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单词 Flora
1. Flora shuffled through a pile of magazines.
2. Flora was bumping her bags down the steps.
3. Tourism is damaging the flora and fauna of the island.
4. It had been a humiliating day for Flora and she bore the director a grudge in consequence.
5. Flora rolled over and peered up at her mother.
6. Wholemeal bread with Flora margarine or butter.
7. She watched Flora with exasperation and pity.
8. She did not find Flora any strain either.
9. Flora was puzzled by this exchange.
10. Kendall and Flora also raised sheep and cattle.
11. Flora clung to her, like a limpet.
12. I had beastly rows with Flora.
13. The already sparse flora are ground into the dust.
14. After a bottle of wine, Flora talked about her second divorce, continuing the next instalment of the afternoon serial.
15. Every now and then when Lady Flora wanted to talk scandal with her friends, Honor was allowed to go riding.
16. The flora and fauna and even the folklore of his adopted Arizona home are a big theme.
17. Given the state of Britain's flora it is not surprising that the centre will focus on the conservation of native plants.
18. Flora has been granted leave to apply for a contact order.
19. She refrained from plopping any sort of silk flora or abstract sculpture atop her well-coiffed head.
20. Push slivers of Flora margarine under the skin so that the flesh is prevented from drying out as it cooks.
21. The implications of continued losses on the flora and fauna of some of the habitats concerned is discussed.
22. Flora gave a shrill whistle and started trotting down the cliff.
23. The ubiquitous flora gushed in waves around them, soft, curling, ticklish.
24. Flora and I were walking through the palm grove, on mud paths between tiny squares of pale green barley.
25. Dinosaurs also had a larger digestive tract that seemed to have co-evolved with the changes in Earth's flora and fauna.
26. The Forestry Commission has opened a plant centre selling cuttings from its rare flora.
27. Such studies depend critically upon a knowledge of the total baseline flora in particular environments.
28. In addition to spray drift, intensive farming has a destructive effect on the surrounding fauna and flora.
29. The verderers also have powers for the preservation of the natural beauty and the flora and fauna of the forest.
30. Apart from the effects of afforestation and reforestation on flora and fauna, there are other environmental implications.
31. Its varied character, bird life and rich ground flora, including wild daffodils, make it an enchanting place.
32. Flora had to be detached from Anna physically as the bus approached her school.
33. A second significant new approach to the study of the flora became evident during this same period.
34. They closed protectively round Flora in their red, green and blue dresses.
35. Leicestershire for example, lost 89 percent of the vulnerable species in its lichen flora and 47 percent overall.
36. But to do it without damaging the flora and fauna, horse power still reigns supreme.
37. Flora blew her nose into the pristine handkerchief, scrunched it into a ball and threw it on to the linoleum floor.
38. Intensification of cold allowed the arctic flora and fauna to spread southward; amelioration encouraged repossession of the borderlands by temperate species.
39. Both the frequency of detection and the numbers of E coli in the mucosa-associated flora increased during treatment and with clinical improvement.
40. They are worried that genetic differences imported into the native flora will have profound ecological consequences.
41. A small bronze of Flora has been found near the villa.
42. Flora put her napkin on the table and left the room.
43. Each place will tend to support a particular kind of instrument, depending on geographical factors and the available flora and fauna.
44. And part of the £50,000 deal includes advertising household products like the washing powder and Flora margarine in the foyer.
45. But I am not stupid, Flora thought, as she felt her throat constrict and blood thunder in her ears.
46. Flora was lying on her bedroom floor doing her homework.
47. Parc Hotel Flora Honeymoon and silver anniversary couples receive a bottle of sparkling wine and flowers or fruit.
48. Flora roared, without knowing why, just knowing something was violently the matter.
49. Not all silvicultural practices are as extreme and the character of the ground flora will also depend on the land-use prior to afforestation.
50. After 1913, when Kendall and Flora gave up living here, nobody else lived here either.
51. Wholemeal toast with Flora margarine or butter and marmalade or honey.
52. Flora handed him her ticket, which he punched and returned with a grin.
53. In forestry, these chemicals can lead to a decline in water quality and to declines in aquatic fauna and flora.
54. Flora had never forgiven her husband for dying ten years before,[/flora.html] leaving her badly off.
55. If they had been cut off by the tide they might have been drowned, thought Flora dispassionately.
56. But between two o'clock and three-thirty, Flora took a nap.
57. Fortunately, these transient flora are more effectively removed by handwashing than the resident flora.
58. Gastric acid is the primary barrier against orally ingested enteric pathogens, and a major regulator of small bowel flora.
