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单词 Fir
1 The box is made out of China fir wood.
2 There was a line of fir trees on either side of the road.
3 A row of tall fir trees shuts off the view of the street in front.
4 They were filmed against a background of dark fir trees.
5 The birds built their nest in the small fir tree.
6 The next winter, the fir tree was chosen for a Christmas tree.
7 There were sudden sharp sounds, a fir cone dropping to the ground, a seagull.
8 When some mice found the garret, the fir tree was happy for the company.
9 The red spruce and Fraser fir began to recolonize the cut-over areas.
10 Do this fir 2-syllable, 3-syllable and 4-syllable words, and practise as below.
11 After an uncomfortable journey, the fir tree was erected in a large and beautifully furnished hall.
12 As the rodents scurry about eating Douglas fir seed, their droppings are distributed widely in the burned area of a forest.
13 Then the fir tree told the mice of its grandest moment as a Christmas tree and shared the story of Humpty Dumpty.
14 The balsam fir, which had not shown much decline prior to 1986, also began to be diminished.
15 When I enter the hushed assembly of the fir trees, I see the cathedral of all religions.
16 The balsam fir did not appear to be affected at all, or at least not much.
17 Groves of old-growth lodge-pole pine and aging spruce fir exploded into flame like toothpicks be-fore a blowtorch.
18 He's awa' jist noo, but he's always hame fir Christmas.
19 The vistas of fir forests, islands and lakes disintegrated into an outer London suburb and a mundane wife called Letitia.
20 You always clear away the soft topsoil till you get a fir base.
21 I spotted it briefly as it hopped among the thick branches of a balsam fir close above me.
22 The Phalangists look innocent enough with their little moustaches and their campfires amid the fir trees, the stuff of youth movements.
23 The berm was now covered with a strip of forest, primarily of balsam fir and red maples.
24 Sparkle's hull was built of two laminates of diagonally laid red cedar on an inner core of longitudinal Douglas fir.
25 We followed their tracks down into the swamp where a recent clearcut had left impenetrable thickets of young fir.
26 He watched them for a minute as they stood in the ring of orange lamplight, staring up at Fir Grove.
27 Currently, the bridge towers sit on concrete foundations that are anchored to bay soils by 85-foot Douglas fir timbers.
28 Most of northern Calabria is mountainous and thickly wooded with pine, silver fir and maple.
29 By 1988 this had dropped to about 15 percent of spruce, and other species such as pine and fir showed similar improvements.
30 We stood on the shoulder and peered down through the thick forest of old fir and knew he was there somewhere.
31 Paul's promise of variety was soon fulfilled as we turned off the ridge and headed into a forest of fir trees.
32 Fir is native to these mountains, and the pattern would add to the overall beauty without being a visual distraction.
33 The fir tree thought it was being left there until spring, when it would be replanted.
34 Probably she went into the Fir Tree or the village shop to get change for those calls.
35 This is particularly noticeable in conifers such as yew, spruce or fir, where it makes the canopy increasingly lace-like or transparent.
36 The sharp ax hurt, and now the fir tree was unhappy at leaving its fine forest home.
37 The route peeks in and out of fir and pine, a gentle grade, just a 450-foot gain over 3 miles.
38 It's been a long day of trundling past an infinity of fir trees, and photographer Ridgers has hardly survived it.
39 When the spring came, the fir tree was dragged into the yard.
40 There are also maple, spruce, pine and balsam fir saplings, and patches of wild raspberries and blueberries.
41 Trees got taken away to become all sorts of products, each of which sounded terribly exciting to the fir tree.
42 Fir does mark the evergreen to represent immortality seen.
43 Poplar, elm, walnut, camphor, fir, rosewood, bamboo, etc.
44 This is the Fraser fir for the Blue Room.
45 All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready fir my close-up.
46 The growth of spruce and fir needles is determinate.
47 This was a fir tree decorated with apples.
48 The wood species included yellow cedar, red cedar, western hemlock, douglas fir, white oak, maple and Fokien cypress.
49 Any of various trees, especially the balsam fir, yielding an aromatic resinous substance.
50 Within the Kanas Nature Reserve, grow pure forest of stone pine as well as mixed forest of stone pine with spruce or stone pine with fir.
