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单词 substructure
释义  Related topics: Buildingsub·struc·ture /ˈsʌbˌstrʌktʃə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  1. MAINone of the structures (structure1(3)) within a society or organization that combines with others to form a whole 〔组成社会或机构的〕基础,下层结构2. TBa solid base under the ground, that supports a building above the ground 〔支持地面建筑的〕基础,下层结构,地下建筑,根基 → superstructureExamples from the Corpussubstructure• It has a pretty standard crime-fiction substructure that provides the felt on which the characters shoot their various games of pool.• The fine early baroque church has substructures remaining of Romanesque date and style.• Lineages of descent from a female ancestor are thus prime substructures composing a macaque troop.• Here is a Roman theatre built over barrel-vaulted substructures but gently resting in part against the hillside.sub·struc·ture nounChineseSyllable  a or of the structures Corpus one within society (structure1(3))




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