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单词 Cytoplasm
1. But the division of cytoplasm is extremely unequal.
2. Usually this sucked-out cytoplasm will contain the egg nucleus.
3. While other ions abound in cytoplasm in their millimoles, liberal estimates of free Ca concentrations run around 0.1 micromolar, maximum.
4. The actin filaments extend into the cytoplasm from this point and form long filaments orientated concentrically around the platelet granules.
5. But if licensing factors are present in the cytoplasm, why doesn't DNA replicate all the time?
6. Egg cytoplasm could redefine the fate of blastocyst nuclei that were transferred into them.
7. As the red blood cell has little cytoplasm, the effect is that both nuclei become surrounded by HeLa cytoplasm.
8. At the eight-celled stage the yellow cytoplasm is confined to a pair of adjacent cells.
9. In mammals, the cytoplasm controls only a few divisions, and then the genes of the new embryo take over.
10. But the division of the cytoplasm does not need to be quite so precise.
10. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
11. The cytoplasm induces the first cell divisions in the embryo, and determines what course the daughter cells will follow.
12. Embedded within the cytoplasm is the cell nucleus surrounded by its own special membrane.
13. There is a special kind of cytoplasm, called the pole plasm, already present at one end of the fertilized egg.
14. The oocyte chromosomes lie within the cytoplasm roughly beneath this first polar body.
15. Numerous microtubules extended from the blepharoplast into cytoplasm.
16. The cytoplasm in pheochromocytomas is usually eosinophilic.
17. There are less dense granules in thrombocyte cytoplasm.
18. Chromatophilic substance is found within the cytoplasm of dendrites.
19. For a brief interval, the two pronuclei sit side by side in the cytoplasm.
20. We might, for example, transfer a body cell from a ewe into oocyte cytoplasm from the same ewe.
21. Reduced glutathione is known as a major low molecular weight scavenger of free radicals in cytoplasm.
22. The question is what will happen to the red blood cell nucleus if it is placed in cancer cell cytoplasm?
23. In common with other modern cloning scientists we do not first remove the nucleus from its own cytoplasm before transferring it.
24. A vacuole is surrounded by a thin layer of cytoplasm which acts as a semi-permeable membrane.
25. It was clear that, in the early stages of embryo development, the cytoplasm is in the driving seat.
26. Diagnosis Within the internal structure of the cell, in the cytoplasm, the energetic interactions are weak and electrostatic effects predominate.
27. The number of cell divisions in the early embryo that are controlled by the cytoplasm varies from species to species.
28. When the membrane breaks down, licensing factors from the cytoplasm gain access to the chromosomes.
29. The nuclear membrane has broken down and the condensed chromosomes lie bunched together in the cytoplasm.
30. This is a visible example of the dialogue between nucleus and cytoplasm; and in this instance the cytoplasm takes the lead.
31. Complete disintegration of cytoplasm at stage of vacuolated microspore.
32. Under electron microscopy, granular siderosomes are present within cytoplasm.
33. Basophilic stippling can be seen in the cytoplasm.
34. Enucleate cytoplasm can still synthesize protein.
35. The cytoplasm filled with red glycogen particles was observed using PAS (periodic acid Schiff) staining.
36. The development of the A 3 cytoplasm in forage sorghum breeding.
37. Fragmentation of endothelial cell membrane, vacuolization of cytoplasm and hazy mitochondrial structures were seen under electron microscope.
38. A temporary fingerlike projection or lobe on the body of an ameboid cell. It is formed by a flowing action of the cytoplasm and functions in locomotion and feeding.
39. Cytoplasm and the extracellular fluid that surrounds cells contain significant amounts of dissolved electrolytes.
40. In addition, it was demonstrated that PGAM2 locates both in cytoplasm and nuclei, and takes part in the glycometabolism process of cytoplasm and nuclei.
40. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
41. A multinucleate mass of cytoplasm surrounded by a cell membrane.
42. Cytoplasmic membrane, or cell membrane, plasma membrane, is a soft, fragile and flexible semi-permeable membrane, which underlines cell wall and surrounds cytoplasm.
