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单词 Procedural
1. A Spanish judge rejected the suit on procedural grounds.
2. The business of the committee was delayed by procedural difficulties.
3. Finally there is a general duty of procedural fairness.
4. Some states, however, give nontenured teachers minimal procedural rights.
5. The relational algebra is a procedural language.
6. TransAction introduces important procedural changes for the home-moving consumer.
7. Memory for motor skills is often called procedural memory.
8. Clearly, these various formal, procedural rules are very important.
9. Apart from structure, the procedural system offered great advantage.
10. Such bickering underlines the need to establish procedural guidelines.
11. They form the basis for procedural training.
12. Detailed procedural matters are set out in section 0505.
13. Theological or procedural matters too deep for such as Lucy and themselves.
14. Besides tougher legal standards, there are several procedural reasons to go slow under the new law, legal experts say.
15. There were also a number of small procedural changes desirable in public inquiries.
16. Procedure Certain procedural rules are common to all applications under the Children Act 1989.
17. As a matter of doctrine, procedural matters are governed by the lex fori.
18. No amount of procedural fairness could compensate for lack of knowledge of the complexities of the law.
19. In addition, procedural reforms in the 1970s transformed the relationship between chairmen and their committee colleagues.
20. The two sides have spent most of their time wrangling over procedural problems.
21. They fleshed out the president's plan with statistics and procedural details.
22. His Lordship articulated three grounds for judicial review: illegality, irrationality and procedural impropriety.
23. I must apologise for returning somewhat dryly to the procedural point that has been raised during the debate.
24. Repetitions, as in a child practicing handwriting, are what distinguish procedural memories from episodic ones.
24. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
25. Considerations of national security were however held to outweigh those of procedural fairness.
26. One then posed the question whether fairness required any additional procedural safeguards.
27. At the conclusion of the meeting, little progress had been made beyond agreeing procedural rules and setting up two working parties.
28. That is why I described what happened earlier as a stupid procedural diversion.
29. Equally, any proposed remedies must be addressed more to administrative and procedural practice than to changing formal legal rules.
30. Only by doing so can one judge whether the amount of procedural protection is being pitched at the correct level. 1.
1. The two sides have spent most of their time wrangling over procedural problems.
31. As to the former, the usual procedural rules apply depending on whether proceedings are commenced in the High Court or county court.
32. Purely procedural rules may be binding by reference to the rules in force at the time when the procedure is applied.
33. It can also impose smaller fines on parties who fail to comply with certain procedural requirements.
34. The committee based its rejection on a procedural rule for filing amendments.
35. Thus in Britain the grounds for review are summarized as illegality, irrationality or procedural impropriety by the public agency being challenged.
36. Analysts assist in developing procedural guidelines and policies governing the development, formulation, and maintenance of the budget.
37. Procedural gender biases are a source of serious anxiety in a science as powerfully dependent on method as psychology.
38. One view sees the development of fairness as a correlative of the expansion of procedural rights post Ridge v. Baldwin.
39. This principle is reflected in the rules which govern procedural matters.
40. Formal justice and procedural safeguards are best for child-care cases, whereas informal methods suit divorce and custody disputes.
41. The more rabid federalists became impatient with procedural delays and wanted to effect a return to the federal system at once.
42. In each case, the situation involved a procedural matter, not evidence in the trial.
43. It is said that, in addition, the use of Form N111 instead of Form N79 was a procedural impropriety.
44. The use of compulsion in psychiatric care is not just a procedural, professional matter.
45. Commentary: the procedural requirements for making a recommendation for deportation are well established.
46. Geller is pinning primary hopes on getting the Supreme Court to dismiss the appeal on a procedural point.
47. Over the years, courts and tribunals have fought shy of laying down detailed procedural guidance.
48. This especially arises where third parties make procedural claims in an international forum seised of the dispute.
49. These advantages of the procedural system are the advantages of classical times.
50. The essential issue was the extent to which the procedural rules of the forum court could be used not withstanding the Convention.
51. In practice, however, simple majorities were to be applicable only in six very minor and procedural areas.
52. On the other hand, such measures are subject to both psychological and procedural delays.
53. One rationale emphasises the connection between procedural due process and the substantive justice of the final outcome.
54. However, as land use patterns change over time, zone boundaries will need changing, adding to the procedural complexity.
55. Its manner has exposed the procedural inexperience of the first full-time Soviet legislature and the ideological divisions of its 542 members.
56. They form the procedural pillars for freedom of expression in Britain.
57. Respondents identified a number of procedural deficiencies in the Act which was said to lack sufficient powers to enforce compliance.
