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单词 Restricted
1. Membership of the club is restricted to adults.
2. New heavy industries were concentrated in narrowly restricted areas.
3. A restricted import quota was set for meat products.
4. Admission is restricted to members only.
5. He has a severely restricted diet.
6. Access to the papers is restricted to senior management.
7. He restricted himself to five cigarettes a day.
8. Fog severely restricted visibility.
9. The speed is restricted to 50 kilometers an hour here.
10. It's difficult trying to work in such a restricted space.
11. In Britain speed is restricted to 30 m.p.h. in towns.
12. The government has restricted freedom of movement into and out of the country.
13. Speed is restricted to 30 mph in towns.
14. Entrance to universities and senior secondary schools was restricted.
15. Building in this area of town is restricted.
16. Access to the club is restricted to members only.
17. You are restricted to eight litres of duty-free wine.
18. The government restricted the use of water by proclamation.
19. Such information is restricted within military personnel.
20. There is restricted access to this information .
21. The drug has only a restricted commercial use.
22. Britain's licensing hours used to be very restricted.
23. Abortion is restricted in some American states.
24. Her vision is restricted in one eye.
25. No Entry - restricted area for army personnel only.
26. Access to employees'records is restricted.
27. The US has restricted trade with India.
28. Access to the documents remains restricted to civil servants.
29. In those days women led very restricted lives.
30. It is resolvedly whole, self-contained, desiring nothing but rightness, content with restricted completion. Tall or short, it will be straight.
1. Membership of the club is restricted to adults.
2. New heavy industries were concentrated in narrowly restricted areas.
3. A restricted import quota was set for meat products.
4. He has a severely restricted diet.
5. Access to the papers is restricted to senior management.
6. He restricted himself to five cigarettes a day.
7. Fog severely restricted visibility.
8. The speed is restricted to 50 kilometers an hour here.
9. It's difficult trying to work in such a restricted space.
10. In Britain speed is restricted to 30 m.p.h. in towns.
11. The government has restricted freedom of movement into and out of the country.
12. The government restricted the use of water by proclamation.
13. Access to employees'records is restricted.
14. Access to the documents remains restricted to civil servants.
15. The fishing boat was seized for its trespass into restricted waters.
31. The long skirt restricted her movements.
32. Access to this information is severely restricted.
33. In those days women led fairly restricted lives.
34. Press freedom is severely restricted.
35. Job opportunities are severely limited/restricted at the moment.
36. The fishing boat was seized for its trespass into restricted waters.
37. The sale of alcohol is restricted to people over the age of 18.
38. The tournament is restricted to players under the age of 23.
39. Doesn't it frustrate you that audiences in the theatre are so restricted?
40. The reports are restricted to descriptions and give no opinions about the facts.
41. The damage is restricted to the left side of the brain.
42. In common with most Italian lakes, access to the shores of Orta is restricted.
43. The government imprisoned dissidents, forbade travel, and restricted the press.
44. Access to these buildings is restricted when school is in session.
45. Discipline problems are by no means restricted to children in families dependent on benefits.
46. The cramped living conditions severely restricted the children's freedom to play.
47. Eligibility for five weeks' holiday is restricted to senior management.
48. For the first two weeks patients are restricted to the grounds.
49. The accident left her with restricted movement in her right leg.
50. Entry to the competition is restricted to those who have a ticket.
51. The plane was attacked as it flew over restricted airspace.
52. Train services on Sunday will be restricted, because of engineering works.
53. Inside these zones, traffic speeds are restricted to 20 mph.
54. He managed to twist himself round in the restricted space.
55. Access to higher education has been unduly restricted for people with disabilities.
56. Restricted circulation of the report will reduce the risk of leaks outside the ministry.
57. Wellington Barracks is a restricted area and anyone who enters should have identification.
58. Organised junior football was either restricted or logistically impossible to operate.
59. I really enjoyed that, but musically I felt restricted.
60. Because of these false assumptions, Labour's appeal is restricted.
61. Limited partners have very restricted freedom of financial action.
62. But these ecclesiastical histories appealed to restricted, educated circles.
63. It was restricted to gathering and analyzing intelligence.
64. Here we're restricted to the crematorium.
65. But some states have restricted access to medications.
66. His Ed Blackwell playing activity was restricted through kidney disease, which required regular use of a dialysis machine far many years.
