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单词 Underwent
1. The ship successfully underwent sea trials in coastal waters.
2. I underwent aversion therapy for my addiction to smoking.
3. He underwent a three-hour heart operation.
4. They underwent courses in radio communication, demolition, and sabotage.
5. The patient had/underwent surgery on his heart.
6. He underwent a lot of hardships in his childhood.
7. She underwent an operation on a tumour in her left lung last year.
8. The company underwent a massive upheaval after the takeover.
9. The explorers underwent much suffering.
10. She underwent a series of blood tests.
11. He underwent surgery to remove a blood clot.
12. He underwent open - heart surgery.
13. She underwent microsurgery to re-attach her severed fingers.
14. He underwent major heart surgery recently.
15. My mother underwent major surgery last year.
16. In the late eighties he underwent a religious conversion.
17. Mr Clark underwent five hours of emergency surgery.
18. He underwent quite a conversion.
19. The company underwent restructuring and 1500 workers lost their jobs.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. Only 12 weeks ago he underwent major heart transplant surgery.
21. The company underwent a rebirth five years ago and is now a market leader.
22. She underwent a minor operation on her elbow in the summer.
23. Our agenda underwent a rapid change after the chairman's resignation.
24. She underwent a heart transplant in a last-ditch attempt to save her.
25. He underwent an agonising 48-hour wait for the results of tests.
26. She began by supporting monetarist economics, but later underwent quite a conversion when she saw how it increased unemployment.
27. He underwent an expensive operation to give him back his sight.
28. After the accident, he underwent reconstructive surgery to rebuild his face.
29. Rose underwent emergency surgery after a bullet pierced her lung.
30. And the Williams piece underwent some significant changes.
1. I underwent aversion therapy for my addiction to smoking.
2. He underwent a three-hour heart operation.
3. They underwent courses in radio communication, demolition, and sabotage.
4. The patient had/underwent surgery on his heart.
5. He underwent a lot of hardships in his childhood.
6. She underwent an operation on a tumour in her left lung last year.
7. He underwent quite a conversion.
31. Last year, she underwent surgery for breast cancer.
32. Both patients underwent subtotal gastrectomy without complications.
33. Six patients who underwent eight transplants died.
34. Indeed food manufacture as a whole underwent a transformation.
35. Don underwent months of physical therapy after the accident.
36. Antall's Cabinet underwent a reshuffle on Dec. 20.
37. Yeltsin underwent quintuple heart bypass surgery on Nov. 5.
38. She recently underwent an operation to restore her sight.
39. Ballesteros underwent a severe examination two years ago.
40. He underwent major heart surgery last year.
41. He received serious leg injuries and underwent emergency surgery.
42. In March he underwent surgery for the cancer.
43. He underwent surgery for multiple gunshot wounds.
44. At age 34, Payne underwent triple bypass surgery.
45. Five of these patients who underwent seven transplants died.
46. The changes that they underwent are an infinite set of variations on a relatively limited number of themes.
47. But top psychiatrist Professor Stuart Fischoff says if Diana underwent treatment it could mean the end of her marriage.
48. Willis underwent two operations by Patzakis to repair the injury, which involved controlling the infection and transplanting bone from his pelvis.
49. All the children underwent a battery of tests at regular intervals.
49. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
50. All patients underwent colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy before study entry to confirm the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis.
51. In 1983 he underwent a quadruple heart by-pass operation and retired in 1987.
52. Under Roosevelt and Ickes, the Bureau of Reclamation underwent some fundamental changes, the most obvious of which was in size.
53. Of those without a diagnosis, 71 underwent home po 2 monitoring.
54. She was rushed to Northampton General Hospital where she underwent several hours of surgery, including a tracheotomy operation.
55. But both suffered from the blurring of detail which resulted from the reduction in size that their drawings underwent in printed form.
56. Eighteen of the group of 67 children underwent resection before completion of growth.
57. And, in Coconut Grove, I always underwent a dramatic transformation from nail-polishing stewardess to a freer, more questioning self.
58. Pippen started shooting Tuesday for the first time since he underwent surgery on his right elbow Jan. 29.
59. She underwent surgery to remove a ureter and kidney as a result of the cancer and currently is receiving chemotherapy.
