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单词 playable
释义 Word family  noun play interplay replay player playfulness adjective playful playable verb play outplay replay adverb playfully  Related topics: Sportplay·a·ble /ˈpleɪəbəl/ adjective  1  DSPLAY A GAME OR SPORTa piece of ground used for sports that is playable is in good condition and suitable for playing on 〔运动场〕适于使用的,可用于比赛的 Despite the frost, the pitch was playable. 尽管有霜,赛场还是可以用。2  something that is playable can be played 可演奏[播放]的playable on The disks are playable on home computers. 这些光碟可以在家用电脑上播放。 an old guitar that is still playable 还能弹奏的旧吉他Examples from the Corpusplayable• It's not just pretty to look at though, it's also incredibly playable.• This will get you into a playable but ultimately limited game.• Very playable but without soundblaster it is a simple target game.• But they feature two separate mono tracks on one record and are playable by means of a tandem arm kitted out with two cartridges.• And ... At least one playable demo of one of the hottest new releases!• The string quartet is looking for music that will be playable for all members of the group.playable on• The disks are playable on home·a·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  is Corpus used of ground playable sports a for that piece




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