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单词 Unencumbered
(1) Dole now joins the ranks fo the unencumbered.
(2) Unencumbered with material possessions or human relationships.
(3) Ellen, unencumbered with luggage, had already reached Wavebreaker and taken two plastic fenders from a locker.
(4) Your heart line, unencumbered ...
(5) They are unencumbered by the accumulated legacies of their rivals.
(6) I envied that young my youth, carefree, unencumbered , non - trouble - free brain.
(7) Trading can be characterized as a pure, unencumbered personal choice with an immediate outcome.
(8) I felt my own life unencumbered with fancy technology, was in parallel to theirs.
(9) Since online teachers are unencumbered by much of the disciplinary and bureaucratic nonsense of brick-and-mortar schools, they can devote far more time to actual instruction.
(10) Unencumbered capital would flow to its most productive use, boosting economic growth and improving welfare.
(11) The carrying no longer caused a strain, and his right hand could hold the pen unencumbered by other duties.
(12) It was where you could be unlicensed, where you could be anonymous, unencumbered, no past, free.
(13) Amused by her burgeoning vanity(/unencumbered.html), she dawdled over the unpacking to give Mrs Wallington plenty of unencumbered time with her son.
(14) The winners in 1992, 1980, 1976 and 1968 were unencumbered by political duties as federal officeholders in the national spotlight.
(15) On the contrary, they first cultivated the thin but unencumbered soil on top of the hills.
(16) Visalia bought a swimming pool at half price because its employees were unencumbered by line item budgets.
(17) He worked as a logger and riverboat guide, unmarried but not always unencumbered.
(18) He banged down the rucksack and the basket he had been carrying and looked without liking at the unencumbered Beuno.
(19) Where might he have journeyed in the footsteps of the Saviour, unencumbered and released from the responsibilities of wealth?
(20) Twenty-five of them arrive in conga lines to claim the opening rounds, the unencumbered adults and brash teenagers up front, the mothers with their clinging babies at the rear.
(21) Leaving TA behind forced me to create a new game scratch , and to move ahead unencumbered.
(22) Why not travel alone , in single blessedness , unencumbered and swiftly pursuing one's goal?
(23) Work on the temple continued until 432; the Parthenon, then, represents the tangible and visible efflorescence of Athenian imperial power, unencumbered by the depradations of the Peloponnesian War.
(24) They share above all else a yearning for spareness, a deep dread of congestion, and an urge to be unencumbered by just about everything except space and weather.




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