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单词 Armor
1) Knights fought in armor.
2) They spotted armor moving up the valley.
3) He has been disencumbered of his armor.
4) Two armor divisions were mousetrapped and subsequently destroyed.
5) The troops and armor were massed along the border.
6) The President's limousine is plated with armor.
7) His armor of affable authority was easily pierced.
8) The armor meant that bullets were expected to be whizzing through the cockpit.
9) Then Hector stripped his armor from him and casting his own aside, put it on.
10) I began to armor myself against the images my senses were conjuring up.
11) In addition, all armor is fickle and requires constant maintenance.
12) One guest appeared in a suit of gold-inlaid armor valued at an estimated $ 10, 000.
13) But Holy Trinity had ceased forging that armor and was sending Catholic kids off fortified with nothing more than compassionate impulses.
14) I had already checked the sliding armor panel on the seat.
15) The knight was completely clad in armor.
16) Nullifiers are mechanical units,(http:///armor.html) but have light armor.
17) Dryad attack and armor increase from upgrades.
18) Q: Where do I get Enclave Power Armor?
19) Love songs trick us into believing in knights in shining armor.
20) The leading role in the film is costumed in medieval armor.
21) The Director says that the Gamma rays can easily be detected at the far side of a foot of steel armor plating.
22) The painfully neat clothes bear witness that, depressed as she was, she allowed no chink in her armor.
23) Jensen was hit in the upper part of his torso near the edge of his bulletproof body armor.
24) She even managed to array the girl in shining armor.
25) It was a long, slow kiss that penetrated some ancient armor.
26) On the way back, in the rear of the truck, we complained about our lack of chest armor.
27) They were much heavier and harder to maintain than tracks but also possessed much stouter defensive armor and greater firepower.
28) Carlo was large as a steroid junkie yet not puffy-firmly outlined, with a chest like an armor breastplate.
29) If beauty is the chink in our perilously thin female armor, motherhood is our Achilles' heel.
30) Nor could I detect my instant of failure, the chink in my armor.
1) Knights fought in armor.
31) Blood Gorged now grants armor penetration instead of expertise.
32) Armor plate is impenetrable by ordinary bullets.
33) In what ways is Devastate better than Sunder Armor?
34) Fred's MJOLNIR armor was carbonized black.
35) You can imbue armor with magic you found.
36) They're allowed no armor, only a loincloth.
37) To use an armor in play, you exhaust it.
38) There had been no crack in Tynan's armour armor.
39) Hand-held guns proved no match for heavy armor.
40) Who wears a suit of armor?
41) Is there any reason at all to use Sunder Armor when you have Devastate?
42) A shaman basically has hunter armor but cannot kite nearly as well.
43) Hacked cargo manifests showed deliveries of battlecruiser weight neosteel armor plating extending back over a year.
43) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
44) The daconil 75% wettability and the armor frost work the manganese zinc 58% wettability are not as effective as Topsin(F) 70% ultramicro w.
45) This means he can move in it much more easily and the armor is also shown as modular and storable.
46) Turret side armor and barbette armor would usually be hit at a more oblique angle, usually circa 30-45 degrees or more, though the very center of the barbette could be hit at near right angles.
47) Our main products include redirector dowel, armor plate spring dowel, armor plate spring stationary rings series. there about hundred products of three series which occupancy 100% at FAW market.
48) Druid Bear Form's armor bonus does not include enchants or temporary buffs.
49) The sun rose, glinting on the armor and broken weapons of the newly slain.
50) The structure of the preformed armor rods is simple and a set of preformed rods become an empty pipe and enlace , hold and protect the conductor.
51) On another day we met a snapping turtle in his primordial olive drab armor.
52) It had gone like this: Two soldiers with the 101st Airborne Division had climbed into a regular S.U.V., no armor, and driven off the base and into Mosul at rush hour.
53) Small black and small armor Xi fair outside the tent, before gathered some mercenary soldiers at them, an eyes expose strange light-that is the penurious wind.
54) The Thor's anti air attack also has + 2 damage against Mutalisk's Light armor.
