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单词 Modified
1. The industrial revolution modified the whole structure of English society.
2. The original text has been modified so radically that it is barely recognizable.
3. The office software has been modified over the years.
4. The equipment may be modified to produce VCD sets.
5. Top supermarkets are to ban many genetically modified foods.
6. The car has been modified for racing.
7. The plane was a modified version of the C-130.
8. The heating system has recently been modified to make it more efficient.
9. Now that genetically modified foods are on our supermarket shelves, the genie is out of the bottle and cannot be put back in.
10. The seats can be modified to fit other types of vehicle.
11. The software can be modified to suit the particular needs of the end user.
12. She modified her views so as to accommodate the objections of American feminists.
13. The modified cars are available at a premium of 5% over the original price.
14. The regulations can only be modified by a special committee.
15. There will be a delay before the modified machines are operable.
16. In some schools, Christmas carols are being modified to exclude any reference to Christ.
17. He modified his plans and built another.
18. I greet those with modified rapture.
19. How must the Mills macro sociology be modified?
20. For mature candidates, there are modified entrance requirements.
21. To what extent will the budget have to be modified?
22. Affection is like water, so that all become pure filtered; it makes the flat family, by burning the more edges; the family is poetry, so boring after modified reached a kind of artistic conception. The family, life eternal power.
23. The policy was agreed by the committee, but only in a modified form.
24. Adults often modify their language when talking to young children. It is also the word you use when you are talking about making changes to the design of something:The design of the car has been modified for racing.
25. These ideas are still used today, though in a slightly modified form.
26. The proposals were unpopular and were only accepted in a modified form.
27. There has been widespread public debate over the introduction of genetically modified food./modified.html
28. Some pupils with physical disabilities may require the writing attainment targets to be modified.
29. It must be clear that no one has added, deleted, or modified any part of the message.
30. Voters are animated by new fears about global warming, genetically modified crops and globalisation.
1. The industrial revolution modified the whole structure of English society.
2. The original text has been modified so radically that it is barely recognizable.
3. To what extent will the budget have to be modified?
4. The heating system has recently been modified to make it more efficient.
31. In recent years the model's exclusive focus on shareholder interests has to a degree been modified.
32. It was suggested that 400 passenger services be withdrawn or modified and 2,000 stations and 5,000 route miles closed to passenger traffic.
33. Q6, the F tells the modem to restore its factory settings in case a previous session has modified them.
34. The surface is physically modified, and the painting becomes practically illegible.
35. For the embryos which are implanted after screening have not been genetically modified in any way.
36. Conventions can be modified by changes in behaviour or by reinterpretations of the significance of certain behaviour.
37. The protein-sparing modified fast was popularized in the form of liquid protein diets.
38. The snake's venom glands are modified salivary glands, and the venom modified saliva.
39. The weights are modified by an amount proportional to the first derivative of the error with respect to the weight.
40. The extent to which fiduciary duties are modified will depend on what precisely is disclosed and to what the beneficiary has consented.
41. Monterey, or Jack, cheese is also a modified cheddar which originated in California.
42. This means that the following relationship holds between modified duration and bond prices.
43. Therefore many traditional notions about rural decline have to be modified to take account of the remarkable turn-around in demographic trends.
44. When attempted, a modified Baerman technique is employed using 50 g of faeces from the rectum.
45. The venom glands are modified salivary glands located in the lower jaws.
46. With a genetically modified organism if you do make a mistake that can be a mistake for ever.
47. The sites for planting genetically modified maize and oilseed rape have to be announced in advance.
48. I decided to be guided by a modified version of the National Parks Service motto, updated for hapless burglars.
49. Modified nucleotides analysed in our experiments are indicated by arrows.
50. The new category of genetically modified organisms has been subject to far less testing than one should reasonably expect.
51. Environmental groups launched a campaign against the widespread production of genetically modified crops.
52. Nevertheless, they modified the forest by nomadic behaviour and shifting cultivation, if they became truly independent.
53. The car, with modified suspension and a new engine, will display Stansted Airport stickers this season.
54. He personally oversaw and, if necessary, modified the agenda for meetings.
55. The intention is to illustrate how the conclusions regarding tax incidence may need to be modified when markets do not clear.
56. As might be expected, such a policy aroused enormous controversy and opposition, and was later modified.
57. This conclusion needs to be modified in the light of the changes in local government.
57. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
58. The principal investigators will be responsible for interviewing key informants about the way the system has been modified in recent years.
