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单词 Tortured
1. Thousands of people were tortured on the rack.
2. The prisoners had been tortured and mutilated.
3. The secret police tortured him to obtain information.
4. French police are convinced that she was tortured and killed.
5. They tortured the prisoner to death.
6. There were several problems which tortured the elderly man.
7. The student was tortured with anxiety.
8. The prisoners were routinely tortured.
9. They never again tortured a prisoner in his presence.
10. She fell into a tortured sleep.
11. Political opponents of the regime may be tortured.
12. She was tortured many times during her captivity.
13. She was tortured by her abductors.
14. He was tortured by guilt.
15. He was tortured into giving them the information.
16. They tortured him until he was broken in spirit.
17. Rachel sat alone for hours at home, tortured by jealousy.
18. Many of the rebels were captured and tortured by secret police.
19. He said that he was not tortured or maltreated during his detention.
20. He was tortured by an awareness of the equivocal nature of his position.
21. The man was a sadist who tortured animals and people.
22. The prisoners had been tortured and made to wear hoods.
23. It is claimed that the officers tortured a man to death in 1983 in a city police station.
24. They tortured the man to make him confess his crime.
25. They tortured my words.
26. She tortured herself with fantasies of Bob and his new girlfriend.
27. Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
28. He has spent periods in prison, where he was gruesomely tortured.
29. The foreign affairs department has denied claims that the men were tortured.
30. The scars on his body lent colour to his claim that he had been tortured.
1. Thousands of people were tortured on the rack.
2. The prisoners had been tortured and mutilated.
3. The secret police tortured him to obtain information.
4. French police are convinced that she was tortured and killed.
5. There were several problems which tortured the elderly man.
6. They tortured the man to make him confess his crime.
31. Several claimed to have been tortured whilst in custody.
32. He is still tortured by memories of the attack.
33. He and his cellmate were repeatedly tortured.
34. She was raped and tortured to death.
35. Its friendliness is balm for tortured West Coast souls.
36. Hundreds of officers were arrested, tortured and executed.
37. He was tortured and imprisoned for another eighteen months.
38. They tortured and shot him, then dumped his body.
38. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
39. She was then tortured and stabbed in the throat.
40. Regarded with suspicion by the police, such tribals are often arrested arbitrarily, tortured and stripped of their civil rights.
41. He is drawn to the Ring and his thoughts are tortured by it.
42. Often the accused person was hideously tortured before being put to death.
43. He watched the altimeter unwind and he blinked repeatedly as his Kittyhawk smashed through the tortured, blackened air.
44. The bodies of 56 people who were tortured, executed and even buried alive by Hizbullah have been found in several towns.
45. At least the folks who roast all those chickens know it for what it is-a tortured posturing, a feigned desperation.
46. Shoveling is considered so nasty that the tortured feel they must reward themselves by laying permanent claim to their handiwork.
47. At this time, his wife Yelva was tortured to death.
48. Another has him tortured to death by having his intestines pulled from him by a windlass.
49. Some will starve to death, others will die of exposure, still others will be beaten or burned or tortured.
50. The play is about a woman who confronts the man who tortured her in prison.
51. He received a fixed salary, with an extra fee per execution and half that sum for each felon tortured.
52. He had a bony, tortured face, angry, slanting peacock-blue eyes, bronze curls and a sallow complexion.
53. And perms, our straight hair tortured into frizz for the Christmas or Easter gathering and the requisite smiling photograph.
54. People arrested late in 1991 were beaten at the time of their arrest and tortured and beaten while in detention.
55. His fear is that he will be tortured to extract information about his brother.
56. In June 1989, 11 slum-dwelling children in Delhi were arrested on suspicion of theft and tortured.
57. He is haunted by flashbacks of being beaten, tortured and buried alive, but they are fragmented memories.
58. Tens of thousands were jailed and hideously tortured while many more were forced into exile.
59. Every punch and kick doubled her up with pain and wrenched a tortured shout from her throat.
60. Like a tortured donkey, the klaxon brayed its amplified signal.
61. It later emerged that prisoners at the camp were routinely tortured, and many executed.
62. I refer to the case of Mustapha Akkawi, who was killed after being tortured in prison just over a week ago.
63. She faced out to sea and saw nothing but the impression of Fernando's tortured features before her misty eyes.
64. Or that the hardest-working man in show business is also a tortured artist?
65. The President asked that it be CIA agent Buckley, but Buckley had by then been tortured to death.
66. I then expect I will be tortured, and if they see I don't die they will poison me.
67. Defence lawyers claimed that several injured defendants had been denied medical attention and that many others had been tortured while in custody.
68. There are a number of tortured perspectives on how to get round this problem, but they are themselves fraught with problems.
68. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
69. He held the sleeping baby and was alternately happy and tortured with fear that something might happen to her.
70. Television reports of higher casualties could not be confirmed, and some accounts said that the policemen had been tortured and mutilated.
71. Her requests to inspect several detention centres where troops were alleged to have tortured prisoners were also ignored.
