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单词 Artillery
1) Planes, ships, and artillery bombarded the enemy port.
2) This is a heavy artillery piece.
3) The city has been flattened by heavy artillery bombardments.
4) The allies let loose an intensive artillery bombardment over the border.
5) The aerial bombardments have neutralized the threat of artillery attacks on allied ground forces.
6) The enemy has enough heavy artillery to win the war.
7) Enemy forces lobbed a series of artillery shells onto the city.
8) Artillery was deployed in the west.
9) The fire of our artillery troops raked their gunboat.
10) He was a captain in the Royal Artillery.
11) The hospital had been hit with heavy artillery fire.
12) The heavy artillery bombardment reduced the village to ruins.
13) Using tanks and heavy artillery,(http:///artillery.html) they seized the town.
14) The artillery was deployed to bear on the fort.
15) Rebel artillery units have regularly bombarded the airport.
16) The effects of the artillery bombardment were devastating.
17) Rockets, mortars and artillery rounds rained on buildings.
18) The army launched artillery bombardments against enemy positions.
19) Our artillery fire bombarded the enemy post.
20) The artillery gave us covering fire .
21) The town is under heavy artillery fire.
22) Use artillery to soften up the enemy forces.
23) The building was destroyed by an artillery shell.
24) Naval gunfire and ground-based artillery are generally less accurate than many aircraft-borne weapons.
25) The soldiers of the artillery train had panicked and cut the traces of their horses.
26) The troops were backed by tanks, artillery and other heavy armour.
27) Our artillery opened up and we heard a fearful wailing and screeching.
28) They blitzed the capital with tanks, artillery, anti-aircraft weapons and machine guns.
29) Our militia fired off volley after volley from anti - aircraft artillery.
30) The town finally succumbed last week after being pounded with heavy artillery for more than two months.
1) Planes, ships, and artillery bombarded the enemy port.
2) This is a heavy artillery piece.
3) The city has been flattened by heavy artillery bombardments.
4) The allies let loose an intensive artillery bombardment over the border.
5) Our militia fired off volley after volley from anti - aircraft artillery.
6) The aerial bombardments have neutralized the threat of artillery attacks on allied ground forces.
7) The enemy has enough heavy artillery to win the war.
8) The town finally succumbed last week after being pounded with heavy artillery for more than two months.
9) Enemy forces lobbed a series of artillery shells onto the city.
10) The artillery was deployed to bear on the fort.
11) The fierce artillery barrage destroyed the most part of the city in a few minutes.
12) The artillery were fighting.
13) The commandos pushed forward under the covering fire of their artillery.
14) After an artillery bombardment lasting several days the town finally succumbed.
31) The fierce artillery barrage destroyed the most part of the city in a few minutes.
32) The artillery were fighting.
33) They traded artillery fire with government forces inside the city.
34) The artillery spotter brought down fire on the enemy warship.
35) The commandos pushed forward under the covering fire of their artillery.
36) Kabul resounded to the crack of Kalashnikov fire and a flood of artillery.
37) After an artillery bombardment lasting several days the town finally succumbed.
38) Artillery and mortar shells were landing in the outskirts of the city.
39) They were asked to pull back from their artillery positions around the city.
40) Thousands of tanks(), artillery pieces and armored vehicles will be cut up for scrap.
41) Roll the artillery dice for each shot.
42) To patrol and ambush, call in artillery fire.
43) Our unit was a general support artillery battalion.
44) Artillery munitions were an even larger problem.
45) Or artillery units in need of shells?
46) He commands a battery of artillery.
47) Khalid al Zayn Ali, the artillery corps commander, Maj.-Gen.
48) We had an easy mission to an artillery unit.
49) The next day they withdrew under sporadic artillery bombardment.
50) Now roll the artillery dice again.
51) They did this to spare the city's civilians from artillery barrages.
52) About 300 tanks, artillery pieces and other heavy vehicles will have crossed the pontoon bridge by Wednesday, military engineers say.
