has bitten a lizard alarms. 
(2) Whom a serpent has bitten fears a lizard
(3) Whom an adder bites, dreads a lizard
(4) A little lizard scuttled across the path.
(5) A lizard can regenerate its tail.
(6) The lizard darted out its tongue at the insect.
(7) The lizard flicked out its tongue at a fly.
(8) The lizard baked on the hot rocks.
(9) A lizard will regenerate its tail if it's cut off.
(10) This arboreal lizard is a formidable predator.
(11) A lizard without its tail is at a considerable disadvantage.
(12) The Lizard complex is composed mainly of serpentinite with gabbro and metamorphosed basic rocks.
(13) A lizard was basking in the heat of the afternoon sun.
(14) Our sand lizard, resembling a green mini-monster from prehistoric times()(), scrambled over the twiggy heather.
(15) A small, white-backed lizard waddled and hopped across the hot gypsum, moving away from us.
(16) He watched a lizard scuttle furtively along the join between wall and ceiling, and disappear into a crevice.
(17) Wet of the Lizard, the coastal character changes to open moorland reminiscent of Lundy.
(18) The lizard can outsmart predators by leaving its tail behind to confuse them.
(19) When she moved, a bright green lizard sprinted up the wall and vanished.
(20) He stood facing the wall where the lizard stains were, rubbing the back of his neck.
(21) A recent unusual visitor was a Burton's Legless Lizard.
(22) A lizard with pleurodont teeth.
(23) A bright green lizard crept into the sun.
(24) Converse sat at his writing desk, drinking Sprite, looking at the lizard smears.
(25) There is sun, heavy silence, a pervasive scent of parched vegetation, a lizard materialized on a rock.
(26) I built a small, mirrored box, and I bought a color-changing lizard and placed it inside.
(27) It's one of the few places in Britain where you can catch sight of the endangered sand lizard or smooth snake.
(28) Like symbiotic grubs they lay twisted together in a ball, until Mangar-Kunjer-Kunja appeared in the guise of a lizard.
(29) The weight of the shot drew it down through the grating and out of his sight like a skittering lizard.
(30) His eyes seemed to be trying to imitate a lizard and swivel in opposite directions.
(1) A little lizard scuttled across the path.
(2) The lizard darted out its tongue at the insect.
(31) Horned lizard, howl, plant, cactus.
(32) The sandfish lizard, of course.
(33) A small lizard perched on a brown stone.
(34) Fold. Summer lounge lizard chair.
(35) The body covering is red lizard skin.
(36) A common lizard (Zootoca vivipara) in Northern Ireland.
(37) A mythical creature, generally resembling a lizard, believed capable of living in or withstanding fire.
(38) There are about a dozen species of glass lizard in the world.
(39) The slow-worm is in fact not a snake but a legless lizard.
(40) Otherworldly animals are everywhere. I drove by a frilled lizard sunning in the road, neck wing fanned to its fullest.
(41) The monitor lizard is one of the species that could soon disappear in the wild.
(42) The upper consists of leather an lizard skin, and the unusual looking heel tab is a nice added touch.
(43) Daniel Balthazar, RioZoo's vet, said the boa constrictor would become a "celebrity" once it was put on display in the newly inaugurated snake and lizard section.
(44) The globe rotates while nested in its lizard skin case and has a map of the solar system inside the top of the case, right.
(45) It comes with a new brown lizard skin band, a Cartier band.
(46) They also manage to gather yams, wild bananas, witchetty grubs, a blue-tongued lizard and a rock python which they cook and eat.
(47) Lizard is a small creature with four legs, a sort of reptile.
(48) The blind variety of legless lizard likely originated in the Americas, but some 55 million years ago they slithered across the Bering Strait and into Asia.
(49) Hope and trust is the tailer of a lizard, whelloch can reproduce even after being cut off.
(50) The Komodo dragon is the world's biggest lizard, reaching up to three meters long.
(51) Lounge Lizard - a professional New York web design, development and marketing company serving clients worldwide.
(52) Improved Grab: To use this ability, a thunder lizard must hit an opponent of up to one size smaller with its bite attack.
(53) As you can see, the whole point of this exercise was to get the frilled lizard on the run.
(54) A comparison of chromosomes in the gametes of a related, sexually-producing lizard species (above) and the whiptail (below).
