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单词 Cough
1 Love, and a cough, cannot be hid. George Herbert 
2 Love and cough cannot be hid. 
3 Contact your doctor if the cough persists.
4 His cough was nearly cured.
5 The smoke made me cough.
6 love and a cough cannot be hid.
7 Cover your mouth when you cough.
8 You owe me £20. Come on, cough up!
9 The speaker gave a nervous cough.
10 A racking cough convulsed her whole body.
11 His cough grew more persistent until it never stopped.
12 She was given a needle for whooping cough.
13 The old lady had a bad cough.
14 You'd better see a doctor about that cough.
15 I'll have to cough up $10,000 a year for tuition.
16 The persistence of a cough in his daughter puzzled him.
17 The butler gave a little cough to announce his presence.
18 Stuart gave an embarrassed cough .
19 You want to see a doctor about that cough.
20 She gave a quiet cough to attract my attention.
21 Let the cough drop melt in your mouth.
22 Come on, cough up: who did it?
23 You should see a doctor about that cough.
24 The medicine may loosen your cough.
25 Don't cough up the money until the job's finished.
26 The damp weather touched up his cough.
27 Symptoms include a sore throat and dry, persistent cough.
28 You really ought to/should do something about that cough!
29 He may be able to prescribe you something for that cough.
30 Try gargling with salt water as soon as a cough begins.
1 Contact your doctor if the cough persists.
2 His cough was nearly cured.
3 The smoke made me cough.
4 Cover your mouth when you cough.
5 You owe me £20. Come on, cough up!
6 The speaker gave a nervous cough.
7 A racking cough convulsed her whole body.
8 His cough grew more persistent until it never stopped.
9 The old lady had a bad cough.
10 You'd better see a doctor about that cough.
11 He may be able to prescribe you something for that cough.
12 I'll have to cough up $10,000 a year for tuition.
13 The persistence of a cough in his daughter puzzled him.
14 Try gargling with salt water as soon as a cough begins.
15 The butler gave a little cough to announce his presence.
16 Far from relieving my cough, the medicine aggravated it.
17 The cough seemed to rack his body.
18 He had a chronic cough.
19 My fever has gone, but I have a cough.
20 She was shocked at the bill, but she had to cough up.
31 Far from relieving my cough, the medicine aggravated it.
32 He could not but cough up his political scandal.
33 I can't get rid of this cough.
34 My cough is rather troublesome today.
35 The cough seemed to rack his body.
36 Janet had a bad cough all last week.
37 He owes us money, but he won't cough up.
38 You ought to see a doctor about that cough.
39 She's got a terrible smoker's cough .
40 She dosed up the children with cough syrup.
41 Have you seen a quack about that cough?
42 Graham began to cough violently.
43 Ask the doctor to prescribe something for that cough.
44 His illness started with a slight cough.
45 This medicine may cure your cough.
46 The cough medicine contains an expectorant.
47 That cough sounds as if it's getting worse.
48 He has had a hacking cough for weeks.
49 This cough is driving me mad!
50 Mother dosed the child up with cough syrup.
51 I am troubled with a cough.
52 He had a smoker's cough .
53 Inhalations can soothe and control the cough.
54 He had a chronic cough.
55 You'd better go to the doctor about your cough.
56 Grit from the highway made him cough.
57 He had a smoker's cough and nicotine-yellowed fingers.
58 The engine began to cough on the hill.
59 They were interrupted by an apologetic cough.
60 The whisky made her cough and splutter.
61 No drug could suppress his cough.
62 I'm sorry - is my cough annoying you?
63 The doctor gave her some medicine for her cough.
64 She heard a muffled cough behind her.
65 She coughed a terrible cough.
66 She gave a little cough to attract my attention.
67 My fever has gone, but I have a cough.
68 Come on, cough up:where've you been?
69 Whooping cough occurs mainly in young children.
70 I developed a tiresome cough that kept me awake all night.
71 Measles, mumps and whooping cough are spreading again because children are not being vaccinated.
72 Symptoms of the illness include a high temperature and a persistent dry cough.
73 The doctor has given me some medicine to take for my cough.
74 Will this be enough to persuade Congress to cough up?
75 I've just had to cough up £10 for a parking fine.
76 She stifled a cough/yawn/scream/sneeze.
77 He will have to cough up £15 for that shirt.
78 She took too big a gulp of whisky and started to cough and splutter.
79 Honey helps the cough.
80 Although the infection cleared up, he was left with a persistent cough.
81 Come on, cough up.
82 You'll have to cough up three dollars for that ticket.
83 The doctor wrote me a prescription for medicine for my cough.
