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单词 Imitation
1. No man ever yet became great by imitation
2. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Charles Caleb Colton 
3. The imitation hardly matches up to the original.
4. They discussed important issues in imitation of their elders.
5. Young children learn how to speak by imitation.
6. That's not an original Rembrandt, it's an imitation.
7. This is a real pearl, not an imitation.
8. Many people think that children learn language by imitation.
9. This latest production is a pale imitation of the original .
10. She wore an imitation of a sailor's hat.
11. It's an original, not one of those imitation jobs.
12. It's not real leather; it's only an imitation.
13. The cheese is a pale imitation of real Parmesan.
14. It's not real silk - it's just imitation.
15. His imitation of that singer is perfect.
16. He gave his imitation of Queen Elizabeth's royal wave.
17. A child learns to talk by imitation.
18. The customer detected an imitation from a real thing.
19. The group are an insipid imitation of the Beatles.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. His style is a slavish imitation of his teacher's.
21. He can do a passable imitation of the maths teacher.
22. We all fell about when he did his imitation of the tea-lady.
23. The salesman fobbed the lady off with an imitation diamond.
24. Their version of jazz funk is a pale imitation of the real thing.
25. She put on a passable imitation of a Scottish accent.
26. The poems, some in imitation of Ossian, are graceful if unremarkable.
27. The salesman fobbed off an imitation diamond on the lady.
28. Modern luxury ships are a pale imitation of the glamour and style of the early ocean liners.
29. Stan puffed out his thin cheeks in a passable imitation of his dad.
30. Children are seen as learning to write by direct imitation of adult models.
1. The imitation hardly matches up to the original.
2. They discussed important issues in imitation of their elders.
3. Young children learn how to speak by imitation.
4. This is a real pearl, not an imitation.
5. Many people think that children learn language by imitation.
6. This latest production is a pale imitation of the original .
7. Stan puffed out his thin cheeks in a passable imitation of his dad.
31. He does a very good imitation of George W. Bush.
32. The house was built in imitation of a Roman villa.
33. The remake of 'Casablanca' was a pale imitation of the original movie.
34. Many corporate methods have been adopted by American managers in imitation of Japanese practice.
35. She can do a wonderful imitation of a blackbird's song.
36. Ten-year-olds have started wearing lipstick and make-up in imitation of the older girls.
37. These forms of imitation are not surprising.
38. Better no pearls than imitation pearls.
39. Instead, I forced my features into a wan imitation.
40. Investors are only human. Success breeds self-confidence and imitation.
41. He was wearing a brown imitation sheepskin coat.
42. Here, they do a good imitation of being partners.
43. Not poor-quality editions in imitation leather.
44. An earthen mound forms an even more direct imitation.
45. He gave a passable imitation of Charlie Chaplin.
46. Some listeners were fooled by the imitation.
47. All art is an imitation of nature. Seneca 
48. A white imitation of black grief.
49. Imitation jewellery is regarded with disdain.
49. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
50. Some imitation products are available on supermarket shelves.
51. Even the imitation snow is melting.
52. What was wrong was cheap imitation.
53. Everything else is a cheap imitation.
54. Ed does a good imitation of Elvis.
55. Evaporated or condensed milk, imitation cream.
56. It had been a pale imitation.
57. Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer 
58. My theory is we're going into this horrible downward spiral and Clinton is a poor imitation of Kennedy.
59. Many enjoy the convenience of popping an imitation burger in the microwave or tossing a tofu dog on the grill.
60. Jane Smith's murine cries were nicely illustrated by way of their electronic imitation.
61. The bird in this treatment would have the opportunity to learn the skill by imitation.
62. To its critics, it became a mild tabloid and a very pale imitation of what was originally intended.
63. The necklace was a cheap imitation, but she was obviously very proud of it.
64. A true cat prefers to sharpen his claws on authentic imported oriental carpets, not cheap imitation knock-offs.
65. But whether the use of imitation wood is a success is more a matter of personal taste.
66. But this imitation of well-established exemplars is another mark of the psychotic rather than the genuine mystic.
67. On this basis imitation tasks ought to be regarded as giving a conservative estimate of the child's grammatical knowledge.
