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单词 Turtle
1. The spill could wipe out the Gulf's turtle population.
2. On land the turtle is ungainly, but in the water it isvery agile.
3. The turtle hibernates in a shallow burrow for six months of the year.
4. The sea turtle is an endangered species .
5. If you turn over a turtle on its back, it will become helpless.
6. Some species of turtle can remain underwater for 24 hours.
7. It was inevitable that his Ninja mutant turtle followed!
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. Had the tortoise turned turtle in some sulphurous cul-de-sac?
9. I had turtle soup followed by turtle steak.
10. The turtle poked its head out of its shell.
11. But will the majestic green sea turtle survive us?
12. The difference is that Turtle Graphics would not provide a valid introduction to those other languages.
13. They named it Michilimackinac, or Great Turtle, because it resembled a turtle as they paddled toward it in canoes.
14. He floated alongside the feeding turtle, amazed by its beauty and delicacy; like a breed of angel itself.
15. A turtle eating the insect that eats the leaf makes a chain of two.
16. This animal moves most like a. turtle chipmunk robin 2.
17. State officials also reported a dead sea turtle had washed ashore.
18. The turtle excavates a hole in the sand and then lays its eggs in it.
19. Turtle tipped over the bar from Andy Coulter whose shot was going in following a great cross from Garth McIlwain.
20. Primo had won a green stuffed turtle by throwing three darts into a target shaped like a red apple.
21. Eventually you reinforce the child for using the turtle response spontaneously in conflict situations.
22. Five species of sea turtle are designated as threatened or endangered.
23. The living turtle is then thrown back into the water, in the mistaken belief that it will re-grow its shell.
24. Tea with the Turtle Uncle Alfred woke from his day-long nap to find Anabelle sitting by the canal.
25. The fishermen will have to use turtle excluder devices in their nets, which allow turtles to escape before they drown.
26. They went directly as their mother must have known they all would go: mother turtle, or Mother Nature.
27. He is due to face trial on charges relating to turtle trading and destroying the evidence.
28. The children are encouraged to use frustrating experiences as a cue to employ the turtle reaction.
29. Officials confirm that Kellys Slough has at times siphoned off up to half the flow of the Turtle River.
30. It was so cold, he got small as he walked, contracting his middle, like a turtle pulling himself in.
1. The spill could wipe out the Gulf's turtle population.
2. The turtle hibernates in a shallow burrow for six months of the year.
31. The Turtle bleeds into the slough system when the river overflows its banks.
32. The Turtle winds through the park near several buildings and roads damaged last week.
33. Such a shot demanded expert marksmanship but meant the boat took a live turtle.
34. He then handed her the turtle, turned on his heels and walked off.
35. Millions of dollars have been spent to airlift the eggs of Kemp's Ridley sea turtle to Texas.
36. It hurtled on, shedding wheels and bodywork as it almost turned turtle.
37. Officials say those and six other dams on the Turtle River are holding back water that would have intensified flooding.
38. The Turtle rises so high behind Larimore Dam that it goes over a spillway and creates a spectacular waterfall 50 feet high.
39. The Turtle moves through the 11-foot mark in town and spills over its banks.
40. Then the turtle was going to tear his arms off, and he let go.
41. The yard-long hawksbill turtle, with its hooked beak and scaly neck, is a living vestige of the dinosaur age.
42. Learning the turtle reaction is combined with teaching the child problem-solving skills, during which recent problem situations are discussed.
43. I keep a turtle in the fishbowl.
44. The box turtle is a common tortoise.
45. Ta; Where is my mummy, Green Turtle ?
46. This sea turtle is sick.
47. The turtle walks to the starting line.
48. Water, not too deep, not exceeding the turtle back.
49. After colliding, both cars turned turtle.
50. I like your green turtle .
51. Look, there is a sea turtle over there.
52. Does it look like a turtle shell?
53. Sea Turtle has been improved.
54. There's a giant turtle on the beam!
55. A turtle obtrudes its head from its shell.
56. Wouldn't the Gyro-X simply turn turtle in traffic?
57. A national sea turtle nature reserve.
58. Mr. Turtle almost arrives at the finishing line.
59. After eating turtle hibernation, brain shrinkage in the shell.
60. The turtle told the frog about the East Sea.
61. Sing her "Turtle Soup, " will you, old fellow?
62. This dog is named after sea turtle juice.
63. Do you like clear turtle soup?
64. Who was your favourite 1 Ninja Turtle?
65. Soldier: Why does our ballproof garment resemble turtle shell?
66. But a hatchling loggerhead turtle would know just where to paddle—by reading the Earth's magnetic field.
67. A hawksbill sea turtle struggles to free itself from a fishing net in New Taipei City's Longdong Bay on Aug. 23.
68. The bacteria disease of soft - shelled turtle (Trionyx Sinensis) is one of the ma jor diseases in turtle culture industry in China,(Sentencedict) the disease harms the turtle from juvenile to adult or parent.