59. The headmistress opined that the outing would make a nice change for Flora.
60. Charles Darwin sought to document the entirety of the Earth's flora and fauna.
61. Flora watched Mrs Brown staggering upstairs with a heavy tray.
62. In the intervening days Flora walked on air, or lay awake in her dormitory rehearsing the things she would tell Felix.
63. The Limestone Link will take walkers through a rare limestone area with a wide variety of flora and fauna and limestone pavements.
64. The scene depicts a forest, with flora and fauna changing with the seasons.
65. Flora or somebody had told her where to find him.
66. There are several footpaths around the village, which during the summer months provide a rich variety of flora and fauna.
67. They were discovered by environmentalists doing a survey of the region's flora and fauna.
68. Butterwood has the richest woodland flora in Hampshire, together with a wide variety of insects, including 25 species of butterfly.
69. He now lives in London with Flora Drew, who has expertly translated his book.
70. Flora recollected Irena's consternation with satisfaction and Felicity Green's irritation with glee.
71. The result is a digitized display of flora, fauna and visual effects.
72. The plants in high altitudes were the equivalent of an arctic flora, both adapted to cold conditions.
73. New flora and fauna find homes here; the weather, even the climate, changes.
74. In the normal, healthy person the gut flora is a balanced community of different organisms.
75. He started to ask Flora, the nurse, for a relief massage.
76. Lunch Two slices of toasted wholemeal bread spread thinly with Flora margarine and topped with 2 oz. grated cheddar cheese.
77. Dodging the spray on the prom, Flora thought of her first sight of la Tarasova's London establishment.
78. All these tropical areas have their own brackish flora and fauna, but few if any are known in the trade.
79. Translated into reality, it means a self-contained sewage treatment garden plant and a haven for Britain's natural flora.
80. Potato crisps or sticks and one slice of wholemeal bread with Flora margarine or butter.
81. I found it hard to believe that Flora could suffer like other people from minor humiliations, personal relationships.
82. All around are snow-capped mountains which provide the walker or nature-lover with magnificent opportunities to savour the Alpine flora.
83. Alastair and Flora came quite often and the four of them enjoyed the luxury of being totally at ease.
84. I was persuaded long ago to use Flora instead of butter.
85. So Flora put on her green wellies and Jane her black ones, and they marched out over the hills.
86. In the ocean, the escaped organisms would be less likely to disrupt the native flora and fauna.
87. The extent of the destruction of flora and fauna was uncovered by comparing aerial photographs of the region from 1942 and 1984.
88. Cryptogamic flora of the Yangtze Delta and adjacent regions.
89. Honestly, Flora, this is getting ridiculous.
90. Endemism in the ligneous flora of eastern Asia.
91. Wild fauna and flora are important integrants of ecosystem.
92. It's only reasonable , as Flora Manhood saw it.
93. He had asked Flora for the Croydens'file.
94. All plants [ flora ] need water and light.
95. Flora Manhood had to shift her dead arm.
96. Antibiotics produce a selective change in flora.
97. New records of oleaceous flora from China.
98. The subtropical island has a remarkably rich native flora.
99. Podocarpus neriifolius is an ancient subtropical relict flora species.
100. Flora Manhood squealed , her eye on the Torte.
101. Flora Manhood had never taken part in a mystery.
102. Zygophyllum xanthaxylum (Bunge) Maxim. is an important component of desert flora with important ecological value.
103. Lactoferrin promotes intestinal health by scavenging iron and balancing healthy flora in the GI tract.
104. This paper supplements 7 species of Papaveraceae, which have not been recorded in Flora of Henan. Besides the scientific names of some taxons are revised here.
105. Cabell had all but isolated himself, disappearing for long walks from which he would return with samples of native rock or flora.
106. Allan : Flora , what Christmas gift you expected to get?
107. The flora belongs to the Yunnan Plateau Region of Sino-Himalayan Subkingdom , East Asiatic Kingdom in floristic regionalization.
