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单词 Body
1. A healthy mind is in a healthy body
2. A dead body, revenges not injuries. 
3. When riches increase, the body decreases. 
4. A little body often harbours a great soul. 
5. A sound mind in a sound body
6. A body without knowledge is like a house without a foundation. 
7. Industry keeps the body healthy, the mind clear, the heart whole,(http://) the purse full. 
8. Happiness is beneficial for the body, but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind. 
9. A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold. 
10. Her body was already starting to decay.
11. The body was lying on the kitchen floor.
12. Liver is an organic part of human body.
13. The body and the mind interrelate.
14. The priest prepared the body for burial.
15. Her partially clothed body was found in woods nearby.
16. The shool governing body meets once a term.
17. FIFA is the governing body of world soccer .
18. The body was found hidden in dense undergrowth.
19. The heart pumps blood round the body.
20. A healthy diet creates a body resistant to disease.
21. Gradually raise your body into an upright position.
22. Health of body and mind is my gospel.
23. The pores of your body secrete sweat.
24. He pain of the mind is worse than the pain of the body
25. Of all the possessions of this life fame is the noblest; when the body has sunk into the dust the great name still lives. 
26. The pain of the mind is worse than the pain of the body
27. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. Joseph Addison 
28. Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body
29. Diseases of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body
30. Disease of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body
1. Her body was already starting to decay.
2. The body was lying on the kitchen floor.
3. Liver is an organic part of human body.
4. The body and the mind interrelate.
5. The priest prepared the body for burial.
6. FIFA is the governing body of world soccer .
7. The body was found hidden in dense undergrowth.
8. A healthy diet creates a body resistant to disease.
9. Gradually raise your body into an upright position.
10. My fingers were numb and my whole body ached.
11. Caffeine constricts the blood vessels in your body.
12. The heart pumps blood around the body.
13. She gazed at the body with almost clinical detachment.
14. His body was honed to perfection.
15. Physical fitness is having a healthy body.
16. The heart pumps blood through the body.
17. His hands gently caressed her body.
18. He stumbled over Luke's prostrate body.
19. The body had been dumped in a pit.
20. The eyes,stomach,heart,and lungs are organs of the body.
21. He covered the inert body with a blanket.
22. Her body went as taut as a bowstring.
23. The body was discovered in a field.
24. Anton's lifeless body was found floating in the lake.
25. The mind needs exercise as well as the body.
26. A balanced diet provides nutrition for your body.
27. His body is wiry and athletic.
28. Police put on body armour before confronting the rioters.
29. Her body was found suspended by a rope.
30. You can imprison my body but not my mind.
31. Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labour does the body.
32. The body produces chemicals which are natural painkillers.
33. I shuddered at the sight of the dead body.
34. Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul.