69. Fit for producing the prawn feed, eel feed, soft-shelled turtle feed with higher ripening degree and water stability, and for the stabilizing drying of high-grade poultry and livestock feeds.
70. One beneficiary of this emerging technology is the leatherback sea turtle, which marine biologists usually identify by conventional plastic tags.
71. If jump on Greenturtle , Greenturtle will be change to turtle shell.
72. However, some owners have reported that caimans get along well with turtles, as long as the turtle is too big to fit inside the caiman's jaws.
73. A baIt'shop is a virtual candy store for a turtle.
74. "Bycatch is probably the most important threat to sea turtles," says Karen Bjorndal, a sea turtle ecologist at the University of Florida, Gainesville, who was not involved in the research.
75. As the turtle swims across the oceanarium, the first porpoise swoops down from above and butts his shell with his belly.
76. Natator depressus eggs may be more tolerant of high incubation temperatures and severe moisture stress than those of most other sea turtle species.
77. On another day we met a snapping turtle in his primordial olive drab armor.
78. A hawksbill turtle swims at its hatchery centre in Padang Kemunting Beach in Malaysia's state of Malacca in this February 8, 2007 file photograph.
79. Take a strapless dress or tunic and wear it over a turtle neck for winter or over a tee shirt or thin blouse in warm weather.
80. Eventually the turtle has been butted all the way down to the floor of the tank.
81. ObjectiveTo study the preventive and therapeutic effect of compound prescription with turtle shell (CPTS) on rats with IPF (Idiopathic pulmonary interstitial fibrosis) caused by Bleomycin A5.
82. In another game, as the turtle swims across the oceanarium , the first porpoises swoops down from above and butts his shell with his belly.
83. Glory and legend aside, in 1983, with a clear plate, Dennis's most immediate task was to select his Turtle students from the thousands who responded to his want ad.
84. The expedition recorded 17 species of seabird, four species of dolphins and five marine reptiles including two species of marine turtle.
85. The Kappa is a scaled humanoid with a turtle shell on its back.
86. The turtle shell is strong enough to support the weight of a man.
87. Did you knock over a parking meter?No, this is the entire contents From my teenage mutant ninja turtle piggy bank.
88. In Chinese traditional medicine " hawksbill turtle " have very good distinct hot alexipharmic effect, its draw materials at what thing?
89. The rabbit runs so fast that Mr. Turtle soon falls behind.
90. This will help increase the humidity, which for an eastern box turtle needs to be between 60 to 70 percent.
91. The Turtle grapevine did say that Svoboda has, over the years, provided advice to major Las Vegas casino owners on how to stop cheaters.
92. A turtle in a jar is certainly caught within the reach.
93. Weighing more than 700 kilograms and reaching more than 1.7 meters in length, the leatherback turtle is the world's largest marine reptile.
94. Charles Newby, 7, one of the five boys who found the pint-sized painted turtle and took it to the bait store.
95. Important animal bone remains including antler, soft - shelled turtle and tortoise.
96. So the mere sight of a diseased person makes most of us withdraw into ourselves like a turtle within his shell.
97. Fisheries are mainly tilapia, crab, soft-shelled turtle, quality carp, white butterfish , white shark, fish, catfish, the United States to fish, Macrobrachium nipponense, eel, loach, such as mussels.
98. Refined tortoise and turtle tonic paste prepared from a - hundred - year - old pith a superfine product promoting longevity.
99. Placochelys looked remarkably similar to a sea turtle, possessing the same flippers (albeit with short toes), flat but knobbly shell and compact skull.
100. For example, after opening the dense bone of a turtle shell, the lungs will collapse due to the change in pressure.
101. A dog walks past the carcass of an endangered green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) on the beach in Puerto Cabezas, along Nicaragua's Caribbean coast.