58. Such an agreement would be mostly procedural, leaving the tough land-for-peace issues for further negotiations, officials said.
59. But how more precisely will the court fix the procedural requirements and what concept of fairness is thereby entailed?
60. At one end there were serious procedural defects which would render any decision a nullity.
61. Claimants for social welfare provisions have not always been in a good position so far as procedural protection is concerned.
62. The effect of non-compliance with such procedural requirements depends on their importance.
63. Restraint was initially the responsibility of the parliamentary opposition using a system of procedural checks on estimates and expenditure payments.
64. The incidence of procedural protection in this area is less than satisfactory.
65. Procedural rights perform an instrumental role in the sense of helping to attain an accurate decision on the substance of the case.
66. The privilege is much wider than procedural matters, covering every aspect of the internal functions of the House.
67. In post-classical law the traditional procedural scheme of the civil law evaporated, and all claims were heard under the cognitio procedure.
68. Therefore, a user may prefer to enter package modules manually, and use the procedural interface to enter the modules thereafter.
69. If this transpires then the emergence of fairness really will have a substantial effect on the whole area of procedural due process.
70. The court may intervene where there has been a failure to comply with express procedural requirements.
71. To tease out their effects, I will begin by briefly outlining the procedural and organisational framework intended to promote interagency co-operation.
72. Apparently he had been devising procedural systems for years, but nobody used them and everybody laughed at him.
73. Procedural rules which apply to specific applications or orders are discussed in the relevant chapters.
74. A general concept of procedural fairness could therefore lead the courts into using and developing procedural forms other than classical adjudication.
75. Argyll applied unsuccessfully for judicial review based on a restrictive view of the Commission's substantive and procedural powers.
76. He introduced a series of procedural motions that forced the Senate to stay in session through Saturday morning.
77. As has been evident, our procedural rules are sown in an adjudicative framework.
78. Dissociated from each other, the various topics were likely to be perceived as fragmentary accounts of practical and procedural matters.
79. These procedural changes deal with specific problems discussed above in Chapters 1 and 2.
80. All the more in classical law, when the formal and procedural differences still applied.
81. Last week was the first time Hastert had lost such a procedural vote.
82. Valuing the social benefits and costs of procedural safeguards may be equally problematic.
83. Interim payments 1.51 Interim payments are one of the most important procedural developments in personal injury cases in recent years.
84. This danger is particularly great in relation to procedural impropriety, and we shall discuss it again in that context.
85. It is not that varying degrees of procedural protection should not exist: the range of licences demands this diversity.
86. Ross Perot, who would rather rant about procedural reform than deal with policy substance, pushed it as his own idea.
87. On Tuesday, Hastings will decide whether to adopt procedural rulings made by the Sonoma County judge.
88. Home Office Circular 48/1991 contains guidance for magistrates on procedural and other matters relating to the Children Act.
89. The judicial review procedure in the High Court is based on three tests: illegality; irrationality; and/or procedural impropriety.
90. Thus, I conclude that the requirement to serve a demand is a procedural condition precedent to bringing proceedings.
91. Most questions on professional enquiry are procedural, and often arise because of a misconception of the process.
92. It does not distinguish between different types of hearsay or impose any procedural requirements for its admission.
93. The response has been to bolster up the procedural checks attendant upon the disbursement of such benefits.
94. Lord Justice Woolf places great emphasis on justice as procedural fairness.
95. The chamber's procedural rules mean that the Democrats will now gain control of its legislative agenda.
96. No trial date has been set because of procedural delays.
97. This was plainly the position under the procedural rules of the forum, Illinois.
98. It was suggested above that the duty of care is best conceived as imposing essentially procedural standards.
99. That the development of procedural fairness does involve the court in a balancing function is undeniable.
100. The combinatory, egalitarian approach which feminist psychologists favour, often repeats traditional psychological method's own procedural macho.
101. The procedural steps are quite straightforward.
102. The incentive is financial; the requirements are essentially procedural.
103. The Paris talks will mainly be about procedural matters.
104. Iteration abstraction, Data abstraction, Procedural abstraction, Type abstraction.
105. The issue of objective model of administrative procedural law is the most abstract as well as the most basic theoretical one in its legislation.
106. Countercharge system is attached more importance to after its propound procedural meaning in theory is fully realized.
107. Some come up with a kind of so-called mixed civil procedural model, that is to focus mainly on the party doctrine litigant mode while to take the authority doctrine litigant mode as supplement.
