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单词 Frederick
1. Judge Frederick Lacey headed up the investigation.
2. Against all the odds, Frederick II was ultimately victorious.
3. Frederick the Great was the patron of many artists.
4. You must see a doctor, Frederick.
5. The story outclasses anything written by Frederick Forsyth.
6. Frederick was always such an old stick.
7. Early in life, Frederick displayed an interest in poetry.
8. In fact he declared for Frederick.
9. Even Frederick Douglass's Paper enacted this synecdoche.
10. Barbarossa was crowned Emperor Frederick I by the Pope.
11. As with Frederick and Catherine, his overriding consideration was the power and well-being of the State.
12. Post-war architects, amongst whom Frederick Gibberd was soon prominent, popularized a style which drew on many influences.
13. Frederick was plagued with one illness after another throughout his childhood, mainly suffering from asthma and other breathing problems.
14. Yet old farmers say that Frederick does still live, and that he occasionally appears disguised as a pilgrim.
15. Frederick was leaning on his pitchfork, apparently listening to Mister Johnny who was waving his small hands and gabbling.
16. Reaching the bottom he saw the Emperor Frederick with a long beard, sitting on a golden throne.
17. Alcoholic Geoffrey Frederick Gregory was drinking up to 12 pints a day back in 1979.
18. By March of 1188, Frederick seemed finally to have defeated his opponents on the major domestic and imperial fronts.
19. Frederick Chiluba, 48, became a shop steward in 1967 and made a rapid rise through trade union ranks.
20. Frederick Winslow Taylor, in the words inscribed on his tombstone, was the father of scientific management.
21. Barbarossa with his sons Henry and Frederick in the 1188 manuscript from Fulda Abbey.
22. For many years Frederick Delouche felt a particular need to unravel such mysteries.
23. In November I began giving Frederick a lift home after class, for he lived only about three blocks from the school.
24. Frederick Bissett was a member of the Institute of Professional Scientists, and a fat lot of good that did him.
25. The kingdom of Sicily became a fief of the Roman Church during the minority of Frederick.
26. By 1900 it must have been increasingly obvious that the policies of Frederick and Bismarck were not producing the desired effect.
27. All very contemporary, but I found myself hankering for the crisp definition of the old Frederick Austin arrangement.
27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
28. After almost $ 20, 000 in legal fees, though, Frederick Brewing won approval with its catchy label intact.
29. By 1170 further negotiations with Pope Alexander, still in opposition to Frederick, had broken down.
30. The method came to prominence through the activities of Frederick Bligh Bond, a highly respected authority on medieval church architecture.
1. Judge Frederick Lacey headed up the investigation.
31. Because of the repeated use of the name Frederick, it is easiest to identify Frederick Barbarossa by his nickname.
32. Among the few exceptions to this rule he singles out Lavinia Greenlaw, John Updike and John Frederick Mins.
33. But Frederick will soon have to return to his regiment, Henry reassures her.
34. Stephen Court well remembers the mill, being first run by his great grandfather and later, his grandfather, Frederick Beard.
35. I missed the door, however, and became impaled on the Frederick Hart sculpture.
36. The new pope did not share the general goodwill towards Frederick, and wanted to assert the superiority of pope over emperor.
37. She noticed for the first time how Frederick had aged.
38. We halted under a memorial statue to Frederick the Great.
39. Amid the glorious columned arches and baroque ornamentation of the Academy, Frederick Taylor commanded center stage.
40. Medieval representation of Frederick Barbarossa as a crusader, the role in which he met his death.
41. The lines of march were like the sticks of a fan, Frederick being the point of divergence.
42. It was rumoured that Frederick had attempted to encourage Alexander to crown or at least support the coronation of his son Henry.
43. Frederick and Bertha moved to Iowa in 1852, and their descendants still live in the area.
44. Frederick Brewing officials say drinking Hempen Ale will not produce a positive drug test.
45. It was a dismal day at Frederick when the news was promulgated that General Hooker was relieved of the command.
46. Innocent asserted his paternal protection of Frederick and the position of Sicily as a fief of the papacy.
47. His father was aide-de-camp to Prince Frederick, Duke of York.
48. Emperor Frederick showed him great kindness and asked what reward he wanted for playing so well upon the bagpipes.
49. Publishers calculated their advances for best-selling authors like Frederick Forsyth on the basis of sales hyped in international markets.