108. Its floristic characteristics included more monotypic genera, obvious advantage phenomenon, less particular plants and complex and diversified geographical composition of plant flora.
109. The power which makes organic matter transform into biogenic gas is the combined action of methanogenic bacteria and correlated microbial flora.
110. Methods: Mice were given antibiotic to produce the model of the imbalance of intestinal flora.
111. The publication of the Asteraceae, very usefully revised, will be the next major milestone of the Flora, and it should take place before the end of this year.
112. The dynamic quantitative analysis made in alteration in the intestinal flora in 20 of 39 infants.
113. Objective To observe the effect of filtrate of normal human fresh dejecta on intestinal flora alteration.
114. The floristic features and geographical distribution of the Alismataceae flora in Hubei.
115. S. university herbaria and twelfth across the nation. The site provides of the center's introduction , history, staff, publications, Flora of Texas Database and Mexican Vascular Plant Database etc.
116. A flora is a book or other work describing the flora of a given area.
117. Species diversity, flora diversity, community diversity and ecological diversity of myxomycetes from the Changbai mountains were studied systematically in this paper.
118. The components and ecological characteristics of pteridophyte were depicted and the characteristics of flora were analyzed as well.
119. Wu is the flora of North China - semi - arid grassland vegetation forest flora Cong.
120. While cheatgrass can tolerate such frequent burns the native flora cannot.
121. Exotics are most useful in regions in which the native flora is deficient.
122. Two nurses evacuated the sick and wounded flora a combat area.
123. China has the richest flora of gymnosperm in the world, which is crucial for understanding the change of global distribution and phylogeny of gymnosperm.
124. It's not that smoke - filled rooms are back; smokers huddle in Coventry these days ( Flora Lewis ).
125. It is home to many rare and endangered species of flora and fauna, among them the giant otter and the giant anteater.
126. The plant flora reflects the distinctive characteristics of the temperate zone and little tropical ones.
127. His mother, Flora Call Disney, was of German American descent.
128. Judging from the stratigraphical sequence and the characteristics of this flora, the geological age of the said coal series is late Pliocene.
129. Methods: Using lincomycin hydrochloride gastrointestinal tract to make mouse flora imbalance model.
130. The river's flora can be divided into 15 distribution types and 14 subtypes. Among them, Pantropic, North temperate, Old world temperate and E. asia are important types.
131. Intestinal flora including Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli, Enterobacteriaceae and Clostridium perfringens in the feces and bacterial translocation in mesenteric lymph nodes and spleens were detected.
132. Flora:Well, Mr. Baxter, we generally lend 80% of the bank's appraised value on 30-, 35-or 40-year mortgages if the house is less than 10 years old .
133. The typical families of flora are Fagaceae, Hamamelidaceae, Lauraceae, and Theaceae, etc. There are many geological distribution patterns in this flora.
134. Methods: Using lincomycin hydrochloride perfuse into gastrointestinal tract to make mouse flora imbalance model.
135. Flora: Do you consider yourself a geek or a computer nerd?
136. Legendary conservationist Richard Leakey saw the Internet as a way to connect individuals concerned about the planets threatened flora and fauna with those working on the frontlines to save it.
137. Results 1 or 2 days after the treatment the intestinal flora alteration disappeared.
138. Flora: Thank you. Get going and attend to your guests.
139. The flora of the Ziwuling belongs to a Subregion in the North China Region in the Japan-China Forest plant Subkingdom in the Holarctic Kingdom in Chinese Flora.
140. Objective To study main nosogenic flora of children pneumonia and data analysis of medicine hypersensitive test.
141. The flora of the plants of Ranunculus genus in Nei Mongol is closely related to that of Northeast in our country and Mongolia.
142. Mosaic tridimensional embossed pattern, 4-color oxidated technical large flora pattern.
143. Objective : To compare the antibacterial effects of Huangqin Tang with its metabolites produced by intestinal flora.
144. These primary barriers to fungal infection include intact skin, naturally occurring long-chain unsaturated fatty acids,[ ] and competition with normal bacterial flora.
145. Objective To provide reference for prevention and treating periodontitis by analysing the subgingival flora of chronic periodontitis.