67. Members benefited from both the restricted entry and competition controls, allowing many of them to earn oligopolistic profits.
68. The methods are restricted to illustrating, supplementing, and contextualizing results obtained from quantitative procedures, and indicating future research directions.
69. There could, of course, be an entirely new statutory definition either wider or more restricted than existing law.
70. Susan wore a high-shouldered gold tube of a dress with a tall collar which restricted the movement of her neck.
71. The gurgling noise was the rattling of Thomas trying to breathe through a restricted windpipe.
72. Clearly, the range of frequencies over which a potential divider constructed solely from resistors acts as a satisfactory attenuator is restricted.
73. She had been born blind and her disability had enriched rather than restricted her life.
74. A system of guaranteed successions did exist, but was much more restricted in its scope.
75. As a result, the scope of autonomous collective bargaining was restricted.
76. Access to the region is restricted, and journalists who have traveled there have been closely followed and monitored.
77. Diploma students will complete a more restricted project in June.
78. The Royal School of Church Music concentrates to a great extent on essentially simple music for small choirs with restricted resources.
79. The implied term imposing an obligation on the employee after the termination of his employment was more restricted.
80. Many cultural formations have of course been restricted in this way.
81. Voice over Kidney failure has meant Rebekah has suffered from anaemia, low energy and restricted growth.
82. The unease is not restricted to the desperately poor, swampy country of 10m people.
83. But Alton restricted the opposition to four points in that opening spell and then took control to score four good tries themselves.
84. For example, there is the restricted access to cut-price supermarket shopping that many disabled older people suffer from.
85. He complained that it reduced his ability to walk around which was already somewhat restricted by arthritis.
86. An alternative view is that s.64 is restricted to explosives because it falls within the part of the Act dealing with explosives.
87. Clare Wood has found herself restricted to doubles this week after injuring her right ankle in a basketball accident 10 days ago.
88. Children and overseas students should be able to learn new words without constant assistance or confinement to a restricted vocabulary.
89. At the moment the product is restricted to interest rates and to medium or big corporate clients.
90. The Lappish diet is restricted to these basic foods and the result has been both anger and concern.
91. Topping believes Flexibots will have the kind of precision normally restricted to factory robots working in fixed, predictable environments.
92. A former Metrologie employee, Sayles says eXplain was restricted from attacking the Metrologie X terminal customer base.
93. It even went so far as to share financial information that previously had been restricted to management.
94. Fur seals and sea lions are restricted to the Bering Strait area and seldom enter icy waters.
95. The follow up study was restricted to participants from the first study who were 25 to 74 years of age at baseline.
96. His presence in restricted areas had aroused the anxiety of the Soviets.
97. Moreover, surveyors are sometimes pressurised by the subcontractor to overpay, particularly when output has been restricted during adverse weather conditions.
98. While we may save a few bucks on some items, the service and, ultimately, our choices have been restricted.
99. Hunting will be restricted to smaller game like gazelle, and exclude big game animals like elephants, rhinos and lions.
100. The disadvantages of the food cooperative are restricted food choices and the inconveniences of a do-it-yourself operation.
101. Should the proposals come into force they would greatly affect the already unfairly restricted use of metal detectors.
102. That episode occurred in a large military restricted zone about 70 miles off the coast.
103. Although golf was originally restricted to wealthy, overweight Protestants, today it's open to anybody who owns hideous clothing. Dave Barry 
104. People who are behind with their electricity bills could find themselves restricted to a consumption of as little as one kilowatt.
105. A crucial aspect of the productive process is the division of labour into restricted tasks.
106. Disputes about unpaid wages and deteriorating working conditions attracted widespread violence against activists, as union rights were restricted.
107. All service vehicles apart from bullion and post office vans will also not be allowed to enter the areas between restricted hours.
108. Some technological capabilities have been enhanced, but the main benefits have been restricted to the simpler parts of the industry.
109. Few games have been played in such restricted space yet provided so much furious forward movement and pace.
110. Their movements were restricted, though relatively few were sent to camps.
111. The limit payable under this section is restricted to a maximum of 10% of the Buildings sum insured.
111. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
112. Even though these recordings are restricted in range, the sound is more grateful.
113. These societies would have the duty of distributing the dividends from the shares on either a universal or a restricted basis.