55) Level 1 - Enhances the Assassin's chitinous armor with organic barbs, giving him 2 bonus armor and returning 10% of melee attack damage to enemies.
56) This Courtly Poetry came out of the idea of chivalry and courtly love that you might associate with knights in shining armor.
57) Damsels in Armor is a civics lesson of another order: 24 unsanctioned monuments testifying to war's truly brutal cost.
58) On-screen, the Stalingrad took a direct hit on her port side. Plasma etched through the meters of titanium-A armor plating like a blowtorch through rice paper, and her center amidships decks vented.
59) Because the chronic leukemia patient may the cell infiltration cause the nose armor, the tonsil, to hire the hyoid arch plump swelling, but presents the blocking sleep apnea.
60) Traditional transparent armor costs less than $4 per square inch. The aluminum oxynitride is now at least $10 per square inch.
61) GMT, May 17, 2010 AMAPTM (Advanced Modular Armor Protection) is the expression of the system approach for a balanced and optimized Survivability Concept, developed by IBD Deisenroth Engineering.
62) While not totally bulletproof , the body armor can stop a small - caliber round.
63) Thor's anti - air attack also has + 2 damage against Mutalisk's Light armor.
64) I'll never be a knight in armor with a sword in hand or a kamikaze fighter.
65) Had she the Horadric Malus, she could make the steel sing and craft you a suit of armor as impenetrable as the Great Eye.
66) They featured modified scout armor, with breathing tanks, flippers, and a helmet-mounted spotlight.
67) Increased the armor and damage reduction of ancient wandigoo's Howl.
68) The paper introduces the new application of plastics and its composites in ordnance, including using them as materials for armor, gun barrel, rotating band, obturator and sabot.
69) Powerful servomotors drive its legs, overcoming the weight of its heavy armor plating.
70) At present the bath crock on the market is mixed with Yakeli, armor plate cast-iron for mainstream material.
71) Death Knight is often described as world of warcraft gold a Rogue in plate armor due to their use of runic energy and their damage dealing ability.
72) The golden years, love has become increasingly difficult. Everyone wearing a suit of armor, handle with care, fear of injury.
73) There was a big push on armor sets in the milestone before the break, which included a new female wizard unarmored look.
73) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
74) Creates a thick armor shell around Leviathan that protects him against attacks.
75) Intellect will be removed from retribution itemisation. A new trainable ability Purified Armor will grant intellect based on armor value.
76) This is the carrier only and doesNOT include any body armor insert or plates.
77) At the Battle of Thermopylae, heavy armor helpedthe greatly outnumbered Greek phalanxes to hold off the lightly armedPersian infantry over three days of battle.
78) The Industrial Plant is the new home to the Autoloaders and Reactive Armor upgrades, and it must be built before Reaper tanks can be produced.
79) My metacarpal fracture, there is fixed board inside, is armor plate taken influential to me?
80) Feelings of guilt gnawed away at the soldiers'heart , corroding the armor of his soul.
81) Sorcerers are limited to light armor and can use daggers and two-handed staffs.
82) However he did comment that the level limit will likely be increased to 45 and we will see plate armor and mounts.
83) When tallies tight-lipped, before may excise the throat, the belt-shaped muscle, the partial armor shape tongue periosteum and swallows the constrictor.
84) Their armor was silver plate polished to a mirror sheen, but underneath, she knew, every man of them wore a hair shirt.
85) Elixir of Major Armor: Increases armor by 550 for 1 hour.
86) They put his armor in the temple of Astarte, but impaled his body on the wall of Bethshan.
87) Page 48 : The clatter of armor and clanking of metal could be heard.
88) When the door is closed, one can hear typical hollow thud of armor. When you drive in the “Tiger”, you do feel that you are inside an armored vehicle.
89) A maintenance policy matching with to armor chariots service time is presented in this paper.
90) Roan Fel wore a more elaborate variant of this armor, along with a royal cape.
91) Methods Mini - anatomized armor plate treatment of metacarpus and phalange fracture 20 cases.
92) Removed plate armor for paladins since they all wore priest stuff anyway.
