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单词 Likelihood
1. The likelihood of infection is minimal.
2. The laser guidance system dramatically increases the likelihood that the missile will strike home.
3. Using a seatbelt will reduce the likelihood of serious injury in a car accident.
4. There's every likelihood that she'll be able to help us.
5. This latest dispute greatly increases the likelihood of a strike.
6. In all likelihood the meeting will be cancelled.
7. There's no likelihood of that happening.
7. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
8. There is very little likelihood of that happening.
9. We must try our best to reduce the likelihood of war.
10. I don't think there is any likelihood of his agreeing to it.
11. Is there any likelihood of our getting our money back?
12. In all likelihood, the committee will have to interview every woman who's worked with Thomas.
13. There was very little likelihood of her getting the job.
14. They must face the likelihood that the newspaper might go bankrupt.
15. The likelihood is that the slump will be followed by a period of buoyancy.
16. If I refused, it would in all likelihood mean I'd lose my job.
17. In all likelihood, he'll be fit to play on Saturday.
18. This reduces the likelihood that the treatment will be successful.
19. There is little likelihood now that interest rates will come down further.
20. But the likelihood is that people would be willing to pay if they were certain that their money was going to a good cause.
21. Taking regular exercise reduces the likelihood of a heart attack.
22. This shouldn't affect the likelihood of you getting the job.
23. The likelihood is that unemployment figures will continue to fall.
24. There's a strong possibility/likelihood of finding the child within the next few hours.
25. Analysts were divided on the likelihood of any takeover.
26. This increases the likelihood of a second fire.
27. Not much likelihood of getting a commission either.
28. As you get older, the likelihood of illness increases.
29. Ray, in all likelihood, would refuse.
30. He faces growing unease among the Democrats about the likelihood of war.
1. The likelihood of infection is minimal.
2. The laser guidance system dramatically increases the likelihood that the missile will strike home.
3. Using a seatbelt will reduce the likelihood of serious injury in a car accident.
4. There's every likelihood that she'll be able to help us.
5. This latest dispute greatly increases the likelihood of a strike.
6. We must try our best to reduce the likelihood of war.
7. I don't think there is any likelihood of his agreeing to it.
7. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
31. Infectivity describes the likelihood that a particular microbe will be transmitted under particular circumstances.
32. The likelihood of living alone is greatest among the most elderly, particularly for women.
33. The stalls were erected and dismantled every day so there was little likelihood of the arms being hidden beneath them.
34. Nor is there any likelihood of competition being diminished, except in the case of one minor product, titanium dioxide.
35. A strong likelihood of being fitted up by corrupt cops or being casually blasted out of existence by some one's assault rifle?
36. But belief increases the likelihood of a predicted outcome: placebos against psychic ailments work astonishingly well.
37. So the extension of insurance provision has led to a greater likelihood of the reporting of many crimes.
38. There is no way to guarantee that any particular group will achieve greatness, but there are ways to maximize the likelihood.
39. The law requires the chief of police to make educated guesses about the likelihood that disorder, damage or disruption will occur.
40. If you live a high-risk area, the likelihood increases to one in 13.
41. The original plan for a landing just after sunrise in Florida was scrapped as the likelihood of clouds and rain increased.
42. There is no regular pay check, no regular employer, no guarantee of work, and the strong likelihood of rebuff.
43. Stress is high, but in all likelihood, enough things are going well to keep you afloat for now.
44. Another factor which affected the likelihood of a case being reported was intimidation by the cattle stealers.
45. This reduces the advantage to the raider, and so too the likelihood of a takeover.
46. In old age, however, the likelihood is that the overwhelming need will be for confirmation and acceptance of their situation.
47. And at sea there was little likelihood that anyone would come to my rescue.
48. This approach is broadly statistical in nature, as it involves corpus analysis to determine the empirical likelihood of various syntactic combinations.
49. The theorem states that the posterior probability is proportional to the prior probability multiplied by the likelihood.
50. The decision to keep it at 23 means fewer fixtures, less money and a greater likelihood of further clubs folding.
51. There seems every likelihood that faulty fuses caused the delay.
52. Slow economic growth reduces the likelihood inflation will accelerate and erode the value of bonds' fixed payments.
53. Tonight the President will consult his military observers about the likelihood of an attack.
54. And the longer you are prepared to leave it, the higher the likelihood of a better return.
55. Patients with increased oesophageal alkalinisation require careful surveillance because of their increased likelihood of developing complications.