60. She was airlifted to Childrens Hospital, where she underwent a battery of tests.
61. Here he underwent a fourfold experience, the memory of which teaches me more about his experience and the life of prayer.
62. Before operation all patients underwent general physical examination and electrocardiographic and lung function studies to determine their general fitness for operation.
63. The scene of many public ceremonies and processions prior to the Reformation, the church underwent many alterations.
64. All patients underwent oesophageal manometry and transit studies before and after complete healing of oesophagitis.
65. Patients underwent gastric endoscopy with biopsy specimens taken for determination of the histological endocrine cell status.
66. The bruise was so severe that he walked with a cane for months and underwent thousands of dollars in medical treatment.
67. He was later brought to the Mater Hospital and underwent emergency surgery.
68. Unfortunately, the very live bat bit back, and Osbourne underwent a painful series of precautionary rabies injections.
69. And in March 1988 he underwent a successful five hour operation in Papworth Hospital.
70. From the autumn of 1916 the politics of the war underwent a series of rapid transformations.
71. Environmental policy subsequently underwent dramatic shifts in both stride and direction.
72. Parcells underwent a procedure last week to repair his knee.
73. He underwent an operation on an injured thigh in the summer and will be missing until February.
74. Between September 1926 and May 1927 Nizan underwent a profound change in his intellectual and emotional outlook.
75. Yeltsin, 66, suffers from heart problems, recently underwent bypass surgery and was stricken with pneumonia last month.
76. Overall, the patients who underwent the pallidotomy had fewer involuntary movements than those who received medicine alone.
77. By the end of the afternoon, Burrell underwent an examination and was told there is no cause for concern.
78. Then three years ago, she lost her hearing and seemed destined for a life of isolation before she underwent the operation.
79. The control subjects did not receive either placebo or loperamide oxide tablets but underwent an identical series of measurements on one occasion.
79. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
80. When he was 18 months old he underwent a kidney transplant.
81. Laura underwent a liver-bowel transplant at Pittsburgh Children's Hospital five months ago.
82. Pete first underwent surgery for a brain tumor in December 1993.
83. He was later transferred to Middlesbrough General, where he underwent a 2 7hour operation to insert a tube into his windpipe.
84. At Seletar he had been flying Vildebeest torpedo bombers, and he now underwent a conversion course on to the more modern Beauforts.
85. Within 48 hours of admission, all patients underwent a haemodynamic study during transjugular liver biopsy.
86. But she underwent counselling, and also received support from Sheila McLean, a Gerson therapist and former nurse.
87. He was taken to Hospital Espanol where he underwent surgery but died at about 3 a.m.
88. More than one underwent a major breakdown after his relationship with Minton was abruptly terminated.
89. This is in Pauntley and is an impressive, large, half-timbered building which underwent restoration in the early 1930s.
90. Favre underwent chemical abuse rehabilitation during the offseason because of an addiction to painkillers.
91. One patient with active disease underwent colectomy 2 months later and developed renal insufficiency because of amyloid deposits 6 months later.
92. Mr Donnelly underwent emergency coronary care treatment in hospital last year.
93. And at that moment the intensity of the demonstration underwent a sea change.
94. The Atlantis boosters underwent the same repair procedure as those that launched Columbia.
95. Between 1983 and 1987 just over 2,000 underwent specialist training with 82 percent completing the courses successfully.
96. He also underwent seven operations in Chicago by a surgeon who refused to charge the wounded veteran.
97. Part of her right arm was shattered and she underwent a five-hour emergency operation.
98. Men with potential were sent to torture school and underwent a process of desensitisation.
99. Ratliff underwent surgery Wednesday and could be out at least 2-to-4 weeks.
100. This was less likely in infants in the random group, half of whom underwent cord clamping within 10 seconds of delivery.
101. His partner in crime, Myra Hindley, also underwent tests after collapsing in her cell at Highpoint prison.
102. A Flight Lieutenant underwent surgery to repair a broken blood vessel in the brain.
103. All volunteers underwent manometry, 33 had oesophageal transit studies, and 23 had acid clearance test.
104. Ultimately you are involved in a reverse process of what the historian H underwent while writing the book.
105. He was immediately flown to his surgeon in Paris where he underwent a two-hour operation.
106. He underwent emergency surgery after shards of the bomb tore into his chest and face.
107. He underwent five major operations and gradually lost the ability to speak.
108. The exterior decorations on the synthetic white-stone face underwent repeated changes.
109. Healing spas were based on a local cult figure and the devotees underwent rituals which included bathing and communal eating.