43. The SDCT2 with C-terminal deletion was almost entirely distributed at the basolateral membrane, nearly not expressed at the apical membrane, and seldom expressed in the cytoplasm.
44. Antigen of HCV distributed in the cytomembrane, cytoplasm and nucleus.
45. The lamina propria contains some fibroblasts. There area lot of rough endoplasmic reticula and mitochondria in the cytoplasm of fibroblast.
46. CLIP - 170 was located in the cytoplasm of airway epithelia and co - located with ? ? - tubulin.
47. Cyclosis ( cytoplasmic streaming) The streaming of cytoplasm in a circular motion around the cell observed in some plants, particularly young sieve tube elements.
48. The central vacuole began to disappear, and cytoplasm with abundant organelle accumulated starch in some of microspores having embryogenic ability on transfer to culture.
49. In all likelihood, however, ozone has the capacity to diffuse through the fungal wall into the organismic cytoplasm, thus disrupting cellular organelles.
50. Objective This paper is to investigate the pathologic features of the renal oncocytoma and make differential diagnosis with other renal epithelial tumors holding eosinophilic cytoplasm.
51. From the observation of maize root cap cells, it was found that cytoplasm PD changed obviously.
52. Multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma. Tumor cells line delicate fibroascular trabeculae . The tumor cell is of clear cytoplasm.
53. The results showed that the sources of cytoplasm of sugarcane varieties bred in Sichuan were 2 of Saccharum officinarum including B.
54. The sea water is said to be hypertonic to the cytoplasm.
55. Some gold particles were found to locate on the pellicular complex of the plasmodium surface or in the cytoplasm of the infected erythrocytes.
56. The NLB of the distinct boundary line was solitary in the cytoplasm.
57. The mechanism of this albescent phenomenon was discussed, and regarded that the mutation of temperature sensitive mutant is probably mutually controlled by the nuclear gene and nuclear cytoplasm.
58. Recently, many peptides have been demonstrated to be able to translocate across the plasma membrane of eukaryotic cells into cytoplasm or even nucleus by a non-classical endocytosis pathway.
59. Lymphocyte is round, there are mitochondrion, rough endoplasmic reticulum and azurophil granule in their cytoplasm.
60. The nucleus and cytoplasm of trophozoite was amaranth and blue, respectively.
61. The P cells and T cells inside the sinoatrial node, atrial muscle cells and absorptance (A) value of cytoplasm in collagen fibers were detected with image analyzer.
62. The infected cells in young Vicia sativa root nodules possess a small amount of cytoplasm, their central parts are some larger vacuoles.
63. Researchers Maria Gregori and Ignacio Llatser encoded the cytoplasm of non-pathogenic strain of E. coli with a short DNA sequence.
64. The cells of the CMZ were positive for PAS and contained the glanulae stained by aldehyde - fuchsin in their cytoplasm.
65. Results HB-EGF expression was localized in the cytoplasm of cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast, but no expression was present in those with spontaneous abortion.
66. Nucleophosmin is a protein that shuttles between the nucleus, nucleoplasm and cytoplasm.
67. There are numerous amoeboid nuclei suspended in the organelle - rich cytoplasm.
68. The level of F-actin expression in the cytoplasm of outer layer is apparently higher than that of inner one, and this difference shows statistical significance.
69. And in the proximal area of the optic lobe, some neurons, which have a large nucleus and indented folded plasmalemma, are observed, and whose cytoplasm contains a small number of mitochondria.
70. This compartment contains citric acid at a concentration up to 24 times higher than the cytoplasm./cytoplasm.html
71. Cytokinesis The division of the cytoplasm after nuclear division ( mitosis or meiosis ).
72. There are rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrion, lysosome and other kinds of organelles in the cytoplasm of monocyte.
73. No CD31 immunoreactivity was found in cytoplasm of melanocytes in the dermis. The pathologic features of leptomeninges showed the origin of melanin was melanocytes.
74. Endoplasm The inner layer of cytoplasm in plant cells, which contains the main organelles. Compare ectoplasm.
75. Shrink of cytoplasm at stage of central nucleus microspore .21.
76. The development of the sieve element (SE) of meta-phloem is the same as the company cell (CC) in pedicel central vascular bundles of rice. First, the vacuolation of cytoplasm increases in SE and CC.