59. Those early models were not much more than modified pickup trucks and truly got some rugged use.
60. After-images of new and modified blocks are written to twin log files.
61. The techniques refer to new or modified agricultural practices to reduce soil degradation and erosion.
62. Each of these is modified by a scale factor to adjust the agreement between the model and the real world.
63. Just use the S3 engine mounts and clutch plate and modified 110 exhaust system.
64. But, despite the attractions of mobility, attitudes can be changed, or at least modified.
65. There are experimental findings to suggest that Wagner's theory needs to be modified in this respect.
66. The Schema Builder will enable all parts of the database schema to be created or modified in a graphical environment.
67. Subsequently, he achieved a modified synthesis of the vitamin, which he had renamed ascorbic acid.
68. As yet there is no proof that genetically modified foods are harmful to humans.
69. Marx's and Engels's views about slavery should also be modified in the light of more recent work.
70. Can the behavior of New Yorkers be modified so that they are kind and considerate to each other?
71. Where thick deposits of heat modified oil or fat have accumulated the judicious use of a scraper may be indicated.
72. Eventually other, initially implicit, assumptions were to be unearthed and modified.
73. Many who had no wish to see the principles of 1834 modified were alarmed by the rise in poor relief expenditure.
74. More often than not, leaders retain some hierarchical authority even if modified.
75. This opportunity to file or publish modified accounts does not limit the requirement to prepare full accounts for the shareholders.
76. Sandstone sequences are the result of both provenance and tectonic environment, modified by climate, depositional environment and later diagenetic events.
77. The crawler, mobile launchers and launch pads are all modified versions of the original components used for Apollo.
78. The genetically modified saplings will in due course be infected with the virus to test their resistance.
79. Where the model is extended, these results need to be modified.
80. The requirements may well be modified as detailed work and discussion proceed.
81. The horse's genetic programming can be modified, however, by it s upbringing and experiences.
82. The resulting orogen would be a modified continental margin type.
83. This allows the modules to be modified by the authorised user.
84. Weights could be modified to cluster similar input patterns into distinct classes.
85. How will we stand in the future, with a climate modified by human intervention?
86. They have released pollen from genetically modified plants into the environment, claiming that it will not spread.
87. This can be modified after you have worked with an adviser or broker for a year and grown into a trusting relationship.
87. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
88. Indeed in subsequent chapters I shall again be concerned almost entirely with the way in which stimulus representations are modified by experience.
89. A new public address system will be installed and the cabs modified to suit driver-only operation.
90. We have modified the recently completed St Jude protocol to withhold systemic antimetabolites during radiotherapy.
91. This model was an F7 that had been modified to give it greater lifting power and enhanced load-carrying ability.
92. The biotech corporations argue that genetically modified crops will put an end to food shortages in the developing world.
93. It is modified continuously as external data is received and transformed into information.
94. In 1998 it was already estimated that one-third of maize and soya products from the United States were from genetically modified crops.
95. Obviously the position is modified if vendor shareholders of Target are to take shares or loan notes in Newco.
96. Dulbeco's modified Eagles' medium containing 10% fetal calf serum had an advantage in both plating efficiency and growth.
97. These five areas of concern indicated that an improved and modified manual personnel records system would be inadequate.
98. Even Krupskaia at the hub of power quickly modified her earlier liberal views concerning the inculcation of political culture.
99. The device, which used a shotgun modified to fire bullets, was concealed in a wooden box hidden among trees.
100. Ultimately, the machine layout or interface design may be modified to make the operating instructions easier to follow.
101. Malcolm modified his views toward integration shortly before his assassination on February 21, l965.
102. All the above may be modified by: For each given size of predator there will be an optimum size of prey.
103. The situation is modified when records are stored in buckets holding several records, but synonyms still occur.
104. Two scales are provided for assessing language comprehension, one of which is specially modified so that only eye pointing is required.
105. Monolayers of human hepatoma cell line Hep3B were maintained in Dulbecco modified Eagle's medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum.
106. The original proposals, which in a modified form became the 1983 Act, brought these in.
107. Bowel frequency, on the other hand, was only slightly modified.
108. Although research has modified this supposition, it is none the less true that males are generally seducers and females the seduced.
109. For example, the pollen of modified crops had already been shown to be poisonous to monarch butterfly larvae.
110. The genetically modified food giant, Monsanto, has been forced to revolutionise its image because of public unease.
111. It may be argued that therein lies evolutionary justification for the belief that some modified form of such living can suit humans.
112. The engines of the Atlas burned a modified aviation fuel, similar to kerosene, with liquid oxygen.
113. Specially modified accommodation for students in wheelchairs or with other disabilities is available at Pollock Halls and elsewhere.
