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单词 spill
释义  spill1 /spɪl/ ●●● S3 verb (past tense and past participle spilt /spɪlt/ especially British English or spilled especially American English)  1  [intransitive, transitive]POUR if you spill a liquid, or if it spills, it accidentally flows over the edge of a container (使)〔液体〕溢出[泼洒,溅出] → pour Katie almost spilled her milk. 凯蒂差点把牛奶洒出来。spill something down/on/over something Oh no! I’ve spilt coffee all down my shirt! 糟糕,我把咖啡洒得满衬衫都是!spill on/over etc He slipped and the wine spilled all over the carpet. 他脚下一滑,酒洒了一地毯。2  [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]GO if people or things spill out of somewhere, they move or fall out in large numbers 〔人群或物品〕涌出 SYN pourspill out/into/onto etc Crowds from the theatre were spilling onto the street. 人群从戏院里出来,涌到街上。3. spill the beans informalTELL A SECRET to tell something that someone else wanted you to keep a secret 泄露秘密,走漏风声4. spill your guts American English informalADMIT to tell someone all about your private life, or about a personal secret 把私生活[个人秘密]全部告诉某人5. spill blood literaryKILL to kill or wound people 杀人;伤人6 spill into/onto something phrasal verb literary if light spills onto or into something, it shines through a window, door, hole etc onto something else 〔光线从窗、门、洞等处〕洒进,照进 The morning light spilled into the room. 晨光洒进了房间。7 spill over phrasal verb SPREADif a problem or bad situation spills over, it spreads and begins to affect other places, people etc 〔问题或坏情况〕蔓延,扩散 into The conflict might spill over into neighbouring towns. 这场冲突可能会波及邻近城镇。 → cry over spilt milk at cry1(3)→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusspill• A tanker has run aground, spilling 60,000 gallons of oil into the sea.• Aaron spilled all the popcorn on the floor.• People spill back across the empty space of moonlight, and the dancers' faces merge with the crowd.• Q.. The oil man spilled heating oil on light-gray semitransparent stained clapboards.• I had to handle it carefully to keep from spilling it on myself.• Careful - you'll spill it!• I almost spilled my coffee.• Oops, I just spilled my water.• Such conflicts spilled over into the immediate postwar phase.• There are also times when we allow conflicts away from work to spill over into the workplace and harm our careers.• Someone had spilled red wine all over the carpet.• "How was the party?" "OK, but some idiot spilled wine all over my new dress."spill on/over etc• And the emotion surrounding this year's event spilled over.• Drop a couple of marbles into the cup and watch the water spill over.• He also said a 2,000-gallon oil spill on Harbor Island in Seattle had been contained on land.• But referee Ed Morrison's leniency led to bad blood spilling over in a six-man brawl as Richards looked for revenge.• Guilt Guilt is an unwanted feeling that frequently spills over into behaviour.• The Turtle moves through the 11-foot mark in town and spills over its banks.• In another moment, blood is being spilled on the corporate carpets as a ticket manager named Andrew Follon is fired.• Moments later, they swung open, spilling over with an abundance to feed all who were hungry.spill out/into/onto etc• Then he gently shook the urn, so that the contents would spill out.• Today, many stores have facades that look like tourist shops anyway, the goods spilling on to the sidewalks.• The sense of violence and anger, together with passionate interest, spilled out all over the place.• The facts, which spilled out in no particular order, revealed the flip side of the fairytale.• When we spilled out into the street a few minutes later, it was in a kind of glow.• The questions spilled out of her.• By Friday morning, trash is spilling out of the cans and on to the ground.• In summer the family spills out on to an adjoining sun-trap patio.spill2 noun  1  [countable, uncountable]POUR when you spill something, or an amount of something that is spilled 洒出(量),溢出(量) the enormous oil spill off the southern tip of the Shetland Islands 设得兰群岛南端附近海域大量的溢油2  [countable]FALL a fall from a horse, bicycle etc 〔从马、自行车等上的〕摔落 Tyson broke a rib when he took a spill on his motorcycle. 泰森从摩托车上摔下来,断了一根肋骨。Examples from the Corpusspill• But it needs constant care and attention, and spills show up on it very easily.• The Gulf spill first appeared as a slick in a satellite photograph taken at the end of March.• Much use will be made of the full-cut-off lanterns, which reduce the minimum spill of light outside the highway boundaries.• This will facilitate the removal of surplus glue or spills.• Although the spill is the largest single oil accident in the Gulf, the waters are no strangers to pollution.• Two-person teams used to inspect fire systems and respond to spills and other emergencies in three 8-hour shifts per day.took ... spill• Tyler broke his arm when he took a spill on his motorcycle.Origin spill1 Old English spillan “to kill, destroy, waste” spill2 (1800-1900) → SPILL1spill1 verbspill2 nounChinese  if liquid, a you if it or Corpus spill




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