102. Some leader checks the work to some unit, unit fete, every eat go up soft-shelled turtle.
103. The green sea turtle is threatened worldwide by overexploitation of eggs and adults.
104. There would have 5 species of turtle in Xisha Archipelago, but only green turtle and hawksbill were recorded until now, and only green turtle have breeding records.
105. We discovered that the turtle remains consisted only of parts of the carapace and plastron (the shell and underbelly).
106. A giant green turtle rests on a coral reef at a diving site near the Malaysian island of Sipadan in Celebes Sea east of Borneo November 7, 2005.
107. The history of the Mississippi River Valley is told in text and pictures through the adventures of Minn, a snapping turtle, as she travels downstream.
108. The move extends hope for survival of the critically endangered hawksbill turtle, which feeds in Cuban waters.
109. By means of microscopic examination and observation on spawning activities, the gonadal development of Chinese turtle , Trionyx sinensis, cultured in hothouse was investigated.
110. There are quite high nutrition and medicine values in Soft-shelled Turtle and it is the favorable material of health food.
111. Nutritional value: soft-shelled turtle - to eat an appropriate soft-shelled turtle is conducive to the maternal body to restore and improve the quality of breast milk.
112. Result:2 kinds of counterfeit turtle shell and 3 kinds of counterfeit tortoise plastron were found, and their morphological and DTA identification features were proposed.
113. In China, people like Zhang, who have spent time in the West, are known as hai gui a pun on sea turtle and returnee from the sea.
114. This is the actual turtle excluder device right here. How this works is this funnel shape over here is called an accelerator funnel...
115. One Young calf especially enjoyed raising a turtle to the surface with his snout and then shoving him across the tank like an aquaplane.
116. A baby Olive Ridley Turtle makes its way to the water at San Diego Beach, El Salvador.
117. Of course the snapping turtle has here nemesis too—the skunks that every year dig her eggs out of the sand.
118. Unmoved by traffic, a female snapping turtle chooses a nest site beside a road...Before this June day ends, she will have dug a hole with her hind legs and deposited golf-sized eggs.
119. When chicks are born they climb onto the mothers back to keep warm, doing so also helps to protect them against predators like the snapping turtle.
120. The results showed that, the soft-shelled turtle depended mainly on aerial respiration, aquatic oxygen consumption was only 2.68% of total oxygen consumption.
121. Another common species, the European turtle dove, has fallen 65 percent in the past 25 years.
122. All of this data enabled the researchers to use the size of mature loggerhead turtle mothers - measured at several well-studied nesting sites - to estimate their ages.
123. Soft-shelled turtle is alive, when the water temperature gradually, because it will be hot and soft-shelled turtle soup, sauce on the nature of soft-shelled turtles into the body.
124. The Pacific Leatherback turtle is the largest one in the world.
125. Sea turtle is personally experience a lot of frogs show off this Jingbian environment.
126. The marine Green turtle (Chelonia mydus) found in Myanmar and other Asian countries grows up to 400 lbs in weight and 4-4.5 feet long.
127. Photo of the Day: Best of April 2008 A baby alligator snapping turtle in a Florida swamp perches on the outsize skull of a record-breaking ancestor.
128. 'You have to be quick, ' he tells his class(), a soft-shelled turtle squirming under his palm. 'Or else it'll keep hiding. '
129. Soft - shelled turtle breed aquatics, ever opened to become rich for develop of how many person road.
130. Specific will tell, can choose freshwater shrimp, crab, soft - shelled turtle .
131. The Leviathan is a dead , rotting Asp Turtle given false life by a necromancer.
132. The golden-headed box turtle inhabit in the rivulet with the dense vegetation and the slot of the stone.
133. A freighter turned turtle off the city's main dock and bullet-strewn buildings on the foreshore are reminders that this was recently a city at war.
134. But the newfound creatures did sport fully developed plastrons—the flat part of a turtle shell that covers and protects the belly.
135. Hawaiian green sea turtle swims in just a few feet of water.
136. Ziva, a female loggerhead turtle being treated by veterinarian Terry Norton, was injured after being hit by a boat.
137. One Rhodopseudomonas CZ-2 strain was isolated from a turtle pond.
138. This is the entire contents from my teenage mutant ninja turtle piggy bank.
139. A tropical sea turtle ( Eretmochelys imbricata ) valued as a source of tortoiseshell.
140. Avoid all products and souvenirs made from animals, including all fur, ivory, shells, seahorses, teeth, rhino horn and turtle shell products.