53) We learned to sleep through tremendous noises, such as outgoing mortar or artillery or machine-gun fire.
54) Use your own artillery to soften up the enemy units that you wish to attack.
55) On the first day they shell a village from long range with artillery and rocket fire.
56) Then, artillery was aimed straight at the psychoanalytic heart: at neurosis!
57) Roll the artillery dice nine times and add the result.
58) Now we knew it was artillery, it sounded terribly close.
59) From the beginning, however, the engineers, like the artillery, were free of the incubus of purchased commissions.
60) Off to our left, we could see the artillery pieces. At that point, they were fighting hand to hand.
61) He served as a lieutenant in the Royal Field Artillery of the 51st Highland division in 1916-18.
62) They thought they heard thunder in the distance, but it was, in fact, artillery fire.
63) It was even more volatile than a hang-fire on an artillery shell.
64) The noise of the explosion resembled the shock of a heavy artillery salute....
65) Other times, though,(http:///artillery.html) he would have to call in artillery.
66) The gunners had to blow up some of their own artillery pieces to keep them from being turned on themselves.
67) We finally rescued our wounded, and, with the artillery still pounding, we called in for an air strike.
68) There were several hundred pieces of artillery and several thousand cavalrymen.
69) Contracts for rifles, wagons, uniforms, boots, corn, ammunition, artillery, and ships poured out of Washington.
70) You can hear the artillery going to work on his defences.
71) The rebel forces had launched their latest offensive in mid-March with a sustained artillery barrage and ground attack.
72) The siege had shown that, with artillery, Henry V had the capability of fulfilling his military ambition.
73) Many artillery men wear a leather jerkin to protect them from the discharge.
74) Heavy artillery and rocket attacks rained down on the camp.
75) The enemy directed heavy mortar fire at the artillery positions while an assault was launched on all sides of the perimeter.
76) Mark the point where the cannon ball strikes the ground and roll the Artillery dice to establish the bounce distance.
77) The Jeep was carrying six men from the artillery brigade.
78) Of course, the battalion commander with his artillery liaison officer was usually flying overhead.
79) He signed his troops to move out. Artillery batteries opened up.
80) The artillery was firing at low elevation and was practically out of high-explosive ammo.
81) This is a good way of stopping early aerial attacks against your Warlord or artillery.
82) The heavy armament comprised 1,000 artillery pieces, but many were obsolete or short range.
83) The move from the wood had carried the advance units through the long line of artillery pieces.
84) Alternatively, use Doom Divers to zap the enemy's artillery before it can damage your core units.
85) It was made by the Confederates on an artillery battery and its supporting infantry in the lines of General George McCall.
86) The best place for most artillery is on a hill commanding a wide field of fire with long clear lines of sight.
87) Roxburgh Castle was proof against all but prolonged siege and heavy artillery.
88) It will be some time before the factions upgrade to rockets, missiles and heavy artillery.
89) To decide if the Goblin lands where you have aimed it roll both the scatter dice and the artillery dice.
90) The ball travels the distance you have nominated, plus the score of the Artillery dice.
91) But for some extraordinary reason these bombers were wasted on attacking rail junctions that were already under effective artillery bombardment.
92) Vainly the artillery of the Federals tore great gaps and paths through this torrent of men....
93) Despite an artillery prep and rockets from our gunships, it was hot.
94) Early this March, this armoured car was quietly transported to the Artillery Museum, and the exhibition stands were dismantled.
95) An artillery battery belonging to the Seventh Virginia Regiment galloped after and did some damage.
96) The forces of tyranny and aggression shelled the Mandali suburbs,(http:///artillery.html) Khurmal and Darband-e-Khan with long-range artillery.
97) And underneath, lined up like artillery shells, are the tubes which fit in those caulking guns.
98) As they charged, the artillery fire would break their formation and they would get mixed.
99) Nuln Nuln is famous for its gunnery school where forge masters make cannons and where the best artillery men are trained.