110. He also underwent several periods of defacto house arrest and trial for treason between 1956 and 1961.
111. Case 1-8 A patient who underwent a laparotomy 3 days ago has been oliguric and receiving nasogastric suction since surgery.
112. She underwent surgery at Walton Hospital to remove shotgun pellets from her side.
113. But the New York-based company's structure underwent a massive upheaval after industry rivals Lasmo won a three-month takeover battle last December.
114. The taxi was driven by Michael Allenby, 32, from Darlington,(http:///underwent.html) who underwent treatment for whiplash injuries.
115. He recently underwent an operation but now he is incontinent.
116. The long term prospects of the 48 year old man who underwent liver transplant are good.
117. Control subjects as well as patients with cancer or polyps underwent rigid sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy or double contrast barium enema.
118. Sime found it difficult to run fast round a bend because his abductor muscles underwent too much strain.
119. Patients who achieved complete remission underwent endoscopy with biopsies every six months.
120. During the baseline examinations the subjects underwent a standardised dental examination.
121. Details of Reagan testimony Reagan underwent five hours of questioning on Feb. 16 and a further three hours on the following day.
122. However in 1971 the role and operation of the Fund underwent significant reform.
123. In the early 1980s, the world of work at Sparta underwent a drastic change.
124. These patients underwent a bowel preparation and fasting regimen similar to the other patients in this study.
125. He underwent a six-hour operation and remained hospitalized for 15 days.
126. Molly was a believer in homeopathy and underwent her last operation and subsequent treatment in the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital.
127. News of the arrests comes on the day that another pensioner underwent emergency surgery following a separate vicious robbery.
128. In the United States unemployment insurance, accident compensation and public assistance underwent no major changes.
129. Two players, Danny Manning and Wayman Tisdale, underwent arthroscopic surgery to treat injuries.
130. Labelling indices remained essentially unchanged in those patient who underwent biopsy twice.
131. Joe also underwent a rigorous exercise program to rebuild muscles that had atrophied from lack of use.
132. While she was struggling to overcome the kidney disease, Erma was also fighting cancer and underwent a mastectomy.
133. However as the number of jobs in Vickers decreased the area underwent serious urban decay.
134. He was later transferred to St John's hospital in Livingston where he underwent plastic surgery.
135. Although the forms remained basically the same, his past underwent slight changes.
136. His health, however, underwent a severe setback when Inspector Rose arrived.
137. All patients routinely underwent clinical assessment of continence before operation.
138. He did the same thing six months ago when he underwent a heart operation at Washington Hospital Center.
139. Three patients underwent successful liver transplantation and two others died of hepatic failure while awaiting transplant surgery.
139. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
140. These patients underwent complete resection of their tumours and had a median disease free interval of 16 months.
141. Gerald Furr underwent the procedure Nov. 11 with great hopes.
142. Beige popsters take a vicarious pride in the slow baptism of fire that their chosen genre and its protagonists underwent.
143. Ashe, now 48, underwent a quadruple bypass operation after a heart attack at the age of 35.
144. Scientists found the new strain in an infant boy after he underwent heart surgery.
145. But once established, these lines underwent predictable developments towards increasing specialization - and eventually to overspecialization and extinction.
146. It underwent a major restoration -- extensive filling in of painted sky and backdrop -- about 14 years ago.
147. However, he said his back, which underwent surgery a couple of years ago, is fine.
148. The idea was to capture on film how the countryside was changing as the nation underwent great social and economic change.
149. His son underwent a triple heart bypass operation earlier this year.
150. Two of three patients referred died without transplantation: one underwent transplant and survived.
151. Ten months ago she underwent a five-hour lung and heart transplant.
152. Prosecutors called 24 witnesses, all of whom underwent aggressive cross-examination by the defense.
153. He underwent a manipulative operation on his neck yesterday and is not expected to be fit.
154. Part of Mrs Galley's right arm was shattered and she underwent a five-hour emergency operation.
155. Louis in the Royce Clayton deal, underwent arthroscopic surgery last Saturday to repair a small tear in his pitching shoulder.