146. Produced with very advanced technologies, rich in anthocyanidin, enzyme, polyose, amino acid, cellulose, vitamin and trace element. Flora 12 Natural Pollen Capsules improve internal body functions.
147. The U.S. is making appropriately friendly noises to the new Socialist Government ( Flora Lewis ).
148. A vacant lot or a bombsite can, to the amateur naturalist, produce an extraordinary variety of flora and fauna.
149. Now, there are many Flora and local Flora and records of materia medica embodying it, and its function is similar with motherwort.
150. Flora of clay desert is similar to that of detritus desert.
151. Result The flora number in air before and after ultraviolet disinfection had statistical significance, while the flora number in the surface of air-condition's filter had no statistical significance.
152. Methods We test and analyzed 334 main nosogenic flora of pneumonia patients sputum culture between May 2001 to June 2003 in our hospital.
153. The geographical distribution and habitats of Potamogeton flora in Shaanxi.
154. Ulmaceae, Betulaceae and Leguminosae are the predominant families of the leaf flora both in species diversity and specimen quantity.
155. Al and Virginia Baxter are talking to their banker, Tony Flora , about a housing loan.
156. The results indicated that the discreteness of datasets of plant diversity and flora differentiation increased from families to genera and species.
157. An analysis of the floristic elements and their foliar physiognomy shows that most members of the flora are deciduous broad-leaved trees or shrubs with a few evergreen shrubs.
158. Observations were made on alteration of intestinal flora, feces condition and direct smear result of caecal content in each group.
159. Poorness, unique and ancientness are intrinsic attributes of Gobi desert flora in the Centre Asia.
160. The complex flora has been used for treating oil refinery wastewater. And the flora can produce Rhamnose lipids bio-surfactant to reduce surface tension of wastewater.
161. Flora, a female Komodo dragon, reproduced asexually at Chester Zoo in Britain in December 2006.
162. Iron is the highest in leaves of pinus densi flora. Zinc is the highest in bark of quercus mongolica Fisch.
163. Results These patients had been used a lot of drugs, in which lead to normal bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract disappear, bacteria occur transversion , immunity low and diarrhea occur .
164. There is a classical reference in the pose of the figure under the shower; she comes from Poussin 's Triumph of Flora in the Louvre.
165. Objective:To provide reference for prevention and treating periodontitis by comparing the subgingival flora of type-2 DM patients of chronic periodontitis with non-DM periodontitis.
166. Objective:Based on the microecological principle, lactic acid bacteria were isolated from the autochthonous flora in gastrointestinal tract of healthy flounders.
167. This National Park is an area with unique fauna and flora.
168. The tropical and sub- tropical taxa are predominant, taking up 75% of seed plant flora.
169. Analysis of genera flora indicates the temperate component (50.0%) is slightly more than tropics component (45.5%), and the Pantropic component is the most.
170. After floristic analysis, this paper agree that Yangmingshan flora belongs to East - China Province , Holarctic Kingdom.
171. Flora Manhood resisted the temptation to contemplate her own body.
172. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the IBF of the patients with chronic digestive diseases and its relationship with the intestinal bacterial flora.
173. Chang thinks of this signal detection as a kind of "bacteriostat" mechanism: our cells are monitoring CSF as a way of detecting and adapting to important changes in the gut flora.
174. This paper studied the growth of the acidolysis and enzymolysis products with different molecular weight of fenugreek neutral polysaccharide on the intestinal flora.
175. In this paper, coefficient of similarity analysis was used to study flora similarity of mountain bryophyte in Xinjiang.
176. The results of flora diversity study showed that the flora composition of the myxomycetes from Changbai Mountains was very rich.
177. Glaciers are receding worldwide, sea levels are rising, flora and fauna are adapting by shifting their ranges poleward.
178. One day Flora Manhood felt her embryonic inspiration ready to convert itself into a positive event.
179. The spermatophyte flora consists of 1243 species in 664 genera and 161 families.
180. Contact lens, HIV positive, and immunosuppressive patients have similar bacterial flora to that of normal controls.
181. The results indicated that allelopathic weed Solidago canadensis L. had a significant influence on the microbial flora.