114. They look like crude, longish pine cones, with bracts clearly recognizable as modified leaves.
115. The expedition used tried and tested methodology and modified it where necessary.
116. The course of infection can be modified by doctors so that early intervention to counter any deterioration can be made.
117. The proportion of soya from the genetically modified plants was initially small,(/modified.html) but led to all soya being regarded as suspect.
118. Labour's Coun. Jim Skinner said a planned review of bus routes could be modified to take account of air pollution levels.
119. This could result in the plan being modified, so as not to adversely affect the pygmy owl.
120. Ensure that modified software is formally approved before the modification operation is recognised as complete.
121. Meanings are also created, developed, modified and changed within the actual process of interaction.
122. These beliefs, in turn, can be modified only through collective experience.
123. These modified C-terminal fragments were subcloned into the NdeI and BamHI sites of the His-tagged expression vector, pET15b.
124. The result is an organism whose genes have been modified to provide the desired characteristics. Genetic modification is inevitable.
125. Most intense has been the reaction against genetically modified crops, known as GMOs, for genetically modified organism.
126. Purdy modified it slightly but finds it a useful guide, particularly when working to remove fat from baked products.
127. This epidemiological picture, typical of temperate countries, may be modified in some areas by factors such as climate or husbandry.
128. In these experiments, the duration of changes in intraluminal gall bladder pressure was not modified by the inhibitor.
129. At this stage the model was modified to the correct amino-acid sequence.
130. The latter are modified diesel engines using a short squirt of conventional fuel to encourage injected gas to burn.
131. And if this sounds crazy, you need to reflect that the concept of seeing is modified here.
132. It had been further modified to include in its membership all four university resident tutors and six education officers from participating LEAs.
133. These entreaties, though modified, come in a direct line from the prophets of the Old Testament.
134. There are, however, other printers which use modified standard printing engines to increase their output resolution.
135. We have modified some of our proposals in the light of the views we have received.
136. Human beings turned out to be more intelligent than dandelions and modified their behaviour to match the new circumstances.
137. Genetically modified organisms: The bill provides for additional safeguards against the import, containment and release of Genetically Modified Organisms.
138. There is no need for diabetics to eat modified food.
139. Smothering the world with efficient carbon sink plantings, such as eucalyptus and genetically modified poplar, is an anathema.
140. The classification of gastritis was according to the Whitehead system modified to include the newly described entities of lymphocytic and chemical gastritis.
141. In the process, the ideas that had originally been expounded by Monnet were substantially modified.
142. This family was the second detected and our practice has since been modified to make a disclosure no sooner than 6 weeks.
143. Not surprisingly, many gentry and clergy modified their public pronouncements accordingly, surviving both Parliamentary rule and the Restoration.
144. I modified the handlebars on my bike to make it more comfortable.
145. It could still be modified for use, provided it was backed up with some new, stronger coercion.
146. These were also modified by linker addition soas to contain a BamHI recognition sequence.
147. There has been a lot of alarmist publicity about genetically modified foods.
148. What it will say is that the chemistry can be modified to take account of the particular mineral and its final base.
149. The arrangement was later modified, and gallows were erected outside,(http:///modified.html) in the hanging corner.
150. The preceding features required that certain traditional statements in the text of the ocean bill of lading be modified or replaced.
151. But these muddy-water fish have developed banks of modified muscle tissue that generate electrical charges on a much greater scale.
152. The recipe is modified and simplified by succeeding generations of cooks.
153. Adherence to such a scheme, modified perhaps by inclusion of the Asiatic stage, has continued to the present day.
154. Books can be entered and modified as can contact details.
155. Hence inherited characteristics could not be modified by environmental factors.
156. The ego is that part of the id which has through perception been modified by the external world.
157. It is not clear that producers of genetically modified organisms will be fully liable for any damage they may cause.
158. The value of this precious metal could be modified by alloying with baser materials.
159. Prince Charles has been loud in his condemnation of genetically modified food.
160. This basic pattern has been modified in evolution to give a limb that serves quite different functions.
161. A: The modified central leader system is recommended for pears.
162. Other genetically modified trees may help clean up contaminated land.
163. Familiarity alone prevents our seeing how universally and largely the minds of our domestic animals have been modified by domestication.
164. When Johann Heinrich Silbermann modified Cristofori's design, the check was still unnecessary.
165. A TRAFFIC calming scheme on a Darlington estate has been modified after bus companies threatened to boycott the area.
166. They have similar Uvalues to triple glazing and good solar control properties which can be modified to suit specific needs.
167. The Intel prototype diskless computer was based on a modified 486 motherboard.
168. Inspection of Figure 7.2 should make it quite clear how the neoclassical synthesis has been modified by the new classical writers.
