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单词 Typing
1. She didn't do any typing till the evening.
2. They didn't get around to typing up the letter.
3. I did a 15-week crash course in typing.
4. I was in the middle of typing when Robert rang. It was infuriating!
5. Women tended to be relegated to typing and filing jobs.
6. If Jane would do some of Mary's typing(Sentencedict), that would even the work out.
7. One or two typing errors crept into the report.
8. He exclaims that it must be a typing error.
9. My secretary is accurate in her typing.
10. Blood samples were taken from patients for typing.
11. The document contained a lot of typing errors.
12. I'm no good at typing.
13. He was sitting at his desk typing furiously.
14. I need a break from typing.
15. Weston finished his manic typing.
16. Her typing was slow and riddled with mistakes.
17. I checked the typing for errors.
18. The letter contains a number of typing errors.
19. Could you do some typing for me?
20. We have vacancies for typists / in the typing pool.
21. She made a good job of the typing of 1000 pages of the manuscript.
22. By typing in simple commands you could pick up objects and talk to other avatars, with your words displayed in a cartoon bubble above your head.
23. He had injured his left hand and was typing one-handed.
24. I finished typing the report just minutes before it was due.
25. She worked up her typing speed to seventy words a minute.
26. Using the mouse is quicker than typing it on the keyboard.
27. When you are finished typing, remember to save your document.
28. This portable device enables deaf people to telephone the hospital by typing a message instead of speaking.
29. It's the usual boring secretarial job - a bit of typing and some filing.
30. It's possible to throw the computer program out of joint by typing in nonsense.
1. She didn't do any typing till the evening.
2. They didn't get around to typing up the letter.
3. I did a 15-week crash course in typing.
4. I was in the middle of typing when Robert rang. It was infuriating!
5. Women tended to be relegated to typing and filing jobs.
6. This portable device enables deaf people to telephone the hospital by typing a message instead of speaking.
7. If Jane would do some of Mary's typing, that would even the work out.
8. My secretary is accurate in her typing.
9. He was sitting at his desk typing furiously.
10. Weston finished his manic typing.
11. She made a good job of the typing of 1000 pages of the manuscript.
12. It's possible to throw the computer program out of joint by typing in nonsense.
13. She worked up her typing speed to seventy words a minute.
31. I needed something to break the monotony of my typing job.
32. I was typing away into the early hours of the morning just to get the thing finished.
33. Typing is considered by most employers to be a basic competence.
34. It is easier to inset after typing than before.
35. The laughter of the typing pool.
35. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
36. My new job's fairly boring - it's mainly typing.
37. She made very few typing errors.
38. I've got a lot of typing to do today.
39. My typing is quite dreadful.
40. Tipping a wink at the typing pool.
41. I became adept at using a typing rubber.
42. We need a secretary with good typing speeds.
43. Marion says she'll do some typing for us.
44. We chatted, between battles, by typing quick notes.
45. Circle any typing errors you made on the printout.
46. Typing becomes second nature after a while.
47. I quickly started typing on my trusty Macintosh.
48. I dropped out of typing class two weeks ago.
49. Learning a manipulative skill, such as typing, takes hours.
50. Consider whether lawyers need to improve their typing skills.
51. Typing and printing were most affected.
52. Since I used a tax program last year, I was able to import personal data and avoid typing it at all.
53. They could drink a beer, buy typing paper or pay off a loan.
54. Other resources used mainly involve photocopying, typing, stationery, postage and telephone costs.
55. Worse, the courses which training agencies are likely to offer will be narrow: typing for secretaries, plumbing for plumbers.
56. In chimpanzees and gorillas, the total is less than a standard sheet of typing paper.
57. That allows the recipient to visit the site by clicking on the icon instead of typing a lengthy address.
58. For example, instead of typing try other that you can only guess.
59. The natural communication system for humans is speech, not typing messages on keyboards and watching messages on television screens.