50. Edited by Frederick A. Pottle. Reprint edition.
51. George Frederick Handel was born in Germany in 1685.
52. It was made for the palace of Frederick I.
53. George Frederick Handel. Sarabande And Variations.
54. Never mind that Fred stuff, my name is Frederick.
55. FROM Freddie Mac to Frederick the Great?
56. King Frederick of Denmark found him ill-mannered and inappropriate.
57. It was designed for the palace of Frederick I.
58. Frederick had spent an unpleasant afternoon in the countryside.
59. He was Frederick Law Olmsted.
60. The Principles of Scientific Management by Frederick Winslow Taylor has been considered the origin of modem management thoughts.
61. In practice, Frederick Law two pairs protest scope of the differences, Protest Procedure unclear, Protest stage of major defects, attorney proposals failed to play an effective role.
62. With the death of Duke Frederick II in 1246, the male line ended, and the family's power declined rapidly.
63. Edward III comprehended this like Elizabeth; Frederick the Great like Joseph II; Washington like Napoleon.
64. Frederick Jackson Turner's famed 1893 work, "The Frontier Thesis, " was nostalgia for a past world: all of the new industries were concentrated in urban centers.
65. Frederick II (the Great, 1712-1786), King of Prussia, ignored the religious tradition of severely condemning human sexual contact with animals.
66. In 1853, another Victorian gentleman, Reverend Frederick Morris, urged his parishioners to emulate the fidelity of a small hedge sparrow called the dunnock .
67. Frederick Douglass, famous abolitionist and escaped American slave, and a writer whom I will always love, used his words to convert our country, first his prison, into his home.
68. The first major public example of landscape architecture in the United States was Central Park in New York City, designed in 1857 by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux.
69. In William Frederick Yeames's classic Victorian painting And When Did You Last See Your Father? a fancily dressed royalist boy faces a grim tribunal of Cromwellian zealots.
70. Viewing the history of American Blacks' liberation struggle, it is Frederick Douglass' Legitimate Reform Strategy that has represented the right way to American Blacks' liberation.
71. I want to go to the lecture badly. It is about Frederick Jackson Turner and his research on the frontier.
72. At such a time could Frederick Barbarossa remain idle at home?
73. The oldest parts of the castle date back to 1560, and were built by King Frederick II, after whom the palace is named.
74. Holy Roman emperor (1212-1250) and king of Sicily (1198-1250) as Frederick I. He led the Sixth Crusade (1228-1229), capturing Jerusalem, and was in continual conflict with the papacy.
75. Detail from Gathering Flowers in a French Garden, 1888, by Frederick Childe Hassam.
76. On the walls of the room hang a landscape, said to be of Shudi's birthplace, and mezzotint portraits of his patron, Frederick, Prince of Wales (p. 80) and his wife, Augusta, Princess of Wales.
77. Frederick: That was a diabolical day. Did you understand what was going on?
78. It is perhaps even older than the second part of the legend Frederick Barbarossa.
79. Of or relating to or in the manner of George Frederick Handel .
80. The only writer who I think has gotten it right, aside from people in the inner circle like George Reisman and Nathaniel Branden, is Frederick Sheehan, author of Panderer to Power.
81. Prussian King Frederick II (also known as Frederick the Great) is an outstanding 18th-century Europe"s grand strategist."
82. Frederick Douglass wrote not only to change America for our people, but also because he loved it.
83. Holy Roman emperor (1440-1493) and king of Germany as Frederick IV. His efforts to expand the empire were generally unsuccessful.
84. Frederick Law Olmsted (1822-1903), the father of American landscape architecture, may have more to do with the way America looks than anyone else.
85. Frederick Douglass (1817-1895), who escaped from slavery, became an author and publisher and was internationally known for his instrumental role in the abolitionist movement.
