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单词 Deployment
1 Gates responds with a lengthy discourse on deployment strategy.
2 Missile deployment did much to further polarize opinion in Britain.
3 The Chief of Police ordered the deployment of 2 000 troops to try to stop the rioting.
4 Without the full deployment of resources, we cannot achieve our aims.
5 No senior politician dares to oppose deployment.
6 It means more imaginative deployment of staff.
7 They opposed moving forward with deployment.
8 Initial deployment was also hampered by lack of transportation.
9 Despite limitations on their deployment, they kept making arrests.
10 These were understood to stop short of deployment of major ground forces.
11 Both the level of available resources and their deployment are constantly adjusted as necessary to counter the foreseeable threat.
12 Soon after the president signs the deployment orders this week, troops will begin to move into the country, Bacon said.
13 A few of the suggestions about the deployment of furniture were fairly generally rejected.
14 Andrew Burt's section deals with appointment, training and deployment of the subject assessors.
15 If the slide continues, mission managers could postpone deployment until Sunday.
16 These include the deployment and retrieval of a NASA-owned spacecraft called Spartan, which carries a half-dozen experiments.
17 We will complete the deployment of the next generation of Britain's minimum nuclear deterrent.
18 To make matters worse, the deployment of only one thrust-reverser meant that there was a tremendous drag on the right engine.
19 Effective deployment of the larger reserves which this system made available required intricate staff work.
20 However, the development and deployment of a sturdy handpump has been at the center of many of these projects.
21 Readers interested in the deployment of experimental camera lenses and the like may get the most out of what LoBrutto offers.
22 The next phase of the operation will involve the deployment of more than 35,000 troops from a dozen countries.
23 The General's visit to Sarajevo is part of preparations for the deployment of extra troops.
24 This trade-off underscores a serious tension between open architecture and investment incentive during the initial deployment and development of the I-way.
25 The army will expand from four to six the number of infantry battalions ready for rapid deployment.
26 Officials recently disclosed that 34 children and 20 small women have been killed by the explosive deployment of air bags since 1991.
27 The deputy commander reportedly has twice refused to obey the commander's direct orders on troop deployment.
28 The Defense Department has been pressing private contractors for options to speed up deployment of missile defenses.
29 Over several years there has been an unannounced shift in the Navy's deployment of attack submarines.
30 The peacekeeping force has already been extended five times, and the deployment is now scheduled to end July 31.
1 Gates responds with a lengthy discourse on deployment strategy.
2 Missile deployment did much to further polarize opinion in Britain.
3 The next phase of the operation will involve the deployment of more than 35,000 troops from a dozen countries.
31 While S-HTTP will be able to take advantage of ubiquitous certification infrastructures, its deployment does not require it.
32 A local congressman said the canceled deployment illustrated that too much money has been cut from the defense budget.
33 It is for the local management of the service to determine the most effective deployment of resources to meet performance targets.
34 The same experiment faltered during a mission in 1992, with the satellite becoming stuck 850 feet from the shuttle during deployment.
35 The proposed system is not ready to graduate from development to deployment, and probably never will be.
36 Rear-facing safety seats can not withstand deployment of an airbag, the agency said.
37 On the Gulf crisis, Baker urged the deployment of a token Soviet military contingent as part of the multinational force.
38 There was no need for the pebbles in the overall plan, and there was no likelihood of their imminent deployment.
39 He is part of a detachment which will be responsible for the deployment of cruise missiles.
40 The principle of counting to ensure pastoral care and effective deployment of manpower is carried over into the New Testament.
41 Such mastery requires absolute concentration(Sentencedict), the full deployment of oneself.
42 Although they are at dramatically different stages of deployment, they are expected to be very competitive.
43 The asymmetric deployment of forces can be used to change one geometric form into another.
44 Is he satisfied that an effective deterrent system is in place to prevent their deployment?
45 Decisions taken on these issues were to have a lasting effect on the geographical deployment of full-time staff.
46 The use of pupil-managed learning has profound implications for the more effective deployment of skilled resources.
47 The NOCs also test new technologies and plan for their deployment.
48 Swear words work best when used sparingly; more frequent deployment does not liberate, it devalues a wonderful means of expression.
49 The panel also called for expediting by five years deployment of a satellite-based computer network for guiding pilots in flight.