56. There is little likelihood that the number of college places will go up this year.
57. Whether personal or commercial, business will be terminated where their is little or no likelihood of profit.
58. Nader's presidential run, in all likelihood, will cost Gore the White House.
59. Republicans bewail what they say is a likelihood that Democrats will sit on nominations.
60. Is it sufficient that he perceives a suspicion of bias, or must he perceive the higher hurdle of likelihood?
61. I have no illusions about the likelihood of its transforming schools in the next ten years.
62. Such a climate increases the likelihood that egalitarian feminist psychology will be incorporated into the traditional discipline.
63. As a result, the likelihood that an elderly person wound up in a nursing home decreased.
64. The likelihood is that such spare syntactic structures appear very infrequently as independent forms in actual use.
65. If he perceives that there is a likelihood of bias, the rules of natural justice have been broken. 2.
66. What was the probability - the unvarnished statistical likelihood - of such a coincidence?
67. Which therapists explicitly or implicitly exaggerate the likelihood that they will be able to help their patients make the longed-for changes?
68. Thus,() marital dependency reinforces the likelihood that women will tolerate physical abuse from their husbands.
69. If so, there is little likelihood that it will ever be known to us.
70. The result increases the likelihood that this year's election will be a victory for centrist politics as usual.
71. Parents who give in to a toddler's temper will increase the likelihood of tantrums recurring and find themselves becoming more angry.
72. In all likelihood, Davis will be traded to the Dallas Cowboys.
73. The President asked for opinions as to the likelihood of war.
74. Both in 1986 and in 1997, some 84 % of workers told surveys they saw little likelihood of unemployment.
75. It induces euphoria, numbs concentration and generally slows down reactions, increasing the likelihood of a bumpy return to earth.
76. In all likelihood, these principal payments have been building up as a balance in some other account or investment.
77. To reduce the likelihood of this a large lexicon must be stored.
78. What is the likelihood of new customers refusing to budge from initial terms?
79. The only thing Rob could think up as a possible Hank Camden failure was the likelihood of a low sperm count.
80. If she left early each morning and came home late at night there was very little likelihood of her meeting Leo.
81. Following pruning, the prefix with the consequent highest likelihood is expanded, producing a new prefix.
82. The likelihood of being killed by a mountain lion is still minimal.
83. Troops had been withdrawn from the west, but not because the likelihood of attack in that quarter had diminished.
84. Having exaggerated the likelihood of Labour's victory, the media are almost bound to exaggerate the significance of its defeat.
85. Northwestern University economist Bruce Meyer discovered that the likelihood of getting a job actually triples during the last month of unemployment benefits.
86. This list is almost endless but nomatterhow small the likelihood, every possible scenario must be explored.
87. It should also help to get the management commitment behind the project and this will significantly increase the likelihood of its success.
88. That necessary ditching, in all likelihood, will now be done in time for the next election.
89. A genuine tar-get meant a very strong likelihood of a fight.
90. But the longer the war goes on, the greater is the likelihood of more such tragedies.
91. From what he has heard he fears the worst about the likelihood of a quick turnaround on the field.
92. The likelihood that this will frequently be true can not be mistaken for the certitude that it is always so.
93. Relative risks were estimated as matched odds ratios by conditional maximum likelihood methods.
94. It is argued that this is a significant factor in reducing the likelihood of girls joining delinquent groups.
95. The likelihood would then be that these new lines of reasoning can be developed into an algorithmic procedure.
96. Should you fail to appreciate this, and simply ignore them, there is a real likelihood that you could be bitten.
97. Now it could be argued that this likelihood is so remote as not to be worthy of consideration.
98. The telephone increases the likelihood of jumping to the wrong conclusions.
99. Different areas of legislation and regulation affect the likelihood of success for complainants in judicial review.
100. They multiply this benefit by the likelihood that their personal contribution to the interest group will determine its success or continued existence.
101. These could involve technical improvements to reduce the likelihood of collision, for example through the introduction of anti-lock braking systems.
