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单词 gooey
释义  Related topics: Textures, soundsgoo·ey /ˈɡuːi/ adjective (comparative gooier, superlative gooiest) informal  1  CSSTICKsticky and soft 软而黏的 gooey cakes 黏软的糕饼 gooey mud 黏糊糊的烂泥2  EMOTIONALshowing your love for someone in a way that other people think is silly 过分柔情的;甜腻缠绵的 SYN soppy Babies make her go all gooey. 婴儿使她变得百般柔情。Examples from the Corpusgooey• Babies make her go all gooey.• Bars turned gooey as they slid underwater - then the youngsters slipped on them when they stood up to get out.• The car managed like it was stuck in gooey caramel, because a car is like a horse sometimes.• This gooey mess was wiped off with towels at the end of the evening.• The Mars bar will melt into a gooey mess ... which tastes absolutely delicious.• Gao Ma pulled himself out of the gooey slops.• She gave me a gooey smile and then eased her grip.go all gooey• You can love somebody without going all·ey adjectiveChineseSyllable  sticky and soft Corpus




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