100) Winston Churchill, with extraordinary perspicacity, wrote at the time: Meeting an artillery attack is like catching a cricket ball.
101) Artillery began to crash into the tree lines, and artillery flares fell, as well.
102) Artillery, trucks and communications equipment are still needed, the State Department official said.
103) He had decided, as he had at York town, that no attack was possible unless preceded by extensive artillery fire.
104) If the warhead is delivered by artillery, the stresses of acceleration may kill the germs.
105) The dark wood was now lit up with lurid flashes of artillery and the firefly sparkle of rifles.....
106) He was a docker, living in Artillery Lane off Bishopsgate, not far from Houndsditch.
107) Brigadier-General Dan Harel, commander of the Artillery Corps, was appointed head of an army board of inquiry.
108) Far away, artillery and helicopter units were alerted by higher command.
109) Armistead falls mortally wounded among the artillery he has captured....
110) In the path of his right, some twenty artillery pieces were positioned by General Alfred Pleasonton.
111) Then the depth of the massed artillery fire could be extended and the process repeated.
112) We pulled back in cases like that if possible and let artillery, gunships, or even jets hit the area.
113) It is now a museum of military history, but was once full of armed men and artillery.
114) The city of Battambang was subjected to heavy Khmer Rouge artillery fire.
115) Rangers, meanwhile, are convinced they possess enough heavy artillery to win the war tonight.
116) Just prior to our assault, they had fired 6, 000 rounds of artillery and bombed it all morning.
117) In addition, he took 350,000 prisoners, some 400 artillery pieces and I, 300 machine-guns.
118) Worse yet, their presence frequently meant indiscriminate artillery bombardments against innocent villages suspected of harboring the Vietcong.
119) Off to our left, we could see the artillery pieces.
120) Longstreet merely sent another note directing that if the artillery fire had the desired effect the attack was to go forward.
121) The army was a mainly infantry force, with a light cavalry screen, supported by a strong artillery arm.
122) Our sergeant ran in front of an artillery piece, and the beehive round cut him to pieces.
123) The roar of artillery grew more distinct, mingled with the continuous volleys of musketry.
124) If they wished, they could have ordered an artillery barrage or missile attack on the vehicles.
125) Meeting an artillery attack is like catching a cricket ball.
126) There was fierce hand-to-hand fighting and the area was coming under heavy tank and artillery shelling.
127) This took the form of an artillery bombardment in which 6000 were killed.
128) The artillery began firing beehive rounds,(http:///artillery.html) which I had never seen before at minimum elevation.
129) Reductions would affect especially artillery and anti-tank weapons, while procurement of naval vessels would be slowed.
130) Teenagers under the influence of the locally produced khat narcotic plant were said to be responsible for much of the artillery fire.
131) For nearly an hour the air vibrated with the artillery explosions.
132) Scabbards, broken arms, artillery horses, wrecks of gun carriages, and bloody garments strewed the scene.
133) Enemy artillery will probably be better than your own, so try to counter it early on.
134) Little Round Top was the more important position, for it could be ascended by horse-drawn artillery.
135) There were also artillery batteries and thousands of yards of interlocking systems of barbed wire defences.
136) Then the artillery, such as was saved, came thundering along, smashing and overpowering everything.
137) What the Navy needs, critics say, is a ship that can fire lots of relatively inexpensive artillery shells.
138) The ammo bearer lifted his head above the dike to help call in artillery.
139) At 07.30, the Allied artillery, which for the previous 65 minutes had been firing at its greatest intensity, lifted.
140) Missile troops positioned on hilltops are very handy for protecting artillery units.
141) It was an act of indecency to fire artillery pieces at innocent horses!
142) Cromwell's men had been bombarding the fort with their artillery for several days.
143) The man whom Patrick had seen through binoculars was using an artillery sight to fine-tune the angle.
144) Both are equally limited in the number of troops, tanks and artillery they can position near the border.
145) Elite Republican Guard troops deployed tanks and heavy artillery against lightly armed guerrilla units.
