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单词 Last time
(1) Last time I married a swaying shadow.
(2) Last time I saw him he was so fat!
(3) I'm telling you for the last time!
(4) It's a long time since she ate out last time.
(5) The last time I saw Rachel she was hobbling around with a stick.
(6) Last time I took my pulse, it was a bit fast.
(7) Tonight's performance is positively the last time the band will appear together.
(8) Start reading from where you left off last time.
(9) It wasn't so good as last time.
(10) Last time I tangled with him(), he won!
(11) You've grown since the last time I saw you!
(12) When was the last time you had a cigarette?
(13) When was the last time you made a cake?
(14) When was the last time you saw her?
(15) When did your father last time paper the room?
(16) That was the last time I saw her.
(17) It wasn't so bad as last time!
(18) It's much easier compared with last time.
(19) The last time we met you had a beard.
(20) This visit is very different from/to last time.
(21) All of us hunger-struck last time.
(22) The last time I saw Jonathan was Thursday evening.
(23) My failure last time has not damped my interest.
(24) The last time I went to Scotland was in May, when the weather was beautiful.
(25) Last time she raced against the Brazilian, she won by a whisker.
(26) The last time I spoke to her was, now let me think, three weeks ago.
(27) After your conduct last time, did you expect to be invited again?
(28) Last time I saw Mike Adams he completely blanked me.
(29) So she simply welcomed him and reminded him of the last time they had met.
(30) I'm not going to let him repair my bike again because he made a really bad job of it last time.
(1) It's a long time since she ate out last time.
(2) So she simply welcomed him and reminded him of the last time they had met.
(3) I'm not going to let him repair my bike again because he made a really bad job of it last time.
(4) The last time I saw Rachel she was hobbling around with a stick.
(5) Last time I took my pulse, it was a bit fast.
(6) Tonight's performance is positively the last time the band will appear together.
(31) The last time she went out wearing those ripped jeans she got several wolf-whistles.
(32) With a pang she recalled the last time she had seen him.
(33) He never even thanked me, so that's the last time I do him a favour.
(34) The last time we played squash he beat me hands down.
(35) When was the last time you listened to an album all the way through?
(36) The last time we went to Paris, it rained every day.
(37) Things have changed since the last time you were here.
(38) I put a few personal belongings in a bag and left the house for the last time.
(39) The Australians took revenge for their defeat here last time.
(40) The last time you had a real fright, you nearly crashed the car.
(41) When I drove away from the house for the last time, I was churned up inside.
(42) The Chinese anthem was played after the Union Jack was lowered in Hong Kong for the last time.
(43) Come on, fair's fair - I paid last time so it's your turn.
(44) I can't remember the last time we went to the cinema.
(45) Last time she ran the race in twenty minutes, so she's hoping to improve on that.
(46) She looked round the room as though leaving it for the last time.
(47) Last time I went to the dentist I had to have two teeth out .
(48) Don't be daft - let me pay - you paid last time.
(49) She was positively blooming the last time I saw her.
(50) The last time I saw her was about sixteen years ago.
(51) The place got trashed last time we had a party.
(52) Then, with a final effort, our men charged the enemy for the last time.
(53) The old man's voice was measurably weaker than the last time they'd talked.
(54) The last time they won the Cup was back in the glory days of 1989.
(55) The last time you sat me next to Alberto I had to hear his whole life story!
(56) I was scared witless the last time Tina drove me down to London.
(57) I saw my old English teacher last time I went home.
(58) Isabella wrote that she was dying, and asked him to visit her for the last time.
(59) Last time we made a claim on our insurance they paid up really quickly.
(60) This catalogue has gone downmarket since the last time I bought something from it.
(61) You didn't get caught last time, but don't push your luck!
(62) I have some American dollars left over from the last time I was there.
(63) Your problem is that you take your wife for granted.When was the last time you told her how much you appreciated her?
(64) The last time I went to the pub with you, I ended up seriously out of pocket!
(65) Day had broken, and he cast his net for the last time.
(66) I was violently sick the last time I ate prawns.
(67) This is positively the last time you'll hear me say this.
(68) I had a spring in my step when I walked into that office for the last time.
(69) The last time we moved house there were very few breakages.
(69) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(70) The last time I saw him he was bubbling over with enthusiasm.
(71) In 1977 the Skyfame Aircraft Museum closed its doors to the public for the last time.
(72) I can't remember the last time I got drunk.
(73) I broke my leg last time I went skiing.
(74) The last time I visited Strathbeg, I counted eighty elegant swans, floating galleon-like on calm waters.
(75) The last time he'd dived off it, the coral heads had been awash.
(76) The last time these two met, Ipswich won 2-0 and sent Norwich hurtling towards relegation.
(77) Sunset Hiker, a winner last time, would be a live contender but a difficult trap position may prove a problem.
(78) Arriving back at the cottage for the last time Ludens paused to look and listen.