35. I have a woman's body and a child's emotions.
36. My fingers were numb and my whole body ached.
37. Caffeine constricts the blood vessels in your body.
38. The heart pumps blood around the body.
39. The sofa was squished by his fat body.
40. Cancer destroyed her body but not her spirit.
41. She gazed at the body with almost clinical detachment.
42. His body was honed to perfection.
43. Physical fitness is having a healthy body.
44. The heart pumps blood through the body.
45. His hands gently caressed her body.
46. The male reproductive organs are exterior to the body.
47. He stumbled over Luke's prostrate body.
48. The body had been dumped in a pit.
49. The eyes,stomach,heart,and lungs are organs of the body.
50. He put another blanket on her body.
51. He covered the inert body with a blanket.
52. The body must have been decomposing for several weeks.
53. Her body went as taut as a bowstring.
54. He covered his wife with his body.
55. All eyes are on the longing of his body.
56. The body was discovered in a field.
57. Anton's lifeless body was found floating in the lake.
58. The mind needs exercise as well as the body.
59. The police should be protected by body armour.
60. The body adjusts itself to changes of temperature.
31. We must function as one mind and one body.
32. He is elegant, sensual, conscious of his body.
33. Body temperature can fluctuate if you are ill.
34. Where did you bury the cat's body?
35. The dead body was just dumped by the roadside.
36. Alcohol has a noticeable effect on the body.
37. The ball deflected off Reid's body into the goal.
38. This diet claims to eliminate toxins from the body.
39. Where did the bullet enter the body?
40. His body was crushed and mangled beyond recognition.
41. A racking cough convulsed her whole body.
42. Catherine's dead body lay peacefully on the bed.
43. Every nerve in her body was tense.
44. Put herbs inside the body cavity of the fish.
45. The blood circulates round the body.
46. The sun is a heavenly body.
47. The virus mutates in the carrier's body.
48. The body was hidden beneath a thin layer of soil.
49. The bones and muscles are parts of the mechanism of the body.
50. Massage may help to increase blood flow to specific areas of the body.
51. The left brain controls the right-hand side of the body.
52. Straight after your last cigarette your body will begin to cleanse itself of tobacco toxins.
53. I could not force my body into the contortions required by classical ballet.
54. Wash the feet, underarms and body surface using a soap.
55. The body was cold and showed no signs of life.
56. The body was washed up on the beach by the tide.
57. Police are investigating the death of an unidentified man whose body was found in Crackley Woods yesterday.
58. The body was found to be well preserved, his features easily recognizable.
59. The energy an animal uses is in direct relation to speed and body mass.
60. The vitamins come in a form that is easily utilized by the body.
61. There are many organs in a man's body.
62. A balanced diet provides nutrition for your body.
63. His body is wiry and athletic.
64. Cells are the elements of the human body.
65. Police put on body armour before confronting the rioters.
66. Her body was found suspended by a rope.
67. You can imprison my body but not my mind.
68. A coughing fit racked her whole body.
69. We must function as one mind and one body.
70. He is elegant, sensual, conscious of his body.
71. A hedgehog often contracts its body into a ball.
72. Body temperature can fluctuate if you are ill.
73. Where did you bury the cat's body?
74. The human body is composed of about 60% water.
75. His picture was superimposed on a muscular body.
76. Every body is a star in the sky.
77. A deformed body may have a beautiful soul.
78. Air travel dehydrates the body.
79. Her body had been mutilated beyond recognition.
80. The motionless body showed no signs of life.
81. The dead body was just dumped by the roadside.
82. Alcohol has a noticeable effect on the body.
83. The ball deflected off Reid's body into the goal.
84. Most toxins are naturally excreted from the body.
85. His lifeless body lay on the floor.
86. This diet claims to eliminate toxins from the body.
87. Where did the bullet enter the body?
88. His body was crushed and mangled beyond recognition.
89. A little body often harbors a great soul.
90. A racking cough convulsed her whole body.
61. The jolt seemed to jar every bone in her body.
62. The astronauts are conducting a series of experiments to learn more about how the body adapts to weightlessness.
63. He suffered third-degree burns over 98 per cent of his body.
64. Her body bloated and puffed up till pain seemed to burst out through her skin.
65. The animal lay on the ground, its whole body twitching and jerking.
66. Even at the end, when cancer racked his body, he was calm and cheerful.
67. Your metabolic rate is the speed at which your body transforms food into energy.
68. Alcoholic drink can have a bad effect on your body.
69. They found the body buried beneath a pile of leaves.
70. Scientists have discovered remarkable new evidence showing how the body rebuilds itself while we sleep.