51 Therefore, compare to Mongolian Scots pine, Chinese fir has better performance in field test.
52 A linear programming design technique is proposed for designing the variable-bandwidth linear-phase FIR filters in the weighted minimax sense.
53 Based on site classification and projecting site index tables and quantized site index tables for China fir Masson's pine, growing stock per ha, was used to be a evalution index on site quality.
54 We wandered around a bit, and as I grew more comfortable in my new shoes, began looking for animal tracks among the fir trees just off the trail.
55 Based on the date collected from located observation, annual amount of litter and carbon release in its decomposition process were studied in Chinese fir plantation at Huitong, Hunan.
56 According to vegetation analysis, acid deposition might do harm to fir and cryptomeria, both of which are acid sensitive.
57 Conifer tree style such as pine, fir, spruce, redwood, juniper,() etc.
58 This is a very small fir tree, decorated with silver paper and coloured lights.
59 The 20-foot Fraser fir from North Carolina will be set up in the Blue Room of the White House.
60 They were deglycerolized by alternately centrifuging and mixing; he planted fir and pine trees alternately.
61 A new highway visibility detecting system based on FIR filter is proposed, it consists of transmitter, receiver, control processor and PC component.
62 The discrete ZAK transform and Raised cosine FIR filter are used to design time-frequency well-localized pulse shaping filters for OFDM/OQAM systems.
63 Permeability of sub-alpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) wetwood after steam-explosion treatment was determined and a microscope analysis was carried out in this study.
64 The canceler consists of a plant emulator and an inverse plant, which are in the forms of linear adaptive finite impulse response (FIR) filters.
65 Because the comb filter is a FIR filter which owns linear phase and simple structure, and usually serves as the first stage of the digital filter.
66 Genetic variations on tracheid microfibril angle of 55 Chinese fir clones were investigated.
67 In the failing grey afternoon light, we stand over a great brown-black pit. A few fir trees and an abandoned bulldozer perch forlornly around the fringes.
68 FIR window design with a digital filter function can be familiar with the rectangular window, Haining window, Hamming window and Blackman window.
69 Mapped the FIR digital filter design of amplitude frequency characteristic curve.
70 The simulation results show that the FIR band-pass filters with linear phase designed through this method have the ideal performance.
71 Mohrland's trees range in price from $125 for a 14-foot Fraser fir to $27 for a Scots pine.
72 It is the dominated species in Fir - Rhododendron Community and Alpine Rhododendron Community, common.
73 A new application of genetic algorithm in FIR filter with weighting Chebyshev optimal approximation method is presented.
74 Digital filter FIR is applied into the repetitive control strategy.
75 The results show that: In existing technical and economic indicator situation, the age at economic maturity of Chinese fir plantations is 17 years when the interest rate is 5%.
76 The outside fa?ade and the roof have been finished with local silver fir shingles.
77 The ignition of both deal and fir blocks were tested a bench scale flashover test apparatus.
78 Catalpa, fir and mulberry trees grew exuberantly in this place.
79 An optimized method for the design of two-dimensional FIR digital filters is proposed.
80 In this paper, we use the dressed-atom approach to derive the analytical expression of the gain of a FIR laser with a four-level system.
81 Therefore, the soil fertility were promoted pronouncedly by the replacement of Chinese fir Cinnamomum cassia stand.
82 More common in gymnosperms , such as Parkinson's Songshan category, fir, dawn redwood, silver fir and some angiosperms, such as beech, such as Yang.
83 Quantization noise analysis of linear phase frequency sampling FIR filters was discussed, and computation formula for measuring quantization noise was described in this paper.
84 We cultivate and harvest a variety of species including Eucalypts, Chinese fir, pine and others, ensuring plentiful and stable supply of wood fibre for our manufacturing facilities.