77. They found the surface layer of the cell discontinuous and distinguishable from the cytoplasm.
78. The results showed that Aegilops squarrosa L. cytoplasm had fine effects on wheat flowering habits and characteristics.
79. As for the cytoplasm, there were the dilation of the ERs, turgidity of the mitochondrion, the disarrangement, diminution and vacuolization.
80. Results There were obvious changes within the cytoplasm of the cell morphology and organelles of hippocamp...
81. Routine paraffine sections were made for PTAH staining and data of cell area, nuclear area, ratio of nucleus to cytoplasm, nuclear ellipticity were measured by image computer analyzer.
82. After manifestative stage of the disease RHDV gradually diffused from nucleus into cytoplasm and reached a maximum in cytoplasm at agonal stage.
83. Expression of haptoglobin in the cytoplasm of Langerhans cells is observed only in the lower-middle epidermis, hair follicles, and the ducts of sebaceous gland.
84. Mitochondria are oblong, thread - like structures dispersed throughout the cell's cytoplasm.
85. Many nuclei have become pyknotic (shrunken and dark) and have then undergone karorrhexis (fragmentation) and karyolysis (dissolution). The cytoplasm and cell borders are not recognizable.
86. Results VEGFR-3 was expressed in both lymphatic vessel endothelial and vessel endothelial cytoplasm, but LYVE-1 only in lymphatic vessel endothelial cytoplasm.
87. The tapetum begins to vary at the stage of tetrad with the cytoplasm anther cell.
88. The seminoma cells are large with vesicular nuclei, and pale watery cytoplasm.
89. The positive cells displayed brownish yellow granules on the surface, cytoplasm and intercalated disc.
90. Spindle The spindle-shaped structure formed in the cytoplasm during MITOSIS and MEIOSIS that is responsible for moving the chromatids and chromosomes to opposite poles of the cell.
91. The nucleus and cytoplasm of the trophozoite was amaranth and blue respectively.
92. Vacuolation of cytoplasm at stage of central nucleus microspore .20.
93. Results In blank group, the hippocampal structure was clearly viewed, dense neurons with plenty cytoplasm and deep-dyed big nucleolus were observed.
94. There are close correlations among leaf and stolon moisture content and their cytoplasm electrolyte leakage rate, and the soil moisture content.
95. Platelet is the smallest of blood cells, being only fragments of megakaryocyte cytoplasm, yet they have a critical role in normal haemostasis and are important contributors to thrombotic disorders.
96. The results showed that the RLO with an integrated cell membrane and a nucleoid of low electronic density appeared in the cytoplasm .
97. The histological structure was observated under the optical microscope. Results In experiment group, the cytoplasm of proximal convoluted tubule showed hydropic degeneration.
98. There was sure nucleo-cytoplasmic heterosis between Ae. squarrosa L. cytoplasm and wheat cell nucleus.
99. Using WCR lines with CMS cytoplasm as female parent to develop new restorer lines by backcrossing.
100. In maturing oocytes, CGs began to arrange themselves beneath the oolemma,[http:///cytoplasm.html] and mitochondria dispersed toward the central region of cytoplasm.
101. Guided by the principal mentioned above, many high yield lines and hybrid crosses of foxtail millet with herbicide resistant cytoplasm were obtained.
102. The cytoplasm is pink and filled with neurosecretory granules, which are evident on electron microscopical examination.
103. Objective:To study the effect of reconstructed embryos by cytoplasm injection and electrical fusion in rat-mouse inter-species somatic cell nuclear transplantation.
104. At high magnification, the large Paget's cells of Paget's disease of breast have abundant clear cytoplasm and appear in the epidermis either singly or in clusters.
105. Results The absorbed recombinant HO-1 was mainly located in the cytoplasm and cytomembrane of ileal tissue.
106. The tumor cells have abundant eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and small compact round nuclei.
107. Classic acinar growth pattern and clear cytoplasm . ps : conentional here means classic.
108. Methods Radio-immunity and ELISA were used to dynamically detect the activity of protein tyrosine kinase and phosphatase in the cytoplasm of H22 cells treated by PDT.
