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单词 house-to-house
释义  ˌhouse-to-ˈhouse adjective  house-to-house inquiries/search/collection etc HOMEinquiries etc that are made by visiting each house in a particular area 挨家挨户的询问/搜查/收集等 → door-to-door The abduction sparked a house-to-house search in the Willenhall area. 绑架案引发了威伦霍尔地区挨家挨户的搜查。Examples from the Corpushouse-to-house• The Pearl has a 6,500-strong sales force which collects insurance premiums and arranges policies by the simple expedient of house-to-house calls.• Detectives yesterday carried out house-to-house enquiries in the hope of tracking the gang.• Culley ordered a house-to-house in the area.• Road blocks were set up and a helicopter brought in from Manchester as police began house-to-house inquiries.• A minute earlier he had been feeling sorry for the men who were still out on house-to-house questioning.• He found Kersey, sitting at the desk in an upstair, borrowed office surrounded by house-to-house reports prepared on the premises.• It was Major Volpi who had been given responsibility for putting up road-blocks and carrying out house-to-house searches.• Peacekeeping troops set up road blocks and conducted house-to-house searches.ˌhouse-to-ˈhouse adjectiveChineseSyllable  inquiries made etc that are visiting Corpus by




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