71. While there is breath left in my body, I will refuse.
72. This hormone interacts closely with other hormones in the body.
73. The eye is one of the most delicate organs of the body.
74. The function of the heart is to pump blood through the body.
75. Police fished a body out of the river this morning.
76. The victim had been assailed with repeated blows to the head and body.
77. The human body has an amazing capacity to repair itself.
78. He hugged a large box of chocolate against his body.
79. Power comes from the forward movement of the entire body.
80. My body tingled all over and I had a terrible headache.
81. A good diet and plenty of exercise will help you to keep your body healthy.
82. Sweat passes through the pores and cools the body down.
83. The body was found in a shallow grave in a nearby wood.
84. She had been strangled with her own scarf and her body dumped in the woods.
85. Fracture of any part of the body can be very serious in old people.
86. The police found the dismembered body of a young man in the murderer's freezer.
87. He died from multiple stab wounds to the neck and upper body.
91. Mark Antony declaimed over the body of Caesar.
92. Catherine's dead body lay peacefully on the bed.
93. She slathered lotion on/all over her body.
94. Every nerve in her body was tense.
95. Put herbs inside the body cavity of the fish.
95. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
96. This medicine will help to flush out your body.
97. The blood circulates round the body.
98. The sun is a heavenly body.
99. The virus mutates in the carrier's body.
100. The body was hidden beneath a thin layer of soil.
101. The bones and muscles are parts of the mechanism of the body.
102. Massage may help to increase blood flow to specific areas of the body.
103. The left brain controls the right-hand side of the body.
104. Straight after your last cigarette your body will begin to cleanse itself of tobacco toxins.
105. If you are a winter grass, affection is the sun, warm your cold body.
106. His short legs were not in proportion to his long body.
107. The body has no colourful feng sf wing, mind ACTS upon mind.
108. Snail is a small plant - eating creature with a soft body.
109. I could not force my body into the contortions required by classical ballet.
110. The brain is a part of the nervous system of the human body.
111. They beat him down to the ground and stamped him on his body.
112. The human body has a symmetry that is basic to our sense of beauty.
113. Wash the feet, underarms and body surface using a soap.
114. The body was cold and showed no signs of life.
115. The body was washed up on the beach by the tide.
116. Many men feel their body shape doesn't live up to the stereotype of the ideal man.
117. Police are investigating the death of an unidentified man whose body was found in Crackley Woods yesterday.
118. This treatment helps tone the body, firm up muscles and tighten the skin.
119. Your body can take the time necessary to metabolize fats.
120. The body was found to be well preserved, his features easily recognizable.
121. The energy an animal uses is in direct relation to speed and body mass.
122. The vitamins come in a form that is easily utilized by the body.
123. The jolt seemed to jar every bone in her body.
124. The astronauts are conducting a series of experiments to learn more about how the body adapts to weightlessness.
125. Forgive me for needing you in my life; Forgive me for enjoying the beauty of your body and soul; Forgive me for wanting to be with you when I grow old.
126. He suffered third-degree burns over 98 per cent of his body.
127. Love's mysteries in souls do grow,(http:///body.html) but yet the body in his book.
128. Her body bloated and puffed up till pain seemed to burst out through her skin.
129. The animal lay on the ground, its whole body twitching and jerking.
130. Even at the end, when cancer racked his body, he was calm and cheerful.
131. Your metabolic rate is the speed at which your body transforms food into energy.
132. His body quavered a little when he saw the teacher coming towards him.
133. I have to take one thing for granted: that I will love you, until the last breath leaves my body.
134. Forgive me for needing you in my life;Forgive me for enjoying the beauty of your body and soul;Forgive me for wanting to be with you when I grow old. Sandra Robbins Heaton.
135. Alcoholic drink can have a bad effect on your body.
136. Each afraid to love woman, must have deep love. Looks like the poison not invade, actually had the poison assault body.
137. Your body can take the time necessary to metabolise fats.
138. The day will fall so big people, first Zhi, the labor of their bones, their body skin hunger, tough, line whisk it was chaos, so the spirit, increasing it not beneficial.
139. When I can see you my body is with you, and when I can't see you my heart is with you.
140. They found the body buried beneath a pile of leaves.
141. One should give up anger; one should abandon pride; one should overcome all fetters. I'll never befall him who clings not to mind and body and is passionless.