109. Cytoskeletal intermediate filaments appear to impart tensile strength to the cell cytoplasm.
110. The tapetum of P. hortorum belongs to periplasmodial tapetum. The invasion into the locule occurs when microspore form large vacuole in its cytoplasm.
111. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated positive stem cells marker alpha fetoprotein (AFP) in cytoplasm of HOCs.
112. Methods Amouts, cytoplasm, granule and degeneration of megakaryocyte in 58 subjects with ITP were quantitatively analysed.
113. A polymer of adenylic acid attached to messenger RNA that stabilizes the molecule before transport from the nucleus into the cytoplasm.
114. Numerous ribosomes, plastids and mitochondria were found in the cytoplasm of sporogenous cells.
115. Small electron-dense inclusions occur within the peripheral cytoplasm or between the plasmalemma and the walls in the adjacent cells.
116. Denatured and necrotic digestive cells and vacuolation of cytoplasm could be found when exposed to high concentration of dimethoate and triazophos.
117. The results showed that SER, many lipid droplets, mitochondrias with the tubular cristae were found in the cytoplasm of Leydig cell.
118. The major polygon epithelioid cells and rhabdomyoid cells with cytoplasm crimson staining were the main component and hypopigment in 12 cases from pathomorphism.
119. The nucleus in shrinking cytoplasm of microspore mother cell enters into diakinesis stage .16.
120. Zygotes in the prophase of mitosis and two-celled proembryo became active again in metabolism, for a prominent nucleolus, high density of ribosomes and increased number of polysomes in the cytoplasm.
121. Light green A stain sued in light microscopy to show up cytoplasm and cellulose. It is commonly used as a counterstain with safranin to highlight cytoplasm. See staining.
122. Their rough endoplasmic reticula were few with 3-5 or even more round or pigment granules in cytoplasm.
123. Prokaryote (prokaryote) An organism whose genetic material (DNA) is not enclosed by membranes to form a nucleus but lies free in the cytoplasm.
124. Stained with PAS, red bodies were observed in the cytoplasm of macro- phages and multinuclear giant ells.
125. The genetic effects of Aegilops squarrosa L. cytoplasm were studied by transferring Aegilops squarrosa L. cytoplasm into wheat.
126. Gliacyte was more sensitive than neuron. A small number of enveloped virions were observed in nucleus and cytoplasm of gliacyte and neuron.
127. Cytosol The soluble fraction of cytoplasm remaining after all particles have been removed by centrifugation.
128. During the infection of pathogen, a series of pathological changes occurred in host tissues and cells, such as plasmolysis, disruption of cytoplasm, decomposed of organoids and necrosis of cells.
129. The microspore mother cells in plants exposed to low temperature develop numerous vacuoles and thus show thin cytoplasm. Plasmolysis and accumulation of lipid easily occur in these cells.
130. The stability of meiosis seed-set rate and plumpness of kernels might be changed when the cytoplasm of a triticale was changed.
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131. The two polar nuclei move from antipodal end to micropylar end before sperm releasing in a gap between egg cell and central cell and subsequently taking off cytoplasm one after another.
132. The cytoplasm gradually reduced during the callus formation and the intercellular space increased gradually, the intercellular space was schizogenous intercellular space.
133. If viral replication required that the whole virus enter the cell, both P32 and S35 tracers would be located in the bacterial cytoplasm.
134. Then, double karyotheca disappeared, and the organelles disintegrated. Multivesicular bodies appeared in fiber cytoplasm.
135. E 20 - GPD was located in cytoplasm by analyzing for subcellular localization.
136. Immature vitelline cells have relatively little cytoplasm, many free ribosomes.
137. While histopathological changes indicated that hyperaemia in hepar, hepatic cord in hepar arranged mussily, granular degenerate in cytoplasm, lymphocytes in spleen multiplicated.
