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单词 Downsizing
1. American manufacturing organizations have been downsizing their factories.
2. She wasn't sheded in the bout of downsizing.
3. Another year, another downsizing, and this time a monster.
4. The downsizing Navy is training fighter pilots elsewhere.
5. Some downsizing was simply a shift to outside suppliers.
6. Feds, in recent years, have learned about downsizing.
7. Competition and ruthless downsizing have had positive effects.
8. Ironically, corporate downsizing may actually work to your advantage.
9. With downsizing and consolidation all the rage, owners are left with empty spaces and few choices in reusing them.
10. By preaching the merits of downsizing, they have provided bosses with arguments for measures that tough economic times have required anyway.
11. For devotees of downsizing, the signs are that this could be a vintage year.
12. "Downsizing" simply means that firms are tending to buy smaller computers to do jobs which used to require big ones.
13. Caught in frenzied downsizing, Dan joined the legions of independent consultants.
14. Some argue that downsizing is dissolving the glue that has traditionally held companies together, and without which they may never flourish.
15. That is part of what downsizing is all about, yet down-sizing is not reflected in official indexes of capacity.
16. Downsizing continues apace with radical change thanks to galloping new technology, while the current merger epidemic leads to unpredictable job loss.
17. Downsizing was the order of the day, and thousands of jobs were lost.
18. In an era of government downsizing, Texas is thinking big.
18. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
19. After all, how can you square downsizing with acquiring a smaller carrier with a similar cost base?
20. For some who can work, corporate downsizing and increased competition in the job market have led to self-employment.
21. They were casualties of the recent spate of organizational downsizing, restructuring, and reengineering programs.
22. Jim Parker lost his job as a senior financial officer for a pathologically downsizing company in 1989.
23. Still others have been forced into it after losing jobs to downsizing.
24. Movies are incredibly expensive to create; cyber enterprises are hymns to downsizing.
25. Strange to tell, even in an era of government downsizing it can make sense to build new federal office space.
26. One reason for the new fashion is that people are weary of downsizing.
27. This book assesses the technological fix for the muddle left by downsizing and reengineering.
28. The boxes are clearly aimed at data intensive applications downsizing from mainframes.
29. The musicians have to be full partners in the downsizing.
30. And the overall quality of care remains vulnerable to health industry cost-cutting and downsizing.
31. The downsizing of big firms with high wages and good fringe benefits continues at an unrelenting pace.
32. You are being forced to change career due to unemployment, downsizing, ill health, outplacement / redundancy.
33. Ulrich recently retired from the company and Lundwall lost his job last year after a downsizing.
34. The survey also found that the likeliest effect of downsizing is a slump in morale, which can reduce productivity and profits.
35. This includes customers downsizing their mainframe applications to a distributed Unix or client-server environment.
36. Men, however, overwhelmingly favored Republican ideas on downsizing government, balancing the budget and welfare reform.
37. The survivors of reengineering, downsizing, rightsizing, and so on are asking themselves soul-searching questions about life after the lay-offs.
38. Yet in the name of downsizing government Congress wants fewer rather than more central supervisors.
39. Or tax incentives encourage companies to stretch out downsizing and keep more jobs at home?
40. Since 1990, surrounding Cannon County has lost some 700 jobs to downsizing.
41. Not every small business has been buffeted by General Dynamics' downsizing.
42. Downsizing often cut out coordinators, the people most important to these informal networks, leaving them in serious danger of collapse.
43. In connection with the downsizing, Network Six will post a one-time charge of $ 250, 000 in the fourth quarter.
44. Company after company is just downsizing ruthlessly all the time.
45. The company pared 3, 000 jobs from its payroll in the downsizing.
46. If the product works as advertised, it could promote downsizing with a vengeance.
47. Re-engineering, in many cases, has been abused as a euphemism for downsizing.
48. The company has been downsizing.
48. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
49. The business loss or the downsizing of the business.
50. In an era of massive and painful corporate downsizing.
51. Our company eliminated 100 positions after their downsizing.
52. Downsizing is one way to reduce costs.
53. For years, businesses have been "downsizing" or as they came to prefer to call it "rightsizing."
54. This was particularly the case when these quality efforts were combined with downsizing.
55. Downsizing is reducing costs by dismissing employees and reassigning their duties to the employees who remain.
56. In this paper we develop a model with adverse selection on the productive efficiency of workers in the private sector to analyze the downsizing problem in a public enterprise.
57. In recent years corporate downsizing has been on the rise throughout the world.
58. In 2008, the rich are likely to be uttering a new mantra -- downsizing.
59. "Stronger competition," said Mitra, "which would facilitate convergence in the CIS countries, would also accelerate downsizing in state-owned and privatized firms.
60. After downsizing of Taiwan Province, the status of local municipality must have been greatly elevated.
61. The workers went on strike in response to the company's downsizing.
62. But the enthusiasm in the 1990s for downsizing (see article) hit corporate planning departments hard.
63. But in today's economy, educated, white - collar workers also are vulnerable to downsizing.
64. Both GM and Chrysler are downsizing - with GM potentially joining Chrysler in bankruptcy - and closing plants.
65. They're downsizing, and I got my walking papers last week.
66. Los Angeles GM dealership that recently shut,[] as part of the auto maker's downsizing.
67. Downsizing the work force is the better way to cut down the cost of production.
68. It causes all skepticism about downsizing to be taboo, and both people and companies suffer.
69. GM will need buyers for this surplus capacity in any downsizing re-organization. It also means that forfeited to make the re-organization possible.
70. He ( Major ) eased off on the giant welfare cuts and industrial downsizing.
71. Far from being finished , the downsizing of digital gear has just begun.
72. With the downsizing of solder joints in microelectronic packaging, size effect in micro-joining plays an more important role in the constitutive equation of the solder joints.
73. Further downsizing will greatly increase the staff's already heavy workload and affect morale.
74. Downsizing is a simple way to change boats without incurring new net costs.




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