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单词 so
释义  so1 /səʊ $ soʊ/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb  1  VERY a) [+adj/adverb] used to emphasize how great a feeling or quality is, or how large an amount is 这么,如此〔用于形容情感或品质的程度,或者形容数量之大〕 It was so embarrassing! 多么尴尬! Why didn’t you call? We were so worried. 你为什么不打个电话?我们非常担心。 I love her so much. 我那么爱她。ever so British English They’re being ever so quiet. 他们非常安静。 b) [+adj/adverb] as great, nice, many etc as this 如此,这么 Why are you being so horrible to me? 你干吗对我这么凶? I’ve never seen so many people here before! 我以前从未见过这里有这么多人! How had they achieved it in so short a time? 在这么短的时间里他们是怎么做到的? c) [+adj/adverb] used when emphasizing the degree or amount of something by saying what the result is 这么,如此〔用导致的结果来强调程度之深或数量之大〕so ... (that) He was so weak that he could hardly stand up. 他身体虚弱得几乎站不起来了。 There was so much smoke that they couldn’t see across the hallway. 烟雾浓得他们连门厅的对面都看不到。 Everything happened so quickly I hadn’t time to think. 一切都发生得这么快,我都来不及去思考。so ... as to be The particles are so small as to be almost invisible. 这些微粒小得几乎看不见。 d) spoken old-fashioned used before or after a verb to emphasize that someone does something a lot or to a great degree 这么,如此〔用于动词之前或之后以强调程度〕 I wish you wouldn’t fuss so (=as much as you do). It makes me nervous. 我希望你别那么大惊小怪,弄得我很紧张。 He does so enjoy reading your letters. 他真的非常喜欢读你的信。 e) spoken informal used before a noun phrase to emphasize what you are saying – used especially by young people 完全,绝对〔用于名词短语前强调所说内容;尤为年轻人使用〕 He is just so not the right person for her. 他根本就不是适合她的那种人。 RegisterIn written English, people often prefer to use extremely rather than so to emphasize an adjective or adverb, because it sounds more formal: 在书面英语中,人们更喜欢用 extremely 强调形容词或副词,而不用 so ,因为前者听上去更加正式These schools are extremely difficult to get into. 这些学校非常难进。5 GRAMMAR 语法• Do not use so before an adjective and noun. Instead, it is usual to use such . Put such before ‘a’ if the noun is singular. 形容词加名词的结构之前不用 so ,一般用 such 。如名词为单数,则把 such 放在 a 之前Such a big increase (NOT 不说 A so big increase) in tax would be very damaging.这么大幅度的增税会带来非常坏的影响。• In formal English, so and an adjective can be used before ‘a’ and a noun. 在正式英语中, so 加形容词可以用于 a 加名词之前a world in which such terrible things could not happen不应该发生如此恶劣之事的世界He had never spoken to so large a crowd before.他从来没有在这么多的听众面前讲过话。n Grammar• You use such (a) before an adjective and noun: There is not such a big difference.How can such awful things happen?• Don’t use ‘so’ before an adjective and noun. Don’t say: a so big difference | so awful things2  not so big/good/bad etc not very big, good etc 不是非常大/好/糟等 I’m afraid the news is not so good. 恐怕不是个很好的消息。 Of course I’d like to help, but things aren’t so simple. 我当然是愿意帮忙的,但事情没那么简单。3  AND/ALSO[not used with negative verbs] used to add that what has just been said is also true about someone or something else 也,同样〔用于表示刚说过的情况也适用于某人或某物〕so do I/so is he/so would Peter etc Joe was a little upset, and so was I. 乔有点难过,我也一样。 He’s been ill, and so has his wife. 他病了,他妻子也病了。 As the demand rises, so do prices. 需求增加,价格也会上涨。4  REPEATused to refer back to an idea, action, quality, situation etc that has just been mentioned 如此,如是〔指代刚提到过的想法、行动、品质、情况等〕hope so/think so/say so etc ‘Will I need my umbrella?’ ‘I don’t think so.’ “我需要带雨伞吗?”“我想不需要。” If you want to go home, just say so. 如果你想回家,就说出来。