(79) When was the last time you drove a car just for the thrill of it?
(80) And last time they were here even though we went 1-0 up they just went into another gear.
(81) I was very happy to win the Olympics last time as it was the only major championship title I didn't have.
(82) Despite the glossy packaging he ruined Labour's chances last time and he is set to repeat the disaster.
(83) The last time that I heard that argument so brazenly presented was by Mr. Neville Chamberlain's spokesman before the war.
(84) The last time she told the story she liked to tell about the eldest was when Carla got married.
(85) Harry Holmes senior was competing for the last time, having raced thirty-seven times between 1933 and 1969.
(86) He fired into the jungle again and flew even lower than last time, but he could not draw fire.
(87) Petite Rosanna lost a shoe when fancied for a big handicap at Newbury last time.
(88) The assembled company was let loose on Edinburgh for the last time.
(89) He remembered the last time he had seen his father - Dermot Corcoran, he corrected himself - alive.
(90) The last time I went down there, the uncovered pier was still hanging over the slate-gray water.
(91) It will be like lot numbers at an auction: like last time.
(92) Last time we checked, the press had an obligation to examine the claims made in campaign ads.
(93) The last time Cal finished in the Pac-10 cellar was 1989, just before Oregon State signed its seven-year lease.
(94) Why didn't I learn to treat everything like it was the last time. My greatest regret was how much I believed in the future. Jonathan Safran Foer 
(95) She wrote that she was dying of a fever, and asked him to visit her for the first and last time.
(96) I struggled to remember the last time I had enjoyed a meal so thoroughly from start to finish.
(97) London's venerable red and cream double-deckers rumbled along the Thames embankment for the last time in 1952.
(98) Anyone who did this last time would have been guaranteed a win.
(99) The Youngest Son waited to greet us,(http:///last time.html) and what a contrast from the last time I saw him.
(100) The last time the school district had a local bond measure on a ballot was in 1974.
(101) The flinty little synthetic poop poop music runs around in my head from last time.
(102) The last time he had come to greet some one from Mars it had been DeVore.
(103) The last time she had walked down this lane she had been too anxious about Susan to notice very much.
(104) The last time I went to the cinema was when I saw 'Stigmata'.
(105) The last time, he had been down for nearly twenty-four hours without a break.
(106) Hell, when was the last time he took a day off?
(107) Consider the last time up-and-coming business leaders from the Young Presidents Organization made a group trip here.
(108) I had said goodbye to him for the last time; he was dying of cancer.
(109) The average family watched less than four hours during the two conventions last time round.
(110) The last time I wore high-heeled shoes I fell flat on my face outside a restaurant.
(111) The last time that happened was in 1950, when Manvel's main street stood a foot deep in water.
(112) Mr McGowan reportedly rang the police at least four times, the last time a week before his death.
(113) It had been so exciting the last time with one plane.
(114) Last evening I climbed my observation tree to survey the fall panorama one last time.
(115) All these fellers screaming black power yet when was the last time one of them purchased airfare to the dark continent.
(116) ""I'll never forget you,'' she said, and we hugged each other for the last time.
(117) He looked exactly the way he'd looked last time I'd seen him.
(118) They weren't particularly appreciative the last time I helped them. I don't think I'll bother again.
(119) When was the last time you heard that chant in the Coliseum?
(120) It was the first and last time that management capitulated in the face of a departing mortgage trader.
(121) When was the last time anybody saw hand towels or soap or a bog roll?
(122) The last time I had spoken to him was in the immediate aftermath of the coxless pairs final at the Atlanta Olympics.
(123) It is unclear whether Perot will be allowed to participate in the three scheduled presidential debates, as he did last time.
(124) The sell-offs had a dramatic effect because some of the businesses were loss-makers which dragged down profits last time.
(125) The last time I saw Mama was on my twenty-seventh birthday.
(126) This is the first and perhaps the last time that I shall desire it.
(127) When was the last time government intervention achieved this type of results?
(128) The last time a president invoked his authority to intervene in an airline labor situation was the mid-1960s.
(129) It has been brought forward to 5 April to allow institutional shareholders to enjoy the 25 percent grossing-up for the last time.
(130) Last time I saw Jenkins was when he was on furlough back in July.
(131) Finally there was just the fitting of the cowlings for the last time.
(132) I made a deal with myself last time(), but that was because I had to.
(133) He looked up one last time at the grey edifice, licking dry lips.
(134) For the first and last time in her life, Amelia was too preoccupied to interact with her peers.
(135) The last time Molly set foot in that house was 26 years ago.
(136) Last time I even had to produce my wedding certificate!!
(137) Has the size of your household changed since the last time you bought a kitchen appliance?
(138) He is the last line of defence but when was the last time he won us points with a save???
(139) Do you remember the last time you saw the doctor, and for what?
(140) Last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it. Rodney Dangerfield 
(141) The last time she cooked a meal for us we really enjoyed it.