138. The positive signals all located at cytoplasm of monocyte - macrophages system.
139. The follicles were lined by cells with moderate amphophilic to eosinophilic cytoplasm with round nuclei and occasional prominent nucleoli .
140. Disintegration of cytoplasm at stage of central nucleus microspore .22.
141. Some of the apoptotic proteins, distributing in both cytoplasm and nucleus, shuttle between the two compartments by virtue of nucleocytoplasmic transport.
142. The phenomenon of "2-cell block" is strain dependent, and is maternally restricted by cytoplasm.
143. The tumor cells lining the septa hae clear cytoplasm and small hyperchromatic nuclei.
144. The acidophilic cytoplasm of basophilic cells is gradually changed into basophilic one.
145. Meanwhile in HUVEC cells, SP-Tat-Apoptin remained in the cytoplasm and no induction of apoptosis above the background level was observed.
146. IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is a procedure in which sperm is injected into the oocyte (egg) cytoplasm.
147. At anaphase of mitosis, the organelles in microspore cytoplasm are concentrated in the future vegetative cell pole.
148. During early proembryo stage, the dorsiventrality appears in the proper of the embryo. On the ventral side, the cells are small with dense cytoplasm and few vacuoles.
149. Results : The cells show fibroblast-like irregular appearance, many cytoplasm ecptoma , puff and large nucleus with obvious nucleoli.
150. We say that sea water is isotonic to their cytoplasm.
151. One of the nuclei at the micropylar pole becomes dlimited by a small amount of cytoplasm.
152. Lipid droplets in cytoplasm were observed by oil red O staining. The contents of intracellular cholesterol ester were detected by enzyme-fluorescence.
153. The atrophic glands have scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei with occasional punctate nucleoli.
154. The schizont in the cytoplasm was rarely to be found and most of the schizonts were found outside cells.
155. There was sure nucleo - cytoplasmic heterosis between Ae . L. cytoplasm and wheat cell nucleus.
156. Microscopically, these tumors are composed of tubules and variably sized cysts lined by cuboidal and columnar cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm.
157. Male sterility of wheat with Aegilops kotschyi cytoplasm refers to those sterile lines which contain the cytoplasm of Aegilops kotschyi.
158. Cytoderm was decomposed partly and some cytoplasm shrank away from the cytoderm in TEM pictures.
159. Results: The cytoskeleton of cultured MCC was revealed correspondingly uniform and tight network-like structure in the cytoplasm.
160. The nucleus in shrinking cytoplasm of microspore mother cell enters into telophase .17.
160. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
161. Cytoplasm - It is the jelly - like substance ( mainly water and proteins ) enclosed by cell membrane.
162. When microspore mother cell preparing meiosis, abundant calcium precipitates appeared in cytoplasm of tapetal cells and microspore mother cells, and in callus wall surrounding the cells.
163. The relationship between cytoplasm and nucleus is the basic problem of biology, and nuclear transfer (NT) and pronuclear transplantation are the important methods to research their relations.
164. There are few cytoplasm and organells in thrombocyte with fusiform and round shape.
165. The results were all positive: brown in karyon and cytoplasm of renal tubular cells.
166. The streaming of cytoplasm in a circular motion around the cell observed in some plants, particularly young sieve tube elements.
167. The cytoplasm and intercellular fluid can be extracted from enzyme hydrolyzed cellulosic material and pectin, then the laminarin can be obtained via separation and purification.
168. The problems, such as the cellular radiosensitivity, the mitosis and the expression of the radiation effects, and the action of radiation on cytoplasm and nucleus, are tentatively discussed.
169. Translocation of FOS and MYC from cytoplasm to nuclei of spermatogonia is consistent with quick proliferation of spermatogonia .
170. Transmission electron micrographs confirmed the actual continuity of cytoplasm in these networks.
171. In phase 2, the volume of oocytes increases rapidly while the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio decreases obviously, the cytoplasm is in a strong basophilia state, and the follicular cell starts to appear.
172. Vacuole A fluid-filled organelle of variable size found in the cytoplasm and separated from it by a single membrane, the TONOPLAST .
173. Karyogamy The fusion of two nuclei that exist within a common cytoplasm, as occurs in the formation of the zygote from two gametes.