72. Every ten minutes or so she would hear the tortured scream of the transmission and randomly change gears.
73. Often they have been killed or tortured following mock trials.
74. Really, Tom, the way you're defending her, anyone would think I'd tortured the girl!
75. The cry of the tortured, the disillusioned, the faithless in the light of appalling suffering.
76. During the six and a half years of marriage, I was repeatedly beaten, terrorized, tortured and sexually molested.
77. They came from Williams' dysfunctional family, his tortured psyche and his repressed homosexuality.
78. He also understands the party machine, the smoke-filled rooms, the endless tortured resolutions and rule books.
79. The radio blurts out songs about being tortured by love for the wrong person.
80. The Kashmiri police say he was taken into custody as a suspect, tortured and shot in cold blood.
81. She refused to marry the local prefect who had her imprisoned and tortured.
82. His skull was filled with agony; but he lurched towards her, his tortured brain seeking her unwilling body's solace.
83. His jailers realized that his ransom would exceed those of the other prisoners, so Raymond was continuously tortured for preaching.
84. He was held in solitary confinement in the General Intelligence headquarters in Riyadh and was reportedly tortured.
85. They were tortured, humiliated and abused in gross contravention of the Geneva convention.
86. In the 1970s he was detained without charge or trial for five years and tortured and held for long periods in leg-irons.
87. When confronted with the messiah being humiliated, tortured and killed, Peter refuses to listen.
88. Mad faces pushed against the grilles in the doors, tortured ones begging for mercy.
89. He was tortured severely, stripped and manacled to a concrete cell floor.
90. Every day more and more badgers are being tortured and slaughtered.
91. I have everything that others packed on to trains, starving in camps, tortured, gassed, bludgeoned and shot do not.
92. Every traveller was struck by the sight of gibbets and tortured bodies.
93. Most prisoners are badly tortured and forced to sign unread confessions' before they are passed to the state prison.
94. The view is worth every tortured moment of discomfort it takes to hunker down, scrunch up, and peer out.
95. John Wayne Gacy, who tortured and murdered dozens of young men, was engaged when his execution date arrived.
96. When the security forces had tortured these peasants, she had stood by them and denounced the crimes.
97. Prosecution witnesses were allegedly tortured or subjected to other pressure to fabricate evidence against them.
98. It was Ariel who tortured Antonio and the king with visions that made them repent their evil deeds.
99. He must learn to relax more, not be racked by the tortured tenseness that had afflicted him for the past weeks.
100. And so he negotiated with himself, and sometimes tortured himself, and he erred on the side of generosity.
101. Some had been tortured, and one had lost half of each foot to gangrene.
102. The Army has destroyed crops, helicopters have bombed the surrounding areas and people have been tortured while under arrest.
103. Several of the prisoners confirmed that they had been tortured.
104. According to police sources, many of the dead were civilians who had been tortured before being executed.
105. Piotr Jaroszewicz, 83, had been strangled at home near Warsaw after apparently being tortured.
106. A specially trained team tortured a single victim; each member of the team reinforced the others and shared the responsibility.
107. Encased in iron lungs, tortured victims vainly chased slumber through long, fitful nights.
108. She had been tortured with electric shocks - as had every teenager I met who had been detained during the township unrest.
109. Of course, I was only displaying the ultimately cliched boomer trait, a tortured denial of my own advancing years.
110. Throughout the country, Mugabe supporters have beaten, tortured and murdered opposition members.
111. Pujol was imprisoned and tortured under the Franco regime.
112. That lovesickness often tortured me to death!
113. O'Brien had tortured him to the edge of lunacy.
114. Pascal Chimbonda was tortured by the returning Wayne Bridge.
115. The Inquisition had tortured rich and poor alike.
116. The killings are brutal(), with victims ritually tortured.
117. He has claimed he was tortured by Kuwaiti security forces, including having his fingernails pulled out.
118. Even John McCain signed a bogus confession when tortured by the Viet Cong.
119. Bela Lugosi, another tortured, moody, drunken Hungarian, as well as a heroin sinkhole, turns up in the book.
120. Britain acknowledges that its colonial administration tortured detainees during the Mau Mau uprising.
121. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helopless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of honeliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be.
122. Amnesty said that Usmonov appeared to have been tortured while being held by the Tajik authorities.
123. Children In famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be.
124. BACKGROUND INFORMATIONDetainees held by the National Security forces, including those detained at the Criminal Investigation prison, have reported being tortured and otherwise ill-treated.
125. Once tortured by back pain, she teaches us by experience how to practice Yoga to cure dorsalgia caused by Scoliosis.
126. Leather abounds, masterfully tortured into submission, as in a zippered sheath with fox sleeves latticed by an elaborate harness.
127. And more and more facts coming out about the reality of the CIA having tortured and trying to twist that around to get people to accept that as something that is conscionable.
128. Since the family image and structure are tortured by the Party, the personal friendship between colleagues is coldhearted as well.
128. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
129. You tear my heart, raped my soul and tortured my conscience.
130. It is just a high-sounding excuse that those captives were tortured to die in Yuan Mingyuan so that the invaders decided to retaliate by burning it down.
131. The Vaishnava scriptures advise one to propitiate Radha and obtain her grace in order to realize Sri Krishna. So the tortured devotee now turned his prayer to her.