60. For the detection and typing of human papillomavirus we used cervical scrapes instead of biopsy specimens.
61. In insert mode, typing into an existing block of text pushes the old text aside and adds to it.
62. It is very easy to switch on toggles by accident, causing unexpected problems when typing in text.
63. He did the typing for the documents on his machine at school.
64. For the more advanced user the speed mode allows typists and companies to measure typing speeds.
65. Gail was in the office behind the desk(/typing.html), typing out the lunch menus.
66. Instead of typing a word to start a program, you clicked on an icon.
67. They shared a cramped open-plan area in which they were disposed rather in the manner of a traditional typing pool.
68. Pedantic people are prone to do this with minor typing errors or spelling mistakes.
69. One was typing and the other was operating the switchboard.
70. Only a few of the errors are of the same kind as spelling or typing errors.
71. Then Bernstein was walking back to his desk with the first page of the story; soon he was typing.
72. Every other bookmark was a blank shred of typing paper.
73. She looked through some copy which her assistant had left on her desk and crossed out a typing error.
74. Typing five or six thousand words of drivel every day was a strange way to keep sane.
75. A much improved method for typing this polymorphism has since been reported.
76. It's brought on by repetitive typing on a computer or word processor keyboard.
77. Sitting at a multimedia keyboard is more than just a typing experience.
78. Typing Tutor then begins to provide test sentences which include those problem characters.
79. Several public school superintendents in Washington state have begun making plans with Lewis to offer Dvorak to beginners in typing classes.
80. Besides, none of us is really in the big leagues of typing, anyway.
81. The girls' typing desks were pushed together into a fortified ghetto behind the stacked boxes.
82. The navigation techniques in Encarta are interactive, with more pointing and clicking and less typing.
83. Avatars can even chat by typing messages to each other.
84. Obviously there is pleasure in watching Hollywood recognise intelligent life in the typing pool.
85. When they introduced computers they also taught her typing and keyboard skills.
86. The assignments will include typing of varying difficulty from printed and manuscript copy.
87. Many girls worked in minor clerical jobs and were encouraged to learn shorthand and typing skills at evening classes.
88. Ingrid and other loyal friends spent long hours burning the midnight oil with her when it came to the final typing.
89. Rain looked at the litter of newspapers, discarded clothes, sheets of paper covered with Cobalt's messy typing.
90. You gain access to your data by typing in a user name and password.
91. He returned to the letter he had begun typing earlier.
92. Copyright in chapters for a scientific textbook are often bought for sums that would hardly cover the cost of typing.
93. We now have a much more realistic model of evolution than the monkeys typing Shakespeare gave us.
94. Its feel is absolutely perfect for my typing style, being positive and clicky, with plenty of travel.
95. We might compare: The professor is typing his own letters for the time being.
95. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
96. No work's been done in the office today, bar a little typing.
97. Should other two-letter codes appear, you will find it possible to continue typing.
98. It is a powerful text based database, primarily set up by typing in field names and parameters.
99. At the shallow end, with their hair in caps, the girls from Typing did the jitterbug in twos.
100. At least I don't have to keep carrying it forward any more. 11.40: Continue typing letter.
101. You send a ripple through the typing pool and see how these girls stick together.
102. Your duties will also include answering the phone and typing letters.
103. A man was sitting at a desk, typing, another stood by a filing cabinet.
104. The TAB key must be pressed after typing the user name to move to the password field.
105. We train people in skills such as typing and business administration.
106. Her first pupils all now knew the rudiments of typing.
107. Spelling checkers can be used to correct miss-spelt words and typing mistakes.
108. Typing in letters gives capitals; but typing in numbers from the number row still gives figures, not symbols.
109. Look at all these typing errors! Can't you take more care?
110. In theory, she studied domestic science - dressmaking and cooking - and took a pitman's correspondence and typing course.
111. Whilst this is more difficult to remember, it involves less typing.
112. He pushed the pad aside, took a sip of orange juice, wiped his forehead, and went on typing.
113. So we apologise for the standard of typing ... Penny's grandpa's old typewriter is a real character!!!
114. I had no idea what I was typing and would leave the office each day disorientated and dizzy with the effort.
115. Her typing was slow and riddled with mistakes, the lay-out eccentric.
116. This goes some way towards typing the organism causing the disease.
117. Delphine stopped typing long enough to pat her teased hair, a nervous habit she was determined to overcome.
118. Do you have specific skills, such as writing, typing, bookkeeping, administration in general?
119. To ferret out only whole words, press the spacebar once before and once after typing the search word.
120. We used selective media and phenotypic and genomic typing systems to investigate the acquisition of P cepacia by adults with cystic fibrosis.
