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单词 Bobby
1. After lunch, she watched, listened and coaxed Bobby into talking about himself.
2. Bobby should be good for a few drinks.
3. Bobby finished his homework under his own steam.
4. Bobby was born with a cleft lip.
5. Bobby had perched himself on a tall wooden stool.
6. Bobby looked at her with a sheepish grin.
7. All the children like music apart from Bobby.
8. Bobby drew a chair up to the table.
9. My boyhood hero was Bobby Charlton.
10. She shifted her gaze from me to Bobby.
11. Bobby Darren was crooning 'Dream Lover'.
12. Bobby is going about his homework very seriously tonight.
13. These days, the bobby on the beat is a rare sight.
14. 'That's right!' Bobby exclaimed in wonder. 'How did you remember that?'.
15. When Bobby wouldn't eat his supper, his mother carted him off to bed.
16. Bobby will tell them about it in his own good time.
16. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
17. The operation should enable Bobby to lead a normal life.
18. Bobby must have it his way and play the game by his rules.
19. People liked seeing their friendly local/neighbourhood bobby on his beat.
20. You and Bobby were in my dream last night.
21. Bobby would still whistle in his brown double-breasted suit.
22. Yes, Bobby, secluded. Hardly anyone knew it was there.
23. Bobby poked him in the ribs.
24. Bobby was too happy to be bothered.
25. Dave, the bobby, was just the opposite.
26. Makes Bobby Brown look like a novice.
27. He met Bobby Jones on Monday of that week.
28. Bobby was eighteen, nineteen, something like that.
29. Andy poured the glass full and lifted it to Bobby.
30. We all knew that to win we'd have to shut down Bobby Mitchell.
1. After lunch, she watched, listened and coaxed Bobby into talking about himself.
2. Andy poured the glass full and lifted it to Bobby.
31. Think Bobby Bonilla scuffling with the media.
32. Dad, Bobby keeps hitting me!
33. Morris has often been likened to Bobby Kennedy.
34. Norton will be without suspended midfielder Bobby Hadfield.
35. "Don't you dare!'' Bobby squealed.
36. Thomas portrays Bobby as a man of paradoxes.
37. The bobby on duty outside 10 Downing Street would like an explanation.
38. Bobby sighed and turned to the chairman but he was in earnest conversation with a ponderous constable.
39. From what Varden tells me, Bobby made out a will when he came into his inheritance three years ago.
40. Guessing correctly that Bobby was hard up, Bacon gave him £5 and told him to get a meal at Wheeler's.
41. But Bobby just sat there with a wolfish grin as guests moved in to witness the spectacle.
42. Bobby groaned, pounding angrily at his own flesh as though he might subdue it with his fist.
43. Bobby Seale appeared in a blue baseball cap, measuring his words instead of letting them explode.
44. I suddenly realized Bobby was more than just an annoying kid brother who always wanted to use my stuff.
45. Paul Brooker gave the Seagulls the lead and Bobby Zamora sealed the win with his 21st of the season.
46. In 1961, Harry's grandson Bobby continued the family tradition by winning on Nicolaus Silver.
47. And there was no bloody bobby there at all. Painful experience taught you when to use an avoidance tactic.
48. It just happened that Bobby filled the bill in this case.
49. He got back in the car even though his father Bobby nearly died on a track.
50. Top footballer Bobby Mimms loves coming back to the peace of his home village in North Yorkshire.
51. However, the uncomplaining hero Bobby is without a permanent home.
52. He stole second and scored one out later on the first of three Bobby Bonilla hits, a single to center.
53. Meanwhile, the audience gets into the spirit of the occasion, courtesy of comedian, Bobby Bragg from Banbury.
54. More important than either of these, it was due to be run again on the Saturday afternoon in front of Bobby Anscombe.
