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单词 Pristine
1. We've just moved into our pristine new offices.
2. My gargantuan, pristine machine was good for writing papers and playing solitaire, and that was all.
3. He wasn't about to blemish that pristine record.
4. The car has been restored to pristine condition .
5. He wiped his fingers on his pristine handkerchief.
6. Now the house is in pristine condition.
7. The car is in pristine condition .
8. The ground was covered in a pristine layer of snow.
9. He passed her a pristine handkerchief and waited.
10. Encrypted discs will now prohibit pristine copies to videotape.
11. Beyond the pristine beaches are rain forests.
12. An absolute pristine typical Redesmere roach of old, complete with dab of orange under its chin.
13. He wore a charcoal-grey business suit, with a pristine white shirt and maroon silk tie.
14. It is a pristine waterway and kept that way by the many thoughtful campers that use the faculties along the way.
15. Flora blew her nose into the pristine handkerchief, scrunched it into a ball and threw it on to the linoleum floor.
16. Her white socks and sandals pristine on her little feet.
17. Washing machine for sale - only 2 months old and in pristine condition.
18. All parents damage their children. It cannot be helped. Youth, like pristine glass, absorbs the prints of its handlers. Some parents smudge, others crack, a few shatter childhoods completely into jagged little pieces, beyond repair. Mitch Albom 
19. Incongruities include not only hills surrounding the village and the pristine buildings.
20. I shall say only that when we returned for worship next day the whole building was pristine.
21. Benedict imprisoned her closer(), oblivious to her grubby hands caught against the pristine whiteness of his neckcloth.
22. But the association of menstrual blood pollutes her and she loses for ever the pristine purity of a female child.
23. The bustle of passport control and customs clearance over, father and daughter emerged into the pristine arrivals lounge.
24. The Markt was bathed in spring sunshine, and everywhere looked so clean and pristine as befitted the fine morning.
25. Buff with a stainless-steel polish from time to time to keep the cutlery pristine.
26. The photographic archive of the Crown Agents in London contains a magnificent record of these stations in their pristine condition.
27. The attraction here is the chance to hear the stuff live and to marvel at the harmonies and pristine sound.
28. Like cross-country skiing, snowshoeing allows the individual to get into the most pristine parts of the wilderness.
29. Of the original 34,500 hectares, only 500 hectares of pristine peat bog now remain.
30. The sonics are also magnificent because the music was recorded in an acoustically pristine church in County Wicklow, Ireland.
1. We've just moved into our pristine new offices.
2. My gargantuan, pristine machine was good for writing papers and playing solitaire, and that was all.
3. He wiped his fingers on his pristine handkerchief.
31. The difficultly in reaching the canyon bottom might well ensure it remains pristine.
32. The Flack team restored her to pristine condition as G-FURY, and she made her first flight at Elstree in June 1980.
33. As a card-carrying member of the Wilderness Society, I do not advocate less pristine forest.
34. Similarly, the interiors of the stately homes-Pemberley, Longbourn, Rosings-were pristine.
35. The stairs were recently carpeted and the paintwork had changed from antique brown to pristine white.
36. Three giant mining conglomerates are moving ahead in three pristine locations.
37. Sitting in a belt of farms, the community does not have pristine desert washes, said Cynthia Seelhammer, town manager.
38. They spend up to 3,[]000 hours bringing what look like rusty writeoffs back to pristine condition.
39. The tile was a pristine white and the place was spotless, with benches anchored to the floor, mirrors everywhere.
40. Boarders live in the plainest of rooms, kept in pristine condition.
41. Searching out high-quality old timber is a big factor in the opening up of pristine forests.
42. This part is pristine, untouched with vast forests, mountains and interesting people including original gypsies.
43. This may seem like bad news for the auctioneers and sellers, but for buyers many pristine aircraft sold at reasonable prices.
44. Mother Mary was pleased with her banner, it was shining and pristine.
45. Past the end of the lake a limestone grotto is reached, affording shelter but not now maintained in pristine condition.
46. The 747 was waiting on the runway, in pristine white livery, the Virgin name emblazoned on the tailfin in red.
47. This keeps the place pristine, yet allows some of the most unusual yet sensational camping / hiking trips anywhere.
48. What does a photographer look for when commissioned to shoot pristine paradise?
49. His pristine shield with the glittering cross was scarred and broken by blows of which he had no recollection.
50. I pristine father and brother, always ineloquent.
51. Carrie swallowed this story in all its pristine beauty.
52. Much of undeveloped and has miles of pristine beaches.
53. And white, true white, pristine and unblemished.
54. Your attendance at school and grades to be pristine.
55. Only relatively pristine material has the goods Landman is after, so his team uses a scanning electron microscope (below), which utilizes a beam of electrons to image surfaces, to find the best nacre.
56. Until the first body of a slaughtered young woman is found in a pristine, snowy field...
57. The fetid water of the foreground is juxtaposed with the pristine rigid form inching into the upper regions of the canvas, forcing one to consider the space in between .
58. Dr Schofield and his team used hi-tech microscopes to compare the pristine teeth of laboratory-reared pupae with the worn teeth of the wild forager ants.
59. But it is feared the influx of "eco-tourists is causing "horrendous" pollution from ship fuel and rubbish, as well as disturbing wildlife in one of the last pristine landscapes left on Earth.
60. Rooted in the pristine, sparkling waters of the South Pacific is an astonishing brown seaweed.
61. The 20-day expedition aimed to uncover relationships between cold-water coral and other bottom-dwelling creatures in a pristine yet "alien" environment, according to the researchers' blog.
62. "No temple made with hands can compare to Yosemite," according to naturalist John Muir, whose writings inspired conservationists and lawmakers to seek federal protection for its pristine beauty.
