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单词 Parish
1. He is vicar of a large rural parish.
2. He was a warden at the local parish church.
3. You are cordially invited to attend the annual parish meeting.
4. His superiors moved him to another parish.
5. Father Doyle moved to a new parish.
6. She was a regular worshipper at the parish church.
7. The banns were published in their local parish church.
8. Every parish was named after a saint.
9. The parish objected to some of the vicar's reforms.
10. We have some extant parish records from the sixteenth century.
11. He was offered the curacy of St. Katherine's parish church.
12. The parish priest is someone to whom people can turn in difficult times.
13. A memorial service was held yesterday at Wadhurst Parish Church. The Rev Michael Inch officiated.
13. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. He became a rector of a small parish where he ministered for several years.
15. Other monks of the house became parish clergy.
16. Dunlop parish had been long-famed for its dairy produce.
17. Council meeting: The parish council met yesterday.
18. The parish was recently founded and aptly named.
19. Or would these moves have made the parish more contentious, poisoned the nurturing atmosphere, and proved ultimately self-defeating?
20. They could exchange gossip about the parish; anything to distract his mind.
21. The parish clergy had to give up their concubines and accept a higher degree of accountability for performance of their duties.
22. The parish boundaries were often indistinct until after the Norman conquest,() but there may have been 150 of these by 1066.
23. The priest visited all the old people in the parish.
24. His orthodoxy began to be seriously questioned by his parish priest.
25. The couple later had their marriage blessed in their local parish church.
26. The men who were as willingly pewed in the parish church as their sheep were in night folds.
27. When the latter were realigned or made anew they often met the earlier roads at a sharp angle on the parish boundaries.
28. Those between clergy and musicians often spill over into the parish, and sides will be taken.
29. A small chapel was started in 1730 and the parish library, including the books, was moved to the current location.
30. Another reason for such sharp changes of alignment in otherwise straight enclosure roads is parish boundaries.
1. He was a warden at the local parish church.
2. The priest visited all the old people in the parish.
3. He became a rector of a small parish where he ministered for several years.
31. Even in the parish churches it is heard lingering among the faithful.
32. Chosen with discrimination, they make a welcome addition to parish church music.
33. In assessing their contribution it should be borne in mind that many parish roads were improved while many turnpikes were neglected.
34. All authority, both of chapter and parish clergy derives from the bishop.
35. Remuneration offered to children in parish church choirs is usually at the level of pocket money.
36. With agglomeration of settlements, some village churches were downgraded and abandoned; others became our parish churches.
37. But it was an entirely different matter to attempt a communal discernment in a large and already polarized parish.
38. He was on his way to a shopping center in Jeff Parish where a model fallout shelter was on display.
39. Praise will be led by the clergy and choir of Holywood Parish Church.
40. There was nothing that the parish council could do, as at the time much of the area was within Old Alresford.
41. Parish authorities generally were constantly reviewing their ideas about what constituted a minimum acceptable subsistence payment during this period.
42. The parish church at Chiaramonte has possession of the remains, which are kept under the altar in an ancient urn.
43. The same man apparently also posed as a deacon at a nearby Catholic parish but fled when confronted.
43. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
44. The £11,000 cost will be met through £4,000 from the parish council, grants and fundraising by the project committee.
45. Father Luke pedalled backwards in the direction of Whitechapel's parish church and fell over the barrow.
46. For twenty years they had baked a small loaf of bread for each child in the parish as a First Communion gift.
47. It affirms strongly its belief in the importance of congregational music in the average parish.
48. The functions which may be exercised by parish, town and community councils are nearly all concurrent functions with district councils.
49. In our own case, if we were free to plant beyond our parish boundaries, we should already have done so.
50. The smith was invoking the part of the Elizabethan Poor Law which required the parish to assist the able-bodied to work.
51. Nether Wyresdale Parish Council would like to express their appreciation of the effort that went into carrying out the survey.
52. He spent 33 years as a parish councillor, 24 of them as parish council chairman.
53. Perhaps surprisingly, there is little evidence of the cloth trade in the parish at all.
54. It was found that the parish of Westoning was in arrears and the patient was ineligible.
55. At the third tier, parish councils were created in 1894 and charged with administering poor relief.
56. Mitch Snyder may have realized it was his best chance of making some kind of mark on the parish.
57. During the period 1370 to 1532, 95 percent of testators in Norwich left bequests to their parish churches.
58. Now the former chairman of Merrybent parish council has written about his struggle against heart disease in a medical journal.