174. This high power microscopic aearance of cardiac myxoma shows minimal cellularity. Only scattered indle cells with scant pink cytoplasm are present in a loose myxoid stroma.
175. Product of ATPase reaction was mainly found in plastid, ERs, matrix of cytoplasm, and intine of pollen wall.
176. Results In the test group, the numbers of mature vitelline cells were more than that in the control group; the cytoplasm and nucleus of mature vitelline cells were homogeneous stain.
177. Cortical microtubules and spiny vesicles appear in the cytoplasm after germination of the pollen tube.
178. Catalase is found in the cytoplasm in small organelles called peroxisomes.
179. Episome --- A DNA element that either can exist as an autonomously replicating sequence in the cytoplasm or can integrate into chromosomal DNA.
180. They slit open the organisms and suck out the cytoplasm.
181. The tumor cells hae abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and mildly atypical nuclei.
182. Complete disintegration of cytoplasm of crescent or irregular shape of microspore .25.
183. The embryogenic cells were characterized by large nucleus, dense cytoplasm, abundant organelles.
184. Whithin the Golgi complex molecules are modified and packaged for export out of the cell or for delivery else where in the cytoplasm.
185. In cells with dense protoplasm, plasmalemma appeared undulated but occasionally spherical and variable in size with conspicuous invaginations that projected into the peripheral cytoplasm.
186. We find that SEPT6 is mainly localized in the cytoplasm, and they accumulated perinuclear as short fibers.
187. Some maize with S cytoplasm can revert to the fertile condition.
188. Cytorrhyctes in cell nucleus and cytoplasm of epithelial cells, neutrophilic leukocytes,[http:///cytoplasm.html] lymphocytes were all observed.
189. Karyon descent from 40 ancestral parents, the contribution value is 24.71, cytoplasm descent from 7 ancestral parents, the contribution rate is 88%.
190. Here again , notice that the cytoplasm of these cells contains dark, basophilic material.
191. Immunohistochemistry showed that ERK protein were mainly located in cytoplasm.
192. So, it is necessary to study whether the sterility of male sterile lines with Ae. bicornis cytoplasm is gametophyte or sporophyte .
193. Organelles suspended in the cytoplasm include the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi body.
194. Results TGF ? ? 1 expression was found in both cytoplasm and extracellular stroma.
195. Hyphae from genetically distinct individuals may fuse to form a heterokaryon - a single cytoplasm with dissimilar nuclei.
196. The dark cell nucleus and light cell cytoplasm of FLI cell body were examined in frontal cortex V,[] mesencephalic reticular formation and dorsal raphe nucleus in BD rat.
197. There is a basophil in the center of the field which has a lobed nucleus (like PMN's) and numerous coarse, dark blue granules in the cytoplasm.
198. In the first phase, the oogonium has little cytoplasm and bigger nuclear - cytoplasmic ratio.
199. Results 60 % cancer karyon, cytoplasm display positive signal of Staphylococcus aureus L - form DNA.
200. During telophase nuclear envelopes begin to form around each set of chromosomes, and division of the cytoplasm takes place.
201. The vacuolated degeneration in the epithelium cells and the acidophilic inclusion bodies in cytoplasm were histopathologically detected under microscope.
202. Positive expression was mainly located in the cytomembrane and processes of the neurons in the CA1 area, and also in the cytoplasm in the CA3 area.
203. A granular substance that stains easily with a basic dye and is often rich in phosphorus, found in the cytoplasm of various bacterial and fungal cells.
204. The dimension and shape of the cells were homogeneous, with acidophilic cytoplasm and round nucleus but rare mitotic figures.
205. The tonofilament expression in cell cytoplasm by electron-microscopy and positive reaction of cytokeratin by immunochemistry showed differentiative character of squamous epithelium.
206. The results showed that the sources of cytoplasm of sugarcane varieties bred in Sichuan were 2 of Saccharum officinarum including B. Hitam and B. Cheribon.
207. Within the Golgi complex molecules are modified and packaged for export out of the cell or for delivery else where in the cytoplasm.




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