121. Together they provide the student welfare, typing and photocopying services, along with catering and club bar facilities.
122. Corky's taking an age typing them all in - even slower since I threatened to give him a good lashing!
123. In the future it may complement or even replace standard techniques such as phage typing.
124. Refine and expand the epidemiologic applications of new techniques for typing / subtyping emerging pathogens.
125. An occupational therapist helped her choose a keyboard as part of an overhaul of her work station and typing posture.
125. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
126. She signed up with her local college for a typing course, and later she taught herself Braille.
127. Six months later I sat at my desk typing a letter.
128. In this case the tendency to hit multiple keys by typing on the cracks also causes problems.
129. The results were as accurate as conventional blood typing.
130. We must teach them something – needlework, typing, dressmaking.
131. They have run out of typing paper.
132. Sarah was a member of the typing pool.
133. My typing speed is 100 English words per minute.
134. Typing at that salary is slave labour.
135. Increase your typing speed by three words a minute.
136. Methods : According to FAB diagnosis and typing standard.
137. A secretary must learn shorthand and typing.
138. Ginny tried to sharpen up some rusty typing skills.
139. manipulative skills such as typing and knitting.
140. Bilingual, typing 60 wpm, shorthand 90 wpm, dictaphone essential.
141. In doing proof reading, I overlooked a typing error.
142. Typing paper with white, yellow, red, blue, green isosbestic.
143. My secretarial duties includes taking shorthand, typing and filing.
144. We have run out of typing paper.
145. But blood typing isn't the only reason to have a blood test taken.
146. Create two additional DOS consoles by typing the start command.
147. By typing the following command, you can see an assembly listing of every section in the object file that contains executable code.
148. While not all states call their human relations commission agencies by the same name, try typing your state and the keywords human relations commission?or commission on human rights.
149. I gave the letter to what's-her-name in the typing pool.
150. Objective Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism(PCR-RFLP) assay was applied to molecular typing of resistance-associated esterase genes of Culex pipiens complex.
151. If, for example, a user's last operation was to type in the word design, the Undo function on the menu says Undo Typing design.
152. Students will find a rich set of educational applications, including typing tutors, flash card programs, math tutorials, circuit simulators, and many other programs for home or classroom use.
153. DOCUMENT PROCESSINGAND WORK FLOW In general, the flow of work consisted of finding the work, checking copyright, input via typing or scanning spell checking, proofing, and proofing again.
154. Objective: At the angle of EG activities, discuss the object targets of typing of gastroduodenal disease.
155. Objective To explore diagnosis, treatment, pathological typing and clinical manifestations of intestinal malrotation in neonates./typing.html
156. At issue was the methodology of pre - DNA blood typing.
157. Edit text directions by typing them in the text pane.
158. You can quit adduser any time by typing Ctrl-C , and at the end you will have a chance toapprove your new user or simply type n for no.
159. Maggie Gyllenhaal and James Spader have built up considerable sexual tension by the time she makes an intentional error in typing and is ordered to come into his office.
160. Our company is specializing in manufacturing and selling heat typing code, heat ink roll, Ink-jet Printer , packaging and food machine.
161. Results : 1. MN - PCR detecting HLA - A, B, DR typing in single - lymphocyte and single - blastomere was successfully established.
162. Then too , some of the girls in the typing pool can be quite venturesome.
163. Also, as a quick note, you execute at any time by typing "q().", which is shown in the help menu output below.
164. Objective Molecular typing 12 strains of the Salmonella enteritidis isolated from different origins.
165. As Alice said, vampires frenzy like sharks when there's blood "in the water, " so to speak. (That's why Edward was ditching Biology on the day they were blood typing.
166. Imagine you have just spent twenty minutes typing the data for a statistical analysis program.
167. Half - sized paper: Paper with low degree of sizing such as printing paper, typing paper, etc.
168. Typing anything else (typically, a space or newline) also accepts and inserts the currently selected word, as well as whatever extra character you typed.
