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单词 Line of fire
1. A young girl was in the line of fire .
2. Until he appeared in "In the Line of Fire" Malkovich had been an action-movie virgin.
3. Unfortunately he was in the line of fire and got shot.
4. Be careful to stay out of the line of fire .
5. Because they pop up in the line of fire.
6. He threatened to throw him-self in the line of fire should even a single grain be tossed.
7. Retailers are in the immediate line of fire and were first to bear the brunt of cost cutting.
8. Residents within line of fire were evacuated from their homes and advised to take refuge at the Shuttle and Loom pub.
9. And sometimes, Earth is in line of fire.
10. The planes then strafed the position, leaving a line of fire and destruction 50 yards long.
11. Crossing the line of fire of guns of different details of the game!
11. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
12. So today in crossing line of fire for you on the next breath on the location.
13. Right in the line of fire for Atlantic hurricanes, Galveston was slammed again 15 years after enduring the devastating 1900 hurricane.
14. High temperature high - pressure line of fire damper points.
15. KOS - MOS: Line of fire , clear. Awaiting orders.
16. He cheerfully blows away any bad guy stupid enough to get in his line of fire.
17. The man and his son had been pushed into the line of fire by their captors.
18. The reporters, oddly enough, just happen to be sitting there in the line of fire with nothing better to do.
19. He thought that they would stay there, the track giving them visibility and line of fire.
20. Your home may be in an uproar and you are best to stay out of the line of fire if at all possible.
21. The UNSC battle group maneuvered behind the moon, denying the enemy a clean line of fire.
22. As Chinese security forces reimpose order after a bloody spasm of ethnic unrest in Xinjiang, Turkey is finding itself in the line of fire.
23. Bosses have their own issues and you might just be in the line of fire.
24. Health facilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Somalia, the Central African Republic and the Gaza Strip are among those that have been caught in the line of fire.
25. The 'Cat reacted with amazing dexterity, almost somersaulting out of the line of fire.
26. His grazed and bleeding arm proved he had been in the line of fire.
27. I do not want to be in the boss line of fire today.
28. And I want to get you out of the line of fire too, just in case. "
29. This enables the head and upper torso to be removed away from the line of fire.
30. On this day, read a good book and stay out of the line of fire!
31. Crossing the line of fire today in the focus of the discussion related.
32. Executives could be in the line of fire too, since they assured shareholders that the bank was fine just before it almost went belly-up.




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