182. Study on the geographical distribution and floristic geography of Fagaceae flora in Yunnan Province.
183. Limnology The scientific study of freshwater and its flora and fauna.
184. All of this unfolds into a panorama of beautifully balanced fauna and flora.
185. Extinction and colonization account for the depauperate flora and fauna of islands when compared to the adjacent mainland.
186. A systematical study on the woody plant flora in the Daba Mountains was pursued in this paper by means of an investigation on plant taxa.
187. On distributional features of the genus Aconitum in Sino-Himalayan flora.
188. On the basis of the study on the flora characteristic of the late Late Carboniferous and early Early Permian in the Helan Mountains, the palaeoecology study on this flora has been analyzed.
189. Objective To observe the microecological regulative effect of Shenlinbaizhu Powder on enteric bacteria flora in the mouse model with spleen-insufficiency syndrome.
190. The 21 newly recorded plants of flora of Saihanba in Hebei Chinar were reported.
191. There are about 700 interspecific hybrids among the British vascular plant flora of about 2500 native and alien sexual species .
192. Brilliant day for a hike on the Arctic tundra, surprisingly alive with flora, as well as reindeer and arctic fox.
193. Results JG could regulate the intestinal flora in the mice with experimental diarrhea of splenic deficiency type and markedly reduce the injury of epithelial microvilli of the small intestine.
194. This flora is most similar to that of tropical area, especially Indo-China. The genera and species affinity rate between the flora and that of Indo-China are 97% and 65.39% respectively.
195. The invention relates to a method for acclimating and separating electricigens by electrochemistry and high efficient electrogenesis flora obtained in the method.
196. Based on date from plots collected in 2005, the flora, structure, species richness index, species diversity index and community evenness of Cork oak Forest in Mount Miaofeng, Beijing were studied.
197. Based on the analytic study of distribution patterns of genera, it is concluded that the flora of the Mount Qomolangma Nature Conservation is mainly temperate in nature.
198. Flora, one of the most loved Gucci icons, was born as a special commission for Princess Grace of Monaco in 1966.
199. But, unfamiliar with California flora, Ms. Louden says she left it to Yahoo's landscaper to pick a grass suited for Sunnyvale.
200. A few relic species or their descendants might be traced to their origin of the Tethys, mainly the Gondwanaland, that are very important data for explaining the origin of flora in the studied arca .
201. No tablet has yet proved the existence of the Tower of Babel or the Hanging Gardens, although Mr Finkel has a complete inventory of Babylonian flora.
202. The study on classification and distribution of genus spiraea in Hebei province was carried out when the author compiled "Spiraea" in " Flora sh-rud Hebei" .
203. This study indicated that defensins could reduce the density of the subgingival flora and change their ratio towards the periodontal healthy flora level.
204. Optionally, if the sugar content is kept low,[ ] the products have astringent and intestinal flora re-establishment properties.
205. Camellia japonica L. distributed on offshore islands in Qingdao is a typical component of subtropical flora, often is called Naidong because of its strong cold endurance.
206. Study on Chinese herbal medicine on the main AA broiler intestinal flora structure.
207. Owing to the complexity and diversity of forest ecosystem, it needs long term cooperation of network research in different climatic zone, flora and fauna in China.
208. Analysis of the endemic species from China demonstrated that the flora is most closely related to those of Hengduan Mountains and S. Kansu.
209. FLYING FLORA: Nuns threw flowers during a Holy Week procession in Cordoba, Spain, Sunday.
210. Aspirated material from the oral - pharyngeal region contains bacterial flora.
211. Flora and fauna differ markedly between Kalimantan, Bali, and western islands on the one hand and Sulawesi, Lombok, and islands further to the east on the other hand.
212. The otherworldly Dragon's Blood Trees and other 700 rare species of flora and fauna have drawn people to Socotra, an island in the Indian Ocean.
213. Floristic attributes and biogeographical affinities of the flora were studied by analyzing its floristic composition and geographical elements.
214. A peacock, perhaps competing with the surrounding flora, struts in full regalia amid the roses and manicured hedges of an English garden.
215. The biogeographical significance of Gongga Mountain and the properties of the flora endemism at Mt. Gongga and Hengduan Mountain Range are discussed.