169. Routine red cell antibody identification and cell antigen typing are performed using standard serologic techniques.
170. Small, thickness thin light helping note-booking typing computer keyboarding to light thin short light and high intelligent direction develop furthermore.
171. Referenced criteria and further typing depend on growth pattern and ground glass nuclei characteristics.
172. Please give me information on their shorthand , stenography, and typing abilities.
173. Do you think you can polish off these sheets of typing before four o'clock?
174. Another said typing can be a real challenge at first, but that this could be overcome with a bit of practice.
175. To study the application of PCR - STR DNA typing in forensic diad paternity testing.
176. Conclusions PFGE can be used to classify and identify Brucella and it is a useful supplementary method for traditional typing method of Brucella .
177. In addition there is an audible "tink tink tink" noise with every keystroke when typing in text edit etc...what in the world?
178. In the future, DARPA hopes smart computers will be able to verify account-holders' identities through their typing speed, finger motions and quirks of movement.
179. Objective To analyze the typing of E. cloacae strains by repetitive extragenic palindromic element based PCR (rep PCR).
180. Derrick is the most proficient typist in our typing class.
181. On a typewriter, a metal rod with a friction roller designed to hold the paper firmly against the platen above the typing position.
182. The Koch method of building code proficiency character-by-character is similar to standard methods of teaching touch typing, another skill that must be reflexive.
183. In list and tree based controls, start typing the name of the value that you want to select: A filtered pop-up dialog allows to quickly navigate to the desired value.
184. Select the cell in the string table that you want to edit and begin typing.
185. When if we are use phoneticize input methods, typing, classics regular meeting appears a few wrongly written or mispronounced characters.
185. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
186. As it was, I spent about eight hours typing in numbers from faded receipts, then trying to track down a 10-cent difference which turned out to be the sum of three separate accounting errors.
187. Aim To make ELISA typing of sera from HFRS patients from partial districts of Hebei and Shaanxi Provinces using hantavirus nucleocapsid protein(NP) as antigen.
188. Now Dvorak lovers find themselves in a familiar storyline: A new platform has emerged where typing is essential -- the smart phone -- and the Dvorak layout is once again ignored.
189. Many wrong words, because very few typing, see so-and-so web sites to the activities of the force has some players fallacy to send this post.
190. But all the extensions we have seen have required the user to explicitly request behavior, by issuing a Normal-mode command or typing a particular sequence in Insert mode.
191. I also encourage you to look at the quick start guide (see Resources) to get your environment set up, which will save you a lot of typing.
192. This ensures that the commenter will see the comment as he/she is typing it out.
193. You can change ownership of a file by typing chown username filename; adding the -R argument will recursively change file ownership in a directory.
194. Buy fingerless gloves to keep your fingers warm when typing or writing.
195. Note that when typing in the terminal, everything is case sensitive.
196. Exactly as on Android phones, a tiny microphone button appears on the on-screen keyboard; whenever you have an Internet connection, you can tap it when you want to dictate instead of typing.
197. Go to a Web page by typing a Web address ( URL ).
198. I can polish off the rest of the typing in no time.
199. Do you get any special training in office skills?C: Yes, I've received some special training in typing, stenograph, and common office machines operation.
200. I've taken such courses as secretarial principles, office ad-ministration, business English, public relations, etiquette , psychology, computer programming, typing, stenography , and file-keeping.
201. D1S80 was subsequently developed by Cetus (subsequently Roche Molecular Systems) corporation as a commercially available forensic DNA typing system.
202. Work content includes system, and component level design, proto - typing , simulation and component selection.
203. In word processing, a feature which causes the typing position or display pointer to be moved to the corresponding character position of the following typing line.
204. A typing pool is a group of typists, in one large office, who do all the typing for a company.
205. However, being able to see the current directory at a glance is very useful - it certainly saves typing "pwd" all the time.
206. You can verify the active code page by typing chcp from the DOS prompt.
207. If you're using APT, be sure to upgrade your database of available software by typing apt-get update before you use the install subcommand.
208. According to DARPA press materials, the agency is focusing on creating cutting-edge biometric identification products that can identify an individual user through their individual typing style.