102. For example, the age at marriage is strongly associated with the likelihood of divorce.
103. Older people are particularly disadvantaged by this situation because of their greater likelihood of disability.
104. Be prepared to reconsider the likelihood of emotional stresses and strains.
105. Does the relative desirability of a future event affect the assessment of a likelihood?
106. The Wald test is equivalent to the likelihood ratio test in large samples.
107. Request your surgeon to comment specifically on likelihood of return to work; continuance in present employment, etc.
108. Taping rehearsals also reduces the likelihood of arguments about who played what at the last rehearsal.
109. The researchers cautioned that the study only predicts the likelihood that a child will be predisposed to physical prowess.
110. Optimism about the likelihood of a budget agreement is helping to maintain healthy bidding for Treasurys.
111. The intention of the clause is to reflect the increased likelihood of damage to this equipment under the strain of racing.
112. This should increase control and reduce the likelihood of injury.
113. Given the burgeoning budget deficit, there is a very real likelihood of some form of tax increase in the Budget.
114. There was no need for the pebbles in the overall plan, and there was no likelihood of their imminent deployment.
115. Impacts on Earth differ from those on Mars in that terrestrial impacts have a high likelihood of encountering an ocean.
116. In any auction, the more who bid, the greater the likelihood of obtaining the best possible price.
117. Another specific influence on both share prices and option premiums is the expectation and likelihood of a contested takeover.
118. Principally, says Stern, because Molto is, in all likelihood, not going to testify.
119. Conversely, co-operative feeding and care increases the likelihood of rearing those young that are produced.
120. Ten thousand dollars, which in all likelihood has been accruing interest all this time.
121. Drugs such as anticoagulants, antacids, barbiturates, alcohol and tobacco may increase the likelihood of the condition developing.
122. Although this hip reduces the likelihood of resorption, early detection of problems is vital.
123. There will be great debate surrounding the engine and many questions will be raised that can not be answered except in terms of likelihood.
124. The likelihood that one will never own an automobile can not fail to have the opposite effect.
125. The region claims the situation should improve this year with new storm water tanks in Dunfermline reducing the likelihood of overflows.
126. The likelihood ratio test statistic shown above is a formalization of this.
127. However(http://), individuals and often organisations have to make judgements based on their perceptions of likelihood and consequences.
128. The active, sensation-seeking child simply has a greater likelihood of such a pattern.
129. This sequence was selected to reduce the likelihood of standing stress waves in the body of the engine.
130. Armed with information like this, the likelihood is that governments will find further justification for managing the media in wartime.
131. I believe that there is a strong likelihood that markets will seek to test that resolve.
132. And there is a strong likelihood of losing ground financially rather than gaining it.
133. Once an argument is in progression the child may feel that there is an increased likelihood of the parent's giving in.
134. Due to the low pay offered the likelihood was that anyone with creative talent would be attracted to a better-paid job elsewhere.
135. The likelihood of this future scenario is further discussed in the final section of this chapter.
136. As the number of people involved increases, so does the likelihood of the fraud's detection.
137. There is some empirical support for the proposition that the likelihood of attack decreases with size.
138. In all likelihood they do poorly on tests and other measures of performance and suffer humiliation and self-concept-destroying consequences.
139. No drain was inserted in view of the likelihood of ascites developing in the postoperative period.
140. Preventive work spans these contrasting situations because child abuse cases are those where there is more likelihood of separation.
141. Custodial sentences and remands prevent immediate offending but increase the likelihood of later and more serious reoffending.
142. Keeler has been musing on the nature of weediness and the likelihood of it evolving among engineered crops.
143. Such questions cast serious doubts on the likelihood of to having no meaning in these uses.
144. In all likelihood, the racially polarized vote will reinforce Mississippi's negative image far beyond its borders.
145. The President asked for opinions as to the likelihood of criminal prosecution of Poindexter and North.
146. However, this tactic has been abandoned due to improved police surveillance and the greater likelihood of being caught.
147. Obviously, where the marketing concept prevails, the likelihood of serious conflict is reduced, and vice-versa. 8.
148. The likelihood of food riots this winter will increase as shortages spread.
149. An opportunity should never be judged by the size of the potential gains but by the likelihood of those gains.
150. There is little likelihood that cereals played a minor role in the economy.
151. By having regular contact with her and then following her guidance, you will dramatically increase the likelihood of success.
