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单词 superabundance
释义  su·per·a·bun·dance /ˌsuːpərəˈbʌndəns/ noun [singular] formal  LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNTmore than enough of something 过多,过剩superabundance of a superabundance of cars in our streets 我们街道上过多的车辆 —superabundant adjectiveExamples from the Corpussuperabundance• Once, there had been a superabundance of leaves and spores close to the ground.• Rebirthing, we were told, offered a superabundance of all good things with no sacrifice whatsoever.• For Britain, the result was a superabundance of inexpensive labour.• The noise of engines never varied and there was a huge superabundance of utterly empty sky to look at.• Justice should be done but not in superabundance, he added.• But it is certain that until recently a powerful stimulus was the superabundance of·per·a·bun·dance nounChineseSyllable  something of enough Corpus than more




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