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单词 Strenuously
1) He still works out strenuously every morning.
2) Most local residents strenuously object to the building proposals.
3) The government strenuously denies the allegations.
4) He strenuously denies all the allegations against him.
5) She has strenuously denied any criminal wrongdoing.
6) Barrett strenuously denied rumors that he would resign.
7) She strenuously denies all the charges.
8) The company has strenuously defended its decision to reduce the workforce.
9) This has been strenuously denied by Capt Brown.
10) Cicadas churn strenuously in the grasses, fighting the wind for supremacy of the airwaves.
11) The passage of the act was opposed strenuously by congressmen from border slave states but was carried over their opposition.
12) They would argue strenuously in their group and then the team captain would report what the group had come up with.
13) Conversely,[http:///strenuously.html] throughout this period Government Ministers strenuously denied that unemployment and social deprivation were significant causes of urban unrest.
14) The minister has strenuously denied these allegations.
15) The company concerned has strenuously denied the accusations.
16) DNA discovery battles are still being strenuously fought.
17) Strenuously did they work day and night.
18) She denied the accusation with some warmth, ie strenuously , forcefully.
19) Exercising too much or too strenuously is just as bad as not doing it at all.
20) Since then, I strenuously hard, always take the first class.
21) He objected strenuously to the stand his party was taking.
22) He also argued strenuously ( against the prevailing opinion ) for the free admission of immigrants.
23) Neither Leo nor the steward reckoned that anyone would object too strenuously.
24) When, however, Origen himself came to write a commentary on Matthew 19: 12 he strenuously opposed a literal exegesis.
25) Any possibility of further reductions in respite care should be strenuously resisted.
26) The enterprise of AIDS prevention in the gay world has strenuously avoided any detailed examination of these mechanisms.
27) They have not yet been asked to plead, but in public statements have strenuously denied paying bribes.
28) Small children in the audience could be heard objecting rather strenuously to this plot twist.
29) Sugar may affect the way that water is absorbed. When exercising strenuously, flavorless boiled water is the best beverage to imbibe.
30) A tragic trolley car accident left Kahlo crippled and strenuously struggling with pain for the remainder of her life.
1) The company has strenuously defended its decision to reduce the workforce.
31) Hoarders often strenuously resist help and turn a blind eye to the chaos.
32) But the UN strenuously denies that Hamas fighters were in the school.
33) The oil companies argued strenuously that the President lacked statutory authority to take this action.
34) A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason.
35) The Secret Service had objected strenuously to the battlefield tour for the President.
36) Do not exercise strenuously just after a meal, or you may get typhlitis.
37) Especially in a time in which the values of reading and inwardness are so strenuously challenged, literature is freedom.
38) ArcelorMittal yesterday strenuously denied it was contemplating such a step.
39) He's been dogged by failure in the past year; now he is working strenuously to pull out.
40) My aunt has been dieting strenuously, and she has lost a good deal of weight.
40) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
41) Classify Zhu Wei among the'cynical realists ', and he strenuously objects.
42) In addition to her strenuous elocution, Joyce had strenuously proper posture and a masklike Pleasant Smile suitable for nearly all occasions public and private.
43) I can not, time and again remind ourselves, time and again strenuously self - reliance .




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