152. Studies have shown that there is a greater likelihood of teenagers having car accidents.
153. Would there be any likelihood of a future charge under inheritance tax?
154. After all, my reputation is in all likelihood blasted in any event.
155. Suppose we think of conditions which lead to impaired reproduction or increased likelihood of mortality.
156. Positivist research has generated much data about specific relationships between individual or social characteristics and the likelihood of conviction.
157. The scarcity of modern director's negligence cases suggests that the likelihood of liability actually being imposed is currently minimal.
158. Between 1953 and 1955(http:///likelihood.html), the United States could have effectively destroyed the Soviet Union with little likelihood of serious reprisal.
159. Questions of loyalty had to be weighed against the likelihood of my neurological meltdown.
160. The crucial difference with the likelihood ratio test is that the models that provide the's and's can be highly non-linear.
161. Such statistical tests yield statements of probability about the likelihood of a particular result having occurred by chance.
162. I shall die when I am between seventy-five and eighty, in all likelihood.
163. With globalisation still in its infancy, the likelihood of such crises recurring is high.
164. A quarter of lone fathers are over 50, reflecting their greater likelihood of being widowers.
165. But many brokers predict a long-term downward trend for maize due to the likelihood of a heavily oversupplied market.
166. In all likelihood, we will find the lost child.
167. The likelihood arrives the turn of life ah.
168. There is every likelihood that sanctions will work.
169. Then, the likelihood function of probability casual model is taken as antigen of immune genetic algorithm and solution of fault diagnosis as antibodies.
170. For a life data X, whether it comes from the censoring exponential distribution or the censoring normal distribution, it can use the likelihood ratio test to make a decision.
171. It is shown that The asymptotic null distribution of the modified likelihood ratio test proposed is derived and found to be relatively simple and easily applied.
172. Present brutal type in sexual thing sometimes crude sex tendency, the likelihood is drain aggression go-getting a kind of means.
173. They are consistent with the Sum Maximum Likelihood Estimate and have consistence and minimum bias.
174. Have a few implement the patient of disease of qualitative sex brain, when clinical when going up to still do not have apparent gawkish symptom, the likelihood has angst or angst show effect.
175. Confucius on the likelihood of good through attractive, reflecting the teaching of art throughout.
176. This paper describes a new nonlinear filtering algorithm (NLF) for tracking maneuvering targets, presents reasonable maneuvering likelihood function, derives estimating equations.
177. Here, likelihood you feel I said to pile gibberish, be!
178. For unknown accented speech, by means of the logarithmic scores associated with each system and the maximum likelihood criterion, automatic accent classification of non-native speech can be made.
179. To learn a classifier, a semisupervised Bayesian approach is adopted. An EM algorithm is derived to compute maximum likelihood estimate. Experimental results demonstrate appropriate accuracy.
180. According to researchers led by Liana Sayer, from Ohio State University, a women's employment status has no effect on the likelihood that her husband will opt to leave the marriage.
181. In all likelihood, however, ozone has the capacity to diffuse through the fungal wall into the organismic cytoplasm, thus disrupting cellular organelles.
182. The detector derived from Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT) is developed under interference model.
183. The exterior of artificial intelligence in my mind see likelihood person, in body, is machine element , can take over outside every information.
184. We estimate simultaneously the texture parameters of multi polarimetric channels by the method of maximum likelihood under the assumption of multiple textures.
185. A frequency domain adaptive maximum likelihood (ML) time delay estimation algorithm based on squared coherence function is proposed.
186. The maximum likelihood estimators(MLE) of means and standard deviations and the asymptotic distribution of likelihood ratio statistic are given.
187. Still, the odds were against their encounter on this desolate island, and if Jackson had not appeared when he did,(http://) Nansen and Johansen in all likelihood would have died.
188. Several studies have shown that weight loss in women with PCOS improves the endocrine profile, menstrual cyclicity, rate of ovulation and likelihood of a healthy pregnancy.
189. There is little likelihood that a panel of five wants to go though the process of all shaking hands with you in turn.
190. In traditional multiple hypothesis tracking(MHT) algorithm, only target location information has been used for truth likelihood function of tracks.