146) The columns included foot soldiers, artillery and cavalry units, white-topped sup-ply wagons, and dark-hued ambulances.
147) The rattle of rifles and the roar of artillery are simply awful.
148) A general tendency towards making artillery lighter and more mobile can also be seen in the later decades of the century.
149) Align Helblaster on target and measure range. 2. Roll the artillery dice for each barrel you wish to fire.
150) Reports from the lead platoons indicated that the artillery fire was being most effective in keeping the enemy pinned down.
151) Using tanks, heavy artillery and the threat of air strikes, they succeeded in defeating the rebels in 18 hours.
152) The CFE treaty provided for the destruction of around 40,000 tanks, artillery, helicopters and other equipment by 1995.
153) Bill Lucas, used the lull to call in artillery fire and F-18 Hornet bomber strikes on suspected enemy positions.
154) Pristina is surrounded by artillery ranges that belonged to the old Yugoslav army.
155) There has already been artillery fire, and many expect a new offensive in the coming weeks.
155) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
156) The real power of most artillery lies in its long reach.
157) These Federals, aided by a number of artillery batteries, man-aged to check Jackson on his left and in his center.
158) The artillery prep had not destroyed most of these rounds.
159) Aurangzeb's musketeers held their fire until the last minute, then discharged their entire artillery.
160) Attempts to smash wire defences by artillery barrage were seldom successful.
161) There was a trick to it, which involved artillery and white phosphorus, but the overall effect was spectacular.
162) The effects of the artillery bombardment and the air strikes had been devastating.
163) The sonic assault doesn't have to be all heavy artillery.
164) To determine how far the ball bounces roll the Artillery dice again and mark the spot where the ball comes to land.
165) Nothing could be heard save the thunder of artillery... and the continuous roar of musketry.
166) Often no artillery or air support, even if we are overrun.
167) Artillery, Engineer, and Signals regiments, and its logistic corps, were tailored to support them.
168) Giap also perceived that his artillery was vulnerable to air raids.
169) Some of those artillery pieces look a little elderly.
170) The artillery has more firepower than the infantry.
171) A brigade of field artillery was waiting, limbered up.
172) A round of tank - artillery fire rings out.
173) The soldiers went back under heavy artillery fire.
174) Artillery cruiser and guided missile cruiser.
175) Taiwanese artillery fired on a Vietnamese supply ship.
176) Today the Iraqi artillery attacked Al - Fao port.
177) Cannon Maker allows the construction of simple varieties of siege artillery.
178) But my all predictions all have depends on has according to, cannot to who randomly fire the artillery!
179) The diameter of a large projectile, such as an artillery shell, measured in millimeters or in inches.
180) The EQ-36 radar's delivery on July 2 followed its successful live-fire performance testing against indirect fire from mortars, artillery and rockets from a simulated enemy.
181) Finally, through the battle damage assessment course of certain antiaircraft artillery, practicality and the validity of this criterion are verified.
182) Other: This technology will be the missing link between infantry and artillery.
183) North Korea on Tuesday said it fired its artillery in response to a South Korean artillery shell landing in its territorial waters.
184) With calm discipline Peter's officers called the infantry and field artillery into a square formation.
185) This topic for dedicated artillery chamber pressure testing equipment - Add electronic manometry, and in the course of testing can not be contacted on the issue of electricity.
186) It was the second such attack in a week and Israel responded with artillery fire.
187) Antiaircraft gun : Artillery piece fired from the ground or shipBoard in defense against aerial attack.
188) At last , the shoot simulation of a type of antiaircraft artillery is taken as a example to show the validity of the procedures.
189) Gun slaving time of the field artillery fire control system can be reduced by implementation of primary gun slaving to improve response speed of the whole weapon system.
190) The test results show that artillery rockets will achieve better accuracy when the high-low pressure recoilless launchers are used to fire in the launch tube.
191) Athena Cannon - $ 1400 - ( Heightened Clearance ) - This is a lightly armored range artillery unit.