85 In the first the FIR band-pass filter of type-3 is designed on the basis of a specified amplitude response and in ...
86 Bolman has studied regional variation in Douglas fir seed yields.
87 Saponified oils of olive, palm, coconut, camellia, shea butter, purified water, essential oils of orange, spearmint, star anise, fir needle, glycerin, organic rose petals, vitamin E.
88 Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the LORD for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.
89 Author studies in detail the optimal design examples about the FIR band pass filters with a linear phase according to the optimal design algorithm presented in the paper.
90 The basic theory and advantages of filtered multitone modulation (FMT) are studied. An efficient implementation of FMT based on linear-phase FIR filter is proposed and its complexity is discussed.
91 The most common construction woods are Douglas fir, hemlock, spruce, pine, and some cedar.
92 Four types of linear phase FIR filters are introduced at first, then of this basis a notch filter for processing ECG signal is designed by using multiple exchange algorithm.
93 The micro - tensile processes of Chinese - fir and Masson pine are studied by synchrotron radiation light ( SRL ).
94 According to the linear characteristics of FIR filter, the distributed algorithm and ROM look-up tables were used to optimize the design and simulation of FIR filter.
95 The frequency dependent interchannel mismatch may severely degrade an array's performance unless some form of compensation is employed. The compensation can be achieved by means of a FIR equalizer.
96 A new fixed-point ICA algorithm is introduced into BSS for audio mixtures, and an algorithm of BSS based on FIR matrix algebra with block implementation is given.
97 To improve the synthesis frequency, changes are made to the filter processing element. With pipelined vertical FIR and revised 2-level diagonal FIR, the corresponding delay path can be shortened.
98 This program designs a Finite Impulse Response ( FIR ) filter.
99 This paper proposes a root-finding algorithm for minimum-phase FIR digital filters which have one complex conjugate extra zero in passband.
100 The operating characteristics of optically pumped CH3OH FIR lasers have been studied with both open cavity and dielectric waveguide cavity.
101 Fir tree branches and Christmas lights decorate this street in Helsinki.
102 Moreover, the detailed design process of two-channel FIR filter banks is presented by using the modulated method.
103 Major tree species in the southwest include the dragon spruce, fir and Yunnan pine, as well as teak, red sandalwood, camphor, nanmu and padauk.
104 FIR digital filter often apply to dispel high frequency and restrain noises for originality stylebook data in DSP. Require of DSP in real time and fast speed is at a high pitch.
105 The coefficients of the FIR transversal filter was identified by using adaptive RLS algorithm while the output signal of the vibration pick-up was input into the FIR transversal filter.
106 This paper introduces the design and implementation of a universal FIR/IIR filter, which is used in the servo system with digital solution instead of primary PID closed loop control mode.
107 However, in these two test sites, both ACQ-D treated Mongolian Scots pine and Chinese fir displayed excellent decay and termite resistance performance after HC post-treatment.
108 It is recognized that 12 species are very stronger harmfulness to forest, especially Douglas fir beetle.
109 Wooden Toy Industry: Yunhe covers mountainous area of 1.19 million mu, forestry coverage reaches 80.4%, it is the base county of fir wood and tea-oil tree in Zhejiang Province.
110 Generalized inverse matrix can be used to get an inverse system of the last FIR filter. The inverse system is also a FIR filter.
111 The high purity of guaiacyl lignin in Douglas fir fiber.
112 FIR filter and two-channel filter banks are widely used and their optimisation design has received substantial attention recently.
113 The fir tree is black at the trunk, white out at the edges.
114 Later on, a fir tree grew in place of the oak and this, St Boniface told the pagans, was the Tree of Life and represented the Christ Child.