50 Earth Dances is stunning simply on the level of virtuosic deployment of a large orchestra.
51 Deployment does not occur in answer mode.
52 Test and analyze Dynamic Deployment System.
53 VDM reads in the VM deployment task.
54 Describe the purpose and semantics of the deployment descriptor.
55 The EJB deployment descriptor is complex and error prone.
56 For instance to Chinese military force deployment scale indication.
57 To share connections,() set the res-sharing-scope deployment descriptor shareable.
58 The goal in performance testing is to validate that your performance levels on the deployment platform are as expected and also to understand how your application performs in this environment.
59 For direct - burial long haul line . Bridge and culvert , Duct, bullet-proof aerial deployment and LANs.
60 Define education strategy for deployment demographics ( administrators, help desk, end - users ).
61 The entire database is stored in a single . mdf file, and thus making it suitable for XCOPY deployment .
62 In this paper, the design method of quality function deployment is presented.
63 The embodiment of the invention can more simply realize the routing control, and can improve the reliability, simplify the network deployment structure and reduce the cost.
64 Design model and deployment model are the primary input in the succeeding realization and testing work.
65 The deployment problem of multicenter air defence missile system can be solved by the same method. It provides a basic consideration for the deployment of air defence missile weapon.
66 When migrating a V5 deployment manager to V6, the cell name value of the V6 profile must match the cell name from V5.
67 The wireless application server must be an open, modular architecture, to provide the user with the maximum flexibility and extensibility to ease development and deployment.
68 The VM configuration CD is a very important component of the automatic VM deployment solution because it contains both configuration data from the VDM and users.
69 In fact, an application deployer can change the JNDI name mapping and client/server communications details at deployment time, all without the need to modify the application.
69 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
70 The techniques presented here will help you save time by simplifying your virtual image deployment and activation.
71 These techniques can lower IT costs by eliminating the training costs associated with a deployment.
72 We describe different data mapping methods, invocation styles, bindings, deployment topologies, and their performance impact.
73 Not only was this not true, but unguided spring release is a standard method of deployment for microsatellites used by many countries.
74 A single free, open source module for Apache that brought mod_php-like ease of deployment to Rails.
75 And vital to rapid deployment(), most applications can be completely oblivious to this background legerdemain.
76 In the deployment descriptor file web.xml, shown in Listing 10, you map the URIs with relative root path /* to the Wink servlet org.apache.wink.server.internal.servlet.RestServlet.
77 Air-, spray- and conduction cooling build options are possible to allow deployment in the harshest military and aerospace environments.
78 Can one take this and bring it in-house if the compliance/sensitivity of the data make it more suitable for a private cloud deployment?
79 DI employs modern information technologies to link people of diverse expertise in different institutions and countries to work collaboratively on specific product development and deployment projects.
80 Define education strategy for deployment demographics ( administrators, help desk, users ).
81 The pollution accident was prevented with claim or report system and GPS vehicle conductor deployment system.
82 As well as being a physical package for deployment, a module defines the logical address space for resources and their relationship to physical code.
83 System engineers are involved in system specification, architectural design, integration and deployment.
84 Urgent deployment of disaster self - rescue work to insure the whole college's life safety and emotion stabilization.
85 The MDB only handles messages that have the JMSType header field set to package_received (this is defined in the MDB's deployment descriptor).
86 This is an informational message to explain why this deployment was redeployed after its deployment at startup.
87 Component configurator provided a dynamic mechanism for managing service life cycle and deployment.
88 These elements define various clustering parameters controlling how the underlying WADI's components are wired and set-up upon application deployment.
89 This would be the standard type of deployment for a production or performance testing environment.
90 The second scheme is the group-based key predistribution scheme which constructed by group-based deployment model before node deployment.
91 The methodology details the entire life cycle of an IBM AIX system, from planning and deployment, through decommission and reclamation.
92 I'm also trying to figure out how to refactor the deployment system to make it more extensible and simpler.
93 This method can effectively solve the problems in software requirement analysis and serve as a reference for requirement engineering deployment.
94 The trainings I have been involved in had used instruments such as the Strength Deployment Inventory and Kiersey "Type-Sorter Personality Inventory, and also utilized journal writing."
95 To create setup packages for Visual Studio 2008 extensions, MSDN article " Tutorial: Simple VSPackage Deployment" suggests using xcopy, the setup project or using Windows Installer XML Toolset (WiX).
