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- Illness & disability-topic handicap
- Illness & disability-topic handicap
- Illness & disability-topic handicapped
- Illness & disability-topic handicapped
- Illness & disability-topic hangover
- Illness & disability-topic hangover
- Illness & disability-topic hard of hearing
- Illness & disability-topic hard of hearing
- Illness & disability-topic harelip
- Illness & disability-topic harelip
- Illness & disability-topic hay fever
- Illness & disability-topic hay fever
- Illness & disability-topic headache
- Illness & disability-topic headache
- Illness & disability-topic health
- Illness & disability-topic health
- Illness & disability-topic heart attack
- Illness & disability-topic heart attack
- Illness & disability-topic heartburn
- Illness & disability-topic heartburn
- Illness & disability-topic heart disease
- Illness & disability-topic heart disease
- Illness & disability-topic heart failure
- Illness & disability-topic heart failure
- Illness & disability-topic heat exhaustion
- Kami
- Leaning tower of pisa
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- Let on
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- Keep the ball rolling
- 处处立基》原文|译文|赏析
- 处处给他人留点面子
- 处大官者,不欲小察,不欲小智
- 处天下事先把“我”字搁起,千军万马中先把“人”字搁起。
- 处天下事,前面常长出一分,此之谓豫;后面常余出一分,此之谓裕。如此则事无不济而心有余乐。若扣杀分数做去,必有后悔处。人亦然,施在我,有余之恩则可以广德;留在人,不尽之情则可以全好。
- 处天下事只消得“安详”二字,虽兵贵神速,也须从此二字做出。然安详非迟缓之谓也,从容详审,养奋发于凝定之中耳。是故不闲则不忙,不逸则不劳。若先怠缓则后必急躁,是事之殃也。十行九悔,岂得谓之安详?
- 处好婚姻里的亲戚关系
- 处好婚姻里的亲戚关系
- 处官不信,则少不畏长,贵贱相轻;赏罚不信,则民易犯法,不可使令;交友不信,则离散郁怨,不能相亲。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 处屯而必行其道,居陋而不改其度。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 处己应物,壹以诚信。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 处己接物而常怀慢心、伪心、妬心、疑心者,皆自取轻辱于人,盛德君子所不为也。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 处庠序,育英才,将期以有为。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 处心积虑·千方百计是什么意思
- 处心积虑的意思,处心积虑造句
- Ethnological句子
- Ganga句子
- Tiger lily句子
- Scamping句子
- Running shoe句子
- Serenade句子
- Herbage句子
- Whiskery句子
- Femur句子
- Gracelessly句子
- Grieving句子
- Chicle句子
- Phosphor句子
- Potluck句子
- Count down句子