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单词 Homologous
(1) These differences help explain why these homologous proteins bind a variety of ligands with different affinities.
(2) Comparing sensation with a wisp of cotton over homologous areas of the lower extremities is effective in revealing such subtle sensory losses.
(3) Neither method is entirely satisfactory since apparently homologous muscles may change their sites of attachment during evolution and alter their functions.
(4) This probe also detects additional fragments not homologous to the human probe.
(5) The mouse DNA sequence encoding TEF-1 was 92% homologous with the corresponding human sequence.
(6) The penis and the clitoris are homologous structures.
(7) The seal's flipper is homologous with the human arm.
(8) The separation of homologous chromosomes during meiosis.
(9) Establish the homologous counterplan, strengthen the social control.
(10) Stereoisomerism is encountered in the homologous series.
(11) Crossing over The exchange of material between homologous chromatids by the formation of chiasmata.
(12) The comparision of homologous sequence about different kinase confirmed that the ATP binding, site of the deoxycytidine kinase is in the N-terminal region.
(13) Based on the principle that homologous points in different parallax images correspond to the same object point, a method is proposed to eliminate the vertical parallax in multi-view parallax images.
(14) Bivalent Describing any pair of homologous chromosomes when they pair up during MEIOSIS.
(15) Other components are the homologous alkanes, ethane, propane, and higher hydrocarbons.
(16) Karyotype and random arrangement of homologous in mitotic metaphase of Silphium perfoliatum L.
(17) Having the same alleles at gene locus on homologous chromosomes.
(18) Retrograde injection with the homologous embolus through the external carotid artery initiated the vascular dementia rats.
(19) The former are considered to be homologous with the sepals of Ranunculus.
(20) Also put forward a homologous counterplan to the above problem.
(21) Oct-11a is located in a region of mouse chromosome 9 homologous with the long arm of human chromosome 11.
(22) Brains may carry out tasks in the same way even if the tissues involved are not strictly homologous.
(23) Homologous parts tend to vary in the same way, and homologous parts tend to cohere.
(24) After analyzing CAO gene and CBN1 gene that are both considered critical genes for chlorophyll b biosynthesis, we considered that the decision should be made whether two genes are homologous or not.
(25) Through the study about lanthanon and trace element, we can obtain the Guanghan claypan formation that has the homologous ingredient characteristic.
(26) The 3 D simulation model of box deep drawing was presented and validated with the homologous experiment.
(27) This is the most basic plait address method, passing the homologous standard in 1981.
(28) Research shows that polydactyly has a similar development mechanism, and this kind of polydactyly character seems to be controlled by homologous genes among species.
(29) In diplotene the pairs of chromatids begin to separate from the tetrad formed by the association of homologous chromosomes.
(30) The collapse of the protostella is extremely non - homologous.
(31) At last, the author put forward the homologous counterplan to the management of the floating population.
(32) Cross - overs have occurred independently of each other between pair of homologous chromosomes.
(33) There is fixed homologous mathematical relationship between the maize spike character and granule weight.
(34) Genetics used of a chromosome that is not paired or united with its homologous chromosome during synapsis .
(35) Zygotene is characterized by the active and specific pairing( synapsis ) of homologous chromosomes leading to the formation of a haploid number of bivalents.
(36) Under the homologous conditions, when air-jet angle increases, the flame volume decreases, and the maximum combustion temperature of reference plane increases.
(37) Having taken the tradition of homologous Chinese herbal and foods, our company has refined series sanative candies, which are blended with extracted of natural plants with high-tech process.
(38) Each open reading frame ( ORF ) is knocked out using a PCR-based gene deletion strategy that takes advantage of the high degree of homologous recombination in yeast.
(39) Dendrimer - bonded silica gel is effective to separate homologous compounds of alcohol, alkyl - substituted benzene, methacrylic acid esters.
(40) Test results shows that the parallel method has good scalability, and can be used in solving large-scale homologous RNA search problem.
(41) By selection of specific homologous mixtures, application advantages are attainable.
(42) It has been confirmed that a survival-promoting peptide and a human homologous of a mouse cachexia factor reported previously are both DCD-derivative peptides.
(43) Dog probes specific fot the 38 automates delineated 71 homologous segments in the metaphase chromosomes of red panda.
(44) Chiasma (pl. chiasmata) A connection between homologous chromosomes seen during the prophase stage of meiosis.
(45) Homologous coessential properties can be found when comparing ceramic murals with the modern factors in modern art creation.
(46) These results showed that female silkworm moth and it's compound preparation have the homologous estrogen biologic character in evidence.
(47) Alleles of the same gene occupy the equivalent locus on homologous chromosomes.
(48) RESULTS: 8 out of 16 phage clones which were chosen randomly were identified to have high binding power to CD59. After sequencing, 3 high homologous amino acids were obtained.
(49) Homozygote (homozygous) --- An individual or genotype with identical alleles at a given locus on a pair of homologous chromosomes.
(50) The exponent-type homologous linear rule of organic homologs was verified by using the electronic spectra of chain compounds of conjugated polyene.
(51) By homology analysis in GenBank, corresponding homologous genes of those fragments were found.
(52) It was concluded that meiosis did not happen during the most process of gametogenesis in gynogenetic silver crucian carp eggs, even when they were stimulated by homologous sperms.
(53) The homologous and phylogenetic analysis of NP sequence among the paramyxovirus Tianjin strain and eight strains of Sendai viruses from GenBank were performed.