(142) Last time I half dug it up myself and I thought my back was going to go.
(143) I drink too much. The last time I gave a urine sample it had an olive in it. Rodney Dangerfield 
(144) It was the last time she was going to take diet pills before a race, that was for sure.
(145) Washington has managed to balance the federal budget only twice since 1960, the last time in 1969.
(146) I couldn't remember the last time he'd shown me so much affection.
(147) After what happened last time, I wouldn't work for them again for anything.
(148) Chavez, at 33 and perhaps fighting for the last time, eats junk food, drinks beer and loves to party.
(149) Last time I tried to colour my hair it turned red!
(150) The transponder was released acoustically just after Alvin left the bottom for the last time in this area.
(151) He would have fit in perfectly back in 1956, the last time they had a Subway Series.
(152) They hugged one last time before Renata got into the car and drove off.
(153) As I walked down the front steps for the last time, a feeling of elation swept over me.
(154) But just once - it was to be the last time - we did get back.
(155) But the last time he had been in the headlines, people had known him by a different name - Chris Bott.
(156) I want to get this club turned in the other direction, like we did the last time.
(157) The last time I had it, a woman reporter was humiliated and verbally abused in a National Football League locker room.
(158) He made the same mistake ashe did last time.
(159) When was the last time she was on camera?
(160) The last time we met was in Wuhan.
(161) I did well in the long jump last time.
(162) I must say farewell to him for the last time.
(163) Do you want a perm like you had last time?
(164) But it would not be the last time the machines would take the floor there.
(165) She checked her makeup one last time(), and then walked out with a spring in her step.
(166) When was the last time you worked well into small hours?
(167) That last time I took a plane, I got airsick.
(168) He shut the squeaking door Behind him for the last time.
(169) This was the last time I saw this valiant Frenchman.
(170) Recapitulate from last time: What does it mean to study Creole Languages and Caribbean Identities?
(171) I called out one last time " Ga ga mama - dada. "
(172) The last time was a young kid called Jermain Defoe.
(173) Each tide Shan person in eat after can drink surely last time congou.
(174) Just one last time on the marriage thing. There's no wiggle room? None at all?
(175) When is the last time that I was laugh Homeric laughter?
(176) When's the last time you saw a fat person on a magazine cover?
(177) This will be the last time we ever quote the Surgeon General.
(178) Then I got into my rowboat for the last time.
(179) It's a pity that we didn't dive and snorkel last time.
(180) No[], no. You treated us last time. Let's go Dutch today.
(181) Last time, he sent me to a weather ship in the Antarctic.
(182) As we watched, he dosed his eyes for the last time.
(183) The key is that, unlike last time, the Sunni Arabs are expected to vote en masse.
(184) Suzanne: Ballpoint. And get blue, not black like last time, OK?
(185) When was the last time you did a somersault, anyway?
(186) Remember what happened the last time the gate's power supply was overloaded?
(187) The last time you sprayed we almost lost them when you didn't cover up the fishbowl!
(188) When was the last time you were even on a skateboard?
(189) This athletics belong to rich man last time and it was the burgrave's atwilland commercialization.
(190) For the last time, I'm a Dread Lord(), a Drug Lord!
(191) When was the last time you wore the yellow tea rose?
(192) Workmate 2 : When's the last time you were out there?
(193) Ian : Well , when was the last time that you made chowder ? Cajun chicken ? Or even home - fries?
(194) When was the last time anyone got a signal on a cell phone?
(195) The movie marked the last time Billy Wilder and Charles Brackett wrote together.
(196) Alonso scored the opener after 70 frustrating minutes last time Liverpool faced Blackburn back in December.
(197) When was the last time you wore your yellow tea rose?
(198) This last time he netted well over a million dollars.
(199) When I was traveling in Kenya last time, a friend of mine a latrine like that.
(200) And don't try to sneak out of your duties like you did last time.
(201) The last time a leap second was added was in the dying moments of 2005.
(202) Last time, frozen octopus 1.5 LB almost 20 % ink out coursed tray.
(203) I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth as the last time!
(204) Mrs. Locke , when was the last time you took the boat out?
(205) KW: When was the last time you had a good belly laugh?
(206) When was the last time you and your husband took a bubble bath together?
(207) No infection reoccurrence was found at the last time of followup.
(208) On 2 January 1492 he rode out of his lovely Alhambra palace for the last time.
(209) When was the last time the Rockets won twice in San Antonio?
(210) One night, after 18 months of friendship, they made love for the first and last time.
(211) Harry was very lucky to hit the jackpot last time.
(212) The last time I had privacy I was in utero.
(213) When was the last time you had anything in your twat besides a tampon?
(214) B : Last time I tried a curl perm and a foam permanent.
(215) Everything is like with last time, he returns heaven radiantly.
(216) Excuse me. I want to use our vernier caliper. the one you borrowed last time!




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