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单词 off-balance
释义  ˌoff-ˈbalance, off balance adjective [not before noun]  1  BALANCEin an unsteady position and likely to fall 不平衡的,不稳定的throw/knock/push etc somebody off-balance The sudden movement of the ship knocked them both off balance. 船突然移动,使得他俩都失去了平衡。2  catch/throw somebody off-balance to surprise or shock someone because they are not prepared for something that happens 使某人猝不及防 I was thrown off-balance by some of the more difficult questions I was asked. 我被问到几个较难的问题,一时措手不及。Examples from the Corpusoff-balance• Unfortunately, Joan catches Victor slightly off-balance and he falls against a wall, bruising his arm slightly.• He dragged her backwards and off-balance, and then kept her moving so that she couldn't recover.• Tucker made a spectacular off-balance catch to end the game.• I was off-balance, falling forward, lurching with giant strides, certain that the next step would end in a nosedive.• Simon followed his own miss with an off-balance floater to tie the score at 75-75.• Their lead swelled to 46-41 when Jamar Curry made an off-balance jumper with 17: 06 left.• She was off-balance - nothing she could do to prevent herself from turning towards him as his grip pulled her in.• But Abdur-Rahim missed an off-balance shot and Jelani McCoy grabbed the loose ball.ˌoff-ˈbalance adjectiveChineseSyllable  position and likely unsteady an in to Corpus




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