93) Level 4 - Enhances the Assassins chitinous armor with organic barbs, giving him 8 bonus armor and returning 40% of melee attack damage to enemies.
94) "Speed" will be used to anti-explosion light composite armor, bulletproof windows and equipped with machine guns and cannon.
95) Swiss Guards stand tall in their swearing-in garb of armor and plume. The annual ceremony recalls the 1527 Sack of Rome, when 147 guards died helping Pope Clement VII escape German invaders.
96) Succubus: Health increased by 20 %, armor increased 22 %.
97) Shamans can wear medium armor and can use one-handed blunt weapons, two handed piercing weapons, and shields.
98) Costume designer John Mollo took McQuarrie's concepts and puzzled together how the pieces would fit based on his knowledge of medieval armor.
99) Accordingly, developed the double deck vent - pipe of answer aluminium armor plate.
100) Among the Basic techniques are cross-stitch, crewel work, and quilting. The Persians and Greeks wore quilted garments as armor.
101) EOD boots have soles reinforced with soft armor and boomerang-shaped titanium plates to reflect blast pressure away.
102) It will be possible to enchant weapons and armor with runes.
103) A costume drama: the traditional drama clothing, knives, guns, sword, halberd, opera hat , armor, modern and folk dance costumes, props and performances.
104) So the target echo of armor of millimeter wave is very important.
105) The grain of armor steel can be refined by choosing different loading temperature and cooling velocity.
106) Under similarly distributed load the anti-shock strength is analyzed with regard to cracking armor plate and the thermit welding armor plate.
107) Mountain biking is so dangerous that body armor should be worn.
108) The black material that made up part of the Imperial Knights' armor was reminiscent of the ribbed, multi-ply material that Darth Vader once wore underneath his armor.
109) B factor(BF) in thyroid function hyperfunction sickness(Is called armor high) patient blood serum content at present rare report.
110) Dusting steel door is become for dusting of surface of cold rolling armor plate, can divide for grille type and whole sealing type two kinds, surface colour colour abounds diversity.
111) Both pit Stane's larger, more powerful Iron Monger armor against Stark's greater experience(), and both also feature an exploding reactor as a prominent feature of the battle.
112) The armor piercer sends the strength, Is the typical wadding fist sends the strength method.
113) The knights wear a special armor into battle, from which their magical ability arises.
114) Faerie Fire will now stack with other armor reducing debuffs.
115) To evaluate curative effect of armor plate and xenogenic bony plate in congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia.
116) In it, the Togorian bounty hunter in appropriated armor kidnaps Princess Leia.
117) The tank fires mainly armor piercing fin - stabilized discarding sabot, high explosive anti - tank and high explosive munitions.
118) Armor C12 convertible notebook has a die-cast magnesium alloy case, and has been tested for drop-shock, moisture, temperature extremes, and resistance to dust and vibration.
119) Oshkosh will deliver more than 3,800 rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) protection kits, as well as more than 500 explosively formed penetrator (EFP) add-on armor kits and in-field service and parts.
120) This means it should do more damage against lightly armored or fully sundered targets but less damage against heavily armored targets (assuming no armor pen).
121) Master Of Fire Grants armor - damaging effect to Fireball and Armageddon spells.
122) Later during the war the Germans were eventually matched by equal armor commanders like Patton and Zhukov.
123) Its huge armored shape had an aggressive, dagger-like profile, studded with heavy weapons emplacements capable of punching through powerful shields and sturdy armor.
124) A crazed, frail - looking leper gnome peers out from within a massive suit of steam - powered armor.
125) Like a modern 'bunker buster' bomb, the big radio-controlled Fritz-X was built to penetrate the thickest armor.
126) Enchant Cloak - Major Armor : Permanently a cloak toa 120 additional armor.
127) Boba Fett's armor, like his father's, is a battered weapon - covered spacesuit equipped with a rocket pack.
128) Objective To checkout the curative effect of trilobate set a broken bone armor plate fixation inside cure the shoulder bone chirurgery neck fracture.