be more so/less so/too much so The band is popular and likely to become more so. 这支乐队很受欢迎,而且可能还会更受欢迎。 Jerry is very honest, perhaps too much so. 杰里很诚实,也许太诚实了。 The troops will not advance until ordered to do so. 在接到命令之前,部队不会前进。 Did Luke sell them? And, if so, what happened to the money? 卢克把它们卖了吗?如果是这样的话,那钱到哪里去了? ‘Has he lost a fortune?’ ‘So they say.’ “他输掉了一大笔钱吗?”“他们是这么说的。” ‘Look – I’ve even cleaned the windows.’ ‘So I see.’ “瞧,我把窗子也擦干净了。”“我看到了。” Parents can withdraw their child from school if they so wish. 家长要是愿意,可以让孩子退学。5  be so TRUEto be true or correct 是真实的,是这样的,是对的 ‘It belongs to my father.’ ‘Is that so?’ “这是我爸爸的。”“真的吗?” Morton says his parents kicked him out, but his brothers say this isn’t so. 莫顿说他父母把他赶出了家门,但他弟弟说并不是这样。6  ... or so used when you cannot be exact about a number, amount, or period of time and you think it may be a little more than the figure you are mentioning 左右,…上下 We have to leave in five minutes or so. 过五分钟左右我们就得走了。 I stopped reading after thirty or so pages. 我读了30页左右就不读了。7  spokenATTENTION used to get someone’s attention, especially in order to ask them a question 噢,那么〔尤用于在提问前引起别人的注意〕 So, how was school today? 噢,今天上学怎么样?8  spokenUNDERSTAND used to check that you have understood something 这么说〔用于核实自己的理解是否正确〕 So this is just a copy? 这么说来这只是一份复印件?9  ASK A QUESTION spoken used when asking a question about what has just been said 那么〔用于对刚说过的话提出问题〕 ‘He’s going to Paris on business.’ ‘So when is he coming back?’ “他要去巴黎出差。”“那么他什么时候回来?”10  be not so much ... as ... used to say that one description of someone or something is less suitable or correct than another 与其说是…不如说是… The details are not so much wrong as they are incomplete. 这些细节谈不上错误,就是不完整。11  not/without so much as something used when you are surprised or annoyed that someone did not do something 甚至连…都没有,甚至不…〔用于对某人没做某事表示吃惊或气愤〕 He left without so much as a goodbye. 他甚至没说一声再见就走了。12. so long! American English spokenGOODBYE used to say goodbye 再见!13  not so ... as ... NOT formal used in comparisons to say that something or someone has less of a particular quality than another person or thing 不如…这么…,不像…那样… The bed was not so comfortable as his own. 这张床没有他自己的床舒服。5 GRAMMAR 语法• Do not use so in comparisons without 'not'. Use as . 表示比较时如没有 not 则不要用 so, 用 asYour handwriting is as bad as mine (NOT 不说 so bad as mine).你的字写得和我一样差。n GrammarIn comparisons without ‘not’, you say as ... as: Your writing is as bad as mine. 你的字写得和我一样差。 ✗Don’t say: Your writing is so bad as mine.14  so much for somebody/something spoken used to say that a particular action, idea, statement etc was not useful or did not produce the result that was hoped for 原来某人/某物不过如此 He’s late again. So much for good intentions! 他又迟到了,什么一片好意,算了吧!15  only so many/much used to say that there is only a limited quantity of something 只有这么多 There’s only so much that anybody’s brain can handle at any one time. 人脑一次也就只能应付这么多。 There are only so many hours in the working day. 上班一天也就这么几个小时。16  AMOUNT spoken used with a movement of your hand to show how big, high etc something or someone is 这么,这样〔用于配合手势表示有多大、多高等〕 Oh, he’s about so tall, with brown hair and eyes. 噢,他有这么高,头发和眼睛都是棕色的。17  FIND OUT spoken used to show that you have found something out about someone 哟,哦〔用于表示发现了某人的某事〕 So! You’ve got a new girlfriend? 哟! 你有新女朋友了?18  like so spoken used when you are showing someone how to do something 像这样〔用于教某人怎么做某事〕 Then turn the paper over and fold it, like so. 然后把纸翻过来折一折,就像这样。