55. United's record goalscorer and now director, Bobby Charlton, believes Cantona will prove both a boon and a bargain.
56. Bobby and Ian both sacrifice a lot of time to Lisburn's teenage golfers and it's beginning to show.
57. Ralph Moore is on saxophones, Bobby Hutcherson great form on vibraphone.
58. He was a bobby sox and apple pie man at heart.
59. She shifted her gaze from me to Bobby with a look of suspicion.
60. I caught sight of Bobby doing bench presses on a Universal machine near the far wall.
61. She is still grieving deeply after the death of her beloved husband and manager Bobby Willis last October.
62. Ranging from advice on digging a pond, the importance of the village bobby to controversial political and conservation issues.
63. In order to stay the night with Bobby at Hamilton Terrace Marsh would occasionally lie to her parents.
64. Bobby Rahal, the reigning champion in the current Indy Car series, has tried to develop a domestic car-building programme.
65. I used to laugh when you read books about missionaries with bobby sox and funny old clothes.
66. We must all hope the negotiations succeed and that perhaps we may even see Bobby Fischer on the regular tournament circuit.
67. Bobby Robson once said, more in defiance than belief, that Gascoigne could be his Maradona.
68. He has a younger brother, Bobby Mariucci, who lives in Stockton.
69. Bobby must have drifted into sleep for he was wakened by a knock at the door.
70. Now that they were a block from church she pulled off the kerchief and slipped the bobby pins from her hair.
71. Bobby Abel, the son of a cockney lamplighter from Rotherhithe, played for Surrey from 1881 to 1904.
72. On the ball ... Bobby kicks soccer hopefuls into shape. Off the peg ... the clothes fit for a future king.
73. Bobby Bonilla has the flu, which is why Leyland removed him in the fifth inning of Game 3 Friday night.
74. Bobby Hunt recalls that after seeing Fuseli's, he and Minton began inventing their own, each following a different vein.
75. This was Bobby Dupard, his cellmate in the brig in Atsugi.
76. Bobby Skinstad suggested that as Mark tackled me I flick the ball across to him to score a try.
76. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
77. Bobby Boy is always looking for the punch line to every situation.
78. Paul Reece keeping out Bobby Barnes, with a little help from the cross-bar.
79. This beats even the great Bobby Fischer by a wide margin.
80. It was a display which earned high praise, not least from Coventry boss Bobby Gould.
81. Bobby punched the clock in four other maquilas before she got her current job as a clothes inspector at the Minsa plant.
82. When Bobby Jones and Alistair Mackenzie designed the course, they could have scarcely envisaged what a shrine it would eventually become.
83. Even as a small child, it was obvious that Bobby was very bright.
84. When hunger striker Bobby Sands was buried in May 1981, 50, 000 people attended his funeral.
85. Manchester United were a goal down against Real Madrid when Bobby Charlton equalized.
86. Whilst living at Bedford Gardens he began taking Bobby Hunt around his favourite haunts.
87. Ian Westwood, head of the federation's Manchester branch, blamed the demise of the traditional bobby on the beat.
88. Bobby ordered a bean-and-cheese burrito the size of a rolled-up gym towel, smothered in guacamole and sour cream.
89. In Bobby Collins you had a pocket battleship of an inside-forward who could mix the sacred with the profane.
90. Then as soon as the last act goes up Bobby will ring for a doctor and say that Bunty's had an accident.
91. One sensed an almost sadistic pleasure from Braves manager Bobby Cox as he nailed down Game 2.
92. But Marshall's spot kick was well saved by keeper Bobby Mimms.
93. Bobby took my arm and the two of us moved out into the hallway.
94. Davis was encouraged to emulate the style of trumpet player Bobby Hackett.
95. Bobby, gay and slender and handsome, has always lived in the ghetto.
96. This black-owned family label, like those of Bobby Robinson and Lillian McMurry, evolved out of a record store.
97. It was half-past two, and the minutes were ticking away till Bobby Anscombe's appearance.
98. Even at 35, Bobby seemed unable to commit to a romantic relationship.
99. "He's planning to move," she said, repeating what Bobby had told her.
