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单词 redouble
释义  re·doub·le /riːˈdʌbəl/ verb  redouble your efforts TRY TO DO OR GET somethingto greatly increase your effort as you try to do something 加倍努力 Both sides redoubled their efforts to end the war. 双方都加倍努力,争取结束战争。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusredouble• Ashenden doubted it, his doubt redoubling as the coach drew further and further away from Oxford along the A34.• The company is redoubling efforts to make its young advertising salesforce more professional.• When the United States intervened, the Front redoubled its efforts.• From then on the pretty servant girls eyed him with a lustrous regret and redoubled their attentions.• Instead of rethinking their programme, they redoubled their efforts to implement it.• You will to the utmost maintain a middle attitude and redouble your efforts to carry out our·doub·le verbChineseSyllable  you to as do to something greatly your try effort Corpus increase




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