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单词 Retreat from
1) The enemy was forced to retreat from the city.
2) Housework is negatively valued as a retreat from a disliked alternative — employment work.
3) You cannot retreat from your responsibility in this affair.
4) He took part in the retreat from Paris.
5) Fire fighters had to retreat from the fierce heat.
6) Is watching television a retreat from reality?
7) It was not a conscious choice to retreat from public life.
8) The minister made an undignified retreat from his earlier position.
9) Shell Cottage provides the perfect retreat from the hustle and bustle of London.
10) Ten thousand years ago the ice began its retreat from Scotland.
11) He could not retreat from his responsibility in this accident.
12) The Senator made an embarrassing retreat from his earlier position.
13) Yesterday'svote itself was a retreat from an earlier fallback position.
14) The professor's speech marked/signalled a retreat from his usual extreme views.
15) A retreat from the beauty of blackness.
16) Thoreau begins his quest with a retreat from society.
17) Excellence becomes a code word for retreat from equity.
18) Worse things had happened on the retreat from Dunkirk.
19) Today's statement represents a retreat from their previous position.
20) The room was an intimate retreat from the rest of the house.
21) Eventually the scarp will retreat from the original position of faulting and it may be buried by sediment.
22) It was not a conscious choice to retreat from public life into a private world.
23) The decade's retreat from the cutting edge is certainly in evidence.
24) Why such a startling retreat from the nearly unanimous support for the free processing zone 18 months ago?
25) Napoleon's retreat from Moscow was possibly a more trying time for his troops.
26) I believe people should live in houses that allow them to retreat from the harsh realities of life.
27) The President's remarks appear to signal that there will be no retreat from his position.
28) Pop art directly challenged what was increasingly seen as abstract art's esoteric retreat from the world.
29) In August the bank chairman, Vadim Hetman(),[http:///retreat from.html] demanded a tactical retreat from the coupon and a return to the rouble.
30) Be prepared to question this if you want to, and do not retreat from any withering looks.
1) The enemy was forced to retreat from the city.
2) Housework is negatively valued as a retreat from a disliked alternative — employment work.
3) You cannot retreat from your responsibility in this affair.
31) Caradryel continued to oversee the long retreat from the Old World.
32) By the marriage cohorts of 1870 a decline in national marital fertility became apparent, unrelated to any major retreat from marriage.
33) Wagner, in retreat from pursuing creditors and political enemies, was one.
34) Thus, the more the mind seeks to pry into reality the farther does reality retreat from it.
35) News came in March that he had been captured and probably killed during the retreat from Teruel.
36) It is this retreat from natural to social justifications of inequality that provides some hope for egalitarians in the future.
37) We accept our responsibility not to retreat from interpreting the full meaning of the covenant in light of all of our precedents.
38) Worse, in the short term, would be the economic dislocation caused by the retreat from today's multilateral trading system.
39) Houston and his small force of Texans camped on the first night of their retreat from Gonzales.
40) Just as inevitably, the retreat from predominance proved painful.
41) During the retreat from Caporetto Henry had made his farewell to arms.
42) The army had been compelled to retreat from Vilna owing to various complex considerations of state, of policy, and tactics.
43) What is more, unwinding the relationship with BoC would not mark a complete retreat from China.
44) This retreat from risk severely compounded the natural reduction in credit due to bank loan losses.
45) This, says Mr Kroeber, implies a big retreat from China's state-led model of credit allocation.
46) There is no need for us to retreat from the use of these truth tables through which the logicians introduce, for example,[http:///retreat from.html] a certain number of fundamental functions of propositional logic.
47) At the front, the Italians, having learned that German divisions had reinforced the Austrians, began their terrible retreat from Caporetto.
48) And every one, even a stupid boy of thirteen, could have guessed that the most advantageous position for the army in 1812, after the retreat from Moscow, would be on the Kaluga road.
49) They went there to have a nice, you know, retreat from all the hubbub of the capital city of Cuzco.
50) Arguably the most significant advance of the GUI menu was this retreat from the hierarchical form into monocline grouping.
51) The authors think that the virtual community is the community of interests, only under conditions of virtual existence. It is a retreat from the conflicts and antagonisms of the real world.
52) Like Darwin, Florence Nightingale could focus ruthlessly on her work because of the invalidism which allowed her to retreat from social life.
53) "Technical difficulties aside, this will require a significant retreat from the current state-dominated model of credit allocation. This cannot happen quickly," he concludes.
54) One may not deceive oneself or, equivalently , allow oneself to retreat from true concepts.
55) On the supply side, food prices have now gradually begun to retreat from drought-related spikes recorded earlier in 2010, with moderation occurring as the drought's impact has receded.




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