59. He noted the incidence of barrows reused as Saxon cemeteries and other Saxon burials on or near parish boundaries in Wessex.
60. The Norman church is holding concerts on Friday and Sunday with a parish dance on Saturday.
61. Council and committee chairman Don Mayes pointed out that a number of those buried at Blackmoor were from their parish.
62. It is a day to celebrate the rich variety of people within our parish rather than create unnecessary divisions.
63. He died 14 June 1835 and was buried in Dedham parish church, where there is a mural tablet to his memory.
64. The family has been told a rabbit would be allowed on the head stone of the infant in the parish church.
65. He was a senior figure in the diocese of Dromore and had served most recently in the Warrenpoint parish.
66. From 1541 to 1701 the parish registers, with remarkable consistency, show just how important the long-established families were.
67. The parish clerk was asked to report the matter to the area surveyor.
68. Very occasionally a priest is mentioned who appears not to have any official connexion with the parish.
69. This also explains why there is no record of the burials in the parish register.
70. Mami walked her to the bus stop for her first month at her new school over in the next parish.
71. Not all, however, survived, and of those that did, not all became parish churches.
72. By the spring of 1993, the parish was donating nearly two hundred thousand dollars each year to charitable causes.
73. Many of them expressed appreciation of local cathedral organists and parish musicians who provide a lead and incentive to others.
74. Apart from infrequent exceptions such as these, chantry priests were indistinguishable from parish chaplains.
75. A variety of independent museum are run by Trusts, local societies, parish councils and enthusiastic individuals.
76. Desmond Bonney followed his initial research by an examination of parish boundaries associated with Roman roads and late prehistoric linear earthworks.
77. Bulbs At the last Parish Council meeting it was agreed to buy some bulbs for planting around the centre of the village.
78. And if the turnout was any indication, the parish was welcoming them with open arms.
79. It has a very old parish church, St Mary's, and the Lamb Inn opposite is fifteenth century.
80. The priest was shot dead as he drove back to his parish after conducting a wedding ceremony, but nothing was stolen.
81. The same treatment was to be accorded to the other chapels in the parish.
82. Then the entire party walked to the parish church for the religious ceremony.
83. He then served a second curacy in Drumglass Parish, Dungannon.
84. It benefits from a lovely site, opposite the parish church and close to farm buildings, away from the village centre.
85. The defeated bypass proposal was unveiled by parish councillor Edward Lucas.
86. I took the bus to the neighbouring parish and told an unseen, unknown priest all that had happened.
87. Very few men took clerical orders in the hope of devoting themselves to pastoral work at parish or diocesan level.
88. But the Commission considers that the role played by music in the worship of parish and cathedral ought not to be confused.
89. The latter is likely to provide some scope for active involvement in the worshipping and musical life of the parish.
90. By the 1820s Brighton had sprawled along several miles of cliff top, almost to the edge of its parish boundaries.
91. The parish council were not altogether happy with the road layout around the new pelican crossing, Mr. Hobbs reported.
92. I enclose the completed form that you mentioned for hire of the school classroom for Parish Council meetings.
93. The Parish Council have asked me to express their grave concern that such an incident could have occurred at all.
94. Ramsey's first holiday in Devonshire as a bishop was made unhappy by the news of the quarrel in the parish.
95. The Parish Council are of the opinion the satellite dish requires planning approval and it appears that no application has been made.
96. Phil Hughes, a district councillor and parish councillor, who lives in Bowes parish.
97. Throughout the winter, Kea and Kathy had plotted strategies to gain the Working Groups wider acceptance in the parish.
98. A new church in his last parish of Karori West; the local bowling club.
99. Main character established between twelfth and fifteenth centuries, with the choir later restored for use as parish church.
100. Parishes For local government purposes the parish had only existed within the boundaries of the former rural district councils.
101. Many members of the parish were profoundly ambivalent about the protest.
102. Campaigners now hope parish councillors will abandon their scheme for 30 new lights and accept alternative proposals instead.
103. The most distinctive land-mark in the parish is the Rimswell water tower, built in 1916 to serve South Holderness with water.
103. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
104. The Presbytery appoints the beadle of the parish to summond him pro secundo.
105. A claimant had a right of settlement in only one parish, originally in his or her father's place of birth.
106. Passing over the parish boundary at Sunderlandwick, the old toll bar is on the right, and Bar Farm opposite.
107. Mr. Kimber said the parish councils were now recommended to hold a contingency fund within their budget to deal with such problems.