(55) But, of the vertebrates, unpredictable Nature selected only snakes ( and one lizard ).
(56) An old lizard, however, was of the opinion that this petrification can only take place after God shall have metamorphosed himself into all kinds of animals and plants, and have redeemed them.
(57) Northern Australia is a hotbed of exotic animals, including the frilled lizard.
(58) It turns out that some species of the Whiptail lizard have figured out how to do this and completely eliminated the male sex .
(59) When he is not out hunting, Joey attends school and enjoys watching television with his pet bearded dragon lizard, Lily.
(60) Conclusion It has great significance of nucleus and cell organelle as taxonomic character of Squamate lizard in the ultrastructure of spermiogenesis of Takydromus septentrionalis.
(61) An agama is a long - tailed lizard inhabiting forests and bushes across Africa.
(62) Swallow Whole: A thunder lizard can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of up to one size smaller by making a successful grapple check.
(63) Madhuri, an Indian elephant, swings a monitor lizard around by its tail. The unlucky creature had been swept off the ground and was carried around for a number of days by the elephant.
(64) Among the several subclasses (or "orders" in biology) of reptiles are snakes and lizards, turtles and tortoises, crocodiles and alligators, and the tuatara, a marine lizard in New Zealand.
(65) The near-miss knocked the lizard and her rider off the cliff-side, sending both plunging into the sinkhole grotto.
(66) Their extraordinary image sandy soil plain earthworm lizard and javelin lizard.
(67) The Komodo Dragon is in fact a giant Monitor lizard.
(68) Approaching the spot, he found a snake — the common garter snake — trying to swallow a lizard.
(69) Even though it is legless, the glass lizard is not a snake, but a lizard.
(70) Any of various lizards, such as the Komodo dragon or the flying lizard.
(71) Today the Dragon Kingdom is related unto the koto dragon, gecko, lizard, walrus, elephant seal, hippopotamus and elephant upon the physical plane.
(72) I snatch up a pair of Canadian goggles that look like lizard eyes and head for the cashier.
(73) The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) is the world's biggest lizard, reaching up to three metres (10 feet) long.
(74) Hope and trust is the tailer of a lizard, which can reproduce even after being cut off.
(75) Habit of the Chinese crocodilian lizard(Shinisaurus crocodilurus)was observed in the field and laboratory from 2004 to 2005.
(76) Snakes are thought to have evolved after legless lizards, which differ from snakes by retaining some lizard traits, such as external ears.
(77) The 6ft 6in-long brightly-coloured lizard is a fruit-eating species which was found in the forests of the heavily populated and largely "deforested" Luzon Island.
(78) He appeared to be herbivorous apart from the occasional agama lizard or worm when plant life was lacking.
(79) I saw a flash of kingfisher blue. A monitor lizard paddled away through the reeds.
(80) At present the number of the giant lizard is getting fewer and fewer in the world.It is unknown that how many giant lizards of this kind have been alive.
(81) In the lizard, a muscular septum partially divides the ventricle.
(82) A new species of blind, legless lizard has been found in the mountains of Cambodia, conservationists announced.
(83) The body of the house lizard, is usually flat even, all of the body grow biggest not over 40, the outward appearance contain small scaled but soft scale.
(84) The horned lizard is a seemingly normal looking lizard found in the southwest region of the United States.
(85) Four hundred years after his death, Aegwynn named her pet Thunder Lizard after her long-gone master.
(86) Populations of the coast horned lizard (Phrynosoma coronatum) have declined sharply in recent years due to the displacement of native ants the lizard depends on for food.
(87) On Flores, the only sizable predators were the Komodo dragon and another, even larger monitor lizard.
(88) SANS SEX: This checkered whiptail lizard (Aspidoscelis tesselata) can produce a strong stock of offspring all on her own.
(89) 'Never!' said the Queen furiously, throwing an inkstand at the Lizard as she spoke.
(90) Be warned, you big lounge lizard: it could happen to you.
(91) When the giant lizard's rider makes a melee attack against a target, the lizard can make a claw attack against the same target.
(92) The serpent coils in the grass of the streets, the lizard basks in the solitary halls.
(93) The iguanodon had tough skin and looked like a giant lizard.
(94) Here we selected a viviparous lizard Eremias multiocellata to test whether pregnant females could adjust the sex ratio of their offspring in response to OSR.