86. It was designed for the palace of Frederick William I .
87. Frederick Herzberg was the great expounder of this important idea in the latter part of the 20th century.
88. The great abolitionist and orator Frederick Douglass once told us, "If there is no struggle,(http:///frederick.html) there is no progress."
89. Accompanied by motorcade, a vintage 1957 bus drove Parks across the Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge, named for the famed slavery abolitionist leader, to the U.S. Capitol.
90. U.S. researcher Peter Frederick captured 160 young white ibises – a coastal wading bird – and gave them food laced with methylmercury.
91. Even creating a service-oriented architecture is "no silver bullet" against complexity, in a famous phrase by Frederick Brooks, an elder of computer science.
92. Frederick Law Olmsted designed the grounds of the United States Capitol and the National Zoo.
93. Tales of her aggressive platform style, of her challenge to Frederick Douglass on the issue of violence against slavery ("Frederick!
94. By joining Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, and Richard Wright in the act of literary testimony, Malcolm became part of the most essential genre of African-American literature.
95. where people are learning about the African-American leader Frederick Douglass, who was born a slave in 1818, but escaped to become a leading abolitionist.
96. This red brick Victorian Gothic-style building, completed in 1886, hosted the funeral of congregant Frederick Douglass in 1895 and Rosa Parks a century later.
97. Frederick and other students from the Juneau, Alaska, school were just off school property attending a nonschool event, an Olympic Torch relay.
98. Judging from the drastic experiment of Frederick II in the thirteenth century it may be.
99. We've just started a series of Indian historical romances and are scouting for local Barbara Cartlands and Georgette Heyers, and I think everyone is looking for the Indian Frederick Forsyth.
100. Example: In addition to being an educational pioneer, Frederick Douglass provides an interesting case study for masculinity in the American South.
101. Frederick the Great was too old a bird to be caught with chaff.
102. The policy of restricting the importation of foreign produce leads Frederick I of Prussia to impose a tax on chocolate in 1704.
103. Consequently, as the art historian Frederick Fried observed, “the fancies of the carver, sometimes influenced by the liquid he had taken, went wild.”
104. LOA encompasses African-American literature from slave narratives to the essays of intellectuals like Frederick Douglass and W.E.B. DuBois and the fiction of Richard Wright.
105. Frederick decided to strike first, thus beginning the Seven Years' War.
106. James Frederick is an IPM expert with Clemson University's Pee Dee Research and Educational Center in South Carolina.
107. Star Appliance, Frederick Association phone chain, Dixon - phone chain, and so on.
108. Example: Because of the efforts of fine Americans like Frederick Douglass, countless others have seen the shining beacon of light that is education.
109. Today no such drastic deprivation exists as that ordered by Frederick.
110. Paul is the Shenandoah Valley real estate and real estate buyer in Frederick County, Virginia, and Undersecretary of " the " experts and the Winchester home.
111. In 1765, Frederick County, Maryland, repudiated the British Stamp Act.
112. Long ago they're lived in Germany a little boy named George Frederick Handel.
113. And his philosophical musings influenced a much later, left-handed thinker: German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche.
114. Enforced strictly by the clergy, John Frederick in 1561 deprived ministers the right to uphold it , vesting that power in the consistory at Weimar.
115. Frederick II, also known as Frederick the Great, ruled Prussia for 46 years.
116. In 1716, Frederick William I gave it to Peter the Great, as a gift of friendship from the Prussian to the Russian people.
117. At the battle of Rossbach in 1757, Frederick the Great's Prussian army vanquished the opposing French and German forces while sustaining very few losses.
117. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
118. Kentucky Gov. Ernie Fletcher has ordered flags at all state office buildings to be lowered to half-staff in memory of Frederick.
119. The Stanfords engaged Frederick Law Olmsted, the famed landscape architect who created New York's Central Park, to design the physical plan for the university.
120. The Principles of Scientific Management by Frederick Winslow Taylor has been considered the origin of modern management thoughts.
121. He chose the second week of February to coincide with the birthdays of President Abraham Lincoln and the abolitionist Frederick Douglass.