100. Andy Payton was denied with a good Bobby Mimms save as he burst through on the first occasion.
101. Tina had felt let down, but knowing Bobby, he would tell them in his own good time what had happened.
102. We think Bobby may have been suffering from a complication of the original head injury.
103. Bobby tore past, shouting something about being late for work.
104. On the ball ... Bobby kicks soccer hopefuls into shape.
105. Detective Bobby Caruso was at the top of his hit list.
106. In her early twenties, Crystal became pregnant with her second son, Bobby.
107. Bobby peeped around the corner to see if anyone was coming.
108. The friend is called Bobby and he lives in a slum near the city centre.
109. Maybe Bobby and I could have lunch again if he was free.
110. She said, I will tell you this Bobby Kennedy is right up my alley.
111. So was it ever thus, history the source of ominous portent, further nourishing Bobby Robson's anxiety?
112. Bobby grabbed hold of his hand and held it tightly: Minton turned his face to the wall and began to sob.
113. But was Bobby the great hope for a Democratic revival?
114. Bobby took my arm and steered me toward the men.
115. The ever-enthusiastic and friendly Bobby Skinstad volunteered to lift me up from behind for me to catch the ball.
116. A red-faced Bobby would then run around clutching his shorts. After four successive collisions he suggested I did the lifting.
117. On the ensuing inbounds pass, Bobby Edwards fouled Bailey, who made one of two free throws.
118. I first met Bobby when he enrolled in a summer program I had developed for underprepared students.
119. Bobby led us to a heavy oak-paneled door across the wide hall.
120. Bobby Kennedy declared Sinatra's home a security risk, and the President had to cancel his stay at the Sinatra mansion.
121. The big defender made his international debut in 1987 under Bobby Robson, and won 66 caps.
122. And Bobby could memorize this sort of thing like a demon.
123. Sitting on the hearthrug, Bobby looked at her, mutely seeking an explanation for his master's absence.
124. Bobby Jones liked his job as a computer programmer.
125. Bobby Shafran started Sullivan Community College in New York.
126. Bobby: You must be an anarchist at heart.
127. Next a tiger and Bobby said, " Pussy. "
128. Bobby : Cade , I have a new bat.
129. Will brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
130. Hello ! Bobby . I'm Doggie.
131. Bobby gave her hair a tug.
132. The press's wet dream like Bobby and Whitney.
133. Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
134. Bobby: Kelly(), what's wrong? You look so downhearted.
135. Bobby : Hello. May I speak to Cade?
136. Will little brainy Bobby be stockbroker man?
136. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
137. Damn it, Bobby, comb your hair.
138. When you think of England, you think of Bobby Moore being lifted up and Nobby Stiles dancing on the pitch.
139. The constantly shifting Khumbu Icefall is like a bunch of ice cubes continually tumbling down the icy mountain wall, " said photographer Bobby Model."
140. The constantly shifting Khumbu Icefall is like a bunch of ice cubes continually tumbling down the icy mountain wall," said photographer Bobby Model about this image.
141. Walking out the door that the owner was holding for Bobby, he heard the shop keeper say, "Merry Christmas, son."
142. In one of the greatest games of all time, Bobby Fischer delayed castling until mid-game to stay on the offensive.
143. Bobby: Lead on Kelly. I'd love to bust this guy!
144. I spring the lock withmy bobby pin and open the glass door.
145. Christi and Bobby Baskin, now 28 and 27 have been located and are living in San Jose, California and go by the name of Jennifer and Jonathan Bunting.
146. Not just a Bobby McFerrin song title it's a pretty simple statement. Although, not always so easy to live by.
147. Maybe Monica has a bobby pin. -I'm sure. Monica. -So, how's the hideously inappropriate crush on Rachel coming?
148. It's a peek inside the bloodstream of perhaps the most thrilling competitor to ever eviscerate his opponents at a pensive task: Bobby Fischer, the chess champion.
149. While in the West Florida Recording Choir, he was allotted the opportunity to perform on the Bobby Jones Gospel Showcase Taping.