191. This paper describes a method of maximum likelihood estimation for a class of bilinear systems under small samples.
192. Furthermore, through the maximum likelihood used for evaluating three parameters of wavelet coefficients' probability model, the adaptive algorithm is derived in the article.
193. The greater likelihood is that in a war the Islamists would fight asymmetrically, with guerrilla tactics.
194. The ARMA model was used to describe the prior distribution of observed discharge and the AR model was adopted to simulate the likelihood function of forecasting error.
195. On Tuesday, she appears at The Brits (in all likelihood to collect the award for best international female solo artist) before her sold-out Monster Ball tour arrives in British and European arenas.
196. The parameters in model are estimated by maximum likelihood estimate method.
197. Some of optimal bandwidths used depends on detection function, some do not rely on detection function, still use classic ground Maximum Likelihood estimate.
198. For the Rayleigh distribution, the moment estimate; the maximum likelihood estimate and the interval estimate of the parameter are given based on the full sample.
199. The training of the novel model utilizes maximum likelihood criterion and develops an effective EM algorithm to adjust model parameters.
200. The posterior probability is computed from the prior and the likelihood function via Bayes' theorem.
201. But the likelihood that some people failed to fess up about straying wouldn't undercut the study.
202. As stated above, those who experience Panic Attacks have a greater likelihood of developing agoraphobia for fear of having a panic attack while some place away from home.
203. This seems to indicate that the longer a dog is on a meatless diet, the less the likelihood of hypothyroidism.
204. In particular, the argument is that, if the likelihood of zygapophysial joint pain can be increased by clinical examination, the yield of subsequent diagnostic blocks will be greater.
205. It added that MAS had a higher likelihood that its performances for financial years 2011 and 2012 would continue to be in the red.
206. In view of a few likelihood by cankered person the website making friend that use is absent " blacklist " on, alarm make the most of of minor of the appeal that inspect hall " Bai Ming is odd " means.
207. A new combined maximum likelihood (ML) and decision feedback equalization (DFE) detection algorithm for the V -BLAST system is proposed based on nulling vector set searching.
208. Towards the distributed multiple sensor detection information fusion, detection performance under N P criterion is studied, while the algorithm for local detection is based on likelihood criterion.
209. The likelihood of infection might be increased if there is menstrual blood involved or if the woman is infected with another sexually transmitted disease.
210. The traditional signal detection theory and method using likelihood ratio test has been used widely, but it has obvious drawbacks.
211. The training of the novel model utilizes the maximum likelihood criterion and an effective EM algorithms to adjust model parameters is developed.
212. For women, genetic screening offers the hope of better understanding the likelihood that they'll develop breast cancer.
213. In this paper, empirical euclidean likelihood ratio statistics are constructed for parametric in a nonlinear model. And prove strong consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimation.
214. And more of flooey is your explanation to their demand belongs to yourself only, and the likelihood is full of prunes.
215. Following the maximum likelihood criterion and initial parameters are linearly computed, and final values are obtained through nonlinear minimization based on the maximum likelihood criterion.
216. Gellatly was curious about studies of male shrimps, marine worms, and yes—human males—that showed that their likelihood of producing male offspring seemed to mimic that of their parents.
217. However, as the MLE requires obtaining the parameters of the high order non-linear likelihood function when it reaches the global maximum, this makes the MLE approach has very huge calculation burden.
217. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
218. And then a method called system input reconstruction for estimating dynamic system's time lags and an algorithm based on maximum likelihood estimation for extracting the time lags are presented.
219. They also say the likelihood of casualties increases when guns come out—especially when the pirates arrive armed with rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) and ships carry explosive chemicals.
220. A positive blood alcohol level seemed to increase the likelihood of survival, even after the researchers took into account the age of the patient and the severity of the injury.
221. For the study of symbol timing recovery, this thesis presents a new feedforward data-aided estimation algorithm using a PN preamble based on the maximum likelihood estimation theory.
222. The limit distributions of estimators and likelihood ratio test are given, the strong consistency of estimators is also proved.
223. Through the comparison of likelihood ratio test results, the sensitivity degrees of affecting slope stability factors were determined.