68. The table-tops were imitation wickerwork and there was a pointless trellis pattern on the curtains.
69. Astrophil has been trying in the sonnet to proceed by imitation and been singularly unsuccessful in doing so.
70. There were even imitation sheepskins(), but worn at the risk of being considered a total nebbish.
71. From the Gerand range are Golden Synthetic Hair brushes, a superb imitation sable, similar to the natural product.
72. The resounding cry of emancipation from the tyranny of imitation was echoed well into the twentieth century.
73. So much for his promised imitation of a Catholic priest, she reflected bitterly.
74. Children often use dough in imitation of pastry; rolling, cutting and making cakes, pies or pasties.
75. Almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those whom we cannot resemble. Samuel Johnson 
76. Originality is nothing by judicious imitation. The most original writers borrowed one from another. Voltaire 
77. Mannie Pratt would have the bar in stitches doing an imitation of him.
78. Better, thought Sammler, to accept the inevitability of imitation and then to imitate good things.
79. The best one could expect was a crude imitation in an obviously fruity,(http:///imitation.html) superficially appealing style.
80. Before the days of written scores, people learned informally by imitation.
81. Taking ideas and improving them is much more valuable than mere imitation.
82. Deferred imitation is the imitation of objects and events that have not been present for some time.
83. Patsy and Betsy were in their best Sunday frocks, short-skirted, Patsy wearing imitation silk stockings and Betsy white socks.
84. In the imagination, of course, there is an added pleasure from recognition of the resemblance between the imitation and the original.
85. Three generations of imitation so doggedly faithful that it defied credibility.
86. Play, Dreams and Imitation in Childhood may be related to a whole series of studies of cognitive development by piaget.
87. Nora chose a blue cotton dress with lots of tiny buttons covered in maroon imitation silk.
88. His station was an imitation of the Louvre, backed by the first truly great single-span train-shed built in the United States.
89. The boy was twisting one side of his face in grotesque imitation of his grandfather.
90. These, however, are but a pale imitation of the History file.
91. In the end, the only system that works well, across the board, is the one that involves perfect imitation.
92. Drawing is not a simple imitation, he insisted, a mathematical copy conforming to the original, an inert reproduction.
93. One of the classic studies of imitation by children was carried out by Bandura.
94. But how easy is it to spot a cheap imitation?
95. Nevertheless, as time wore on he found himself doing a good imitation of a man preparing to go out.
96. Some one else pulled her necklace, and imitation pearls spread underfoot.
97. Imitation margarines with half the fat content required by the definition have half the calorie content of regular margarines.
98. He suggests that whereas spontaneous speech invokes the child's own realisation rules, imitation does not.
99. We do not even have to posit a genetic advantage in imitation, though that would certainly help.
100. Unsliced wholemeal bread which has not been expensively purified exchanges for more than its sliced white imitation.
101. Despite the subtropical climate, Mr Jin wore an imitation sharkskin suit and Mr Jiang a nicely cut brown leather jacket.
102. If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, what should we make of a band like the Replicants?
103. In imitation of Velasquez, Minton shows himself at his easel reflected in the mirror behind.
104. In order of their emergence, they are deferred imitation, symbolic play, drawing, mental imagery, and spoken language.
105. Ackroyd's truest prose occurs when he applies himself to the imitation of ancient and recent writers - a repertoire of others.
106. Imitation or nondairy milk was described earlier in this chapter.
107. His dead hand he arranged, in a careful imitation of life, on his knee.
108. As he fumbled for another dime, a black girl in an imitation leather overcoat walked by the booth.
109. Rosie screwed her face up and did an imitation of Lila that made me laugh.
109. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
110. The broken whisky-bottle neck fell to the carpet and he clutched at his chest, as if in imitation of Cardiff.
111. Gina was writing stories to be like Eleanor and also poetry, in imitation of Nigel's youthful ambitions.
112. He thumbed through the applications in a knowledgeable manner and made critical comments in imitation of his superiors.