141. Very fast, forum of Asia of rich a huge legendary turtle holds Baidu president concurrently presiding apparitor (CEO) plum Yan Hongsuo is target character surely.
142. Today, Parker continues on as hands-down the most successful Turtle.
143. "So they stay nice and fresh because people like to eat them, " his mother answers, while also pointing out bagged turtles which are used for turtle soup.
144. United States—At a Maui aquarium a Hawaiian green turtle makes a guest appearance.
145. Ha-ha turtle also intelligential.
146. Zenko was surrounded by his ships a sea turtle swimming among a pod of whales.
147. A rare golden soft - shelled turtle was found in Hubei Province.
148. Bending down, I shovel the snow off the surface and tap the ice with my mittened hand, imagining a painted turtle somewhere beneath it half-hearing the thud as it waits patiently for spring.
149. It was the turtle shell which the Mute Singer used as a beggar's cup for money.
150. Muscle nutrients and muscle content of market size of yellow pond turtle Canter were analyzed.
151. Mr Ma said he dosed his runners on turtle soup and caterpillar fungus.
152. Spermiogenesis of sperm head in soft-shelled turtle, Trionyx sinensis, was examined by transmission electron-microscopy.
153. Mario: And by the way! By the way! I did not just leap a bunch of mushrooms there were also these turtle shell things I had to jump over and that was, that was really hard!
154. Like a baby bird embarking on its first flight, a just - hatched turtle, flippers outspread and eyes wide, swims just below the ocean 's surface in the waters of French Polynesia.
155. The characteristic is that the Common Snapping Turtle body contains flesh rates height internally , flavour is delicious , grow quickly , feed consumes low mainly.
156. Hibernate a box turtle that hasn't been completely cleared of internal parasites.
157. Monney had never seen a sea turtle before Dec. 17, when he caught a glimpse of the leatherback — estimated weight 1, 700 pounds — and an olive ridley the same night.
157. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
158. The frog boasted to the turtle about the wideness and fineness of the well.
159. The paste mainly olecranon turtle and V Ling, the main raw material of soil.
160. Matilda Yoosen and Jos Gubbels, a married couple from Holland, were among a tourist group that came upon an olive ridley turtle nesting in the sand.
161. The ventral part of shell of a turtle or tortoise.
162. of dog food" or "Saw a box turtle crossing my driveway this morning?"
163. The snapping turtle I met on my lane may have been looking for higher ground.
164. Liver mushrooms , chicken , pork, toadstool, turtle, frogs egg.
165. Rainfall is fine, and will not hurt a box turtle unless flooding occurs.
166. Leather and fabric stretched over the shell of a sea turtle form this unique looking pack.
167. With the lines rolled up, the kite is immediately thrown into a Turtle(belly up, nose away)for a Lazy Susan rotation.
168. North Adenophora, Polygonatum odoratum, Ophiopogon, Asparagus, Cordyceps, Wong Ching, Ganoderma lucidum, Dendrobium, Ligustrum lucidum, lilies, such as turtle shell.
169. In other words, "turtle" and wife must be unchaste .
170. Worker begins to cut flesh under plastron of still living turtle .
171. The hawksbill turtle possesses a beautiful marbled shell, which has been exploited for thousands of years as the sole source of commercial tortoiseshell.
172. It forced jumps all of a sudden jump streams, homeopathy put a turtle thrown out.
173. A police detective came to investigate and asked the turtle if he could explain what happened.
174. The utility model relates to a soft-shelled turtle catching device.
175. That said, no one declined to join the Turtle program even though there were no real guarantees and many potential restrictions on their future activity.
176. The Green Turtle Museum - dedicated to the sea turtles and their habitat.
177. A baby Kemp's Ridley sea turtle awaits veterinary care at the Audubon Centre for the research of endangered species in New Orleans.
178. A small, slender European dove ( Streptopelia turtle ) having a white - edged tail and a soft, purring voice.
179. This is really the cradle of sea turtle reproduction for the western hemisphere.
180. The small turtle besides the shell is a bottle green, and four feet, but also has the tail is the greenishness.
181. Other monsters include Gamera, a giant turtle, and the absurd Varan the Unbelievable, a large reptile resembling a flying squirrel.
182. The turtle replied, No, I am not happy because I envy the hermit crab , he can change his shell.
183. A green turtle floats past a reef toward open waters near Palau in the Pacific Ocean.
184. soft-shelled turtle iron: the fresh soft-shelled turtles are on the seasoning with the back of the cold soup simmer.