224. The final target representation model was obtained by means of linear fusing the two feature models, and the fusion coefficient was determined adaptively by contrast ratio of feature likelihood map.
225. The optimal decision arithmetic are obtained by minimizing the average Bayes risk, the decision form of the local detectors and fusion center can be simplified as the likelihood ratio test.
226. In the paper, the fuzzy likelihood function is utilized to cluster sample data.
227. Although the system restores to nod a likelihood invalidation, but the most appropriate method that this is eradicative infection file probably.
228. Easy access to stars through social networking websites has made them less appealing and increases the likelihood of followers getting bored, music consumer research by publishers Bauer Media said.
229. Under the normal distribution, the maximum likelihood estimator for the population parameter is proved to be unbiased and asymptotically normal.
230. The debate over the likelihood of liquid Martian water flows on.
231. Aolaili says, empty plan of lucky An Hang is the fastest 2014 end puts next approving on order (the likelihood is 200 to 300 jet-propelled plane) , delivery time may be in 2018.
232. Sixth, we must prepare ourselves and the working class and progressive movements for the likelihood that imperialism will attempt to reorientate itself strategically.
233. The primary risk of developing a custom authorization solution is the reasonably high likelihood of creating an unmaintainable mess of spaghetti security code, worse than the original problem.
234. Extraversion reduced a person's likelihood of dying from respiratory disease, but had no other effects on mortality.
235. Decision theory, statistical classification, maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimation, non - parametric methods, unsupervised learning and clustering.
236. It also decreases the likelihood that a maintainer will insecurely use the file name (they need to use the file descriptor instead).
237. A little traumatic sex is paralytic cannot restore completely, the likelihood is pressed for facial nerve canal, can have the haematoma outside hematic tympanum or temporal bone.
238. In either event , there was a likelihood Tynan might know the meaning of The R Document.
239. Dogs fed a calorie-limited diet will reach the same adult size as their overfed counterparts more slowly, of course, but with a considerably reduced likelihood of developing arthritis.
240. By defining the 3D body model, camera model and image likelihood model, we can define the tracking object function and resolve it using optimized particle filter.
241. At last, transporter retarder fatigue curve based on maximum likelihood method was validate by testing data.
242. "The likelihood that private capital may enter in these industries is very slim unless the private investors are protected by special policies," Zhang wrote.
243. At present the country suspends villatic project approving the ground, the likelihood makes a turning point.
244. On the basis of this conclusion, we simplify the likelihood difference function, and the analytic form of the probability distribution function is obtained.
245. The chance of a flood of a certain level occurring is usually referred to in terms of the likelihood of that level being exceeded in a particular year, or Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) .
246. Excessive and reduce weight impertinently, the likelihood is in adipose reductive at the same time, harmonious sexual love and happiness of husband and wife also will are far from.
247. By using the maximum likelihood estimation method, the unknown parameters in the lifetime and repair time distribution are solved.
248. R and S type LTSs are proposed. It is proved that the optimal distributed CFAR detection based on the above two LTSs in NP sense is in form of likelihood ratio test (LRT).
249. A new fuzzy likelihood function is used to denotes the similarity degree of two fuzzy sets.
250. The absence of fever, dyspnea, hemoptysis, and pleuritic chest pain reduces the likelihood of pneumonia, although these features are frequently absent in elderly patients with pneumonia.
251. He says that a number of factors could affect the likelihood of a given individual dying from a dangerous combination of prescription medicine.
252. Tantalizingly, they say that doing this would create "a market-based view of future output and the likelihood of severe shocks, " although they do not explain how this market would be structured.
253. The skill you accrete during this trauma is the ability to imagine plausible solutions, and to estimate the likelihood that an approach will work.
254. BR: Is there anything you can say about your belief of the likelihood of these events transpiring?
255. But then you have some neutrons that do 235 end up being absorbed in the fuel, uranium 235 and then there's a certain likelihood that some of these neutrons absorbed in the fuel do not fission.
256. The intelligent medical diagnostic system was tested by another 100 patients with a high likelihood of having hypertension.
257. A model and an algorithm were provided for constructing phylogenetic tree based on the principle of maximum likelihood estimate.
258. The theory of weighted empirical processes is an important element for(generalized) nonparametric likelihood ratio goodness of fit test.