114. Even in this restricted form it is possible to write essentially different programs which are nevertheless semantically equivalent.
115. OF course libraries operate on restricted budgets and must make choices between books.
116. Generally it is true to say that use of Creole is restricted to the private domain, and informal situations.
117. First, individual households will not be restricted to nuclear families, i.e. parents and their children.
118. Lower gear ratios are likely to be suitable when the motor's speed capability is restricted.
119. Their tadpoles can exploit bodies of water not excessively populated with competitors, and some are adapted to very restricted niches.
120. Thus no syntactically correct program in our restricted version occam can contain an execution error.
121. She went on dialysis and discovered her life as a high school physical education teacher and athlete would be severely restricted.
122. Unlike the restricted professional, he is interested in theory and current educational developments.
123. The right to stand for election still remained restricted to Matai.
124. It involves the development of a restricted number of units of study based on themes which can be examined across the curriculum.
125. High seed rates cause a dramatic reduction in anchorage strength because the spread of the structural roots is restricted.
126. Learning, education, and intellectual growth in most cases were restricted to the period from childhood to young adulthood.
127. The company is selling bonds on Wall Street and is restricted from discussing the future much while the offering is active.
128. Sleeping specialists believe that long-term use of sleeping pills should be restricted to a fairly small group of patients.
129. The borough of Stamford returned two members to Parliament, the franchise being restricted to householders.
130. Only by driving down the restricted and guarded government access road leading to the site can one see the valley of antennas.
131. And all the departing officers would be allowed to immediately cash in any of their unvested options and restricted stock.
132. This hasn't restricted the boot space which is 18 cubic feet - square and uncluttered thanks to the good suspension design.
133. Council employees will be restricted to twenty-six days' paid leave for duties as councillors.
134. Should they necessarily be restricted to electoral variations, or even to activity around state institutions such as local government?
135. Its use has been banned in six countries and restricted in 19.
136. Between 1989-91, several hundred monks and nuns were expelled from their monasteries and have been restricted to their village of origin.
137. Type sizes should also be restricted with text, heading and caption sizes being easily distinguishable.
138. These exclusions have restricted the overall effectiveness of cash limits as a device for controlling public expenditure.
139. The coordinates X and Y are restricted by, where the boundary contains the space-like plane on which the collision occurs.
140. The good restricted professional is sensitive to the development of individual pupils, an inventive teacher and a skilful class-manager.
141. Sometimes this restricted approach seems to emerge from a conscious limitation of political interests.
142. Sadat now feels less restricted about what she can say,(http:///restricted.html) although she treads carefully around politics in her homeland.
143. In the formation of the double helix, a total of 12 rotors are restricted per base pair stack.
144. But making a fuss of Mum shouldn't be restricted to just one day of the year!
145. Height and restricted access are the most significant factors of the fire fighting problem.
146. They are ideal for reaching into restricted or less accessible areas such as the corners of rooms, equipment pockets and channels.
147. I put it to Assemblyman Keene that this weakened the bill, and restricted the freedom of action of patients and doctors.
148. Each member of the family shows spatially and temporally restricted expression patterns during embryonic development.
149. Certainly, such views as these do not sit comfortably with managerialism and are equally at odds with restricted professionality.
150. Delta says it has restricted the number of charter memberships to make sure participants have ready access to the discounted fares.
151. Until then, financial institutions had to pay a premium to obtain dollars from a restricted pool in order to invest finance overseas.
152. Our surveys indicate that such units would have to be restricted to dimensions appropriate to the Navigation.
153. Had they wanted a Gothic design, they might well have restricted entries to Britain.
154. However the method is still relatively expensive and therefore its use is still restricted in Western hospitals.
155. The California provision, Proposition 140, restricted state assemblymen to three two-year terms and senators to two four-year terms.
156. Social distress - a restricted, inadequate or disturbed individual whose social performance is in some way leading to personal difficulties.
157. They often had to be restricted in their activities or confined to quarters under police guard for their own protection.
158. Access to further and higher education has been unduly restricted for handicapped children and this should be improved.
159. Since the deposits were insured by the federal government-giving thrift managers cheap funds-the investments were restricted by the federal authorities.
160. Fallow lands brought into cultivation reduced the range for grazing and restricted the distribution of much needed animal dung as fertiliser.