96 If you're making a fundamental architectural change to the supersystem -- for example, replacing a homegrown ERP system with an SAP deployment -- you may be tempted to take a big bang approach.
97 This paper constructs a conditional convergence framework of capital-output ratio, and uses the adjustment speed to measure the capital deployment efficiency.
98 GBOSS represents an upgrade of the Rapid Aerostat Initial Deployment (RAID) system now widely used in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
99 VDM finds the corresponding VM template by going though the directory containing VTD files and cloning the VM template to the destination specified in the deployment task file.
100 WHO has reinforced its presence in the country with the deployment of a senior epidemiologist(sentence dictionary), a logistician and a security office.
101 A medium modulus resin suited for injection molding of Air Bag Deployment Doors.
102 For example, there is one layer of default preferences defined by the portlet deployment descriptor.
103 The deployment of these systems, make enterprise run into the bemusement of "Information Isolated Island".
104 The paper reviews the origin and state-of-the-art developments in the quality function deployment (QFD) and suggests solving the existing problems in QFD through axiomatic method.
105 Under the contract, Raytheon of Waltham, Mass., will deliver 16 Rapid Aerostat Initial Deployment (RAID) tower systems, which can be operated remotely, to the Army.
106 Earlier, this year, Aras made a bold statement about their move to multi-platform deployment away from existing .
107 Responsible for the quality improvement process to optimize production line balance and human coordination, deployment workshop to maximize the line capacity.
108 The reason for this wide deployment is due to the cluster's nice features, like simplicity, high availability, scalability and high performance over cost rate and etc.
109 Always, and I mean always, setup your continuous deployment system before writing code.
110 Most carriers have no weapon batteries of any kind, but their deployment of interceptor flights makes them devastating in a ship-to-ship battle.
111 To provide a code - execution environment that minimizes software deployment and versioning conflicts.
112 Whether the organization has any business process modeling tool which automatically generates BPEL run time code for deployment?
113 It also selects several core deployment phases an application server should support, such as deployment, undeployment, and redeployment.
114 Last year, the IETF announced that NAT - PT causes too many deployment problems and security vulnerabilities.
115 A robust, scalable and secure execution engine for rule-based applications, with a managed deployment and monitoring environment (Rule Execution Server).
116 The former is satisfied with the requirement of simplifying deployment and multi-user concurrent operation.
117 Start by taking a look at the overview of the sample application design -- a Unified Modeling Language (UML) deployment diagram describing the phonebook client application -- shown in Figure 1.
118 A final Geronimo deployment plan consists of a combination of an original deployment plan, a Maven file, and a Maven Project Object Model (POM) file.
119 Deployment of DSL modems is increasing throughout the world as subscribers flock to high - speed broadband access .
120 You also get some of the other benefits of VDI, such as quick desktop deployment, thus lowering overall management costs, too.
121 In jsp-examples-war-, locate the Web application deployment plan (geronimo-web.xml) in the application archive under WEB-INF.
122 The work also involves assisting OASD/NII in the design, integration and deployment of command and control capabilities to carry out a broad range of critical missions, CACI said.
123 After you make these changes, you must re-sign both the application manifest and the deployment manifest with a certificate.
124 To make an emergency exit from an aircraft by deployment of an ejection seat or capsule.
125 Then, using this WSDL, the wizard generates the Web services artifacts (Java helper classes, serializer, deserializer, deployment descriptors, and so on) for this service by invoking WSDL2Java.
126 A final deployment plan in Geronimo is made up of a combination of an initial deployment plan, a Maven Project Object Model (POM) file, and a Maven file.
127 By contrast, his American counterpart,Lieutenant McCarthy, tall and trim at 24 with a smooth-shaven Burt Lancasterchin, was on his first deployment.
128 It has excellent engine and aerodynamic performance, superior deployment and handling qualities and a new advanced universal UAV mission ground control center compatible with all MALAT systems.
129 In addition to the single deployment goals, the maven.xml file defines a common deploy goal that runs the goals described above for all library and portlet projects.
129 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
130 For mass deployment of interactive multimedia services to become a reality, today's networks must deliver greater throughput.
131 The U.S. development and possible deployment of NMD will disrupt the existing strategic equilibrium among major powers, and jeopardize the security interest of other countries.