185. With only a giant turtle called Fifi and a murderous terrier for company, Mac slowly starves.
186. Writing in the journal Entomological Science Dr Ohba describes observing a Kirkaldyia deyrolli eating a Reeve's pond turtle in a ditch next to a rice field.
187. Cars roared by on the highway as he carved the figure of a turtle into a basswood log while relating to me the meaning of the 13 plates on its back.
188. Although not among the most endangered tortoises and turtles according to the Turtle Conservation Coalition, the snapping turtle is listed as threatened.
189. A green turtle glides over a wasteland of dead coral near Kanton island in the central Pacific.
190. 'It's the thing Mock Turtle Soup is made from, ' said the Queen.
191. The distinctive experience of this Green Turtle is rarely known.
192. The new study was carried out with the help of Parcs Gabon, the Wildlife Conservation Society, the Marine Turtle Partnership for Gabon, the Trans-Atlantic Leatherback Conservation Initiative and WWF.
193. Those words mark the start of "Turtle: The Incredible Journey, " a film about the migratory cycle of loggerhead turtles.
194. Environmental Control for the Speedy Cultivation of Soft - shelled Turtle.
195. Objective : To identify the commercial Chinese medicines turtle shell and tortoise plastron.
196. A volunteer treats an endangered loggerhead sea turtle that swallowed a fishing-hook at the Greek marine turtle rescue centre in Glyfada, a seaside suburb of Athens, August 29, 1997.
197. Andrew rose and walked slowly to the front of the room, carrying his note cards and the turtle shell.
198. In another game, as the turtle swims across the oceanarium .
199. In addition to a dazzling variety of wildlife, including several marine turtle species, the archipelago's rich lagoons spawn a treasure available in few other places: black pearls.
200. The sea turtle is the largest reptile in the aquarium.
201. Hibernate a box turtle the first season you have it, as potential health problems may be latent and might not have shown as outward symptoms.
202. He had no mysticism about turtles although he had gone in turtle boats for many years.
203. A hard bony or chitinous outer covering, such as the fused dorsal plates of a turtle or the portion of the exoskeleton covering the head and thorax of a crustacean.
204. Diamondback terrapins, which were overharvested for turtle soup in the early 19th century, have been protected in New York on and off over the past decades.
205. Finally, the familiar soft-shelled turtle, turtle soup and outside of the cans of soup, so soft-shelled turtle meat in the soup has the taste, is said to taste great.
206. I long ago lost a hound, a bay horse, and a turtle dove, and am still on their trail.
207. Subject_Topical_Eng: Guangdong Antaeus Chains Enterprises Group; Allopelagic; Eel; Soft-Shelled Turtle; Crocodile; Pearl.
208. The Murinsel, German for "Mur Island, " is an upside down turtle shell in the river Mur in Graz, Austria.
209. Gradually increasing the fire hot, soft-shelled turtle watching the suffering of the pot rolling, give the chopsticks were all excited.
210. The Green turtle nesting season has run from June to October in the past but numbers returning have dropped to perilously low levels in recent years.
211. In another game, as the turtle swims across the oceanarium, the first porpoise swoops down from above and butts his shell with his belly.
212. The Hege Sea Turtle Monster is destroying animal farms by striking from underneath the ground.
213. No accounting for tastes! Sing her "Turtle Soup, " will you, old fellow ?
214. Common Snapping Turtle introduces our country as a tortoise being used for food since upper end of the century from USA, at present, distributes 15 provinces city , harbours amounts 400,000 or so.
215. Chuang tzu would rather do free in the bog turtle hideko notani opened deco, and not be bound to do the head of swagger winged steed.
216. Later I learned that was turtle soup, each bowl was worth 18 yuan and all the dishes cost 600 yuan.
217. A hawksbill turtle swims just above the seafloor with flippers spread like wings.
217. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
218. It was perfect timing for the groundbreaking ceremony for our Solar Decathlon 2011 home called TRTL ("turtle") — short for Technological Residence, Traditional Living.
219. The tiger's heavy jaws are filled with serrated teeth that can easily cut through turtle shell as the sharks thrash their bodies from side to side.