115 This is a very small fir tree decorated with silver paper and colored lights.
116 Were rectangular window and Hamming window design of linear phase FIR low-pass filter.
117 A total uniform load of 16000 lb is carried by a beam of Douglas fir.
118 A fir is an evergreen tree with needlelike leaves that grows especially in cold areas.
119 Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Castor Oil (from the Palma Christi plant), Jojoba Oil Beeswax, and Essential Oils of Rosemary, Peppermint, Balsam Fir, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree(http://), and Cardamom.
120 Although cliff-nesting golden eagles are most common, bald eagles like the adult perched on this subalpine fir also occur, especially along the edges of rivers and lakes.
121 Fir : The price is about same to that of hemlock spruce.
122 Based on first-order FIR and IIR low-pass filter, the stability condition of nested structure is analyzed, and the performance of nested low-pass comb filter is introduced.
123 After developing Lagrange multiplier algorithm, we provide steps to obtain the optimal desampling FIR filter.
124 Drag onto the page to add a conifer tree, as pine, fir, spruce, redwood, or arborvitae.
125 In this paper, a novel design method of a passband edge frequency continuous adjustable FIR filter is presented.
126 Using window function design FIR filter, given in response to its sample.
127 The main hazard for the Japanese cedar tree (Crypotomeria fortunei), China fir (Cunninghami lanceolata).
128 Giant fir trees occupy the western half; the eastern half was marred by the previous removal of a fire damaged cabin.
129 The FIR low wave filter is designed and accomplished the relevant algorithms finally.
130 The implementation procedure and result for the FIR filter algorithm are illustrated.
131 The protection of diversity in Chinese - fir and broad - leaved mixed forest in different habitats should be emphasized.
132 Airtightness and anti – collision : Element grooves with dual EPDM rubber and dual high – quality fir strip , durable and effective in airtightness .
133 In this thesis, we will discuss the theory of the realization of difference equations in designing IIR and FIR of digital filters.
134 The FIR filter used in the power supply of submicron E beam lithography system is described.
135 The interior walls, ceilings, roof and facades have been constructed with silver fir wood.
136 The internal walls and ceilings are covered with local silver fir wood, which gives the rooms a cosy feeling despite the large glass windows.
137 Can the blood platelet use red bean to treat coming China fir?
138 The company's products are mainly made of paulownia, as well as fir, pine and other kind of timbers.
139 Copy PS _ A 610 . FIR to the root folder of SD card using your cardreader.
140 In the appendix, the phase conversion theory of complex FIR filters is proved.
141 Has analyzed the FIR digit filter's basic principle, designs the FIR low pass filter under the MATLAB environment using the window box number, has realized the low pass FIR filter's design simulation.
142 This paper introduces a method for FIR digital filter design. To compute and plot by using the frequency-sampling method and MATLAB makes the design of an FIR digital filter convenient.
143 Seed stability of clone is a major yield facter in Chinese fir.
144 Soon a dark wall of trees—red spruce, balsam fir, beech, hemlock—surrounds you, and there's a sudden stony persistence.
145 The effect of tradition infrared therapy cannot be compared to the new types of FIR.
146 The room was neat, the bed made—a rustic log bed of Oregon fir, I figured.
147 Fog crowns towering conifers, such as Douglas fir and yellow cedar, in the Pacific temperate rain forests of Vancouver, British Columbia.
147 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
148 Based on the frequency sampling technique, we have proposed a new method for designing linear-phase FIR filters with steerable stopband dips.
149 On the basis of overlap save method and circular convolution theorem in the DFT, by LMS algorithm, formulas of LMS algorithm of the frequency-domain adaptive FIR digital filter are yielded.
150 In addition, a FIR digital filter is designed to wipe off the interference signal.
151 Softwood pulp: Pulp made from softwood ( coniferous ) trees, e . g. fir. pine, spruce . As distinct from Hardwood pulp.
152 Crisp, clean balsam fir blends delightfully with fresh eucalyptus and sweet pine and layered with notes of bright apple, cedarwood and musk.