150. The Response Unit , Bobby on the Beat , Panda Driver, etc, call them what you will.
151. Bobby, as a two year old, was always as good as gold.
152. His final visitors included Sir Bobby Charlton and Denis Law, two of his Manchester United team-mates in the club's triumphs during the 1960s when Best was idolised by millions.
153. Bobby can always find something to do if he has a little git - up.
154. Behind him, Mrs. Brown answered: " It was there all day, Bobby. It earned interest. "
155. Bobby wanted to stay up to watch the late night movie, but he zonked out five minutes after it started.
156. Fergie was handpicked for the role of second coming by Sir Bobby Charlton, now knighted, and the octogenarian Sir Matt Busby, then still at the club in an ambassadorial role.
157. With the help of a curling iron and some bobby pins, you could definitely steal this look.
158. Consider a prescription for a retinoid like tretinoin to minimize signs of aging such as uneven skin tone, wrinkles, and age spots, says Bobby Buka, MD, a New York City dermatologist.
159. The story is reminiscent of Edinburgh's Greyfriar Bobby, a Skye terrier who, history recalls, spent 14 years at his master's grave in the 19th century.
160. Wang had more sink last night than Bobby Abreu's batting average did during May.
161. Bobby Wester reached for a handkerchief and buried his face in his hands.
162. However, an exceptional individual performance from skipper Bobby Moore neutralised the potential threat posed by Eusebio for long periods of the game.
163. Bobby Ray Owens , Jr. of Louisiana was killed in the explosion and fire that followed.
164. Delicate pink add fruity and lovely corallite bead, such acting the role of article sleeve of tie-in and bubbly bubble, falbala, exceed short miniskirt, bobby baby temperament adds cent sweetly!
165. The locks on the cases are a joke; I pop themwith a bobby pin I find next to the cash register, and help myself.
166. Kelly: It's a choice between me and junk food Bobby.
166. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
167. Cut Throat : Where in the World is Bobby De Salvo?
168. The superb sets are enhanced by Bobby Crossman's marvellous costumes.
169. Bobby: Our restaurant is called Ristorante Toscano. Our customers come here to have dishes from Tuscany.
170. Bobby: I just love the Xmas and New Year season.
171. He had held low-profile positions at Estrela Amadora and Vitoria Setubal before taking his first high -profile role in football in 1992 when appointed to work under Bobby Robson at Sporting Lisbon.
172. What about Bobby Fischer, who became a chess grandmaster at 16?
173. Bobby Moresco grew up in New York's Hell's Kitchen, a tough working-class neighborhood on Manhattan's West Side.
174. "For Fischer, there was a relentless desire to decimate his opponent, " says Liz Garbus, the director of the new documentary Bobby Fischer Against the World.
175. Bobby Moresco grew up in New York's Hell's Kitchen, a tough working-class neighborhood on Manhattan's West Bide.
176. Bobby: Kelly! guess what I got for Xmas from my folks?
177. Dad was watching TV, and Bobby was playing a computer game room.
178. He quoted Oliver Wendell Holmes, the late Supreme Court justice. He quoted Bobby Kennedy.
179. Moreover traded and Bobby · Symons in June with Jafferson.
180. Bobby: No way. There was too much punk rock back then.
181. d Vietnam, and Bobby Kennedy—more good reasons to be out of a house that wasn’t nearly big enough for four little kids plus a Barbadian nanny in the basement.
182. Nobody was ever better at chess than Bobby Fischer. Likewise, programming languages and techniques are widely known, but it was Zuckerberg who intuited how he could link them with a networking site.
183. "Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen. " — Bobby age 7 (Wow!
184. Pin the parted hair between the middle of the ear and the nape of the neck with a bobby pin or hair clip.
185. As can be seen from these two sentences, interrogative sentence Bobby certainly a more polite.
186. When no one's looking, pop open the control-panel hatch with a paper clip or bobby pin.
187. Busby, who was on life support for several days, survived, along with the talismanic player Bobby Charlton, still a director at the club.