156. He underwent chemotherapy and surgery to remove the tumor and his right testicle.
157. All patients underwent an abdominal ultrasound examination before endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.
158. Glaspie underwent a severe grilling before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
159. Smith says Coleman's opinions were final and never underwent revision.
160. Mitterrand had been suffering from prostate cancer for several years, for which he underwent surgery twice.
161. Just two months ago, he underwent bowel and hip replacement surgery that cost $ 120, 000.
162. He's still shocked after his injuries and the major surgery he underwent.
163. All patients underwent bowel preparation and a fasting regimen before operation.
164. Daily encounters in residential settings underwent a major change because the needs of young people are different from those of children.
165. We know that Mars underwent extensive internal melting early in its evolutionary history.
166. The fort underwent several alterations before it seems to have been systematically demolished early in the second century.
167. Five of the 26 Crohn's disease patients underwent a flexible sigmoidoscopy after four weeks of 1 mg/kg/day prednisolone therapy.
168. Group A underwent external jugular vein cannulation alone(sham).
169. I have a friend who recently underwent a laryngoscopy.
169. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
170. Some patients underwent an osseous surgical.
171. Her father underwent a major operation last week.
172. The blighted neighborhood underwent a total makeover.
173. He underwent nineteen years of penal servitude for theft.
174. At seventeen he underwent an evangelical conversion.
175. The patient underwent emergency operation this morning.
176. Two patients underwent mitral valve replacement.
177. Since then, my life underwent many changes.
178. The following day, Mr. Lin's shop underwent a transformation.
179. Two cases underwent Caldwell - Luc'surgery.
180. In Springfield, Obama underwent a training in the practical politics of pragmatism.
181. Methods:A study group of 110 testes underwent scrotal subcutaneous orchiopexy through abdominal transverse cleavage line incision with gubernaculum testis reserved, 108 testes were followed up.
182. Results All the patients underwent successful gastroscopy except one who stopped being examined due to laryngospasm.
183. Two were resolved successfully after a second intra - arterial infusion of milrinone and three underwent mechanical angioplasty.
184. Eleven patients underwent total colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis and all had satisfactory functional outcomes.
185. Female workers at recreational facilities in northwestern Tanzania who were 16 to 35 years of age were interviewed and underwent serologic testing for HIV and HSV-2.
186. Methods:18 patients with acute iliofemoral venous thrombosis underwent catheter-directed thrombolysis via the great saphenous vein puncture after placement of vena caval filter.
187. MethodTotal 480 patients underwent lateral position operation were divided into the test group and the control group according to the random number table.
188. The baby underwent surgical removal of the tumor and the histopathologic diagnosis was rhabdomyosarcoma.
189. Methods 56 cases of rectal carcinoma underwent the same holistic nursing perioperatively.
190. Their analysis included 5140 individuals 20 to 69 years of age who underwent an audiometric examination; 399 reported a diagnosis of diabetes.
191. John Terry underwent an operation on Sunday morning on a depressed fracture to his right cheek bone.
192. Methods The authors reviewed 42 patients underwent amputation for dry gangrene of leg due to atherosclerosis obliterans.
193. The history of the frontier service provides a very important and hitherto unstudied example through which we can understand the changes that Christian missionary activities underwent in modem China.
194. Methods Twenty two patients (22 eyes) who had iridodiastasis due to the minor incision extraction of cataract, underwent microscopic repair.
195. Methods : The rabbits underwent acyclic exercise and received the manipulations the rear limbs the same periods.
196. Among them, 11 patients underwent aneurysmectomy with artery reconstruction, 3 had resection of aneurysm and ligation of external carotid artery, and the other patient had aneurysmorrhaphy.
197. Thomas underwent gender reassignment surgery but kept his female reproductive organs.
198. The attacker underwent a surgery on the tibiae of the left leg, on the 5th of July, to have some calcifications removed.
199. Methods From Sep. 2003 to Apr .2006,5 patients underwent laparoscopic and colonoscopic left hemi - colectomy.
199. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
200. Results 305 patient underwent VATS procedures. The overall incidence of perioperative complications ( hemopneumothorax : 3 cases) was 0.98% (3/305), and no patient died during the operation.