(54) There are 13 and 17 ESTs which have no homologous sequences in spermatangium cell library and nutrition cell library respectively and we presumed that they might represent new genes.
(55) The Chinese rabbits, which originated from Oryctolagus, belong to the homologous Family but not belong to the same genus as the common hares of Lepus.
(56) Objective To study the effect of homologous conjunctiva and corneal limbus transplantation for ocular chemical burn.
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(57) The formation of the multivalents may result from chromosome reciprocal translocation among the non - homologous chromosomes.
(58) A homologous or similar part in other animals, as the terminal part of the forelimb in certain vertebrates.
(59) We use Fortran 90 to program the homologous programs, and try to calculate the affection of different burial depth, section length, dot pitch and magnetic intensity to the inversion of the same model.
(60) Other components are the homologous alkanes, ethane, propane, higher hydrocarbons.
(61) CONCLUSION(S): The morphologic difference between the homologous chromosomes 9 may have been responsible for an error in crossing-over, leading to aberrant spermatozoa and consequently to infertility.
(62) Nucleotide sequences homologous to oncornaviruses DNA products have been observed in human leukaemic cells.
(63) Objective To explore the effect of congenital blepharoptosis by suspending the upper eyelid to frontalis muscle with homologous dura.
(64) The wing of a bat and the foreleg of a mouse are homologous.
(65) As for the pathway of biogenic amine the corresponding homologous solution was proposed in this paper.
(66) Conclusions Homologous dura material is a good kind of material to correct children ? ? s severe congenital ptosis.
(67) As a development environment, R's greatest advantage might be the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), a package archive homologous to Perl's CPAN.
(68) Aneuploidy The condition, resulting from nondisjunction of homologous chromosomes at meiosis, in which one or more chromosomes are missing from or added to the normal somatic chromosome number.
(69) Translocation occurs when a fragment of one chromosome becomes attached to a non - homologous chromosome.
(70) A pair of homologous, synapsed chromosomes associated together during meiosis.
(71) Then the detection approach of the correlation components in nonsinusoidal period current was proposed, the homologous detection circuit was constructed and the circuit traits were investigated.
(72) The structure is closely related with homologous chromosomes synapsis, recombination and segregation.
(73) Meanwhile, MAALs can be used to study the introgression mechanism and the pairing status of homologous chromosomes.
(74) Objective To evaluate the lung function effect homologous thymus transplantation to the patients with malignant tumor.
(75) Conclusion : There is synchronous development in the microvascular of the homologous region between infant lateral geniculate body and visual cortex.
(76) That system can not only carry on diagraph to the degree of humidity of the environment, but also carry on a homologous control and regulate to the degree of humidity of environment.
(77) Conclusions Experimental polymyositis model of rats can be induced by homologous skeletal muscle homogenate.
(78) Homologous parts, as has been remarked by some authors, tend to cohere.
(79) The cephalographs were traced, and 12 homologous landmarks were identified and digitized. Average mandibular geometries were generated by means of Procrustes analysis.
(80) Homogametic sex The sex with homologous sex chromosomes, in mammals, designated XX.
(81) And is and all with put forward insecurely to manage the opinion homologous to the evaluation.
(82) Often this intertwining leads the chromatids of homologous chromosomes to actually exchange corresponding pieces of DNA, a process called crossing-over or genetic reassortment.
(83) Similar situation is also present in the homologous protein trichosanthin.
(84) Methods Compared the effect of homologous conjunctiva and corneal limbus transplantation and drug treatment.
(85) Synapsis (pairing) The association of homologous chromosomes during the prophase stage of meiosis that leads to the production of a haploid number of bivalents.
(86) The prophase of primary spermatocyte would appear synaptonemal complex,[sentencedict .com] which should been the symbol that the homologous chromosome carried through the change of homologous gene.
(87) The gradation in the physical properties of the alkanes is typical of a homologous series.
(88) Each of the 46 chromosomes is a member of a homologous pair.
(89) The homologue Law in liquid chromatography was proved again from the new point of view of homologous displacer in mobile phase.
(90) Pairing of homologous chromosomes (synapsis) commences at one or several points on the chromosome and is clearly seen during PACHYTENE of meiosis I.
(91) So the female silkworm moth powder may have the homologous estrogen biologic character.
(92) According to Jiang Mingqian's homologous linear rule, the linear equation between the values of the migration parameter of homologues and homologous factor is derived.
(93) The added 6VS univalent suppresses wheat homologous chromosome pairing, leading to the increase of wheat univalent , which is also relative to the interaction between wheat genetic backgrounds.
(94) A detailed study by means of quantum mechanics CNDO/S on the UV spectrum of olefin hydrocarbon homologous compound has been made.
(95) Diakinesis bivalents end of some of the homologous chromosomes together only at the end.
(96) Dog probes specific for the 38 automates delineated 71 homologous segments in the metaphase chromosomes of red panda.
(97) Genetics: a characteristic resulting from the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during meiosis.
(98) Homologous system structure and development method also Be renewing and changing constantly.
(99) Emphasized to discuss the education to consume to gather and homologous some properties,[] and deduce the matrix of a wealth effect and the price effect to mean.
(100) Each type evokes antibodies which protect against the homologous, but not heterologous virus.
(101) The avirulence gene fragment is homologous in all races of the pathogen of Xoo.
(102) D5 is homologous with M-CK gene (muscle creatine kinase) and located at Gallus gallus chromos 32 bye-PCR on NCBI.




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