192) The voice of artillery shell is quite loud, you can hear certainly.
193) Both sides built up tactical weapons as well, including, for example, atomic field artillery and nuclear depth charges.
194) The Excalibur was the first round of this type fired by soldiers from the 25th Infantry Division's 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 11th Field Artillery Regiment.
195) The ammo wastage about the anti - aircraft artillery fire unit is the basis of making support scheme.
196) In the battlement area, there were exhibition hall, which showed artillery shells, artillery firing demonstration of the Office of assembly and so on.
197) Perhaps send him a sugar - coated bullet, he ate icing, artillery shell was thrown again.
198) Artillery support was provided by 4th Field Regiment and a Chinook from 5th Aviation Regiment was used to display rotary wing capabilities.
199) Kim said one North Korean artillery shell is believed to have fallen south of the maritime line, citing a preliminary analysis of the trajectory of the shell.
200) The effective counters covered in this guide are Aircraft , Artillery, EMP and Pure Overpowering.
201) Meanwhile, government troops continued to pound the town of Rastan with field artillery and tank shells Thursday, leaving the town without electricity, water and phones for a sixth straight day.
202) Quick Reaction My battery commander and I were interviewing candidates for a position as reconnaissance sergeant in our artillery unit.
203) The official news continued to be reassuring, but Japanese artillery could be heard from the streets of Loyang.
204) Along with has"the firm ship advantage artillery"the western colonizer's invasion one after another, the traditional Wu-Chu already no longer suited modern warfare's need obviously.
205) One heavy tank can hold a point by itself, assuming you've weakened them with heavy artillery barrages and fire from your heavy artillery unit.
206) The most-cited horror is an artillery barrage fired at Seoul, causing thousands of deaths and billions in damages before counter battery fire and airstrikes silence the guns.
207) Weapons of an earlier age, such as the bayonet, became almost obsolete in this new kind of warfare, and the role of cavalry and field artillery was greatly reduced.
208) A bren carrier of the 33 th Field Artillery Regiment crossing the place Courbet ( actual ).
209) Begin by deploying a heavy artillery unit, three heavy tanks, one medium tank, and one repair tank.
210) Traversing rough and muddy terrain, a field artillery unit, pulled by a four-horse team, comes to a halt.
211) The Mikhaylovka casemate artillery unit was built in the north of Sevastopol Bay.
212) The artillery barrage on the city centre was the heaviest since the ceasefire.
213) In 1840 Sir William Congreve, an English artillery captain, began some notable experiments with rockets.
214) The article is full of technical terms. It described in details how the Second Artillery unit employed new anti-jamming and anti-reconnaissance hardware effectively in the simulated war.
215) The area has been the scene of sporadic artillery duels over the last six weeks.
216) The two sides exchanged fire with artillery,(http://) mortars and small arms.
217) Raytheon's Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System provided integrated fires support and command and control capabilities.
218) This paper introduces several paths of improving the antiaircraft artillery system(Antiaircraft artillery, cannonball, firepower control system, etc.
219) When Osmani first heard they were coming, he had feared a bunch of Warsaw Pact headbangers, who would use their artillery and Soviet-model Hind gunships on everything that moved.
220) By October, Washington's army and General Jean Rochambeau's French troops surrounded Cornwallis and bombarded the British with French artillery.
221) All the details are correct, including the artillery badge on the shako front.
222) The light artillery of a mugglehead is likely to include a pipe and a roach clip.
223) The Malay Peninsula, Captain Peter James Begbie of the Madras Artillery(), part of the Honourable East India Company.
224) At 16, Napoleon received a commission as a second lieutenant of artillery.
225) On our way back we were covered again with terrific artillery fire.
226) He had been in the service, including a four-year stint in field artillery.
227) Our infantry was protected by a curtain of artillery fire.
228) They were often carried out by slow and unescorted DB-3 and SB bombers, which were easy targets for the Romanian AA artillery and fighters.