220. Ever hibernate a box turtle in an area where there is ANY chance of flooding. They can and do drown!
221. Steamed soft - shelled turtle shape - ----- integrity, nutrient - rich, intense flavor.
222. Hibernate a box turtle that has shown ANY sign of illness, weight loss, or other ailment within the past year.
223. The feed components of the Chinese soft-shelled turtle (CSST) affect those performance and give many effects to CSST.
224. Trionyx sinensis virus ( TSV ) was isolated from the lethal disease Chinese soft - shelled turtle.
225. A woman kisses a turtle during Saint Francis of Assisi festivities outside Saint Francis church in Lima October 8, 2006. World Animal Day is also celebrated on the same day.
226. Every last one of you Suns is just like that goddamned little turtle - egg of a Pekingese.
227. Zheng Banqiao, after eating, with the exception of "soft-shelled turtle stewed chicken, " the most satisfaction, again and again praised the dish taste is top grade.
228. Your use of turtle shell, yarrow divination, there is no an unlucky omen.
229. In Chinese traditional medicine " hawksbill turtle " have very good distinct hot alexipharmic effect, its draw materials at?
230. Some 43 new reptile species were discovered on New Guinea between 1998-2008: this includes 5 snakes 37 new lizard species and a soft-shelled turtle.
231. A further threat to the hawksbill turtle is global climate change.
232. One young calf especially enjoyed raising a turtle to the surface with his snout and then shoving him across the tank like an aquaplane .
233. One day four coolies came with a huge sea turtle for sale.
234. A Hawaiian green sea turtle swims in just a few feet of water.
235. After the defeat of their old arch nemesis, the Turtle have grown apart as a family.
236. On a recent walk through our development on Cape Cod with my grandniece, we found a dead turtle lying on its back. The head was a bit bloated.
237. Using its front legs the giant water bug gripped the turtle inserting its syringe-like rostrum into the prey's neck in order to feed.
238. My designed filter system for Florida Snapping Turtle tank. Simple, powerful, easy for cleaning.
239. In another game, as the turtle swims across the oceanarium, the first porpoise swoops down from above and butts his shell with his belly. This knocks the turtle down several feet.
240. The first itinerary touches the following places: Marsh Harbour Great Guana Cay Treasure Cay New Plymouth Manjack Cay Powell Cay Green Turtle Cay.
241. The deck cargo made the ship top heavy and it turned turtle.
242. "Turtle" may either refer to the order as a whole, or to particular turtles which make up a form taxon that is not monophyletic.
243. A hawksbill turtle glides just above the floor of a marine sanctuary near Saba, Netherlands Antilles.
244. A green turtle, whose back attracts scavengers eager to dine on a fine carpet of seaweed.
245. A turtle has a hard, bony shell and a small, scaly head.
246. Titled "Underwater Sadness," a photograph of a sea turtle caught in a net in the Sea of Cortez (see map) won third place in the "Environment and Conservation" category.
247. On Friday, came reports of turtle doves falling from the sky near Ravenna, Italy, and thousands of dead crabs on the coast around Thanet in Kent.
248. Other islands that deserve a visit are Great Guana and Green Turtle Cay.
249. A large wave caused our little boat to turn turtle.
250. At a Maui aquarium a Hawaiian green turtle makes a guest appearance.
251. Shakespeare early time creation ' s Crowning Work, is the long poem "Venus and Adonis", "Phoenix and the Turtle Dove" With 154 sonnet in overwhelming majorities.
252. Completed in 2004, the pedestrian bridge crosses the Sacramento River in the Turtle Bay Exploration Park.
253. The Sisters' Garden includes an apiary, butterfly meadow, and a turtle formed by a rolling hill.
254. The following year he enlisted in the army at the time of the Northwest Indian War against Miami Chief Little Turtle and served for a brief time in William Clark's Chosen Rifle Company.
255. This green turtle is getting a full-body cleaning and massage courtesy of local fish at Turtle Pinnacle near Kailua Kona, Hawaii.
256. The male and female red turtle dove had different attendance behavior.
257. Nearby, a box turtle shuffled through the fallen leaves and hissed into its shell when I sat up to take a closer look.
258. The tug nearly turned turtle twice, but I managed to keep her upright.
259. A leatherback turtle emerges from the surf in search of a nesting site on Trinidad's Matura Beach.
260. AFTER dinner all the gang turned out to hunt for turtle eggs on the bar.
261. He remembered that one day he had found a wood turtle shell in an old trap. He had picked it up and taken it back to his room.




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