132 And that means a "deployment revolution" might be imminent or, as Guha says, "a roof is a terrible thing to waste.
133 After two days of chaotic looting that heavily damaged Concepcion, the deployment of 14,000 troops to enforce curfews there and in other cities began to instill a measure of calm.
134 Our web service end-point will have several methods that can be used to illustrate the various files that are required during deployment.
135 Solid Titanium in Matt Finish with Diving Suit Extension. Pushbutton Deployment Clasp for secured wearing.
136 The Deployment Planning section of the site focuses on pre-planning and administration of high performance uses of Google Apps. If you're getting ready to run a pilot, this is the place for you.
137 Many military services rely on computers for information gathering, targeting, force deployment, etc.
138 The order contains both depot and deployment spares as well as other support equipment. Deliveries will occur between late April 2008 and January 2010.
139 Geronimo uses deployment plans to help the application deployment system figure out which pieces of an application need to go where.
140 For direct - burial long haul line . Bridge and culvert , Duct, Bullet - proof aerial deployment and LANs.
141 Xuchang City of Industry, attention focused on this summer remediation activities, set up a special leading group action, and rapid mobilization and deployment.
142 Based on the analysis of the sheet metal technology, the advantages and disadvantages of traditional deployment methods are summarized.
143 I've authorized the deployment of 17,500 National Guard troops aid in the response.
144 A user finds the part name by selecting the properties of the Extendable nodes part which hosts the Deployment Manager (Figure 11).
145 Forward deployment adds credibility and flexibility to our basic military strength and so enhances deterrence.
146 When importing drivers into MDT 2010, Deployment Workbench will validate if each driver is signed; this information will be recorded and visible in the list of drivers.
147 They declare the parameter with the same global name in their portlet.xml deployment descriptor.
148 Genachowski has until February 2010 to submit a plan for broadband deployment to Congress.
149 While it is a good idea stop the deployment manager to prevent changes from being made while the backup is running, this action is not necessary.
150 Or, perhaps sales wants the new process established before the big sales event, which could move up your deployment dates substantially.
151 Analyzing the relationships between both of the deployments, a Virtual Rhomb Grid-based Sensor Deployment(VRGSD) algorithm was proposed.
152 The deployment Web page will then ask you for the WSDL file of the loan approver partner only.
153 It will be helpful to describe job management by comparing and contrasting it with the management of a Network Deployment cell.
154 Deliverables can even be the actual deployment of a system on a testing environment or on a production environment.
155 These days American units get nothing like the recommended 2:1 ratio of dwell time to deployment.
156 In order to improve the reliability of airbag deployment, it is very necessary to study the ignition control theory.
157 The project plan contains the functional specification (combined plans of each team) and a schedule. The project plan approved milestone is permission from management to proceed with the deployment.
158 The broker type is selected through a configuration parameter set in the Web deployment descriptor file, web.xml.
159 Being an application server platform, WebSphere Application Server facilitates deployment, management, and operational support for applications.
160 The rational deployment of teacher resource is the intrinsical requirement and essential premises as well as the hinge of achieving balanced development of basic education.
161 More recently, programmable network elements have come into being, which improves the programmability of network elements and enables automatic deployment of network protocols and services.
162 The problem scenario described earlier involves message routing; therefore, a proxy mode deployment is required.
163 Objective To confirm whether one-time deployment of bromadiolone is effective in seaport rodent control.
164 As Hu concluded his trip, Japan and the U.S. began the ongoing "Yama Sakura" exercises, a mock-up deployment to repel a full-scale invasion of Kyushu, the southernmost of Japan's four main islands.
165 The security constraint in Listing 1, for example, secures all URLs beginning with "/reports/" with a single role called reportEnabled, which can be mapped to multiple groups at deployment.
166 The transaction-attr, isolation-level, run-as-mode, and re-entrant are taken directly from Sun_s XML EJB deployment descriptor format.
167 In addition to the operational aspects, some of the design-time policy (for example, captured in J2EE deployment descriptors) can help manage the application.
168 The kernel of the fraudulence issue is a matter of attitudes taken by the operators. They have to keep the degree of balance between service deployment and the endurance of fraudulence.
169 We must replace and modernize our forces, and that is why I have decided to proceed with the production and deployment of the new ICBM known as the MX.
170 These patterns can then be dispensed by appliance users, and each virtual machine created as a result of deployment will be created from the customized virtual image.