201. Xiao Hong, who had underwent a lifetime of twists and turns , hardships and pains of departing from her hometown, composed the biography of the Hulan River at her senectitude.
202. Objective:To investigate the correlation between surgical outcomes and body mass index(BMI) in patients who underwent high tibial osteotomy for osteoarthritis of the knee with genu varum.
203. Abraham and Ishmael, his son, underwent circumcision on that very day.
204. Results: Of the 403 asthmatic children who underwent an MCT, 350 (86.8%) had AHR to methacholine .
205. Methods Of the 15 cases of craniopharyngioma, 12 cases underwent total removal and 3 cases received subtotal resection, all through pterion under general anesthesia.
206. The history of the frontier service provides a very important and hitherto unstudied example through which we can understand the changes that Christian missionary activities underwent in modern China.
207. My feeling toward my new friend underwent a revulsion whenIrealizedhiscrueltyand dishonesty.
208. Results: Osteoclast and their progenitor cells underwent apoptosis after exposure to alendronate in vitro.
209. RESULTS: Fifty - four patients underwent abdominal radical hysterectomy, and 35 underwent total laparoscopic radical hysterectomy.
210. And then, she underwent FDG PET scan for restaging, which revealed a faintly hypermetabolic lesion in liver and primary HCC was more favored than metastasis.
211. Results One case of renal oncocytoma underwent radical nephrectomy, the follow-up lasted for 10 months without metastasis or recurrence.
212. Materials and methods: 150 patients with chronic cough, sputum and hemoptysis in whom bronchiectasis was suspected underwent bronchography using nonionic or ionic agent respectively.
213. These patients underwent a standard eight - incision radial keratotomy procedure.
214. The anorthosite underwent at least two more times of deformation than the norite, suggesting that the norite was emplaced after the consolidation and cooling of the anorthosite.
215. Methods: 23 patients of lacrimal duct obstruction underwent ECI and washing with MMC and Chymotrypsin.
216. The ulcerations worsen and the woman eventually underwent a loop sigmoid colostomy.
217. Results:All 21 patients initially received multiple incision and drainage and wide debridement. 90.0% underwent suprapubic cystostomy.
218. In contrast, the rats that underwent targeted reinnervation showed extensive activity in the forelimb barrel subfield.
219. Her father David, 61, was a match and the pair underwent a gruelling operation.
220. All of the subjects first underwent 24 - hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.
221. In 1990s, Chinese stock market underwent the process of foundation to double-quick development, the market scale and the strength was stronger and stronger.
222. Methods The study group consisted of 145 patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis (MS) underwent TTE before and after PBMV. Mitral valve area (MVA) and left atrial pressure (LAP) were measured by TTE.
223. Methods 3 patients with recalcitrant bronchopleural fistula underwent transsternal transpericardial closure of a bronchopleural fistula and drainage by open thoracostomy.
224. Methods 82 patients with traumatic brain injury underwent operation via subfrontal lateral orbital combined approach. Results 76 patients survived after operation.
225. When business in the United States underwent a mild contraction in 1927, the Federal Reserve created more paper reserves in the hope of forestalling any possible bank reserve shortage.
226. A consecutive series of 17 patients with malunited dorsally angulated distal radius fracture underwent corrective osteotomy using plates, screws and TCP blocks.
227. Methods 12 patients with idiopathic chronic slow-transit constipation and 1 patient with mixed chronic constipation, underwent subtotal colectomy with antiperistaltic cecoproctostomy.
228. All patients had a 3-month-baseline-seizure count, after which they underwent bilateral hippocampal diagnostic electrode implantation to establish focus laterality and location.
229. All patients underwent the coronary angiography ( CAG ) and intravascular ultrasound ( IVUS ) imaging.
229. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
230. Dun's early literary career underwent the change from neo - romanticism back to naturalism.
231. Methods and Results - Ninety - seen patients who underwent initial tricuspid ale replacement are in the present analysis.
232. The results reported in the Archives of Dermatology for September included 815 patients who remained in the study and underwent two to four structured dermatologic examinations between 1985 and 2005.
233. Among them, 17 cases underwent small intestinal barium meal examination and 12 cases underwent superior mesenteric arteriogram.
234. Methods 13 AD patients, 10 MCI patients and 10 health volunteers as a control group (HC) were underwent 18F-fluoro deoxyglucose (18F-FDG)-PET scanning.