113. But if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, O'Neill knows it is no guarantee of success.
114. Sometimes, register inconsistency produces unintended pastiche and humour, in the same way that direct imitation of published styles can.
115. A species capable of learning can develop a culture, consisting of behaviour patterns passed among individuals by imitation.
116. The commonest are rough spar or aggregate finishes, and imitation brick and stonework; all can be painted if required.
117. Research has also raised doubts about the role of imitation in children's learning of language.
118. He strangled on his own tears and did a close imitation of dying.
119. Kendall tried to topple Harrison with a cheap imitation of the original Watch.
120. By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. Confucius 
121. Ingram reported that for children with phonological disorders, imitation tasks lead to fewer errors compared to spontaneous speech.
122. These programs are still only a pale imitation of the original human operators, however.
123. It is, therefore, highly unlikely that imitation of adult models can explain their occurrence.
124. Children learn through imitation.
125. The dress had a designer label, but I couldn't tell if it was the real McCoy or a cheap imitation.
126. While doing this he gave a wonderful imitation of his coal merchant and his wife.
127. More-over, the effects of imitation on performance seem to differ with respect to phonological abilities and grammatical abilities.
128. Chevy's is a good imitation of one of those good-time restaurants on Mexico's coast.
129. He did a remarkably accurate imitation of the soft, low drag of a rapidly disappearing device.
130. They avoid the big prices with imitation goods, and with avoidance of store rents.
131. But if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then Anonymous 4 must be blushing all over.
132. When the imitation worked and the ball went in, I could barely contain myself.
133. But instead he takes the mike, turns to me and says: Now see if my. imitation still holds up.
134. " Explain,'said Mr. Bamberger, giving a modified imitation.
135. Imitation parchment: Tough grease - proof paper.
136. A hat made of beaver fur or an imitation.
137. The man was wearing an imitation leather jacket.
138. Features: imitation leather do not ventilate the heat well!
139. Calf cloth: An imitation leather binding material.
139. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
140. Elsewhere imitation and artifice play a part.
141. Agency for bulk cargo, groceries, imitation goods declaration card.
142. Programmes in computers are merely slavish imitation of teachers.
143. His style a slavish imitation of his teacher's.
144. Nowadays the imitation amulet looks like the real one except the antiquity.
145. The Monte Carlo name was revived in 1995 for a 12-year run as a two-door version of the front-wheel-drive, Lumina but it was only a pale imitation.
146. Features: The imitation leather shoes smooth good - looking appearance!
147. In 1940, Dudley produced the first speech synthesizer through imitation of mechanical vibration using electrical oscillation.
148. It is used to apply glue to dry sponge, cloth, EVA, leather and imitation leather, dry.
149. For centuries prior to the Liao dynasty, the Chinese built their tombs in imitation of underground shelters for the living, based on their beliefs in and ideas of the afterlife.
150. Listen to these words of Thomas a Kempis, author of Imitation of Christ.
151. Theuse of multilayer film in imitation of codeposition can realize shallow silicide contacts.
152. Starting from standard of classification, with analogy method, the paper discusses the Imitation of Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index was the first classification in China.
153. Professional, security door, interior doors, non - standard doors, imitation Tongmen, metal doors, the campus gate, villas door.
154. Through imitation Japan, Germany, Italy and other countries products, direct import substitution.
155. Sort of imitation wood, dark brown color, country-style you know, and the lids, if I remember rightly, they had a sort of leaf pattern, or was it flowers? M: That's strange.
156. An expert was needed to authenticate the original Van Gogh painting from his imitation.
157. Drama, as Bharatamuni says, is the imitation of men and their doings ( lota -vritti).
158. I ni tiated and influenced by foreign movies, Chinese movie accomplished its developing process form short film to long flim, from imitation to creation.
159. The method has high machining efficiency, low machining cost, and be good for manufacturing the imitation wood grain edge bonding strip with good aesthetic feeling effect on a large scale.