259. The algorithms used in maneuvering target tracking can be classified as methods based on maximum likelihood estimation and methods based on Bayesian estimation.
260. And as the international community pressures the Gadhafi regime, it should avoid policies that increase the likelihood that jihadi groups can capitalize on the chaos in Libya.
261. We call current network tomography as unconstraint network tomography for its not adding any constraint condition and all of them nearly are based on some likelihood algorithm.
262. Data collection and analysis Positive and negative likelihood ratios (LR) and diagnostic odds ratios (DOR) were calculated.
263. The presence an associated skin rash supports the likelihood of RSV infection.
264. The Artificial Passenger is a telematic device developed by IBM that interacts verbally to reduce the likelihood of a vehicle operator falling asleep at the controls.
265. The maintenance of higher aortic perfusion pressure intraoperatively must be emphasized to decrease the likelihood of air embolism.
266. We construct a quasi likelihood ratio test (LRT) for the case-only data utilizing the information of unlinker markers in the human genome.
267. However, it is uncertain whether there is an association among iron accumulation, clinical complications, and decreased likelihood of survival in MDS patients.
268. LEI now includes SYM files for the Windows 32 platform, which will improve the likelihood of fixes being delivered without first installing debug code.
269. If haemolysis comes loose to sow the cruor inside sexual blood-vessel is caused, treat a likelihood with heparin effective.
270. Based on the mean PE(subscript M) and mutation rate, the likelihood ratio of true father to random man (paternity index) was got using binomial theorem.
271. The advent of digital sources has improved the discovery period of the research phase, but has also increased the likelihood of oversights in the citation process.
272. The best way to understand the Birthday Paradox is not to calculate the likelihood of two people having the same birthday, but two people not having the same birthday.
273. The rate of moderate-sized earthquakes is quite high, and there is a considerable likelihood that a magnitude 6 earthquake will cause damage if it strikes near a city.
274. However, timing of antibiotics was not associated with likelihood of readmission .
275. It is especially convenient for rooting the unrooted trees obtained from parsimony, distance or maximum likelihood tree-building methods.
276. Methods In this paper, the authors introduced orthonormal contrast transformation to avoid auto-correlation, and proposed the tests of presuppositions by likelihood ratio statistics.
277. Explore the likelihood of exacerbation of known conditions or the onset of a new disease process.
278. Especially IE setting once after set, the likelihood won't be changed for a long time, because this is inferior to thorough anchor ice sealing!
279. The automatic growth of file space increased to manage a gender automatically, but the likelihood brings about dimensional fragment.
280. The likelihood ratio criterion of sphericity test, its asymptotic expansion and limiting distribution are obtained.
281. But even after controlling for this factor, he found that the greater the levels of cotinine, the greater likelihood that the subject would show signs of psychological distress.
281. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
282. Want illicit concealed to exist only, have by the likelihood of purloin far from possibly.
283. Researchers plan to evaluate the likelihood of panspermia by studying whether microorganisms can survive an interplanetary journey.
284. Others get posted with a high likelihood of security issues, because no security testing has been performed on them.
285. Oedema patient pass water is little, if be in first when serve as beverage with ormosia Bao soup, morrow swollen situation can drop, take 67 days repeatedly, the likelihood is completely abreaction.
286. Maximum likelihood performs a nonlinear dimensionality reduction, choosing permutations that compact the permuted image vectors into a volumetrically minimal subspace.
287. Over the years, there have been a number of reports showing that heavy exposure to certain pollutants may affect a man's likelihood of fathering a son.
288. A self-adaptive maximum likelihood bit synchronization approach dedicated for GPS receivers was proposed.
289. New concepts of the likelihood function and the fuzzy alternation entropy are given based on fuzzy information theory, and their properties are discussed.
290. This text establishes a model of space-time block code system at first, and also introduces the theory of maximum likelihood estimate.
291. Suddenly, a village pinpricks of light, the likelihood of pearl layer, and like the sky that winked at the world small eyes secretly landed midgard stars.
292. But it was difficult to calculate, because censored data in the form of samples of the likelihood function is very complex.
293. In Chapter 4, we discuss and prove the consistency and asymptotic normality of maximum likelihood estimate to the exponential models.




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