209. Results of typing statistics According to length-breadth index of the head short-head type was dominant 46% in males and 45% in females.
210. This status includes attribute information, clause information, typing information, and cursor position.
211. This typist who is holding a typescript is using an eiectric typewriter to typing.
212. Objective To explore simple typing, sonographic characteristics and clinical value in breast galactocele.
213. Using macros like this significantly reduces typing because you do not have to constantly be writing and rewriting variable bindings, derivations, and parameter passing.
214. Conclusions:The PMDC rapid detective method can substitute for polybrene technique effectively for blood typing, antibodies detection and cross matching.
215. Create the customer service database by typing CustomerServiceDatabase in the Create DB field, then click the Create button.
215. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
216. Enforcing static typing usually requires a compiler, and that compile step can absolutely crush productivity.
217. Lester: They're designed with special attention to ergonomics, making typing easier.
218. The typing key zone and the functional key zone at both sides of the keyboard adopt an oblique design meeting human engineering, which makes the operation of the keyboard to be more comfortable.
219. Start the scala interpreter by typing scala and the return key on your command line.
220. A domestic kit for the blood typing of anti-A and anti-B McAbs was used fora clinical trial in 414044 subjects after the quality, stability and specificity of it was studied.
221. It can show examinee information, back up the database, export typing the corresponding report form.
222. You can explore the many other list-related functions by typing :help function-list in any Vim session, then scrolling down to "List manipulation").
223. Create a simple no-frills console-style application by typing the following code and then compiling and running it.
224. An assistant sat typing away at a table beside him.
225. If you're unsure of a command name, you can click Tab after typing a few letters to view a list of possible completions, as Figure 5 shows.
226. You could get here by typing, but few people are likely willing to commit the dotted decimal IP address of this Web site to memory.
227. Objective To explore the reasonable approach in surgery for hyperextension injury of the cervical spinal cord(HEICSC)based on the study of MRI typing.
228. If you want to increase your typing speed, check out Mavis Beacon Typing software!
229. If you want to understand a new programming language, or even a family of languages, you should often start with the typing strategy.
230. One suggestion: Extend your shell PATH variable to include subdirectories in Windows' Program Files to launch any binary in your path by simply typing its name.
231. Is an authorized employee responsible to put seals on the finished goods containers after loading? If Yes, indicate designation(s) and name(s) of authorized personnel. Start typing your comment below.
232. ObjectiveTo study the clinical typing of lumbarsa cral lipocele and to discuss its surgical treatment.
233. Creating a biometric identification system based around the individual user's typing style is cost-effective and also helps prevent potential civil liberties concerns.
234. Input methods are limited. Typing on the keyboard is easy, but if you want to draw pictures — well... you could grab a graphics tablet, but that's not as simple as just sketching things on paper.
235. Conclusion iNOS may contribute to dysosmia by chronic sinusitis, correlated to its clinical typing and phasing.
236. In the Confirm password box, confirm your password by typing the password again, and then click OK.
237. The appearance of DNA chip technology makes the identification of gene rapid and efficient. It offers a strong tool for gene mapping, mutation analysis, gene typing and gene expression.
238. She has now created her own One Hand Typing and Keyboarding Manual.
239. To avoid any typing mistake when preparing the badge , please TYPE or write in BLOCK LETTER.
240. Typing whatis * will tell you about all the binaries in the current directory.
241. You can learn more about them by typing man attr.
242. By the time of World War I, the value of blood typing had been grasped, and transfusion became an increasingly common and relatively simple medical procedure.
243. Double - click ( or begin typing ) on the Text Panel widget to edit the text.
244. You attempted to upload an empty file. Please check your typing.
245. Objective:The aim was to outline the pathological features of AIDS related Kaposi's sarcoma(KS) and research its histological typing, origin and nature.
245. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
246. Objective To probe the possibility of electroretinogram ( ERG ) maximum combined response for typing branch retinal vein occlusion ( BRVO ).
247. As I have said, I have received some training in typing, stenography besides I am good at operating common office machines, such as fax machine, photocopy machine and microcomputer.