(95) They haven't seen any mark of insects(), rodents and birds. Snails perhaps are the only creature eaten by the giant lizard.
(96) A male sand lizard, perched on top of a plant, catches the eye of a female with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
(97) When an alligator lizard is attacked by an enemy it drops its tail.
(98) Suddenly, he found a lizard window to his desk, he saw the iguana extremely happy.
(99) Voyages, an Australian tour operator, is advertising for a general manager for its Lizard Island resort, a post that comes with a two-bedroom house overlooking the Great Barrier Reef.
(100) In fact, the giant lizard is one of the important local foods.
(101) Are you ready to see the frilled lizard in full scare mode?
(102) Because a frilled lizard on the run is one of nature's most offbeat, entertaining sights. I mean, check out that leg action.
(103) More amazedly , the male giant lizard of this kind has double penises which can be used in alternation.
(104) With a few taps at the command line, you can launch a Web site, recruit legions to your cause, or vanquish a marauding thunder lizard.
(105) The sharp-edges of the blue spiny lizard will not protect it against climate change.
(106) The crocodile may owe its name to its resemblance to a much smaller creature, a lizard that lived in the stone walls of Ionia.
(107) Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard and a fearsome predator.
(108) Are you ready to see the frilled lizard in full scare mode? Okay, collar boy, let's see what you got.
(109) My favorite monster is a giant lizard that destroys Tokyo.
(110) Phil: Dude, we're in a locker room. Make it clear you're talking about a lizard.
(111) When air cools at night, dew collects on the lizard’s skin and is pulled to its mouth by capillary action.
(112) Start early - roaming 5 man controlling dragon, golem and lizard.
(113) Erfurt, Germany, October 19, 2008--A lizard sculpture made of play dough and sugar eyes chefs and food at the 23rd International Competition of Culinary Art, also known as the Culinary Olympics.
(114) The Northern Sierra Madre Forest Monitor Lizard could be in danger of having its population drop due to habitat destruction, as well as hunting and trapping for the pet trade.
(115) This eastern collared lizard was posing on a 225-million-year-old petrified tree trunk.
(116) Having established that lizards are at least as clever as birds at such simple tasks, Dr Leal hopes to go on and explore the evolutionary forces behind lizard intelligence.
(117) Dubbed Varanus bitatawa, the giant lizard is a close cousin of the Komodo dragon of Indonesia.
(118) Sporting a "mesmerizing pattern of turquoise and blue, " the monitor lizard Varanus macraei was discovered on the island of Batanta, off the Peninsula of Papua, in 2001.
(119) Never!'said the Queen, furiously, throwing an inkstand at the lizard as she spoke. "
(120) The discovery of the desert night lizard family groups comes as a result of a five-year genetic study of more than 2,100 adults and juvenile lizards from the Mojave Desert of California.
(121) Hope and trust is the tailer of a lizard which can reproduce even right separingestedd being cut off.
(122) Some 43 new reptile species were discovered on New Guinea between 1998-2008: this includes 5 snakes 37 new lizard species and a soft-shelled turtle.
(123) In Chinese myth and legend, Loong is a mystical animal with snake body, lizard leg, chicken feet, antler, fish scale and fish tail. It does walk, fly and swim.
(123) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(124) The Panay monitor lizard in the Philippines is endangered for the same reason, as is the sail-fin water lizard whose hatchlings are sought for the pet trade.
(125) Be a lounge lizard or an extreme adventurer - whatever YOU want to do.
(126) An adult female desert night lizard with her 3-day-old offspring.
(127) We are gathered here today to bid adieu to Lizzie the lizard.
(128) Hey, hey watch it! As you can see, the whole point of this exercise was to get the frilled lizard on the run.
(129) When the horned lizard is approached by a hungry foe, it uses an equally unusual method of self-preservation.
(130) Giant Lizard Designing Company is characterized with international design concept and practical operation.
(131) Confident in its camouflage, being the same colour as the rocks, the lizard stands still when it feels danger.
(132) The research, outlined in the latest issue of the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, strengthens the belief that snakes evolved from a lizard that either burrowed on land or swam in the ocean.
(133) In Conrad's opinion, the leathery wings of a pterosaur are the best possible flight mechanism for a giant lizard. "Quetzalcoatlus had a 30-foot wingspan, " he says.
(134) "Why is he weeping?" asked a little Green Lizard, as he ran past him with his tail in the air.




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