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单词 Uncertainly
1. She hovered uncertainly near the front door.
2. Her voice wavered uncertainly.
3. He entered the hallway and stood uncertainly.
4. She paused uncertainly, biting her lip.
5. The boy stared at him uncertainly, not knowing whether to believe him.
6. I wobbled uncertainly for a couple of paces, then over I went.
7. Except for very basic slapstick, humour travels uncertainly. 4.
8. Babur holds the bag uncertainly, letting it swing.
9. She was standing in the doorway and smiling uncertainly.
10. He began to crawl uncertainly around.
11. The shorelines of ancient seas can be traced uncertainly along the margins of the great northern lowlands.
12. He wagged his muddy boots, feeling uncertainly for each rung of the ladder: he had clearly been drinking already.
13. A pink tongue darted uncertainly over his lips and he swallowed hard.
14. Once outside, she stood uncertainly for a moment, oblivious to the curious glances of passers-by.
15. Light from the ceiling moved uncertainly over the carved wood Quiss was still staring at.
16. He walked a little uncertainly,(/uncertainly.html) unused to the solid earth under his feet.
17. She toyed uncertainly with the idea of handing in her resignation today.
18. The noise rumbled back uncertainly from the hills beyond the town.
19. Meredith glanced up uncertainly at the four-storey buildings soaring up forbiddingly on either side of the alley where they were walking.
20. Dawn came slowly, uncertainly, with first, the white foam on the huge breaking waves becoming more noticeable.
21. She came uncertainly forward, step by step,() feeling for her balance.
22. She uncertainly near the front door.
23. Uruguay and Haiti hung uncertainly in the middle.
24. His underjaw fell sideways open uncertainly.
25. They smiled uncertainly at one another.
26. He looked sullenly, uncertainly about.
27. A drunk was standing in the middle of the street, swaying uncertainly and trying hard to stay upright.
28. Visible for a modest $ 2 per person fee, the nine paintings show satyr-like men grappling uncertainly with fleshy nude women.
29. Startled, the pack had run for the shelter of the trees, where they had milled about uncertainly.
30. At the kerb the taxi's diesel engine idled noisily as a passenger's face peered uncertainly through the window.
1. She hovered uncertainly near the front door.
2. Her voice wavered uncertainly.
31. Dr. Nathan stepped from the aircraft, finding his feet uncertainly in the sand.
32. As a result the estimates still leave considerable uncertainly about the magnitudes of their effects.
33. Choosing a younger successor would carry a higher degree of uncertainly of unpredictability.
34. Feeble steps were heard on the stairs, and an old man, tall and frail, odorous of pipe smoke, with shaggy, unkept gray hair and a dingy beard, tobacco stained about the mouth, entered uncertainly.
35. Yankee soldiers loitered everywhere and Scarlett looked at them uncertainly , some of her courage deserting her.
36. It waddled towards the pool, looking less like a predator than like an elderly sumo wrestler tottering uncertainly towards a bout with a reigning champion.
37. Miss Sun came closer to look and said uncertainly, " It looks like Western medicine. "
38. At age 45, my life that in an orderly way had greatly changed, uncertainly.
39. The expanded uncertainly of measurement for Se, As were both of 5.28 %.
40. " There's another little thing, " he said uncertainly, and hesitated.
41. Be a follower when you are shrouded by the mists of uncertainly.
42. Erasmus, his chief bookkeeper , waited uncertainly just beyond the entryway.
43. They answered so uncertainly and strangely that Hamlet could not understand what they were saying.
44. At age 60, my life that in an orderly way had greatly changed, uncertainly.




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