108. Corporate Charter A document that establishes the existence of a corporation and whose bylaws set organizational and procedural guidelines for its operation.
109. The second part mainly included the choice of the basic control loop, the control principle, the components, the Loop controllers of the entire process and Preparation the procedural language.
110. The APA's informal rulemaking process is simple and flexible , consisting of only three procedural requirements.
111. The SQL/PSM standard defines this second method of using handlers for the SQL Procedural Language.
112. Chapter 2 focuses on the procedural issues in the Hang Xiao Steel Structure Misrepresentation Case from the following two aspects:the limitation of actions and the litigation system.
113. The Court also gave considerable emphasis to the procedural deficiencies in the Act.
114. Different from declarative memory,[http:///procedural.html] procedural memory is a storage of procedures and skills that cannot be easily verbalized such as riding a bike and swimming.
115. It can also allow you to see hidden documents and other procedural information.
116. Procedural and logic approach in AI. They have different mathematical semantics.
117. Pompidou was in fact saddling us with a procedural monstrosity.
118. The CEQ regulations now contain detailed procedural requirements for the entire EIS process.
119. However, the C programming language is not a class-based object-oriented language, but rather a procedural language.
120. There are a variety of complicated procedural devices set out in exhaustive detail in the section.
121. Likewise, if most of the software development will be in a scripting or procedural language, traditional methods may well suffice.
122. Actions like these ( with only a procedure component ) are procedural actions.
123. The theory of procedural legal argumentation and the theory of pragma-dialectical legal argument are the outstanding representatives in them .
124. Finally the resolution principle that procedural in property and norms must meet their needs analysis and design phases to achieve goals.
125. The patterns in question occur in the basal ganglia, a brain region that is critical to habits, addiction and procedural learning.
126. AOP addresses a problem space that object-oriented and other procedural languages have never been able to deal with.
127. From the aspects of the stylistic legislation rules and layout, the body standard of the anti-dumping law and the procedural standard, the authors put...
128. The significance of subsidiarity consists in providing a procedural guarantee for the correct choice of who will be the best to exercise the power among European Union, member states and other bodies.
129. As a result, the procedural cost - benefit calculus often becomes an exercise in poorly informed guesswork.
130. It is required to have a comprehensive understanding of procedural knowledge before exploring how to design procedural knowledge's instructional game.
131. Law of evidence is a important part of procedural law.
132. The three major procedural law existing in China ha ve comprehensive specifications on the legal time limit, but violation is hard to eliminate.
133. The application of procedural due process to informal administrative action is treated in Chapter 6.
134. Procedural requirements demonstrate adherence to documented operational process -- i.e. "employers will be responsible for appropriately validating the identity of employees."
135. The exemptions for interpretive rules, policy statements, and procedural rules have just been discussed.
136. The special obligatory itself has a prior validity, and its realization is a category which belongs to law of obligation and procedural law, not to real right law.
137. It is in this domain of procedural knowledge that implicit relational knowing, and therefore the "something more, " occurs.
138. No doubt someone had pulled a fast one on her over a procedural matter.
139. The Constitution is the source of many of the procedural principles that administrative agencies must observe.
140. In addition to procedural checks on discretion, informal action is usually subject to judicial review.
141. Procedural Abstraction aims at replacing the machine-dependent objects of a procedure with representations, which are machine-independent.
142. Breach of procedural law is the procedural parties'act, which breaks some legal proceedings.
143. C language: High-level procedural computer programming language with many low-level features, including the ability to handle memory addresses and Bits.
144. The prevailing paradigm for programming was functional decomposition with procedural languages.
145. Therefore, the theory of res judicata has an important effect in solving the dispute thoroughly, and it is necessary in procedural legislation and theoretical study.
146. The justness of procedure is the procedural principle of tempting investigation, balancing unjustness of means and value of lawsuit.
147. As one of the criminal responsibility imputative manners of modern criminal law, strict liability has the important procedural meaning.
148. As mentioned, one of the most common uses of anonymous blocks is to invoke procedural language objects, typically for testing purposes.
149. FORTRAN: Procedural computer programming language developed for numerical analysis by John W. Backus and others at IBM in 1957.
150. Elah is more traditional, a crime procedural that involves a police detective (Theron) and the murdered GI's father (Jones).
151. Section 122 ( e ) includes a new procedural element designed to facilitate agreements among PRPs.
152. The typical design problem was captured, and the model of Procedural knowledge retrieve and the index framework was proposed.
153. To define the duty of supervising and checking of every monitor for the procedural parameter records , and list the wage examination to fulfil the duty .




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