229) The huge, bulbous-headed mechanicals were ambulatory tripods equipped with chain-fed ordnance launchers capable of holing Republic artillery transports.
230) Fix for AI hangup while targeting for Artillery and Tactical Missile Launchers at extreme range.
231) Under the cover of strong artillery fire, our troops charged forward.
232) A number of artillery, assault gun and anti-tank battalions were also transferred from the Leibstandarte to the new division, to provide the core of its specialist regiments .
233) Weapons include two dual-14.5mm antiaircraft machine guns, or two Type 61 dual-25mm antiaircraft artillery guns.
234) SSH is back. At dawn, Kangwondon Hwacheon started to snow heavily. He completed his 24 months service at the artillery unit and saluted to declare his discharge from the army.
235) The artillery gave us covering fire, ie shot to protect us.
236) Aerial photographs showed huge camps in southern England packed with tanks, artillery and supplies, while ports around the British coast were chock-a-block with ships and landing craft.
237) The medical team reached Chi Huei in the midst of an enemy artillery barrage.
238) An artillery shell containing metal balls fused to explode in the air above enemy troops.
239) The simulation of the automatic operation and gunsight can be realized easily with the training simulator of artillery based on CAN bus.
240) But the commander of an artillery training unit outside Benghazi, Mustafa Sagisli, said the opposition forces were making progress.
241) The enemy first directed their artillery fire at the surrounding mountains.
242) When a hospital collapses, or an artillery shell destroys a ward or an ambulance, health staff are killed or injured.
243) Panzer Elite Sector Artillery costs 3 command points instead of 4.
244) Threats also include electronically simulated surface-to-air missiles, antiaircraft artillery, communications jamming, and global positioning system jamming.
245) At that moment, from behind the short bush, there appear the artillery ensign.
246) Burma artillery battalions use 110 mm and 105 mm heavy mortar.
247) Kuwait has a range of U.S. and French 155 mm artillery systems.
248) The model's missile and artillery weapons, fire control radar, vertical launch systems, anti-submarine torpedo compartment, anti-submarine helicopters, satellite dish have been produced.
249) Meanwhile, in the distance, Christian Phalangist militiamen "engaged in an artillery duel with another unit that we were unable to identify.
250) The TKS-D design was based upon a modified TKS tankette chassis - the same, as in the light artillery tractor C2P.
251) Royal Canadaian Artillery: Heavy Artillirty based with the M7 Priest. Different modes, such as Overwatch, creeping barrage(), and counter battery fire.
252) This woman is more by artillery shell blast ulterly changed, be sent into the hospital.
253) This 16 year-old girls face the long- barrelled gun short artillery not to have stage fright, is maintaining throughout her that advertisement type smiling face.
254) Please show me one destroyed house with an artillery shell or with a bomb strike and I will be convinced. There is none what so ever.
255) The puffed rice said shy: An artillery collapsed start others, did not know others.
256) In addition, the center was covered well with firepower, Polish infantry musketry supported by artillery.
257) Located in Chungcheng Park, this museum was built in 1988 as a memorial to the long weeks of the artillery war. Its displays are designed to give a sense of the valorous events of that period.
257) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
258) During the past 25 years, he has helped develop numerous allied, joint, multi-service, Army and Field Artillery doctrine manuals.
259) Next we venture back outside to the ruins of a mud-brick house, pulverized by bombs. I find fragments of an artillery shell, a prayer cap.
260) A German artillery shell or a bomb has hit directly the stable.
261) After brief service in an artillery unit in England, he became a correspondent for The Stars and Stripes for three years.
262) A German motorized artillery column crossing the Don river by means of a pontoon bridge on July 31, 1942.
263) While proud of, the right-wing aircraft by an antiaircraft artillery shells penetration, smoke afterRudelfeel right foot missing, but also a dark eyes.
264) Witnesses inside the town told Al-Jazeera TV that pro-Gadhafi forces continued to pound the town with field artillery, while storming houses in search of rebel fighters. The TV also claimed that Mr.




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