235. After imaging study, the mice were sacrificed and underwent autoradiography .
236. METHOD: There were 73 patients with central-type lung cancer underwent sleeve lobectomy trachea-bronchoplasty whose clinical data were retrospectively analyzed.
237. American Sinology in 20, h century underwent a process of transformation from traditional Sinology to modern Chinese Studies. Derk Bodde was the participator and witness of this process.
238. Objective To analyze the short-term effects and long term survival of patients with lung cancer underwent tracheal carina reconstruction and bronchoplasty.
239. Results : Severe disabilities related to the lower leg compartment were present in 47%(8/17) of patients who underwent fasciotomy and in 16%(4/25) of patients who did not.
240. Methods 176 children underwent bilateral iliopsoas to strengthen the muscles of pelvic floor and rectal suspension.
241. Results:14 cases underwent internal iliac artery embolization and 14 cases underwent uterine artery embolization, effective rates of both groups were 100%.
242. With the defeat of Napoleon, states in Germany picked up the pieces and underwent a process of economic reconstruction in a quickened pace, despite the general trend of restoration.
243. All patients underwent an elective osseous surgical procedure on the forefoot.
244. Methods: The study population consisted of 13 adults with otitis media with effusion (OME). Patients underwent slow-motion video endoscopy to identify the location and extent of surgical resection.
245. Methods 39 cases with intraocular lesions manifesting as hypopsia and visual field defect, underwent CT and MRI examination.
246. Results All patients underwent surgery: 14 abdomino - perineal resection, 13 anterior resection, 8 Parks operation and 4 Hartmann operation.
247. Objective A retrospective survey of 187 patients who underwent canal down mastoidectomy was performed in order to improve the outcome of the operation , emphasizing on otorrhea.
248. Methods 21 eyes of 21 patients with ocular siderosis underwent the X ray localization of intraocular foreign bodies (IOFB) and IOFBs were removed in 18 of 21 eyes and PC IOL was implanted in 4 eyes.
249. Methods:The electron microscope examinations were performed in12diabetic patients who underwent cholecyst resection for biliary calculus and3patients without diabetes mellitus from1993to1995.
250. Results 7 congenital microtia in 6 cases underwent whole auricular reconstruction with this method. All of them obtained wonderful effects without necrosis of the expanded skin.
251. Methods The clinical data of 13 patients with UPJ obstruction who underwent retroperitoneoscopic dismembered Anderson-Hynes type pyeloplasty were retrospectively analyzed.
252. It underwent a transformation from nature worship to original religions and from original religions to a political religion.
253. Methods A total of 4 patients with congenital absence of vagina underwent laparoscopic peritoneal vaginoplasty.
254. Methods:Fourty seven cases underwent penile scrotal flap with tunica dartos pedicle.
255. Results 28 cases with mastatrophia and mild sagging breasts underwent operations. all had good figure of breasts.
256. Methods Retrospective analysis on the clinic dates of 28 cases with underwent trephination and drainage treatment for acute epidural hematoma in our hospital.
257. Methods 12 patients with tumor involving the cerebral language area underwent operation by combined acupuncture drug anesthesia with intraoperative stimulator.
258. Methods The study was conducted on 112 patients who underwent cervical biopsy by colposcopy and LEEP for high-grade CIN, and HR-HPV testing was performed by PCR at the time of conization.
259. Methods Seven eyes of 7 patients with ocular penetrating injury complicated with endophthalmitis underwent vitrectomy combined with silicone oil injection.
259. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
260. The high - pressure metamorphic rocks underwent an isothermal decompressional retrograde process after the peak metamorphism.
261. Results 50 patients underwent this operation and had a very good rejuvenescent facelift effect of pars buccalis, lower mandible and labial commissure.
262. The clinical data of 8 cases with meningioma at the trigone of lateral ventricles, who underwent microsurgery, were summarized.
263. Methods Sixteen patients with acute hemorrhea of pelvic malignant tumor were underwent with selective artery embolism, whose therapeutic effect and complication were observed.
264. Methods 82 patients with traumatic brain injury underwent operation via subfrontal lateral orbital combined approach.