248. However, this defeats the strong typing of the anonymous type.
249. The discovery of a Listeriosis outbreak depended on case reports, typing and comparing of the human isolates.
250. But with a string expression, there's no strong typing and that query expression doesn't get resolved until run time, which means that you won't discover problems until then.
251. Linda Lewis, a typing instructor from Seattle who has been teaching both on layouts for 21 years, says Dvorak is easier to learn, and is "especially helpful for dyslexic learners."
252. We have run out of typing paper [ bread, coal ].
253. Methods Under optical microscope typing of heterotypic lymphocytes was detected on blood film in 52 adult varicellas of acute and remission stages.
254. Objective To study the typing and treatment of ulna coracoid process fracture complicated with elbow dislocation.
255. Enable side bar search feature so that you can start interactive searching by typing in the text.
256. Information processing system that relies on automated and computerized typing, copying, filing, dictation, and document retrieval.
257. Objective: To understand serological typing of tsutsugamushi disease occurred in Hebei province.
258. CBC with platelet count, fibrinogen level, partial thromboplastin time, and ABO blood typing and antibody screen are obtained.
259. The early developments of forensic DNA took place in the forensic laboratory's serology section, a lab space designed specifically for ABO blood typing.
260. The Business Center services offers, such as IDD and DDD , Typing, photocopy, Fax and Express Mail.
261. The mother of all Frye hearings took place in San Diego in 1987. At issue was the methodology of pre-DNA blood typing.
262. I've taken such courses as secretarial principles, office ad-ministration, business English, public relations, etiquette Study, psychology, computer programming, typing, stenography, file-keeping.
263. Development of a Recording Program for typing Activity at VDT work.
264. Set the serial port by typing A to select Serial Device, change to the /dev/ttyS0 directory, then press Return.
265. It indicates that the DNA ploidy content play a role in the diagnosis, but there is no remarkable sense to tissue typing, grading, PCNA express degree and prognosis of RMS.
266. You can begin typing in (or paste text into) the Command Input window, making sure that each command or SQL statement ends with a statement termination character.
267. It starts with a white backdrop behind which a row of dancers in silhouette are shown as office workers typing away, before taking a surrealistic turn as our hero starts to dream.
268. to do the typing.
269. Would you like to talk to me on the microphone, instead of typing in the chatroom.
270. Objective To analyze the typing of E. cloacae strains by repetitive element based PCR ( rep PCR ).
271. It would be fair to expect that when you press the Return key while typing your query in the text box, that the form would be submitted and the search performed.
272. Taking inventory involves either typing in the details of each item, or just scanning the barcode on each package.
273. The strong typing in XPath 2.0 ensures that a document created by an XSLT style sheet can be validated against a strongly-typed XML schema.
274. Blood typing also helps identify disorders such as erythroblastosis fetalis.
275. Aim : To study the application of PCR - STR DNA typing in forensic diad paternity testing.
276. She do some typing at home to earn some pin money.
277. I've taken such courses as secretarial principles, office ad-ministration, business English, public relations, etiquette study, psychology, computer programming, typing, stenography, and file-keeping.
278. The aircraft landing sinking speed is one of the major parameters during undercarriage design and undercarriage strength inspection of the aircraft design typing flight test.
279. The standard virtual keyboard input area is customized to optimize screen space and allow incoming IMs to be separated from text you are still typing in.
280. You probably recognize the dynamic typing model, functional programming in the form of higher-order functions, and an open object model as ideas I've presented in other Crossing borders articles.
281. Users may define an unlimited number of gamma presets, and invoke them via global hotkeys, by menu selection, or by typing the first few letters of a preset's name.
281. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
282. Note that you must provide the end-of-file character when you're finished typing—typically, Ctrl-D.
283. The thumbs are important for typing on smartphones, but iPad's virtual keyboard needs to be more touch-type ready.
284. Prepare the entire manuscript in double-space typing, on numbered pages, with a wide margin to the left.
285. This display may seem awkward, but the run command executes your script file as if you were typing the commands directly into the ij tool.
286. You cannot get the facts simply by typing a stock symbol into Yahoo Finance.
287. Press the backspace button to delete your mistakes when typing.
288. It is very common to give the list a name instead of typing the list itself in to a loop statement.




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