108. By mid-February the archdiocese had yet to release its report on the parish, and he was beginning to worry.
109. Today we see this in terms of which places have the shops, local school, or perhaps the parish church.
110. There is also a third tier of parish councils, with minimal powers.
111. He was baptized in his own parish church of Arbory, 20 November 1774.
112. It has been passed round the parish councillors for any information or comments.
113. In addition, parish priests were feeling the pinch through reduced income from alms and tithes.
114. He concluded by thanking vice-chairman Tony Rudgard who has produced the useful monthly newsletter for parish councillors.
115. Like a priest in his parish, Lew took time to console Anna, an elderly stay-at-home who needs groceries.
116. Very high among Innocent III's ambitions was the improvement of the parish clergy.
117. At their recent meeting the Parish Council were disturbed to find that both these bills have increased substantially.
118. Jesty died in Worth Matravers 16 April 1816 and was buried in the parish churchyard.
119. Tom was particularly captivated by the children of the parish, who seemed so joyful despite their poverty and despite the war.
120. You see, the parish owns some property which is rented very cheaply to deserving people.
121. By visitation of the monastic and parish churches within their dioceses, the bishops heard what was going on.
122. By what right did it attempt to speak for the parish?
123. Until a generation ago it was not uncommon for a successful parish church organist to be appointed to a cathedral post.
124. And though there were plenty of strong opinions, much of the parish still seemed profoundly ambivalent about the protest.
125. They regularly lead Sunday services at the parish church and welcome the community into school to celebrate special events.
126. Organise a prayer service and/or information event for your parish or deanery.
127. Mass every day was celebrated by our parish priest, Canon John Roper, in different churches and basilicas.
128. They are administered by one parish council, which takes in the hamlets of Sunderlandwick and Rotsea.
129. Today that link is stronger, as part of a growing recognition that cathedral, parish and diocese all belong together.
130. Get up in the morning, clean the parish house kitchen from what the auxiliary cooked the night before.
131. Father Richard, who holds several administrative posts within the Benedictine order as well as being a parish priest, is a trained lawyer.
132. Certainly the name Borrow appears in Parish records as early as 1690.
133. Councillor Sam James took along a window frame to the March parish council meeting.
133. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
134. The Parish council would, therefore, strongly urge your committee to refuse this application.
135. Over my dead body, thought the rector, who loved the diminutive stone building that the parish had erected in 1879.
136. This was the only Nonconformist chapel Butterfield ever designed and in 1976 it became a parish church.
137. It was his good fortune that two of the more respected women in the parish were active in the antiabortion movement.
138. Transhumance needs to be acknowledged as a factor when attempting to understand the functioning of any settlement or parish under study.
139. He looks and sounds like the second curate in a three-priest parish, and his speciality was killing silently.
140. Traffic moan: Parish councillors at Robin Hood's Bay are calling for policing to be stepped up.
141. The Pope will consecrate the new parish church during his visit to his homeland.
142. The curate was troubled by the conflict between his love of biblical study and the chores of the parish.
143. One cautious council member thought the parish would be asking for trouble by starting a sister-parish relationship in a war zone.
144. He is a parish councillor, school governor and a member of Yorkshire Water Consultative Committee.
145. Their needs are met to varying degrees by the home, parish or deanery.
146. In February 1988 the parish council launched a campaign for the provision of sea defences.
147. I should be sorry to have to advise the Parish Council to look elsewhere for banking services.
148. As a lead-up to national Youth Sunday, parish youth groups have already enjoyed two deanery events.
149. Ministers are sent on courses to learn counselling skills and how to manage parish accounts.
150. That is also the view of the Dorney and Taplow parish councils and the South Buckinghamshire district council.
151. It marks the boundary of the parish of Langtom Matravers.
152. He retired at Christmas, 1990, as parish priest of St Ignatius, Ossett, suffering from a chronic chest complaint.
153. The appeal follows the announcement of loans and grants totalling nearly £21,000 to parish councils, sports clubs and voluntary bodies.
154. The smaller parish or community council may prefer to carry out all business through the full council instead of appointing committees.
155. I suppose the link between chapter and parish is really administratively through the archdeacon.
156. Parish priests have referred to it in their sermons.
157. Fr Mark is our founding Filipino parish priest.
158. We must notify the parish.
159. People served a spaghetti supper in the parish house.
160. She is ministering in an old Parish.
161. I'll discover the parish of that parishioner.
162. Putting an end to abortion is just one of many reasons why every parish should have perpetual Eucharistic adoration.
