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单词 flimsy
释义  flim·sy /ˈflɪmzi/ ●○○ adjective  1  THIN OBJECT OR MATERIALflimsy cloth or clothing is light and thin 〔布或衣服〕轻而薄的 a flimsy cotton dress 一件又轻又薄的棉布连衣裙2  BREAKsomething that is flimsy is not strong or well-made, and will break easily 脆弱的,易损坏的 a flimsy wooden building 不牢固的木屋► see thesaurus at weak3  a flimsy agreement is weak and can easily be damaged or broken 〔协议〕脆弱的,不牢靠的 a flimsy alliance between the two tribal groups 两个部落间脆弱的联盟4  BELIEVEa flimsy argument or excuse does not seem very likely and people do not believe it 〔论点、借口〕不可信的 OPP convincing The evidence against him is extremely flimsy. 指控他的证据根本站不住脚。 a flimsy excuse 站不住脚的借口 —flimsily adverb —flimsiness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusflimsy• The evidence against him is very flimsy.• After all, he had little to go on - the evidence was too flimsy.• Lucien enjoyed spending time in his company, but anticipated the day when this flimsy alliance would end.• In some spots, villagers were building cinder-block houses, a sturdy if ugly improvement over their flimsy bamboo shacks.• It was impossible for me to sleep under a single flimsy blanket on such a cold night.• Do you have a flimsy, glass-panelled back door?• Alice struggled out of the flimsy pink nightgown and tossed it at the foot of the bed.• It was almost a shock to realise that there were actually big waves out beyond the flimsy rim of woven basketwork.• She punched tiny discs from a flimsy sheet of iron foil and placed them in the anvil.• flimsy underwear• a shantytown of flimsy wood and tin structuresevidence ... flimsy• After all, he had little to go on - the evidence was too flimsy.Origin flimsy (1700-1800) Probably from → FILM1 “very thin layer”flim·sy adjectiveChineseSyllable  thin and light is flimsy cloth clothing Corpus or




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