19  and so on/forth used at the end of a list to show that you could continue it in a similar way 及诸如此类,等等 You can do things for your health in the way of diet, exercise, good lifestyle, not smoking and so on. 保持身体健康有多种办法,包括注意饮食、做运动、保持良好的生活习惯、不抽烟等等。20  literary or formal in the way that is described 这样,如此 Dorothy and Sarah continued to write to each other, and so began a lifelong friendship. 多萝西和萨拉继续保持通信,就这样开始了一段持续终生的友谊。so ... that The furniture is so arranged that the interviewee and the interviewer are not physically separated by a desk. 家具的布置使受访者和采访者之间没有被桌子隔开。21  and so SO/CONSEQUENTLYand therefore 因此,所以 Madeira has an ideal climate, and so it is not surprising that it has become a tourist paradise. 马德拉岛气候宜人,成为游客的天堂也就不足为怪了。 This was considered to be a religious issue and so to be a matter for the church courts. 这一事件被认为是一个宗教问题,因此归教会法庭处理。22  so she is/so there are etc British English spokenAGREE used to show that you agree with something that has just been mentioned, especially something that you had not noticed or had forgotten 她果真/果然等〔用于表示同意刚提到的事,尤其是你未注意到的或忘掉的事〕 ‘Look! She’s wearing a hat just like yours.’ ‘So she is.’ “你看,她戴的帽子和你的很像。”“真的是。”23  be just/exactly so TIDYto be arranged tidily, with everything in the right place 安排妥贴,整理得井井有条 Everything had to be just so, or Edna would make us do it again. 每一样东西都得井井有条,不然埃德娜就会让我们重新来过。24  so be it spoken used to show you do not like or agree with something, but you will accept it 就那样吧,只好如此〔用于表示勉强同意某事〕 If that means delaying the trip, so be it. 如果那样要推迟行程,那也只好如此了。25  spoken a) used to say that a person’s behaviour or action is typical of that person 一向如此,就是如此〔用于表示某人的行为或行动是他的典型特点〕 ‘He was about half an hour late.’ ‘That is just so Chris.’ “他迟到了半个小时左右。”“那就是克里斯的一贯作风。” b) used to say that something suits someone or is the type of thing they like 〔用于表示某物很适合某人,或是某人喜欢的类型〕 You must buy that jacket – it’s so you! 你一定要买那件夹克,太适合你了!26  I do so/it is so etc American English spokenDISAGREE used especially by children to say that something is true, can be done etc when someone else says that it is not, cannot etc 我会的/它是真的等〔尤为小孩用于否定别人的陈述〕 ‘You can’t swim.’ ‘I can so.’ “你不会游泳。”“我会。”27  spoken used to introduce the next part of a story you are telling someone 就这样〔用于引出下文〕 So anyway, he goes in and his boots get stuck in the mud. 就这样,他进去了,靴子陷进了泥里。n28. → so? → so-so, → even so at even1(4), → so far at far1(7), → so far as I’m concerned at far1(14), → so far as something is concerned at far1(15), → so far as I know/I can remember/I can tell etc at far1(16), → as/so long as at long2(5), → so much the better at better3(4), → so to speak at speak(6)Examples from the Corpusso• What's so bad about getting a B in math?• How had it gotten so black out?• But you were not always so committed to this constitutional process.• That puppy is so cute!• It all happened so fast.• The drizzle was so fine that it amounted to fog and he had to drive slowly.• Something about his smarmy attitude makes me want to shake him so hard his collarbone breaks.• I start out slowly so I can take everything in.• If you have not sent in your payment yet, please do so immediately.• Not so, it was suggested.• You've been so kind. I hope I can repay you some day.• So, Lisa, how's the new job going?• It's too bad that so many kids come from broken homes these days.• With so many organizational changes, it is understandable that they are having problems.• Thank you so much!