163. Right to nominate a person to be a parish priest.
164. Charing is a small village and civil parish in Ashford District of Kent(), in south - east England.
165. Other buildings such as cathedrals and parish churches are associated with a sense of traditional Englishness, as is often the palatial 'stately home'.
166. Largely as a result, the first Catholic parish in New York City was not established until the 1780s, St.
167. John Stuart Mill wrote in 1861 that it was "required by first principles that the receipt of parish relief [welfare] should be a peremptory disqualification for the franchise."
168. She was baptized as a Roman Catholic and even was an altar boy at the Parish of St. Mark's Church, a copy of the baptism certificate is enclosed.
169. At a graduation ceremony of Yale University, a local parish pastor was called in to pinch-hit , as the invited guest speaker failed to show up.
170. Had the congregation followed suit, there would have been chaos in the parish, " Davies pointed out in his book on the dunnock ."
171. He really seemed to look upon himself as the most important person in the parish.
172. He was wedded already to his books and his parish.
173. July 1952: Assigned to pastoral ministry at the Refugee Centre at Tung Tau Tsuen, Kowloon, Hong Kong, now a part of St. Patrick's Parish.
174. Lakenheath Parish Council said nearly 100 trees were felled and unapproved changes made to the hall.
175. In the basement of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Church - a small parish of about 50 people - a few dozen people are stuffing and shaping potato pierogies by hand.
176. An oiled crab walks along an absorbent boom floating near a patch of oiled roseau cane near the South Pass of the Mississippi River in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana on Sunday, Aug. 1, 2010.
177. The parish has welcomed the new vicar with open arms.
178. In St Bernard Parish, which once had two hospitals, there is now none.
179. Their first exhibition of themselves was in a processional march of two and two round the parish.
180. Municipal town and rural parish gradually made fresh threads of connection.
181. Workers wipe oil from marsh grass in St. Tammany Parish, La.
182. An Anglican cleric with full legal control of a parish under ecclesiastical law; a rector.
183. My reasons for marrying are, first, that I think it a right thing for every clergyman in easy circumstances (like myself) to set the example of matrimony in his parish.
184. Delacroix is the last stop in Louisiana's St. Bernard parish before the Gulf of Mexico begins.
185. Ben's parish in Milwaukee's inner city, for example—but after my father retired, he took his social action to a new level.
186. The three-day event began with a tea party on October 7, followed by a parish visit and exchange the next day.
187. I don't believe, as an elected member for the area and a Lanner resident, that Lanner Parish Council is acting responsibly.
188. The main source for family reconstitution is the parish register.
189. Beadle:a minor parish official formerly employed in an English church to usher and keep order during services.
190. It has been dubbed the "miracle chapati " by Bangalore parish priest George Jacob. Father Jacob, who has put it in a glass case, said: "Devotees feel blessed on witnessing it.
191. The blessing of the Parish Centre providentially falls on the 12th of December, the day when in Mexico and in the Americas celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
191. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
192. Neil Parish, Conservative MEP for the South West, said the case was sad and politically motivated.
193. At the time, the main parish was founded in Macao and the Society of Jesus, the Franciscan Order, the Agostinho Order and Dominican Order came to Macao in succession.
194. His days are spent travelling by boat ministering to his parish.
195. The Holy Family Church was closed and the parish now celebrates mass in this simple side chapel.
196. That American priest's decision will probably mystify and alienate both the girls and boys of his parish, not to mention the adults.
197. It was not so very long ago that I was a parishioner of the parish of die-of-hunger-if-you-have-a-fire,-die-of-cold-if-you-have-bread!
198. The beadle, a parish officer responsible for persuading householders to do their duty as jurors at such inquests, has assembled 12 men.
199. Albert'slim " Parish, a fat Londoner far from home, dealt him a jack.
200. The first group from Saints Peter and Paul parish departed for Madrid yesterday.
201. The prism consists of the vestibule on the opposite end of the front wall of the presbytery, from where one enters the temple, the local parish basement and the first floor dwellings.
202. I later contacted the verger at the church closest to Woolsthorpe, who made inquiries through the parish records on my behalf.
203. All this of course is outside the parish of the High North Aftican Command.
204. The rectory's first floor had the parish office, a waiting room, and a meeting room.




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