153 However, subalpine meadow possessed higher species diversity than herb communities within fir forest.
154 There was isozyme variation in the grey - branch Chinese fir and - branch Chinese fir has large wood density.
155 By computer simulation with convolution sum of FIR digital filter, the results show that the model is the same as traditional binary coding arithmetic which can be used in chaotic...
156 It was a misty afternoon, but the February sun shone dimly, and we could just distinguish the two fir trees in the yard, and the sparely scattered gravestones .
157 The modulator output is processed by two Finite Impulse Response ( FIR ) digital filters in series.
158 With the principle of 16QAM, the text puts forward one scheme which adopts FPGA to realize the hardware circuit of 16QAM taking shape FIR digital wave filter.
159 High alumina cement ac Pure Calcium aluminate Cement were modified by hydration - fir lug - grinding method.
160 This technique results in uneven walls that give an impression of both primitiveness and austere magnificence. Chinese fir is the primary building material used inside the dwellings.
161 The young forest, fir and pinetum were made up of the third kind.
162 Based on neural-network, this paper describes a new adaptive scheme for linear-phase finite-impulse response (FIR) digital filters.
163 Chinese fir; modified UF resin; micron wood flake; lightweight artificial board.
164 The arrow drops the root ministry in western ormosia fir, robin Hood is in namely this underground forever sleep peacefully.
165 CCS prepared in the FIR filter the source, as subroutine call.
166 In the same atmospheric conditions, the time reaching stable of impregnated fir was shorter than that of fir, but the hydroscopic hysteresis margin of impregnated fir was smaller than that of fir.
167 They lived with their Mother in a sandbank, underneath the root of a very big fir tree.
168 Preminum fir strips are applied in lower track , which is rational structure.
169 Data network: A telecommunications network built specifically fir data transmission, rather than vorce transmission.
170 Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) is Canada's largest tree and comprises two distinct species: Coast Douglas fir and Interior Douglas fir.
171 A player placed a fir cone or stick against his ball to prevent the ball from moving when he moved some loose impediments. Is this permissible?
172 According to the amplitude-frequency response characteristics of 2-D FIR linear-phase filters, the NNA is established.
173 For the materials , we have used Jilin pure basswood , authentic Indonesiapele , fir imported from USA and Brazil high-class rosewood.
174 A player placed a fir cone or stick against his ball to prevent the ball from moving when he moved some loose impediments.
175 Using the pure forest of Manglietia yuyuanensis Law as the control, this paper analyzed branching characteristics of the 10-year-old mixed forest of Chinese fir and M.
176 It arrived on a horse-drawn cart Sunday afternoon. The 20-foot Fraser fir from North Carolina will be set up in the Blue Room of the White House.
177 First lady Laura Bush walked outside to receive the Fraser Fir that was pulled up the driveway to the North Portico by two horses,() including one that didn't seem happy in his work.
178 For this, how are we protected to protecting health ormosia fir, development had investigation and study.
179 The Dissertation focuses on characteristics of seeds and seedlings of an endangered species, Abies chensiensis ( Qinling fir ).
180 Simple fir digital filter source code integrity, and can be used directly.
181 Hemlock, red cedar, and balsam fir are among the other trees found in British Columbia.
182 The rotten degree of fir trees is an important sign of quality of Abies forest.
183 The 256 dots FFT program and FIR digital filter program are programmed in the software.
184 The energy resolution of digital spectroscopy can be improved by finite impulse response (FIR) filters optimized for the presence of any kind of stationary noise.
185 The performance of FIR wave filter can get great improvement as the number of tap-weight is increasing.
186 Four species, White Spruce (Picea glauca), Engelmann Spruce (Piceaengelmanni), Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta), and Alpine Fir (Abieslaciocarpa) comprise the spruce-pine-fir species group.
187 The rugged forest is. crowded with large fir trees and tall lodge pole pines, but they all look like puny twigs compared to the giant sequoia.
188 The last 4 times decimation was achieved by two half band filters and a droop FIR.
189 In this paper, 12 years old Chinese Fir clones were studied on the genetic variation of growth properties, basic density and tracheid morphological characteristics.