122. And passing them in review with a glance of a Frederick II. at a Potsdam parade, he said to the three "chimney-builders"
123. Frederick IV, the Habsburg king of Germany, was crowned Holy Roman emperor as Frederick III in 1452, and Habsburgs continued to hold that title until 1806.
124. In a cunning 1971 experiment dubbed The Disappearing Hypnotist, Frederick Evans and Martin T.
125. Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.
126. Frederick : Yes, of course. Haenisch. Frederick Haenisch. Just call me Fred.
127. This was a group formed back in 1864 under the influence of Frederick James Furnivall.
128. One of my intellectual heroes, the Nobel Prize– winning chemist Frederick Soddy, put it another way.
129. The Great Elector, Frederick William I, adopted a similar course when he encouraged the French Huguenots to emigrate to Brandenburg-Prussia.
130. To the same end, Voltaire sojourned with Prussia's Frederick the Great, and Diderot spent time at the court of Russia's Catherine the Great.
131. Prof Frederick Ma speaks on his life philosophy at West Kowloon campus.
132. Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such a strange history.
133. Frederick S. Parsons, an income tax consultant, had been disputing and wrangling for an hour with a gover-ment tax inspector. An item of nine thousand dollars was at stake.
134. Frederick Winslow Taylor wrote the seminal analysis of management and efficiency in 1911 with The Principles of Scientific Management.
135. The picture of a man in a body bag with ice on his chest may well be of the man Frederick was describing.
136. He played keyboards in a Celtic band and founded the Frederick Jugglers.
137. This idea didn't sit well with leaders like Frederick Douglass, who considered colonization to be "a safety valve...for white racism."
138. Psychologist Frederick Herzberg makes the point that money only buys temporary compliance, and that as soon as the incentive is removed, the "motivation" disappears too.
139. Frederick William I, the king of Prussia, could never have imagined that his great gift to the Russian people would have such a strange history.
140. Ernest Rutherford and Frederick Soddy were working out the nature of radioactivity.
141. David McMaster, a Bartlett vice president, said the cloning would target several "Olmsted trees, " dating from the creation of Central Park by famed architect Frederick Law Olmsted in the late 1850s.
142. Example: In conclusion, Frederick Douglass was, as we have seen, a pioneer in American education, proving that education was a major force for social change with regard to slavery.
143. Wilma : oh . Just at some old photos of you, Frederick.
144. Frederick the Great refused to have this habit go on.
145. Plato: It is called New York and the plan for Central Park was done by a landscape architect called Frederick Law Olmsted.
146. The most important example of this style is Central Park, New York City, designed in 1857 by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux .
147. Nansen's rescuer was an accomplished British explorer named Frederick George Jackson who, as it happened, had met Nansen four years earlier in London.
147. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
148. The most famous black American anti-slavery leader and orator of the era, Frederick Douglass was born a slave on a Maryland plantation.
149. Arriving in Egypt, Frederick met the sultan, a fellow sceptic in religious questions.
150. Frederick Douglass called it "a sacred effort, " and Lincoln himself thought that his Second Inaugural, which offered a theodicy of the Civil War, was better than the Gettysburg Address.
151. Some historians, however, believe it was modelled after Frederick the Great's palace of the same name in Potsdam.
152. Holy Roman emperor (440-493) and king of Germany as Frederick IV. His efforts to expand the empire were generally unsuccessful.
153. Winnie Xie has been working for Frederick W. Hong Law Offices since she graduated from the college as a legal assistant in Guangzhou Office.
154. It could be Frederick Douglass. It could be Dorothy Day.
155. His father was Sir Frederick William Herschel, the most eminent astronomer of the age, who discovered Uranus, the only new planet to be seen in the heavens since the classical era.
156. Another time, we had a question of 'Who along with Frederick Engel wrote the Communist Manifesto?'
157. Luther had already criticized the relics which Frederick kept at Wittenberg.
158. Our revered ancestor Frederick Douglass said, "Power concedes nothing without demand.
159. However, he did have role models, including Frederick the Great , who became increasingly important to him.




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