188. His name is Mark Zuckerberg he created Facebook he became a billionaire in his early 20s and he reminds me of the chess prodigy Bobby Fischer.
189. After witnessing his win at the Masters in 1939, golfing legend Bobby Jones described Guldahl's playing as the finest he had ever seen.
190. Albert Einstein had an IQ of 160, while Bobby Fischer, a champion chess player, is estimated to have an IQ of 187.
191. Even child prodigies, such as Gauss in mathematics, Mozart in music and Bobby Fischer in chess, must have made an equivalent effort, perhaps by starting earlier and working harder than others.
192. But before town owner Bobby Cave signs the deed over, he must ensure the eBay bid is legitimate.
193. But Hell's Kitchen lies right next door to Broadway, and the bright lights attracted Bobby from the time he was a teen.
194. They've released ten albums and worked alongside top Jamaican producers including Bobby Digital and King Jammy.
195. Billie Jean King scores an enormous victory for female athletes when she beats Bobby Riggs in "The tennis tournament watched by nearly 48,000,000 people."
196. Chess champion Bobby Fischer is deep in thought during a match.
196. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
197. Remove the hair clip or bobby pin from the section of hair at the crown, from Step 1, and trim hair so the shorter side is the same length as the hair beneath.
198. In 1999, Obama saw Congressman Bobby Rush, a former member of the Black Panther party, lose a challenge to Chicago mayor Richard Daley.
199. But the Bucks have a full stock of big men, with Andrew Bogut, Charlie Villanueva, Bobby Simmons , Dan Gadzuric and the newly signed Desmond Mason on the roster.
200. Editor's note: I'm thrilled to have this guest post from Josh Waitzkin, author of The Art of Learning, and the subject of the book and movie, Searching for Bobby Fischer.
201. Joseph Kennedy, the clan's patriarch, communicated with Bobby in a series of notes.
202. "We are proud to be recognized by the Governor for the positive impact California wine has on the state, the nation and the world, " said Robert P. (Bobby) Koch, President and CEO of Wine Institute.
203. Behind George Best, Bobby Charlton and Dennis Law sat Nobby Stiles, Bill Foulkes and David Sadler.
204. Walking out the door that the owner was holding for Bobby, he heard the shop keeper say, "Merry Chrstmas , son."
205. And all good men like Malcolm X and Bobby Hutton died for nothin.
206. On March 24, Consul General Gao Yanping met with Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, Lieutenant Governor Jay Dardenne and Secretary of State Tom Schedler in Baton Rouge, Capital city of Louisiana.
207. In his quiet, conscientious way he has gathered some useful players around him, and perhaps his luckless strikers, Bobby Zamora and Andy Johnson, are due a change of fortune.
208. My friend and proud father Bobby Lewis was taking his two little boys to play miniature golf.
209. The press's wet dream like Bobby and Whitney. Nate hit me.
210. Bobby: Kelly, can you turn the vibes up a little?
211. Kelly: I don't know Bobby. If I look carefully, I can see some gray hairs on your head! You're an old geezer!
212. Bobby: Great. Just let me get my autograph book and camera.
213. Bobby Abreu , acquired in a July trade, had four RBI.
214. Easy work, huh, Bobby? Pretty much like moving copy reports from the inbox to the outbox.
215. Forensic testing is under way on the remains of American chess legend, Bobby Fischer.
216. While calling himself a liberal libertarian, he once donated $1,000 to former Black Panther Bobby Rush.
217. Most common is the Katowice option, embodied most fully by the 0-0 draw in October 1989 in Poland's most polluted city that nudged Bobby Robson's team into Italia 90.
218. Bobby Arifin - Bola) All three of you - Malaysia is a bigger track, hotter place.
219. Hernandez walked Bobby Abreu and Jason Giambi lined a ground - rule double down the rightfield line , plating Jeter and making it 6 - 0.
220. Bill will come on then maybe Ralph, then Bobby and Johnny doing their hits.
221. It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in Oklahoma City. My friend and proud father Bobby Lewis was taking his two little boys to play miniature golf.




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