142. Scientists have discovered remarkable new evidence showing how the body rebuilds itself while we sleep.
143. I could hardly recognize the body of the driver, as it had been badly mangled up in the accident.
144. The villagers believed a devil had taken control of his body.
145. While there is breath left in my body, I will refuse.
146. This hormone interacts closely with other hormones in the body.
147. The eye is one of the most delicate organs of the body.
148. Body language can also be used to attract members of the opposite sex.
149. Of our mixed life two quests are given control: food for the body, friendship for the soul.
150. The function of the heart is to pump blood through the body.
151. Police fished a body out of the river this morning.
152. The victim had been assailed with repeated blows to the head and body.
153. Exposure of the body to strong sunlight can be harmful.
154. The human body has an amazing capacity to repair itself.
155. X-rays are used by doctors to examine the bones or organs inside our body.
155. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
156. He murdered his wife, and bricked up her body in the kitchen.
157. Shakespeare makes an analogy between the citizens of country and the parts of a person's body.
158. He hugged a large box of chocolate against his body.
159. Power comes from the forward movement of the entire body.
160. My body tingled all over and I had a terrible headache.
161. Let your body relax.
162. A good diet and plenty of exercise will help you to keep your body healthy.
163. Sweat passes through the pores and cools the body down.
164. A healthy mind in a healthy body: that's the only way to get the most out of life.
165. The body was found in a shallow grave in a nearby wood.
166. She had been strangled with her own scarf and her body dumped in the woods.
167. Fracture of any part of the body can be very serious in old people.
168. A smile is the most beautiful curve on a woman's body.
169. The owner's name and address is stored on a microchip and implanted in the dog's body.
170. His body suddenly went limp and he fell down on the floor.
171. Devil killer body, a large wavy golden hair shine, slender legs wearing a yellow goose miniskirts, show figure of the perfect.
172. The police found the dismembered body of a young man in the murderer's freezer.
173. He died from multiple stab wounds to the neck and upper body.
174. Her wet dress was moulded to her body.
175. They'll demolish this house over my dead body.
176. Aspirin is quickly absorbed by/into the body.
177. She swathed her enormous body in thin black fabrics.
178. The body is made of mineral-reinforced thermo-plastic.
179. Get your body into shape for the summer!
180. Shivers ran up and down my body.
181. The guitar is 16 inches wide across the body.
182. I don't have any hang-ups about my body.
183. Conditioner can give your hair more body.
184. Detectives found no marks on the body.
185. The child's body was shaking with sobs.
186. He pulled the plastic covering off the dead body.
187. The profession is policed by its own regulatory body.
188. Laura had never seen a dead body before.
189. His resignation was a body blow to the team.
190. Xandra is an athletic 36-year-old with a 21-year-old's body.
191. A soldier plunged a bayonet into his body.
192. The body was carried down by the stream.
193. The moon is a celestial body.
194. The mud spatted all over my body.
195. His head throbbed(), and his body ached.
196. She froze with horror when she saw the body.
197. The body was buffeted about in the waves.
198. Considering his age, his body is quite sound.
199. Exit Hamlet, bearing the body of Polonius.
200. The police had covered the body with a sheet.
201. His body was covered in bruises and cigarette burns.
202. His body had been carried along by the river.
203. She was badly burned on the face and body.
204. The body was interred at the cemetery.
205. The House of Commons is an elected body.
206. A delicious shiver of excitement ran through his body.
207. A diary was found on the body.
208. The main body of troops moved toward the front.
209. The all-in-one body suit looks great with jeans.
210. They think they own the employees, body and soul.
211. His body was wasted by long illness.
212. A complex system of muscles is brought into play for each body movement.
213. Minerals can be absorbed and utilized by the body in a variety of different forms.
214. When a woman is pregnant, the levels of hormones in her body change.
215. I hate my job, but I have to keep body and soul together somehow.
216. His body was pulped by the impact of the train.
217. He directed that his body should be buried in Upton, Northamptonshire.
218. She was wearing a loose dress which softened the lines of her body.
219. He had to go to the morgue to ID the body.
220. He stood staring at the dead body, unable to comprehend.
221. A dog found the body of a girl in the woods.
222. The body was visible below the surface of the lake.
223. If you abuse your body now, you'll pay the price when you're older.
224. The machine directs a powerful beam at the affected part of the body.
225. The main body of British, American, and French troops had fanned out to the west.
226. The acceleration of a body equals the force exerted on it divided by its mass.
227. She felt aroused by the pressure of his body so close to hers.
228. The body of the general was reinterred at his native town in the earlier years of the 20th century.
229. His head is out of proportion to the size of his body.
230. A body was found at the bottom of the canal.
231. A body lay in the corner, transfixed by a spear.
232. The RSPCA is a respected body working for animal welfare.
233. There is a growing body of evidence to support their claim.
234. Fill a bowl with water and gently sponge your face and body.
235. She collected a huge body of information on the subject.
236. I don't like body builders who are so overdeveloped you can see the veins in their bulging muscles.
237. The DNA samples found on her body did not match up with a sample taken from the accused.




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