132. The hospital maternity ward was full of the tortured cries of women giving birth.
133. They had been held by the DRS and had allegedly been tortured in their custody.
134. We received reports of IDP's being tortured and we are alarmed by this situation, said Schmitt.
135. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be.
136. Judges and politicians routinely looked the other way while people were tortured or killed by police.
137. For all the shoe leather, Zaidi was bundled out of the press conference by Iraqi security officers and thrown into jail, where he says he was beaten and tortured with electricity.
138. In the totalitarian state, there is no room for dissidence: the dissident is the source of "disorder, " and must be imprisoned, tortured, or killed.
139. The healthy man doesn't torture others; generally, it is the tortured who turn into torturer.
140. Garishly colored and linguistically tortured T-shirts abound in the malls and markets of this sprawling city.
141. TYPICAL USE : Though he was tortured to make him change his religion, the prisoner recant.
142. Two hours - a 104 degree fever, a not-working-so-well emergency asthma treatment regimen, and a tortured conversation with my then very concerned allergist - later, and I was on my way to urgent care.
143. It is inconceivable, the agony with which this public veneration tortured him.
144. Less theatrical, but equally harrowing, is the Museum of Genocide Victims, housed in a former KGB prison in central Vilnius where hundreds were tortured and killed.
145. After he had died, they tortured and maltreated the fourth brother in the same way.
146. The high pressure of white society had tortured the personality of American blacks and facilitated the formation of the specific characteristics of the black race in America.
147. By assuring terrorists they will not be tortured in US custody.
148. The Saudi Arabian authorities regularly hold detainees incommunicado , at which time they are at risk of being tortured and otherwise ill-treated.
149. Many of them have been abducted, tortured in horrific ways, and forced to name their fellow believers-while the Mauritanian government looks the other way.
150. Oil painter Steven J. Levin says: "Vader ... is the most interesting character to me, the central figure to the story, and a tortured one — the golden boy gone terribly wrong.
151. Having murdered about 10,000 of their citizens, and tortured many more, Argentina's military rulers embarked on an almost kid-glove "liberation" of "their" Islas Malvinas.
152. Though he was tortured to make him change his religion, the prisoner would not recant.
153. His youngest son, Gregory, a tortured transvestite who eventually changed sex, once called his father "a gin-soaked monster".
154. It was put up in wuld times by the relations of a malefactor who was tortured there by nailing his hand to a post and afterwards hung.
155. The pollard willows were tortured out of their natural shape by incessant choppings.
156. This may seem surprising to those who associate suicide with tortured geniuses like Ernest Hemingway and Vincent Van Gogh.
157. Ja-kyung was being tortured by her foster family because she fell in love with her uncle.
158. Mr Brewer, a white supremacist, was about to be executed for a murder committed in 1998, when he and two other men tortured a black man, James Byrd Jr,[http:///tortured.html] and dragged him to death behind a truck.
159. It was high time, for I now began to be tortured with thirst.
160. A journalist visiting a working archaeological site usually can count on a grand tour of the "dig", a tortured plot of ground covered with grid markers, tools and heaps of dirt waiting to be screened.
161. He thus typified the constant introspection wherewith he tortured, but could not purify himself.
162. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be.
163. Many a time afterwards had Hester been tortured, though less vividly, by the same illusion.
164. So, I was tortured clothes messy, be at one's last gasp.
165. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their pain make a mockery of what human life should be.
166. Some small fry were tortured in the Tower and, tainted by Percy, the Earl of Northumberland was imprisoned there until 1621.
167. Veteran leader of Egyptian Islamic Jihad, tortured and jailed in his native Egypt.
168. The Nicaraguan contras, whom we armed in the 1980s to terrorize the Marxist government, instead terrorized civilians, whom they tortured and killed in large numbers.
169. A young girl has a tortured night terror about growing up, learning, and reciting the alphabet.
170. Their inmost soul is tortured by an agony of passion.
171. Caught by the secret police in 1950 while on an undercover mission to Prague, he was tortured and then served 14 years in a labour camp.
172. All I want to stress is that my discovery of her was a fatal consequence of that "princedom by the sea" in my tortured past.
173. Shiner is already pursuing a series of legal actions for former detainees allegedly killed or tortured by British forces in Iraq.
174. For example, a CTU agent in a Season 3 episode is mistakenly accused of being a traitor, then tortured with a stun gun.
175. The film depicts King George VI, father of England's Queen Elizabeth, as a reluctant leader tortured by his stuttering.
176. The Saudi Arabian authorities regularly hold detainees incommunicado, when they are frequently tortured and otherwise ill - treated.
177. The setting is Baku in 1920, in the last tortured months of a brief utopian period in that city when people of all nationalities and religions lived in harmony.
178. The surviving leaders of the conspiracy were tortured in prison to make them confess.
179. They focuse on experimental vocal structures, hard - as - iron beats, complex rhythms, dark atmospherics, and tortured electronic noise.
180. The characters are mostly tortured, unsympathetic, larger-than-life guys created with the help of a tiny club of A-list directors, most notably Martin Scorsese.




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