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单词 Commissar
1. He has the authority to act for the commissar.
2. The commissar insisted on indexing the book.
3. A street loafer became a commissar.
4. New commissars replaced the provincial governors.
5. Several Bolshevik commissars favoured such a compromise, but Lenin and Trotsky were adamantly opposed and negotiations broke down.
6. They represented their grievances to the Commissar.
7. Industrial Bank funds operations center political commissar, chief economist, said Lu.
8. The political commissar , political director and political instructor are organizers of the day-to-day work of the Party committees (Party branches) and leaders of political work.
9. During the confrontation, political commissar of that excitement that he suddenly saw that German and stood up.
10. Societe Generale chief economist, political commissar of the Lu said.
11. The system of political commissar in the Red Army was officially proposed at the Sixth National Congress of the CPC.
12. You ask is food, equipment or a political commissar more important for morales The care of material conditions is a part of leadership.
13. The government's chief commissar for immunisations, Professor David Salisbury, has said that nurses have a "duty" to be immunised against swine flu.
14. The commissar is the living embodiment of the Immortal Emperor's own will.
15. But before the political commissar had a chance to speak,() two of our scouts returned to report that the situation was favorable for breakthrough.
16. A commissar retains the absolute right to administer justice both on and off the battlefield.
17. In 1929 the Party representatives in the Red Army were renamed political commissars.
18. Behind a veil of revolutionary rhetoric, the Council of People's Commissars suppressed the masses' striving for liberty.
19. Zhang Gong, both close associates of Yang Baibing, were appointed commander and political commissar, respectively.
20. Since 1939 has served as district, county and other leadership, a former propaganda minister, deputy secretary, secretary of the county and independent groups, political commissar of the detachment.
21. To the secretary, to the mayor, to the commander and political commissar of the past, public security, traffic, traffic police and health departments to the person in charge.
22. Zhang is also a member of the National Defense Mobilization Committee and the National Stereotypes Committee, and is first political commissar of the People's Armed Police Force Gold.
23. Then he shot the "wheels rolling", playing back high political commissar of the PLA unit. 1975, transferred to Emei Film Studio work.
24. Regarding this, promotes education bank fund operation center chief economist Commissar Lu to analyze pointed out.
25. The old man was touched, but he said, " But Commissar Mao, you need it for yourself. "
26. Guo Yishan ex-wife's daughter, Guo Qiaoqiao was appointed to People's Liberation Army some hospital chief, her son-in-law Bai Tingsong was People's Liberation Army some political commissar.




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