171 A medium modulus polyester alloy suited for injection molding of Air Bag Deployment Doors.
172 Quality Function Deployment ( QFD ) is an available method to guarantee the quality of products.
173 After you create the Server Profile, you see the Server Profile editor that you use to set properties for deployment.
174 To deploy maintenance requirement to maintenance technique field properly with Maintenance Function Deployment, the general principles and method of MFD multi-objective programming model was studied.
175 At last, some results of test and evaluation are presented about the dynamic deployment system. And the future work to be done is introduced.
176 During the design and implementation of DAEHF, this paper studies and uses such key technologies as design reuse, thread pool, asynchronous event handling, task automation deployment.
177 The code in bold in Listing 1 shows how the portlet deployment descriptor code is modified by the event wizard.
178 The remotely controlled mini attack boat has the advantages of small sizes, fast speed, high striking power, easy deployment, good stealthiness, low cost and so on.
179 This workstream results in a deployment strategy, course content, delivery mechanism, and schedule, including identifying and training key participants.
180 The J2EE specification defines a deployment descriptor attribute that specifies the transaction isolation level for a given EJB method.
181 The single-seater short-range vessel lacks a hyperdrive, and as such requires deployment from launch bases and capital ships.
182 We now see a way out of the "cell-kill paradigm" and toward the development and deployment of highly targeted, nontoxic chemical therapies based on genetic science.
183 Be responsible for new capability development of the shop, get optimum deployment of resources to meet safety, redelivery and productivity targets.
184 NEVER place the transceiver or remote controller where air bag deployment may be obstructed.
185 Check out this popular community center to find out more about Group Policy, Automated Deployment Services (ADS), and other core management services.
186 Construction preparation: pre - construction material prepared for the deployment of technical personnel, on - site Construction, procedures for admission.
187 In general, the classification of traditional has more to do with the use of formal development and deployment methodologies models.
188 More precisely, node agents pull admin configuration updates from the deployment manager using an unauthenticated file transfer service.
189 To ensure that the settings in the Server Profile will take affect when you intend to use it for deployment, always remember to save the changes you make in the Server Profile editor.
189 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
190 If you attempt to deploy a Java EE application module without a deployment plan, the server will do its best to perform the operation with default values.
191 Specialist Samuel Michalik, a 24-year-old, single infantryman from Tennessee on his first deployment, offered one perspective.
192 The CD is simulated by an ISO file generated by the VDM according to the VM deployment task and will be mounted to a virtual CD-ROM so it can hold far more data than a floppy disk.
193 Deploys the built application to the deployment system (e.g., a production server or an embedded target) if the specified criteria are satisfied.
194 Despite the deployment of UN peacekeepers in 1964, sporadic inter-communal violence continued forcing most Turkish Cypriots into enclaves throughout the island.
195 An additional advantage to private deployment is the ability to use XCOPY to deploy the application.
196 Prior to the new security plan, which took effect in late summer and culminated with the deployment of the new elite forces November 2, Nablus was considered too risky for the prime minister to enter.
197 One minor disadvantage of having external deployment plans is that until automated tools become available, they require manual tracking to keep alongside the related archive files.
198 Crew photo from my first deployment. The Plane is a RC-135 "Rivet Joint."
199 Group code modules and resources that support your model of deployment.
200 For each solution deployed, the software stack is separately installed and configured directly on each server using traditional deployment techniques.
201 Even if ink solvents troughability, and conducts electricity a good solvent deployment of viscidity.
202 The benefits of a single-instance online game to developers are a dramatically reduced cost of development, deployment, and operations.
203 The techniques of reservoir analysis, well bore description and the cross-hole reservoir lateral prediction could enhance the accuracy of well deployment.
204 Based on MGIS, the graphics processing subsystem aims at the displaying of troop disposition, equipment deployment, facility deployment and manoeuver in military electron map.
205 The deployment of a high-sounding, honeyed, provocative methods to destroy humans' multifaceted nature involves contemporary culture's butchery.
206 Finally, the course examines common load - balancing deployment models, and multi tiered intranet and Internet load - balancing deployments.
207 The installation of the DB2 pureScale Feature manages the deployment and configuration of all the bundled software components to all the hosts in the DB2 pureScale environment.
208 Enhydra requires that the XML deployment descriptor contains a finder-method-jdbc-mapping element matching the finder methods declared in the EJBHome etc.




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