84 A cough at the doorway brought an untimely end to their embrace.
85 My cold's better, but I can't seem to shake off this cough.
86 His condition left him vulnerably exposed to the slightest cold or cough.
87 Symptoms are streaming eyes, a runny nose, headache and a cough.
88 Doctors were worried when she started to cough up blood.
89 The child had a bad cough, so his mother took him to the doctor.
90 Insurance companies had to cough up £10 million in storm damage claims.
91 His cough has slackened, but his nose is still running.
92 The doctor has given her some pills to take for her cough.
93 She was shocked at the bill, but she had to cough up.
94 'How's your throat?' 'It's fine as long as I don't cough.'
95 The cough, wheeze and shortness of breath are things that go with smoking, not with age.
96 The police may be able to make him cough out his story.
97 I don't like the sound of that cough oughtn't you to see a doctor?
98 He suffered from a snotty nose, runny eyes and a slight cough.
99 She put her hand over her mouth to stifle the cough.
100 They gave him cough syrup and blankets.
101 I suppose taxpayers will have to cough up again.
102 At length, he gave a little cough.
103 She was suddenly convulsed by a hacking cough.
104 She has a bad cough, caused by heavy smoking.
105 The chauffeur gave a discreet cough.
106 I have this little dry hacking cough.
107 We all knew they gave you a wracking cough.
108 They were the victims of whooping cough.
109 Headache as if head would burst with the cough.
110 You owe me twenty pounds. Come on, cough up!
111 I was already coughing a dry cough.
112 Dry, teasing,(http:///cough.html) hacking cough with a sense of suffocation.
113 On the ship I caught whooping cough.
114 Usually loose but sometimes can be a dry cough.
115 Sticky bottles of cough medicine lined his bathroom shelf.
116 Hard, dry cough racks the whole chest.
117 Hugh seemed too weary to cough.
118 Ms. Meyers has this hacking smoker's cough.
119 The patient may need assistance to cough.
120 Tickling and pain in the larynx with the cough.
121 And I looked, dry hacking cough and head congestion.
122 He came down with a fever and a painful cough, and decided he had to find some appropriate lodgings.
123 A tickling cough coming every few hours with increasing intensity.
124 As he was stirring it he heard Christopher cough and start to cry.
125 She was admitted to hospital on 21 January because of a productive cough and mild dyspnoea which had appeared four days earlier.
126 She starts to cough and there's faintly green foam around her mouth.
127 I find honey is the best thing for a cough.
128 He began to cough in rasping barks that became horribly convulsive before eventually subsiding.
129 Q: My 10-year old developed a bad cold with fever and a hard cough last week.
130 To dread the slightest sneeze or cough that might herald the onset of polio or tuberculosis.
131 There may be a loose cough in the day and a dry paroxysmal cough in the evening and night.
132 Doctors were first alerted on May 21, when the man, a junior paediatrician(), began to cough up blood.
133 He took such a long puff on his cigarette that he began to cough, his throat burning.
134 Sore muscles are not the only possibility to explain cough and chest pain.
135 The commonest symptom is a persistent cough, with frequent bouts of chest infection.
136 You feel you have to cough, and you spew the liquid all over the counter and sink.
137 The vaccine can be given at the same time as immunisations against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus.
138 They could hear it far ahead of them - a rasping, monotonous cough.
139 Bloody sputum. Whooping cough may be like this or even asthma.
140 And there were other things; saliva drooled from her lips and every few seconds she gave a retching cough.
141 She was admitted to hospital in September, 1991, because of fever, productive cough, and weakness.
141 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
142 Justin was in the hospital, under observation after he contracted chicken pox and a cough, Lopez said.
143 Water began dripping into the window, the port engine started to cough.
144 Tickling or crawling in the larynx provokes cough and wakes them.
145 Scarlet fever, mumps, chicken pox, and whooping cough floated in the air.
146 Her throat muscles useless, she was unable to breathe, cough, or swallow on her own.
147 They are being urged to see their own doctors if they develop symptoms such as a persistent cough, sweating or weight loss.
148 Do not do dressings if you have a cold, cough or any other infection.
149 Calpol can now be given to babies developing a feverish reaction after triple immunisations against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus.
