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单词 Prescriptive
(1) The cogency of this prescriptive analysis is highly questionable.
(2) However, a fixed cut off point seems unnecessarily prescriptive.
(3) They are not prescriptive and it is open to you to implement them in the way that best suits your firm.
(4) Social capacities are normative or prescriptive, in that they include responsibilities for whose discharge the actor can be praised or criticized.
(5) A prescriptive and legitimate custom overcomes the law.
(6) Direct priMary legislation is largely permissive rather than prescriptive.
(7) It? not a prescriptive plan?
(8) It is a descriptive science, not a prescriptive one.
(9) Descriptive grammar and prescriptive grammar both are very important in English studies.
(10) Only prescriptive way can ensure the accuracy and comparability of the monitoring data.
(11) The authors conclude by discussing prescriptive recommendations for the recording industry.
(12) Today, prescriptive jurisdiction ( capacity to make law ) can be based on nationality and exercised extra - territorially.
(13) Most teachers think the government's guidelines on homework are too prescriptive.
(14) The psychologists insist, however, that they are not being prescriptive.
(15) Essentially feminism is a perspective rather than a particular set of prescriptive values.
(16) But here we run up against the difficulty that this formulation appears to derive a prescriptive conclusion from two factual premisses.
(17) In general, two kinds of rule will be considered - first, rules of interpretation and second[ ], prescriptive rules.
(18) In answering these questions, it is important to recall the distinction made earlier between prescriptive and descriptive grammar.
(19) I do not intend to turn this into a prescriptive handbook.
(20) The same number of muggers would leap out of the dark if everyone conformed overnight to every prescriptive rule ever written.
(21) The book is both an account of and an intervention in that process, veering between the descriptive and the prescriptive.
(22) But comprehensive data collection ran ahead of a capacity for meaningful analysis, and prescriptive content was disappointing.
(23) We are, after all, performing a descriptive and not a prescriptive exercise when we undertake discourse analysis.
(24) The style and format of teachers' guides vary from the most detached to the most prescriptive.
(25) For the history of linguistic analysis in the West is overwhelmingly a prescriptive and overtly a political one.
(26) Proponents of what are inevitably radical solutions must be unfashionably prescriptive.
(27) As elsewhere in the book these suggestions are not intended to be prescriptive but, rather, a stimulus for ideas.
(28) For while there are detailed teacher's notes provided, the Student's Books themselves are not at all prescriptive.
(29) Economics, on this showing, has more practical use as ideology than as prescriptive science.
(30) Be responsible for design the electrode for mould making in the prescriptive time.
(31) Therefore, structures must have certain reliability to make sure that they can satisfy each operational function in prescriptive period.
(32) Gough said the School's series was "an opportunity to turn self-help on its head, " promising: "They won't be didactic, prescriptive books.
(33) The stylistic analyses made in this volume are thus basically descriptive rather than prescriptive.
(34) This procedure for IQC normative inspection incoming material , the materials can settle for prescriptive quality standard.
(35) Nevertheless its core insights about the factors influencing innovation make the innovation system approach a valuable analytical and prescriptive tool for policymaking in developing countries.
(36) I was reminded of the concept of prescriptive grammar once while I was having a short conversation with my roommate (an American) in front of Japanese friend.
(37) Sitting room, bedroom and toilet, each with respect to its also privacy, activity zoning, wash one's hands and face, sleep, reception and office area prescriptive sort.
(38) Its laws were invented to help make sense of the universe, and are descriptive, not prescriptive.
(39) These steps are not meant to be prescriptive or all - inclusive.
(40) The capability of non - prescriptive, nonlinear document traversal is always added by the software.
(41) Alternative Methods: With equivalent fire and smoke control performance to prescriptive codes.
(42) The step sequence is only one method and is not intended to be prescriptive.
(43) They are not intended to be all-inclusive, exclusive or prescriptive; rather a party's adoption of these Guidelines, or variants thereof, should be determined based on that party's own circumstances.
(44) Prescriptive grammar is concerned with norms of or rules for correct usage.




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