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单词 Attribution
1. The attribution of this painting to Rembrandt has never been questioned.
2. The usual attribution of the work to Leonardo is now disputed by several experts.
3. The new formulation is based on attribution theory.
4. The method of attribution by provenance works best with coinages of a small scale or a low value, such as bronze coinage.
5. It is perhaps in the field of attribution that this catalogue serves the most useful purpose.
6. The same sort of attribution, of urges out of control, is a recurring theme in the reporting of school violence.
6. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
7. He questioned the attribution of the painting to Picasso.
8. Initially estimate the attribution of the ingredients in blood-serum.
9. Its ethics road is anomie and attribution.
10. When things go well, the self-serving attribution bias, we'll credit ourselves.
11. The attribution or attribution ratio of multi-component data are the effective parameters for the abnormal indictor at gas reservoir exploring.
12. One can query the phone number attribution process, support for the latest segment number.
13. There's usually a lot of attribution of evil intent to those who have different views.
14. Function: mobile phones and fixed telephone area code attribution to inquiries.
15. The attribution to King Tut's tomb appears to confirm speculations that several objects were stolen, ending up in foreign collections.
16. Methods Attribution approach or factor analysis, causal analysis and induction were adopted.
17. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - Share Alike 2.1 Japan License.
18. This work is licensed a Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivs 2.5 China License.
19. What the interpersonal attribution mean is that subject infer the object still in dating and also their personal action as well as the current relationship situation.
20. It is particularly interested in fashionable mainstream topics, like attribution theory and new technology.
21. In superb condition and in its original frame, it defied attribution.
22. Modern security law is the development trend "from the attribution to use, " namely, the legislative focus from ownership rights law to usufructuary rights and security interests.
23. Objective : To explore the relation between junior students self - handicapping and attribution.
24. Recently, the Fiscal Affairs Committee of OECD tried to develop a new method of attribution of profits to permanent establishment.
25. This article bases on the dimension of psychology, redefines and surveys managerial decision from a particular perspective of attribution bias.
26. On the basis of analysis on the problem mentioned above, the article tries to study the problem of Attribution of Profits to a Permanent Establishment in context of E-Commerce.
27. Articles in this site is licensed a Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
28. How explain oneself and behavior of others, and how the explanation influence motivation, mood, this is the attribution theory, one kind of psychology theory.
29. If you carelessly cite a source or inadvertently copy a sentence in toto without adequate attribution, you run the risk of being accused of plagiarism.
30. Self - plagiarism involves copying from one's own work without proper attribution.
31. The attribution of cost, assets, and revenues shall be and unbiased.
32. Oh yeah and you use song lyrics without proper attribution rather bad form methinks.
33. Prosecutorial supervision is required according to public power attribution of civil litigation.
34. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site a Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - Share Alike 3.0 License.
35. Thus, in this paper, strong close set of set of temporal types, finite closure of attribution sets, finite dependency base of attribution sets based on a certain temporal type, finite de.
36. Attribution of her success solely to wealth is not fair.
36. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
37. The paper discuses some problems of the standards of deciding responsibility of audit law, the conditions of attribution and no-duty of audit law, and ...
38. To raise vertical resolution, reservoir feature reconstruction is an effective method and seismic attribution interpretation is also very important.
39. The Attribution Share-Alike v3.0 CC license says you can copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and remix works as long as you attribute the work as specified by the author or licensor.
40. This over - attribution of cause and effect probably evolved for survival.
41. She doesn't accept my attribution, this is the underlying trouble.
42. The paper about peer communicative attribution belongs to the research of mechanism.
43. This site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - Share Alike 2.5 License.
44. In this paper, the fuzzy membership function is built by analysis on design parameters' fuzzy attribution, and optimization values are obtained on the basis of fuzzy aggregate expand theory.
45. Attribution style is a particular cognizing model and a tendency of people. It is the extending of cognizing psychology research on cognizing tyle in attribution field.
46. The second section from criminal attribution, composition elements(), and penalty provisions proposes the lack of legislation of commercial bribery crime.
47. Islam also rejects the attribution of any human form to God.
48. He refused to utilitarian in nature, refused attribution, refused to contract.
49. Communicative attribution is an important cognitive factor affecting children's communication.
50. The study adopted the supraliminal Priming test and projective test to discuss the implicit attribution.
51. Sustainable development is a dynamic course, to constitute the indicator system must be provided with administrative levels and securable attribution.
52. In our chapter example, the epigraph is like a short section containing two blocks: the attribution , and the epigraph .
53. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 2.5 Taiwan License.
54. Unless otherwise stated, content on this website is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial 2.5 China Mainland.
55. Attribution theory is concerned with the study of perceived causation.
56. The attribution and changeable tendency of stress on the lower surface of T12and L1under axial compressive load of800N in the two models were comparatively analysed.
57. It is known that surfactant additive has important effect to nucleate boiling, surfactant additive mainly intensifies the convection of fluid while it changes the attribution of bubbles.
58. The third chapter is mainly about the impact of the Electrical Commerce on the attribution of profits to a Permanent Establishment and corresponding taxation policies.
59. The internal and external attribution accounted for % and 25 % respectively.
60. Counterfactual thinking is a way of thinking in our everyday life, which influence causal reasoning and attribution.
61. You will not delete, alter, or obfuscate any proprietary legends relating to the Image, and each use will be accompanied by the applicable proprietary attribution shown next to the Image.




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