129) Aion Armor types depend on location of sub - wearing T - shirt, shin , shoulder pad, gloves, and boots.
130) He caught sight of an enormous orc, dressed in a full suit of black plate armor .
131) He fashioned a suit of armor and a sword out of old tin cups and scrap metal, mounted his pony and rode to court.
132) As a candidate plasma facing material, Graphites are widely used as the armor material for first wall and divertor plate in current tokamak devices.
133) Don't worry about your bears. The armor and other changes were done to fix itemization issues(http://), not to nerf druids.
134) A faceless enforcer, Boba Fett's distinctive armor strikes fear in the hearts of fugitives.
135) Ask, if be to smash of sexual fracture, how be if is armor plate taken, met?
136) Boxes can be supplied factory prewired with high temperature lead wire protected with armor cable or wire braid.
137) In the very front, Kurt spied a glint of gold armor, their leader - staring back at him.
138) Thicker and heavier than leather, hide armor is composed of skin from any creature that has a tough hide, such as a bear, a griffon, or a dragon.
139) Tinman - Ice spells "Rust" his armor and slow him down -10% movement each cast. Stacks 8 times? have one mage icelance and kite him around the room.
140) On the armor thing, I still feel like you are trying to turn this into "GC doesn't understand Feral itemization."
141) He picked up a silver suit of armor for his host.
142) The patina chest armor is a homage to his classic shinny black armor.
143) With its Tactical Cruise Missiles, the Flapjack has almost twice the range and firepower of the Lobo . It also features heavier armor and a stabilizer system that allows it to fire when on the move.
144) The United States is offering nonlethal stuff worth millions of dollars: body armor, canteens, uniforms, wire cages for sandbags that can be used to make walls.
145) If his serape was removed, he would be revealed to be wearing clone armor!
146) Not yet and possibly not ever for first-run Hellgate. Ongoing content (be it expansion or whatever) should definitely have modifiable armor, but the current game does not and may not when it launches.
147) This paper shows the methods for determining the ideal Shielding factor of cable sheath, and gives the formulas for calculating the additional impedance due to magnetic flux in the steel armor.
148) Armor the airlock, Blanket the bedrock, And kiss the planet goodbye!
149) Only this show would grace the catwalk with full body armor.
150) The sodden swampland and the sweltering climate, particular in summertide , would endanger the troops if they wore their usual armor.
151) He wears a suit of quilted flexible blast - dampening multi - ply padding, and a cloak of armor weave.
152) In fact, since sticking with a fitness routine, she's never felt better. "I feel like I've got a suit of armor on, " she says.
153) With even more armor and power than the Mechanized Arachnid , this bipedal behemoth is the ultimate destructive force!
154) One of the newest types of body armor, though, is both flexible and lightweight.
155) Master of the one of the most important task to Casey, let him protect a legend in the last Koga ninja suit of armor.
156) A documentary follows a Canadian fellow working on his dream: building a suit of armor so he can observe grizzly bears from a close distance.
157) Because of its strength and durability, CJ bearing even as the armor plating of an important part is used to tunnel ceiling support system.
158) Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai the Beerothite, the armor - bearer of Joab son of Zeruiah.
159) The armor creaks and moves and even laughs at unsuspecting students.
160) An item you wear that provides a continuous magical effect is probably a wondrous item... but it might be a ring, or even a suit of armor.
161) The researchers blunt trauma by molding a layer of clay onto the inside of the armor.
162) The results show that it is feasible to apply interval meshing technology to composite sabot of high power armor piercing projectiles.
163) But in “The Sense of an Ending, ” he has dispensed with detachment and shed his armor plating.
163) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
164) The armor plate joint that femur fracture uses how long are this OK begin an activity?
165) Enchanters use their magical formulae to grant permanent augmentation to weapons, armor and other equipment.
166) ARC troopers employ an advanced version of the clone trooper armor, and carry heavier weaponry or mission-specific gear such as reverse-polarity pulse grenades or PLEX-1 portable missile launchers.
167) Sunder anddebuffs now reduces armor by 4 % per application, and is now a single rank.