63. The Vosges is a pristine range of mountains, popular with walkers and cyclists, and crowned by ballons (rounded peaks).
64. Considered by many naturalists to be one of the most pristine swampland habitats in the United States.
65. You can swim with dolphins , gambol with newborn lambs , whale -watch at sea or go fishing for trout in pristine streams and rivers.
66. John C, with its sliced tennis balls on the ends of chair and desk legs, is shopworn but pristine.
67. Her father took her camping in the Adirondacks one summer in the 1970s, and behind the lean-to at their campsite in the middle of a seemingly pristine forest they discovered a small open-air dump.
68. My first book in America was The Wind in the Willows, by Kenneth Grahame, and I remember poring over its pristine pages in wonder.
69. To see a thing uncolored by one's own personal preferences and desires is to see it in its own pristine simplicity.
70. And environmental groups are resisting the development of a region they view as pristine wilderness.
71. You are dazzled by its outstanding coral displays, pristine white beaches, and crystal blue water.
72. Prague contains one of the world's most pristine and varied collections of architecture like Gothic, Cubist and Roman architecture.
73. The shore line is wooded, olive - green, a pristine cove.
74. What do a peckish bee-eater, shaggy bison going head-to-head in snow and pelicans dancing in a pristine lake all have in common?
75. Since the Sahara is about as life-sustaining as the moon and other planets, the forensic evidence left by the crater was pristine.
76. The vast majority of beaches are pristine and open for business.
77. That story begins with the first drab settlements of a Dutch colony in the early 17th century, perched astride a pristine, sheltered harbor at the southern tip of Manhattan island.
78. It was running perfectly and in pristine condition with 70,000 miles on the odometer.
79. Rolling high-altitude grasslands, pristine steep-sided river valleys and rocky gorges contribute to the beauty of this UNESCO World Heritage Site.
80. This sequence of events would explain why any volcanic rocks that have erupted onto the surface in the past few billion years should still be unweathered and pristine.
81. Campground has a pristine 10 acre lake and a swimming pool.
82. Newsagent: Michael, how's my fledgling paper boy doing(http://), this fine pristine morning?
83. What really hit the fan was the public outcry that the LCROSS (Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite) experiment was despoiling the pristine lunar environment.
84. The Atman shines forth in its own pristine nature, as pure consciousness.
85. The Black Hills offer unrivaled trails that wind through pristine natural areas, often affording glimpses of bison, deer, bighorn sheep, mountain lions and prairie dogs in the grasslands and forests.
86. Pristine high - rise apartment blocks stand in rows, their new windows glinting in the subtropical sun.
87. And then there are ancient Aboriginal cultures, dazzling salt pans, secretive reptiles, rough-cut canyons and pristine gorges.
88. To top it all, the boy, who had recently turned fifteen, was tall, well built, handsome, blond, green-eyed, gallant, and pristine as a tablecloth in Restaurant Pedregal.
89. One pristine kitchen from a Nancy Meyers movie like "It's Complicated" compensates for five scenes of Diane Keaton being caught half naked in a topiary.
90. At Whole Foods, the upscale organic grocer that frowns on haggling in its pristine stores, Gault scours the bacon packages in search of one whose sell-by date has come and gone.
91. Hemingway drank at The Compleat Angler between fishing trips in his vessel Pilar in search of marlin, wahoo and sailfish in the pristine waters around Bimini.
92. You can swim or walk and enjoy the unspoiled pristine nature of this island.
93. One of his propagandists said this about him: "The pristine form of the Republic was recalled as of old."
94. The Snowbird inhabits our world of dreams where freedom reigns and the pristine beauty of nature is undefiled.
95. It is wondrously clean, emitting mainly pristine steam when burned.
96. Each stream being watched will require a megabyte a second of bandwidth and a latency of less than 60ms if it is to deliver crisp, pin-sharp video and pristine sound.
97. A tiny red shrimp plies the sandy sea bottom near the pristine coral reefs of Cuba.
98. No such pristine particles from distant stars have ever been collected before.
99. The notion of a largely untouched pristine environment has become a quasi-religious idol for many.
99. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
100. On the night of March 24, 1989, the Exxon Valdez oil tanker ran aground on Bligh Reef in the pristine waters of Alaska's Prince William Sound.
101. International Battery's pristine new showplace was previously an appliance repair shop.
102. To complete my mixture, I'll also need an azerothian diamond and a pristine black diamond.
103. Olivine is a magnesium iron silicate that exists throughout the universe — in distant galaxies and local comets — as well as in earthly jewelry stores, in a pristine, gem-quality form called peridot.
104. The Pristine River has two polluting firms on its banks. Acme Industrial and Creative Chemicals each dump 100 tons of glop into the river each year.
105. This Caribbean island may be best known among tourists for its pristine beaches and classic American cars, but travelers are increasingly headed to Cuba for salsa dancing.
106. The pristine BVI has long attracted yachties and royalty to its turquoise waters, thanks to posh resorts like Rosewood Little Dix Bay, Sir Richard Branson's Necker Island, and Peter Island.
107. But the new model of trailers reveals practically the whole plot-and robs the moviegoer of that cherished quality, pristine ignorance.
108. A group of fish swims by a pristine coral reef along East Timor's East coast.
109. Imagine pristine waters, hideaway beaches[], luxury spa amenities and accommodations.
110. Conclusion Cervical diseases can be diagnosed by vaginal speculum and then give exact and pristine treatment.
111. By sheer coincidence, a trio of earth-monitoring satellites gave modelers the pristine, undistorted wave heights they needed for the Indian Ocean tsunami.
112. This should be on top of any global value derived from, for example, keeping forests pristine to sequester carbon and mitigate climate change.




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