216. Located in the belt between the south subtropical zone and the north temperate zone of our country, Shennongjia is a meeting area of various flora, among which rich fern resources and species exist.
217. Mainly distributed in subtropical and temperate East Asia, the flora of Alismataceae in southwestern Hubei has a very close relationship With the same flora in Jiangxi, Jiangsu and Japan.
218. Based on the analytic study of distribution patterns of genera and families, it is concluded that the flora of the Mufu Range might be mainly temperate in nature.
219. Some explanations of the volumes 65(2) and 66 of Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (Labiatae).
220. Trial 2 was conducted to study the effects of macleaya alkaloids on the intestinal morphological structure and gut flora in chickens.
221. The crash had spilled a noxious defoliant into the planet's ecology, ravaging the native flora.
222. This isolated region, a spring-fed wetland in the middle of the Chihuahuan Desert, has given rise to some of the most uniquely adapted flora and fauna on Earth.
223. On his desk was a printed form, which Flora had left.
224. Magnolia grand flora and Magnolia leilira grow better than that(Magnolia denudate Desr) in somber day.
225. Based on four field investigations in July-September from 2004 to 2007 and reference data, the characteristics of wetland flora in whooper swan nature reserve in Rongcheng of Shandong were analyzed.
226. Sigurd Islandsmoen s REQUIEM for soloists choir and orchestra is a unique flower in the Norwegian music flora.
227. After each burn, it planted longleaf pines and native wire grass, flora that dominated the area before European settlers arrived centuries ago.
228. In addition, the Angara flora represents a temperate climatic condition.
229. There they compile precious documents on the manners, government, religion, fauna and flora of the country.
230. According to the flora of China and others available literatures on energy plants in China, the geographical distribution on map of Pistacia chinensis Bunge was required.
231. Conclusion The normal flora in intestinal is very important to fat metabolism and drugs therapy.
232. During the reexamination of the Pertusaria specimens preserved in HMAS-L and NNU, 2 species new to China in this genus are added to the Chinese lichen flora in present paper.
233. Mohair flora , smart is also used in floor rugs and carpets and things like dorheredoll hair.
234. On the basis of mega and microfossil records, the flora of Yunnan Province has been studied in order to reveal the Tertiary floral evolution and climatic change.
235. She spent five weeks explaining how the flora of Pandora couldglowwith bioluminescence and have magnetic properties.
236. Job responsibility: Sunshine looks after bank bookkeeping and fixed assets account management; Flora is in charge of cost and expense report, cash bookkeeping.
237. We considered that the lactulose feedings were useful for growing well bifidobacteria, suppression of harmful bacteria, regulated micro flora, for maintained micro-ecological equilibrium in gut.
238. Enterococcus was the natural flora comes from enteron of silkworm.
239. They found evidence of inflammation, which disrupts tissue function, promotes cell death, and upsets the normal balance of gut flora.
240. A very toxic gas escaped and sported flora and fauna.
241. The Wuyun flora has more common elements with the Kivdin Flora (Paleocene) of Russia than with other floras of the Late Cretaceous to Eocene in East Asia and North America.
242. If you wish to become a non-profit regardless, get a copy of Flora MacLeod's Forming and Managing a Non-profit Organization in Canada, published by Self-Council Press.
243. Nearly 120 genera in 60 families of plants have disjunct populations in eastern Asia and temperate North America, relicts of the once widespread flora.
244. Objective: Study regulation of Chinese drugs Si Junzi Tang to alteration of intestinal flora mouse.
245. The discovery of U. elongata showed that Ulmus species extended from Asia,[http://] significantly prompting further research into North America and East Asia flora.
246. The results support Ching Renchang's view that the pteridophyte floristics in Mt. Dabie of Henan Province should be classified into Central and East Chinese fern flora.
247. In Mesozoic, Guangdong flora had a big change, the gymnosperm was prosperous, but it was evolved from the late Paleozoic Cathaysian flora as a whole.
248. Guangdong flora became more complex and multiplex from the beginning of Tertiary. The angiosperm developed in mass and dominated instead of gymnosperm.
249. Flora restored the heavy swivel chair to its upright position.
250. The classification, composition and characteristics of pteridophyte flora in Zhongpo National Forest Park have been researched.




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