168) The Mon Calamari converted their beautiful exploration ships and space liners with weapon mounts and armor plating, turning them into the Mon Calamari star cruisers.
169) Objective Discussion tyroma (armor lump) colored Doppler supersonic (CDFI) acoustic image characteristic.
170) Throughout their evolution all crocs have sported this body armor.
171) Level 2 - Enhances the Assassin's chitinous armor with organic barbs, giving him 4 bonus armor and returning 20% of melee attack damage to enemies.
172) Henschel turret had the front curved mantlet replaced with one 180mm thick armor plate sloped at 81 degrees.
173) Gith looked like a real woman, down to every detail of her battle-scarred armor.
174) Knights are the heaviest armored class in the game; actually the only one that can wear plate armor.
175) The articulation of its neck armor exploded off the creature.
176) Chain Armor, made of interlinked metal rings, is light, soft, solid, tight, and highly protective. It was introduced from the Western Regions during Eastern Jin Dynasty.
177) If the item is a suit of armor or a shield, the bonus it grants to AC is halved, rounding down.
178) After fracture operation, how long does armor plate want to you can be taken out?
179) Blitzkrieg – Increases the Ground Attack and Shock Attack values of Armor units.
180) The group shucks its body armor and marches into an auditorium filled with poker-faced men in su its or clerical garb and women with covered heads.
181) Objective Discussion the situation about electrocardiogram change before primary hyperthyroidism ( i . e . armor high ) surgery's.
182) Manifester Level: 10 th ; Prerequisites: Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, matter rearrangement; Market Price: + 1 bonus.
183) A typical ironclad mauler is 12 feet long and weighs as much as 9000 pounds, including the weight of its grafted armor.
184) Those critical of the statue in Seoul of 16th century naval commander Yi Sun-sin ask: Isn't the admiral's armor more Chinese in style?
185) Roberts is so appealing, you root for the moneyman, to realize he wants to be her knight in shining armor.
186) Does Devastate always generate more threat per rage point spent than Sunder Armor?
187) Profile is poriferous cavity, advocate the liner steel that there is Lengza armor plate to be made inside antrum, in order to increases the strength of window of model steel door.
188) "The energy shield failed, " Qui-Gon said. "And the armor plating peeled off.
189) See Sunder Armor in the warrior update below for additional details.
190) A lock is a physical defense power and magical ability to value the right mix of relevant armor.
191) Bring out your suit of armor when you encounter this person.
192) Behind the anti-coupling layer, closest to the wearer, lies the soft armor: flexible fabric woven or knit from aramid fibers and other materials, which Borkar refers to as the "catcher's mitt."
193) Bonescythe Armor: The Eviscerate bonus will no longer trigger when your Eviscerate does not hit your target.
194) Outcome of 4 patients demonstrates that treatment of congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia with armor plate and xenogenic bony plate is a reliable treatment.
195) Its body is covered in an armor plating of diamond-shaped , enamel-coated ganoid scales, and it's been said that this shining armor can produce sparks when struck by an axe.
196) Remark: Deck Armor can protect the fire damage from high angle attack and damage from bomb.
197) Douse – Pyro says: "Beneath your armor you are just flesh and bone..." and squirts a random target with a highly flammable oil.
198) Caudatum waist, just like a general who fought victory, under the green armor, standing there in full air.
199) She was encased in Athenian armor, safe from emotional injury.
200) However, it has two big weaknesses : crap armor, and the worst pathfinding ever.
201) Under the reset program, the M113 vehicles will be brought back to combat-ready condition and gain add-on armor and nuclear, biological, and chemical protective equipment.
202) Ares was often pictured with brazen armor and a spear.
203) Shock Troops are very effective due to good Anti Armor weapons and high maneuverability.
204) The armor sometimes can go up to .50 caliber BMG (Browning Machine Gun) UL 752 lLevel 10 (80mm thick glass).
205) Weaken Armor: decreased casting time to 1 second; this skill now affects all adjacent foes.
206) Landing : A suit of armor with this capability appears normal.




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