• Orange is just so not the right color for Kari.• The dresses were lovely, and the colours were so pretty.• I felt so sick yesterday.• Oh, he must be about so tall.• Dave felt comfortable at Mandy's, even more so than in his own home.• So this one's the original, and this one's the copy, right?• Finally, there is the secrecy and confidentiality which is so typical of public bureaucracies.• I never knew Rob could sing so not• Thus we might expect the instrument not to be sufficiently sensitive for these conditions and so not for a growth room.• When he seized power in 1483 he did so not from outside the prevailing political structure but from its heart.• I was searching for birdies and eagles with Azinger going great guns, so not getting there was no good to me.• The money has already been agreed on, so not much room for controversy there.• The election was not settled until close to the inauguration, so not much time was available to plan the festivities.• She walks out so not, not the safest thing to do.• They do so not out of wounded vanity but because the scientific formulation has destroyed accustomed reinforcers.So they say• Later and later and later. So they say.nso? (also so what?) spoken not polite used to tell someone that something does not matter 那又怎样? So what if we’re a little late? 我们迟到一会儿那又怎样? ‘She might tell someone.’ ‘So? No one will believe her.’ “她可能会告诉什么人。”“那又怎样?没人会相信她。”so2 ●●● S1 W3 conjunction  1  REASONused to say that someone does something because of the reason just stated 因此,所以 I was feeling hungry, so I made myself a sandwich. 我感到饿了,所以就做了个三明治吃。► see thesaurus at therefore RegisterIn written English, people often prefer to use therefore or consequently rather than so, because they sound more formal: 在书面英语中,人们往往更喜欢用 therefore 或 consequently ,因为这两个词听上去更正式,而不用soShe had previous experience, therefore she seemed the best candidate. 她有过相关经验,因此看来是最佳人选。2  so (that) a) CAUSEin order to make something happen, make something possible etc 为了,以便 He lowered his voice so Doris couldn’t hear. 他压低了声音,这样多丽丝就不会听到了。 Why don’t you start out early so that you don’t have to hurry? 你干吗不早点出发?这样就不用急匆匆的了。 b) RESULTused to say that something happens or is true as a result of the situation you have just stated 所以;结果 There are no buses, so you’ll have to walk. 没有公共汽车,所以你只能步行。 The gravestones were covered with moss, so that it was impossible to read the names on them. 墓碑上长满了青苔,因此看不清上面的人名。3  so as to do something formal in order to do something 为了做某事,以便做某事 I drove at a steady 50 mph so as to save fuel. 为了省油,我把车速保持在每小时 50 英里。 We went along silently on tiptoe so as not to disturb anyone. 我们踮着脚悄无声息地走,免得打扰别人。4  (just) as ..., so ... (just) as ... formal used to compare two people or things, when they are similar 正如…,…也一样 Just as the French love their wine, so the English love their beer. 正如法国人喜欢本国葡萄酒,英国人也喜欢本国啤酒。Examples from the Corpusso• So anyway, we decided to go to the mall.• I got hungry, so I made a sandwich.Related topics: Musicso3 noun [singular]  APMthe fifth note in a musical scale according to the sol-fa system 全音阶的第五音Origin so1 Old English swa so3 (1800-1900) solso1 adverb →10-19 →20-28 →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →5 GRAMMAR3 →n GRAMMAR4 →REGISTER1so?so2 conjunction →REGISTER1so3 nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  quality is, great to or Corpus feeling how a emphasize used




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