160. Erik had been seen in flannels and an imitation Panama hat.
161. We will give owners to install satellite television, imitation bootlegging system, monitoring system.
162. The transition of the community between rural and urban areas is their imitation and incorporation into the urbanization, and the effect of their spread and radioaction.
163. Its tip flicked twice around the tumbleweed, jerked it off the ground and back to the feed opening in the imitation tree stump within which the rest of the slurp was concealed.
164. I was simply making my fingers go in monkey-like imitation.
165. Now Valsartan Capsula is the better antihypertensive drug in the world. Its imitation padded the internal space in our country, it also offered a safe and effective antihypertensive for the clinic.
166. They were simply an imitation of his earlier manner, and curiously lifeless and unconvincing.
167. Do you have the imitation terra cotta warriors of the Qin Dynasty?
168. Imitation silver foil: Aluminium foil with clear lacquer on plastic carrier.
169. For example, the pure imitation of the internal structure of TERA WELLNESS CLUB without professional operating knowledge seeks like a man without his soul.
170. By imitation of Kublai Khan's dedication he hoped to develop similar powers.
171. Simulation results show the convergency and efficiency of imitation learning.
172. Imitation of high quality pottery figurine, pure hand - made ceramic crafts, collectibles.
173. It turned out that one other hanger-on could imitate the cock's crow very well, and the first crow was actually his imitation.
174. Only the advanced technical innovation can form technical barrier to avoid the competitors' speedy imitation, and then realize long-term monopoly profit.
175. Machinable materials including acrylic, double color boards, PVC, ABS board, stone, imitation stone, metal, aluminum plate and other materials.
176. This involuntary influence contrasts with the more explicit imitation of her father.
177. However, the program is unable to pass the Imitation Game (more commonly known as the "Turing Test"), as even the casual user will often expose its mechanistic aspects in short conversations.
178. Many of the commercial buildings in the villages of Scarsdale, such as Harwood Court (shown above), feature an imitation Elizabethan half-timbered appearance.
179. "Rabbit Man Legends" is full of imitation of "Kung Fu Panda" marks around the animated film "Cacalia Lord", the film shows the martial arts, kite, diabolo, drama, Da Lei, food and other customs.
180. Have male and female sports shoes, dress shoes. And all kinds of imitation leather shoes!
181. This paper makes a study of loaded tooth contact analysis, a numerical method for the imitation of gear tooth contact state under power transmission .
182. Tourists in Phnom Penh like Amoy's basically something about Angkor Wat, imitation sculptures, T-shirts, postcards, maps, books, DVD, etc. , in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, cheaper than buying price.
183. She possessed an innate taste for imitation and no small ability.
184. Chu Caixin has the suitability, the imitation art object ashamed idle work.
185. The imitation technology of rust-colored spot ware of Jian Yao, physico-chemical analysis of the spot in ancient porcelain, and formation condition of the spot were reported in this paper.
186. Shape imitation and meaning imitation are two expressive features of pictograph.
187. Imitation Queen Anne furniture, chipped and scarred by cigarette burns, a plush purple carpet in which rodents could reproduce, and the king-size, four-poster bed were the same as his honeymoon night.
188. This is the worst possible Alfa - romeo imitation I could have imagined. Good lord this is horrible.
189. These commodities, which are under the jurisdiction of the FDA, include freeze-dried products, imitation egg products, and egg substitutes.
190. Out of a similar sideboard, properly draped with white napery and imitation lace, the Bishop had constructed the altar which decorated his oratory.
191. The cabby beat his horse into a sort of imitation gallop which was fairly fast, however.
192. Sometime the amulet is guaranteed by the certificate; but it is imitation.
193. Flash imitation downstream of rabbit hair yarn sporadic demand price trend mainly to stable.
194. Combining"imitation"and"material"is the optimum teaching model of design type of experiment on digital circuit.
195. White pine panel, maple dorsal plate, ordinary level bow strokes, ordinary accompanying box, ukraine imitation accessories.