169. This regressive nature of the community charge is modified by the systems of rebates and exemptions.
170. The vehicles are modified Daimler Benz buses, powered by diesel engines or by overhead electric cables.
171. How do the conclusions need to be modified when there are departures from the assumptions of perfect competition?
172. Some have modified cells that are capable of producing luminous chemicals.
173. We operate a full range of specialised equipment that has been modified for aircraft application.
174. Instead, the accruals accounts would have to be modified to maintain the current cost of assets.
175. A modified Delphi technique was used in assessing candidate items.
176. At present, regional news broadcasts have the tone of a modified sensationalist journalism.
177. Theories began to be modified as details that could be overlooked on paper became essential in the laboratory of the computer.
177. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
178. Much of animal behaviour, however, is modified and moulded by experience.
179. Is there any evidence of gravitational attraction being modified by intervening matter.
180. Epic has since modified the basic system for use in prisons and social service agencies.
181. Maybe a more urgent question is how households are reorganising their economic activities as old industrial structures are modified by long-term change.
182. Motivation is heightened, factual knowledge increased, and opinions may be modified. Careful selection of films therefore aids learning.
183. I introduced it to my classes in May last year and have developed and modified it as the weeks have passed.
184. The first administration bill was the special revenue sharing plan, introduced in 1971 and then substantially modified by Congress.
185. Daily total caloric requirements were calculated from Long's equation modified for ideal body weight.
186. In any case, the whole process will be modified by the ability of each group to wield power and influence.
187. Reform would need to be deep rooted, but existing structures could be modified.
188. Often this is modified or informed by a tilt of the head affecting the character of the whole figure.
189. Once fixed it may subsequently be reviewed and modified by the agency in consultation with the discharger.
190. Roy modified the original design and made every single part of the clock in his own workshop.
191. In considering whether candidate items were essential, each subgroup used a modified Delphi technique25 that was replicated in the plenary sessions.
192. But consumer groups, which have insisted that genetically modified foods should be labelled as such, rejected the plan.
193. These safeguards are framed in an adjudicative fashion, albeit one which is significantly modified to take account of the circumstances.
194. They would, of course, be modified from normal naval requirements to suit our purposes.
195. It was modified and then installed on the service module for Apollo 13.
196. Modified viruses could cause famine by destroying crops or cause human and animal diseases of tremendous power.
197. Fortunately, what might have been an area of conflict has been modified by compromise.
198. The basic structure can be modified by introducing flexible groups in the chain and some examples are given in table 12.1.
199. Though, as we discuss below, this provision has been modified, the nationalistic sentiment was clearly registered by prospective buyers.
200. Bananas and maize have been modified by tribal people for so long that these plants now rely on human intervention to propagate.
201. Motivation is heightened, factual knowledge increased, and opinions may be modified.
202. The clinical efficacy is evaluted with modified Webster scale.
203. A modified templet matching method was proposed.
204. The feeder need to be modified.
205. The software we use has been modified for us.
206. And it was proved that cationic modified cotton dyed with neutral dyes has enhanced dye up-taking.
207. In this paper(/modified.html), they modify the CHIP method and use the modified one to solve a broader class of non-convex programming problems.
208. The three dimensional velocities of the manifold junction with a rectangular section were measured by use of three dimensional particle dynamic analyzer (3D PDA) to verify the modified KIVA program.
209. Detailed flow field measurements were conducted in a low speed wind tunnel for both original and modified LGV's which are used in turbofan engines.
210. Stable epoxy-styrene-acrylic aqueous dispersion modified with siloxane was prepared with a two-step synthetic method.
211. The Kanai ? Tajimi , Clough ? Penzien and modified Kanai ? Tajimi models are introduced firstly.
212. The experiments prove that after being modified treatment, the addition of cold-hardening resin is cut down, so that the cost of cold-hardening resin sand can be decreased.
213. This modified formulation is more adaptable to a further study of gyroscopic phenomena.
214. Conclusion Plastic repair of cavity of concha, mastoid plombage, and thorough removal of pathological tissues are the keys to shorting the dry ear time after modified radical mastoidectomy.
215. Ubuntu has MAPI Exchange protocol compatibility, so the server infrastructure would not need to be modified during any migration.
216. In this paper, a Modified Neural Network ( MNN ) based power controller is proposed to smoothen out the fast fading and keep the received signal power from each user constant at the base station.
217. It produces 1 acryl - lic acid resin, modified resin, and polyurethane modified alkyd resin etc.
218. Recently, Kasami showed that QC codes meet a modified Gilbert - Varshamov bound.
219. Frictional behavior is modified by colloidal silica or starch deposition.
220. By use of silane coupling agent KH550 the modified HBPE(MHBPE) was grafted onto the surface of ultrafine titanium dioxide by amidation reaction.
