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单词 twitter
释义  Related topics: Birdstwit·ter1 /ˈtwɪtə $ -ər/ verb [intransitive]  1. HBBSOUNDif a bird twitters, it makes a lot of short high sounds 〔鸟〕鸣啭,啾啾叫,吱吱叫2. HIGH SOUND OR VOICEto talk about unimportant and silly things, usually very quickly and nervously in a high voice 唧唧喳喳地说话n3. to send a short message using the social networking service Twitter → See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustwitter• On the video footage, which was shot by investigators the spring after the nightmare, birds twitter.• They were very low, twittering all round us, all flying in the same direction, low and happy.• Near-by, across the river, a lark had begun to twitter and climb.• When the electronic ambience washed in, the saxophone and drums twittered anxiously.• The larks went up, twittering in the scented air above the down.• Birds twitter outside the open window as the nuns scrutinise each graph and diligently take notes.• Let's hope it helps Rita see Anthony for the twittering twerp he is.twitter2 noun  1. [singular]HBSOUND the short high sounds that birds make 〔鸟的〕鸣啭声,啾啾声,吱吱声2  be all of a twitter  (also be in a twitter)EXCITED British EnglishNERVOUS to be excited and nervous 很兴奋;很紧张 She’s been all of a twitter since her daughter’s engagement. 自从女儿订婚以来,她一直很兴奋。Examples from the Corpustwitter• Little Billy heard him talking to the robin in a kind of curious twitter.• Usually rather subdued piping or twittering calls, flocks often keeping up a conversational twitter.Twitter trademark  a social networking service on the Internet which allows mini-blogging (=sending short text messages to other users) 推特〔一个供人们写微博的社交网〕Origin twitter1 (1300-1400) From the soundtwit·ter1 verbtwitter2 nounTwitterLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  a lot it if Corpus of bird short makes a twitters,




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