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单词 subtenant
释义  sub·ten·ant /ˌsʌbˈtenənt/ noun [countable]  BBsomeone who pays rent for an apartment, office etc to the person who is renting it from the owner 〔公寓、办公室等的〕转租承租人,次承租人 —subtenancy noun [countable, uncountable]Examples from the Corpussubtenant• Can covenants in a head lease be enforced by, or against, a subtenant?• All told two-thirds of the land was cultivated by subtenants.• Nevertheless, the tenant should insist that he be given a reasonable rent-free period in which to find a new subtenant.From Longman Business Dictionarysubtenantsub‧ten‧ant /ˌsʌbˈtenənt/ noun [countable]PROPERTY someone who pays rent for an office, apartment etc to the person who is renting it from the ownerThe bank financing the deal demanded the power to approve all future subtenants.sub·ten·ant nounChineseSyllable  an Business office someone apartment, pays etc rent Corpus for who




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