221. Objective To investigate the mental health of breast cancer patients after breast conserving surgery and modified radical mastectomy respectively.
222. Modified flax fiber is fine , soft and bulgy, meeting the demand to spin fine - count blended yam.
223. In addition, effects of TPUE on the mechanical properties, technique properties, combustion and energy properties of nitramine modified double propellant are studied.
224. Numerical examples indicate that the modified expressions keep to the principle of conservation of energy.
225. Nontechnical people may be alarmed to hear that the database has been modified, for example.
226. It is now generally granted that the modified nucleosides do confer special properties.
227. A polysulfide rubber modified epoxy water-proof and corrosion protective coating has been developed, which is used for water-proofing and corrosion protection of metals and concrete.
228. At the recognition stage, we propose a kind of modified MCE model to decrease computer capacity and further to enhance computer velocity.
229. In addition, CYP93G2 generates 2-hydroxyflavanones, which are modified by O-glycosylation in transgenic Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana).
230. Combined with the bridge surfacing design of Donghai Bridge, the paper studied and produced high-powered compound modified asphalt through mixing lake asphalt into SBS modified asphalt.
231. This paper presents a method to treat the various changes of lines with mutual conductance for analysis of faulted power systems. The modified formula of node equation of networks have been derived.
232. However, in the title and modified by deathly, it is clearly a noun.
233. The problems of the classic equivalent circuit of a photoelectric cell based on photovoltaic effect are analyzed, and a modified equivalent circuit is presented.
234. Aiming at the different loss by error judge in fault diagnosis, the fuzzy membership based on the loss function is defined and optimal hyperplane is modified.
235. The skin of the auditory canal contains many sebaceous glands and modified apocrine (ceruminal) glands and variable numbers of hair follicles.
236. Unquestionably, acidity is also modified by other genes, regardless of any major gene effects.
237. Modified subcostal incision is recommended as a best choice for huge adrenal mass.
238. Conclusion It has been suggest that the modified larval diet could favour the growth and development of the blowfly.
239. The voltammetric behaviours of sulfanilamide(), sulfaguanidine and sulfadimidine at the montmorillonite modified carbon paste electrode is discussed.
240. The modified epoxies, ie, those with plasticizers added to improve workability, were found to be incompatible with the fluorocarbon flotation fluids.
241. The upper medial petal, called the labellum or lip (6), is always modified and enlarged.
242. The main chemical mechanism of the adsorption was the formation of double hydrogen bands between AFB_1 and montmorillonite or modified montmorillonite.
243. Chinese ag economist plows ahead with his push for genetically modified seeds.
244. The alloys of the present invention also have a modified eutectic silicon and modified iron morphology, when iron is present, resulting in low microporosity and high impact properties.
244. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
245. Whithin the Golgi complex molecules are modified and packaged for export out of the cell or for delivery else where in the cytoplasm.
246. Method; We modified the operation of anterior approach to the cervical spine by bone ramenta autograft glued with mucilage in situ.
247. As this dream is modified through legitimately ascending humans, all shall change.
248. As settlers became adjusted to the West they modified their costume.
249. Methods 8 case (8 eyes) of neovascular glaucoma was undergoing underwater diathermy on ciliary body and iris and modified trabeculectomy.
250. The applicability of Model A in Chinese sea areas has been studied by using the modified refractivity profiles and hydrometeorological data measured in the experiments during recent years.
251. The various influencing factors and main synthesis processes of dicyclopentadiene modified unsaturated polyester resin are investigated.
252. To prevent user programs from interfering with the proper operation of the system, the hardware was modified to create two modes: user mode and monitor mode.
253. L-Cysteine(L-Cys) modified CNTs was synthesized via purification of carbon nanotubes(CNTs) by oxidation process.
254. Rewrites the URL using the given path and a Boolean value that specifies whether the virtual path for server resources is modified.
255. Is this not a possible outcome of the development of genetically modified food?
256. Through the property test, the result shows that the laminates with the diphenyl ether modified by benzoxazine are better than that by phenol.
257. A simplified objective function and a modified clonal algorithm ( CLONALG ) based on memory are proposed.
258. Methods A modified nasogastric feeding method was developed and tried in 98 patients with severe craniocerebral injury, data were analyzed retrospectively.
259. Rosin modified alkyd resin prepared by soybean oil stock fatty acid - rosin - glycerin - pentaerythritol , which means fatty acid method.
260. The results show that the modified equation of state is more accurate.
261. The vehicles have been modified to suit conditions in the desert.




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