161. It should not be thought, though, that Mauchline's fame is restricted to its associations with the poet.
162. Nor was government aid to the landlord restricted to armed assistance.
163. The oral intake of complex carbohydrates is often restricted in patients with an acute diarrhoeal illness.
164. By Aug. 19 the town was under curfew, and access to journalists remained restricted for several days.
165. It can be seen that the lone elderly had the lowest median income levels and also the most restricted range of income.
166. It is a widespread phenomenon, not restricted to nuclear power or genetic engineering.
167. Libertarian emphasis on the radicalizing effect of restricted employment opportunities, too, appears exaggerated.
168. Street autonomy might readily be restricted by the patrolling constable.
169. Contrary to the general principles of distribution certain products may have to be restricted to named users who have special training.
170. Two important concessions were made, restricted to the 1990 election only.
171. In addition security and replacement costs restricted operations and new investment.
172. The advice was not restricted to the prevention of tooth decay.
173. A firm may also be restricted for a period from accepting certain types of new appointments without the committee's consent.
174. The tolls are likely to be restricted to particularly congested areas,(http:///restricted.html) and busy times such as rush hours.
175. Since Composite was otherwise restricted to fairgrounds, Diderot was telling us something of his opinion of politicians.
176. Once in the classroom the teacher is restricted by the core curriculum and general workload and lack of equipment.
177. However, this initial, albeit restricted, study has demonstrated the usefulness of vitrinite reflectance data in other than strictly maturation-related applications.
178. Triticale is not restricted to large farms with expensive tractors and combine harvesters.
179. A definition of family property that is restricted to claims on tangible property is weighted heavily toward the concerns of rich families.
180. Even the possibility of using income generated by the sale of council houses has been sharply restricted.
181. Women grumble about these inequalities, and sometimes men complain that they too feel restricted by the roles they have to play.
182. Though flogging was restricted, the length of sentences which lower courts were empowered to impose was doubled.
183. And, in this modern era, the squad sessions are not restricted to instruction on technique.
184. The heavily restricted Internet deals appeal to people with disposable income and flexible schedules.
185. Because of its popularity the party had to be restricted to those aged between four and eleven years old.
186. This fresh ecumenical contact and its opening of new horizons has by no means been restricted to the meeting of Christians with Christians.
187. In the marble version the struts have been banished from sight by designing the statue to be seen from a restricted viewpoint.
188. It is suggested that semantic analysis using machine-readable dictionaries is restricted to their definitions and not their expansions.
189. For diners on any kind of restricted diet, this is an invaluable service.
190. This is because, as we have seen, judicial review is not restricted in its scope to governmental bodies.
191. Taxes were extended to more luxury items and certain public health concessions were restricted for those earning over L40,000,000 a year.
192. Before considering the possible applications of the dynamical transition paradigm, it is necessary to clearly delineate this restricted domain of application.
193. Indeed, the cross-equation restrictions may become so complicated as to make computation of the restricted model difficult or impossible in practice.
194. The plans are a variation on an earlier form of PEPs which restricted investors to bonds and insurance plans.
195. The potential economic damage is not restricted to arable farming.
196. It is sometimes claimed that female criminal activity is restricted to limited types of crimes.
197. The surfaces are fresco-like, the pigment dry and chalky, and the palette severely restricted.
198. They are not restricted, as formal databases are, to record material that is highly structured.
199. Off-trail hiking and camping were restricted during the January-through-April lambing season.
200. They are, in a very restricted sense: decreasing ray average costs or increasing returns to scale imply ray subadditivity.
201. They continued to be closely guarded and severely restricted in their movements.
202. The restricted licence covers domestic and international goods vehicle operation for own account haulage.
203. Much political theorising was therefore restricted to explicitly normative, though often very sophisticated, comparisons of different forms of elite rule.
204. Camping is restricted to five designated campgrounds.
205. Accommodation is restricted so a reservation is essential.
206. The problem is not restricted to the southeast.
207. Multistage sampling in forest inventory is not restricted to fixed - area sampling units.
208. The subordination of one customs establishment to another shall not Be restricted By administrative divisions.
209. The number of cationic bromine and chlorine compounds is restricted.
210. This restricted approach to the general problem of automated design has a number of pedagogical advantages.
211. With this restricted frequency range it is not applicable to hydrocarbons.
212. Domesticated and captive animals have their rights restricted even further.




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