190 China fir from mainland China are used here in reforestation work.
191 Conifer tree style such as pine, fir, spruce, redwood, arborvitae, etc.
192 Tourmaline is a semi - precious stone and mineral that emits negative ions and far - infrared rays ( FIR ) .
193 Comparingcontrol, radial and tangential permeability of sub - alpine fir wetwood was amplified after steam explosion treatment.
194 Got developing quickly on construction of industrialization of southern ormosia fir.
195 The Fremont climber had leaned a 25-foot-tall Douglas fir trunk against the cliff to shinny up.
196 The output of the modulator is processed by three cascaded finite impulse response (FIR) filters, followed by a user-programmable post processor.
197 The linear-phase FIR filter is designed by using the Parks-McClellan algorithm and can vary with the Doppler center.
198 The Christmas season has officially arrived at the White House in the form of a six-meter balsam fir tree.
199 Pulp made from softwood ( coniferous ) trees, e . g. fir. pine spruce . As distinct from pulp.
200 One of the principal species is arbor, which includes arborvitae, East-liaoning oak, China Armand pine, birch, and fir.
201 The Pacific Coast Hemlock commercial group includes Western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) and Amabilis fir (Abies amabilis).
202 The method of FIR filtering that takes maximum real-time signal processing throughput as principle and using frequency domain segmental algorithm is presented.
203 This paper designs the filter of narrowband FIR based on theories of the sampling rate signal processing of the software radio , and as to it's really carried on the MATLAB to emulation mode.
204 Of or relating to the forest areas of the northern North Temperate Zone, dominated by coniferous trees such as spruce, fir, and pine.
205 Associative learning occurred when the parasitoids fed on the host or honey and smelled the odors from branches of pine or fir at the same time.
206 In the first the FIR band-pass filter of type-3 is designed on the basis of a specified amplitude response and in the se...
207 The main species are pine, spruce, fir, Cheng Chi, Euptelea , Cercidiphyllum(Sentence dictionary), and so on.
208 Do not isolate , firing or iron Fir Pad to avoid damage the insulator of heating conductor.
209 In this paper, a method for implementing Finite Impulse Response ( FIR ) digital filter with TMS 32010 is described.
210 Operation principle of the digital wave filter and application in the field of digital sound result, discuss IIR wave filter , FIR wave filter design method.
211 The house itself was under the guardianship of the fir, the mountain ash, and the acacia ; and a thick screen of them altogether.
212 The paper employs MAC command, circular buffer register, and block circular register to filter the composite signal by means of the coefficients of FIR filters designed by authors.
213 If other conditions maintain invariably, when the timber price or the cost fluctuates 20% every time, the age at economic maturity of Chinese fir plantations will postpone or ahead of time for 1 year.
214 Therefore, the soil fertility were promoted pronouncedly by the replacement of Chinese fir stand by the Cinnamomum cassia stand.
215 Bacterial needle blight has became an epidemic of Chinese fir forests in Anji County in recent years.
216 A short walk from her doorstop, past some pastures and a dilapidated barn, is the fir and cedar forest that covers about one-third of her property.
217 Therefore, we may describe the growth pattern in Cryptomeria as clinal variation, while localized random variation may be more suitable to define the China fir provenance growth.
218 The fir essential oil was extracted from fir root by steam distillation method, from which cedrol was extracted, and then, cedrol methyl ether was synthesized based on cedrol.
219 This design emphasis point is realizes the FIR digital filter function with hardware language VHDL.
220 The main alpine meadow landscape, mountain rhododendron forest, the original fir forest, herbs and so precious.
221 The Yule log, cakes, and fir trees derive from German and Celtic customs.
222 Using assembly language can be prepared by the procedure FIR filter function.
223 Regression analysis shows that growth of Cryptomeria, but not of China fir, can be predicted by the latitude and longitude of the provenance.
224 Conifer tree style such as pine, fir, spruce, redwood, cedar, etc.




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