265. He underwent operation and the tumor was successfully removed en bloc with subtotal pancreatectomy and splenectomy.
266. In the early period 1 patient underwent pyeloplasty and 1 patient undertook bilateral ureteric reimplantation.
267. Most of the patients underwent supratentorial craniotomy (57; 72.2%), whereas 11 patients (13.9%) each underwent posterior fossa and spinal surgery.
268. The patient underwent an uncomplicated laparoscopic cholecystectomy. There were no unusual anatomical variations.
269. Method Under general anesthesia or periotic nerve block anesthesia, 56 patients of auricle laceration underwent microsurgical debridement.
270. At the same time, participants underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans of their brains while being shown pictures of high-calorie and low-calorie food, and non-edible items.
271. Atotal of 182 consecutive patients who underwent ESWL for a solitary proximal ureteral stone of between 5 and 20 mm in size in our institution were included in this study.
272. In the midst of their toils they also underwent the "Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution" and received large groups of sent-down youth from Shanghai, Chongqing and Kunming.
273. Methods This preparation of tetrafluorophthalic acid started from tetrachlorophthalic anhydride and underwent amidation, fluorination and hydrolysis.
274. Patients who underwent urethrectomy at the same time as cystoprostatectomy had a survival rate that was similar to those who did not undergo urethrectomy at all.
275. FT - IR analysis confirms that NaAA formed in the process of compounding and underwent polymerization during vulcanization.
276. Materials and Methods DCBE was performed in 84 ca ses with hematochezia and suspicious of colonic polyp, of which 46 cases underwent colonoscopy for further confirmation or therapy.
277. Results There were 28 of 30 patients (93.3%) who underwent pneumonectomy and pericardiotomy or pericardium injury with ST segments shifted up horizontally or hollowly.
278. In the control group, 62 testes underwent scrotal dartos orchiopexy and were followed up.
279. Methods. One hundred ten patients who underwent radiography of the spine by a stereo technique, at a scoliosis clinic in the period between 1982 and 1990, were studied.
280. Methods A total of 20 pregnant women with ureteral calculus underwent holmium laser lithotripsy through ureteropyeloscopy.
281. Method: 28 cases ( 28 sides ) with serious facial paralysis underwent decompression or transplantation of facial nerve.
282. It then underwent grievous persecutions and re - emerged to prominence and the coming of the Tang dynasty.
283. Objective:To evaluate intestinal canal function in patients who underwent laparoscopic common bile duct exploration(LCBDE)and open common bile duct exploration(OCBDE)for choledocholithiasis.
284. Methods:Three patients with lung sarcomatoid carcinoma underwent enhanced CT scanning and the CT findings surgically confirmed were analyzed.
285. Titania probably underwent an early endogenic resurfacing event which obliterated its older, heavily cratered surface.
286. Methods A total of 76 patients with ulcer perforation underwent laparoscopic repair peptic ulcer perforation.
287. Results 97 cases underwent diagnostic abdominal paracentesis and laparotomy, 92 cases healed, 5 cases dead, mortality rate was 6%.
288. The translator's role underwent a process from anonymity to prominence. ".
289. The sequences thus obtained underwent phylogenetic tree analysis and amino acid variation analysis.
290. Grover Cleveland, 22nd and 24th president of the United States(), underwent a secret operation aboard a yacht to remove his cancerous upper jaw in 1893.
291. From then on his attitude to life underwent a transformation.
292. Methods 89 patients with 95 suffered limbs underwent single endovenous laser treatment or combined treatments.
293. Methods:3 cases received non operation therapy, 22 cases received surgical treatment (5 cases underwent suprapublic cystostomy ).
294. METHODS Twenty-four patients with maxillofacial racemose hemangioma underwent selective angiography and complete filling embolization separately.
295. The anticipated value was compared with the actual teste d value and the experimental group underwent diagnostic treatment.
296. Pure draft beer refers to beer never underwent pasteurism and produced by the techniques of bioclean brewing and bioclean packing.
297. Me - thods 42 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and 36 age matched normal subjects underwent TVI studied.
298. Methods 23 patients of upper intestinal leakage who underwent jejunostomy enteral nutrition were summarized retrospectively.
299. Participants underwent endothelial progenitor cell phenotyping with an early - outgrowth colony - forming unit assay and cell surface markers.
300. The patient underwent left occipital craniectomy and the defect was repaired with bone cement.




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