196. If this is artificial or imitation ivory, it must be from a false tusk.
197. Still, it is a sufficiently good imitation to be sometimes mistakable for the real thing.
198. On her white shirtwaist was a pleated jabot of cheap lace, caught with a large novelty pin of imitation coral.
199. It's a westernized, watered-down, convenient imitation of the real thing.http:///imitation.html
200. In addition, error analysis about one dimensional FFT with non-equal word length and with fixed-point representation is also studied by computer imitation.
201. Hake, also known as Pacific whiting, is used to make imitation crab, fish sticks, and other minced-fish products.
202. The Bow-wow theory sees primitive language as an imitation of natural sounds, such as the cries of animals, like quack , cuckoo .
203. Features The imitation leather shoes smooth good - looking appearance! System at the end of durable rubber, down - to - earth!
204. There is the "bow-wow" theory, for example, which suggests that words came into being through the imitation of natural sounds like the harking of a dog or thunder or the waves.
205. At present, the softening of acrylic fiber fabrics is changing from the traditional hand improvement to functionality and to imitation of animal fiber.
206. The correlation between sealing performance and pressure conduction of pyrophyllite was discussed according to calculation result and error of finite element imitation.
207. Imitation silver foil: Aluminium foil with clear lacquer on plastic carrier. Used for blocking the covers of books and other decorations.
208. The intellective programming of compound command is realized by graphics programming, and it is validated by imitation.
209. But this kind of imitation is a necessary stage on the road to true creation, believes Niu Xinci, founder of the musical drama department of the Central Academy of Drama, China's top drama college.
210. Computer Simulation is an eidetic imitation by computer for physical process, system structure and social economy development.
211. Lyona Ostricker would assume the stage and sing Russian classics and then coarsen his voice and do an imitation of a famous black jazz singer.
212. Men often applaud an imitation and hiss the real thing.
213. We specialize in formal suit, water processing casual suit (without shoulder pad or chest liners), 100% or imitation wool simple suit and jacket, cotton-padded clothes.
214. How defeatist does the imitation - Gothic interior appear, once this has been realized.
215. Imitation of the West seemed wiser than atavism, not least among Japanese, who in the 1930s dressed pan-Asianism in wolf’s clothing.
216. More flavor types are created from three basic flavor types by imitation, reference and permeation.
217. Original is beautiful; Harmonization is beautiful; All methods of decorations via imitation are vainness.
218. Imitation cloth: Strong and embossed paper commonly used for binding hardback books instead of cotton cloth.
219. A method of Imitation insect compound eye of vehicle breaking detection method on video of traffic is preprosed, for automatic detection of traffic on general highway and express way.
220. It is used to adhere spurge , cloth. EVA, leather, imitation leather , paper carton etc.
221. In the "Zheng Concerto" the players are not only playing their own instruments, but also contributing stomps, yips, yells sighs and hand-slaps, sometimes in imitation of Eastern instruments.
222. In their new paper, Dr. Niedenthal and her colleagues point to a number of studies indicating that this imitation activates many of the same regions of the brain that are active in the smiler.
223. And most of it is an imitation (knockoff, if you will) of an existing product.
224. Furthermore, researchers found that the greater the reliance on proprioception, the greater the child's impairment in social skills, motor skills and imitation.
225. This paper introduced an imitation debugging system for the remote control set of middle speed marine diesel engine.
226. Production process and cruxes of frosted double coloured corduroy by imitation colour discharge printing are expounded from both principle and practice.
227. Oral transmission also includes passage by customary demonstration and imitation.
228. As for the Jiangxi poetry school's invariable and uncreative imitation of the previous poetry, Yuan bowen voiced his fierce criticism for their lack of courage to face the reality.
229. In the hotel lounge an awful chamber orchestra away under a lot of imitation palm leaves.
230. Periodic renaissances of Byzantine art occurred that created close imitation of past models.
231. Carcinoid flush cannot be reproduced by 5 - HT infusion though bradykinin injection will produce tolerably close imitation.
232. It provides a significant condition for data management of digital human body,() multi-data introject and imitation and virtual technique.
233. Yet China has become the most prolific patent filer in the world, pursuing a national plan to become an economy based on innovation rather than imitation.
