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单词 Noncritical
1. But engineers concluded that even a complete failure of the non-critical, rubber O-ring would not endanger the lives of shuttle astronauts.
2. The resource person listens attentively and reflects back what is said, in the L1, in a non-critical way.
3. These non-critical elements can be either spread throughout the time-scale or tackled when spare capacity is available.
4. Datagrams are useful for noncritical data transfers.
5. The research object is to obtain the noncritical phase-matched property and application of BIBO crystal.
6. A noncritical task can be lengthened or delayed without affecting the end of the project.
7. The single cortical violation was judged as noncritical and would probably not have resulted in injury to a patient.
7. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
8. Noncritical replication was canceled. It will continue after the computer restarts.
9. This very weak ordering between critical and noncritical finalizers is not intended for general use.
10. Production and laboratory control records of noncritical process steps can be reviewed by qualified production personnel or other units following procedures approved by the quality unit(s).
11. The technology offers email notification, automatically sending email alerts of noncritical events.
12. Use the first 90 days to practice with a sympathetic executive and a noncritical investment.
13. The coset model belongs to the model of the noncritical type MT , witch is never carefully studied before in documents.
14. However, after seeing that the customer was less confident about reviewing these advanced relationships, we sometimes kept noncritical included and extended use cases out of the review packages.
15. This updating policy has the advantages of lower network loads for the user for noncritical updates and an always current system with respect to critical fixes.
16. Before an event the parent explains the expected behavior in a noncritical way: "When we visit Aunt Mary today, I'd be so proud if you could shake her hand and pull out her chair at dinner."
17. The External Provider pattern demonstrates how to outsource a noncritical business function to a consumer accessing one or more third-party services.
18. For monolayer and two-layer spherical critical problem and for monolayer noncritical problem, the application by this approach gives the corresponding solutions and satisfactory numerical results.




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