150 There was a reduction in her stool frequency, an improvement in her abdominal pain, and a less productive cough.
151 Thick, yellow, offensive ear discharges with loss of hearing and dry cough.
152 He was about to kiss her again when he heard a discreet cough.
153 School drug bust: Boy had cough drops Belle, W.. Va.
154 By the time the towers of his parents' manor house appeared, the rider leading the way had begun to cough.
155 There is a characteristic pain from the sternum to the back with the catarrh and the cough.
156 Cover your mouth when you cough so you won't spread germs.
157 Then he simply extends the arrow to full length once more while appearing to cough the whole thing up again.
158 The sycamores, blemished bark, but very nice, brown and white, getting ready to cough up leaves.
159 Daughter Helen, 25, needed constant attention after whooping cough left her with a mental age of just two.
160 Elsewhere, we were expected to cough up to watch pop pygmies mime to their latest singles.
161 But all hosepipe users will now have to cough up £33 a year.
162 While we stood together, praying, he began to cough again.
163 And by the way, old coot, cough up $ 200 for our trouble.
164 Then he started to cough, forced himself to control the tickle he felt at the back of his throat.
165 The boy presented with shortness of breath and husky cough.
166 Stress incontinence occurs when you wet yourself when you cough, laugh, bend over or go jogging.
167 You have to cough up $2 just to get into the park.
168 Arriving there, he moved from flophouse to flophouse because none of his fellow tenants could endure his hacking cough.
169 Then it coughed and threw up before starting to cough again.
170 He had taken a bottle of cough mixture with him but it hadn't helped much.
171 My voice is like sandpaper, I cough up gobs of phlegm(/cough.html), my liver feels like a sandbag.
172 Copious, thick, ropy mucus from the larynx; hoarseness, rough voice, dry cough.
173 Dry mucous membranes; dry or coated tongue with a red triangular tip. Cold drinks can bring on chilliness or cough.
174 A hacking cough from the porch heralded the arrival of Nancy Little and the Doctor.
175 He begins to cough and feels depression all over him.
176 That cough of hers worries me; she's had it for weeks.
177 Papaver somniferum, is the only commercial source of codeine, an alkaloid widely used in cough suppressants and pain killers.
178 These may include night sweats, swollen glands, weight loss or a persistent cough.
179 Dust began to scratch at my throat and I started to cough.
180 He drove it all day long, falling in love with every cough, clank, and knock of the engine.
181 Four months after the show opened in October 1995, she missed 10 performances because of a sore throat and cough.
182 People cease to cough or sniff or shuffle their feet.
183 She heard him catch at air, and cough up the last slime of the river.
184 Rye whiskey, mixed with rock-sugar syrup, remained a popular cough remedy into the early twentieth century.
185 The juggernaut started with a cough and splutter, was thrown into gear and began to move off down the narrow road.
186 Not content with simply being breathed into the atmosphere, the virus makes us sneeze or cough explosively.
187 She was a big, soft, loving woman with endless energy, who smelt of cough medicine and laundry.
188 I discovered to my surprise that even certain cough mixtures are banned.
189 He coughed so badly that he found his way to the bathroom and took some Liquafruta cough syrup.
190 Years later, the earth would still cough up shoes, bits of clothing and bones.
191 The sudden appearance of her bare back made him cough.
192 You may also have a dry irritating cough, a sore throat and a runny, itchy nose.
193 A tickling, dry, hard cough; great soreness in the chest on coughing or deep breathing.
194 Sore chest or stitching pain with the cough or deep breathing.
195 Then a little move, a little cough, made you aware of his presence.
196 They found she could clear her throat and cough in the machine, which had been difficult outside.
197 This old lady came out and said about the cough - she gave me a dose of cough medicine.
198 I went to see the doctor about my cough but she said there was nothing wrong with me.
199 There were plenty of diseases. Scarlet fever, mumps, chicken pox, and whooping cough floated in the air.
200 A short dry cough, may be a little watery mucus, possibly blood streaked.
201 Whether or not we will shortly have a passive computer lobby,(http:///cough.html) it certainly gives a new meaning to the hacking cough.
202 The rare acute infection shows dyspnoea and violent cough, with white-yellow, occasionally bloody, sputum.
203 What a doctor I’ve got—he’s really mixed up. Last week, he grabbed my knee and told me to cough. Then he hit me in the balls with a hammer. Rodney Dangerfield 
204 For deep hacking cough, treat sides at rib cage.
205 He heard a snuffle behind him - a half - choking gasp or cough.
206 The productive cough of chronic bronchitis is often not regarded as abnormal.
207 Almost no one sincerely likes winter except the oil cartel and the cough syrup magnates.
208 The pulmonary migration of larvae is associated with fever, cough, occasionally hemoptysis.




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