234. And by installing a dynamic imitation screen, adopting the communication module, the automatic lev-el of donkey engine system is improved.
235. Based on the key matches diagram of system, made use of 20-SIM imitation software to construction model and imitation for a byroad of six free degree rotation stand.
236. Some are suspected of imitation brand - name merchandise, possible infringement.
237. I had begun to write poetry in imitation of Shelley and of Edmund Spenser, play after play for my father exalted dramatic poetry above all other kinds and I invented fantastic and incoherent plots.
238. Slavish imitation of the physical sciences is a mistake in the study of humans and society.
239. A cyanide free process for gold imitation plating on plastic surface was advanced with pyrophosphate as complexing agent.
240. They could only place at his disposal a wretched village sacristy, with a few ancient chasubles of threadbare damask adorned with imitation lace.
241. Pure imitation has to pay high costs and may fail due to unsuitability.
242. OBJECTIVE: To observe the imitation and reconstruction of mandibular defect by computer aided image and explore the feasibility to establish material model of mandible by rapid prototyping technique.
243. His populism is dismissed as a pale imitation of Mr Thaksin's dynamic ideas.
244. The race on the P.C. Hooft street called the "Stiletto Run" is only three years old but has quickly grown in popularity and spawned imitation races in Germany, Sweden, Poland and Russia.
245. The effects of temperature on the biomass, astaxanthin yield and astaxanthin content of Haematococcus pluvialis cultured in imitation system of circular pond has been investigated.
246. This paper presents a type of new device employed for the teaching purpose of high voltage test—imitation device for lightning strokes.
247. Edward's imitation Scots accent is a standing joke around here.
248. The leather products are not as perfect as with imitation leather.
249. The Well-beloved which was a novel in Thomas Hardy's later years, whether in its theme or its artistic expressions, presented obvious foreseeing and modernity due to its imitation of aestheticism.
250. Over the shirtwaist was a natty jacket, elbow-sleeved, and to the elbows she wore gloves of imitation suede.
251. Sort of imitation wood, dark brown color, country-style you know, and the lids, if I remember rightly, they had a sort of leaf pattern, or was it flowers?
252. This paper introduces the producing process of imitation cuprum metal luster glaze and the factors effecting on it was discussed.
253. In imitation of metal etching ink in a of ingredients added cocatalyst, materials should be fully.
254. She is very critical of Fleur's pretentiousness , calls her Phlegm, and does a humorous imitation of her mannerisms (HBP5).
254. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
255. The design of the flower mainly through the main part of the circuit design imitation, using LM386 and interrupt output decision pitch.
256. The main production and distribution in company contain polyester buttons , corozo buttons, metal buttons , ABS plating buttons , imitation leather buttons and top grade decorative buttons etc .
257. As a new generation of highly effective anticancer drug, docetaxel currently in our country there is no patent and administrative protection, the market outlook remains positive for imitation.
258. Design example of 6-th order Butterworth filter and its computer PSPICE imitation results before compensation and after compensation are also given.
259. We should also, in the context of life concrete abstract object of imitation.
260. The paper analyzes the forming and influential factors of the public's group behavior by the instance: the scare buying in SARS and considers that it is a course of imitation.
261. In fact, copycat crime is simply another form of imitation, which is one of the basic socials skills of humans that allows us to reap the benefits of other people's trial-and-error efforts.
262. The company specialized in whole plant equipment for producing surimi, imitation crab stick, chikuwa, kamaboko, fish dumpling, meat ball, fish ball, squid shredding, fish shredding.
263. The process of imitation probably never commenced between forms widely dissimilar in colour.
264. However, imitation in process of language development encompasses divergent situation.
265. The design of RMB's bank paper has went through some stages from original imitation to coming into being the particularly national style.
266. The poverty of his early years hence inscribed the Tramp's trademark costume, a creative imitation of formal dinner dress suggesting the authoritative adult reimagined by a clear-eyed child.
267. They are the shape imitation, rotating, folding, topological deformation, fractal composition and graphic expression.




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