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单词 Have at
1 Aim to have at least half a pint of milk each day.
2 Give up is completely lost, persistence will have at least a glimmer of hope.
3 A growing number of households have at least one computer.
4 Nature gives you the face you have at 20, it is up to you to merit the face you have at 50.
5 Almost all homes have at least one TV set.
6 Applicants should have at least a second-class honours degree.
7 We have at last awoken Mary to the fact that there's no easy way to success.
8 Governments have at least a moral obligation to answer these questions.
9 You'd have at him,[] let him know who you were.
10 To do the job, you must have at least a bachelor degree in chemistry.
11 The two sides have at last begun to engage in a constructive dialogue.
12 Managers have at last got it into their heads that they can no longer accept inefficient operations.
13 They have at last decided to enlist the help of experts.
14 Candidates must have at least an upper second class honours degree.
15 The terrorists have at last agreed to free the hostages.
16 He could have at least given a warning.
17 What chance did we have at a nuclear plant?
18 Every house seemed to have at least one, sometimes several, of the distinctive mud-baked nests under its eaves.
19 Usually I have at least one long-range research project going.
20 What we have at the moment is a hybrid system, whereby broadcasters enjoy exorbitant privileges.
21 At their introduction, new media have at first consistently been licensed and regulated by government.
22 Anyone who did not have at least misgivings about transition would be very unusual.
23 I don't know how difficult the task is, but I like to have at it.
24 We might just as well be in prison for all the quality our lives have at present.
25 Residents pay for their care according to their means and all will have at least a minimum amount of money for personal use.
26 You can not train them for both in the time that you have at your disposal.
27 If specified, the directory must exist and the user must have at least read and write access to it.
28 De Smith has adumbrated four different tests which the courts have at one time or another used.
29 Social workers must first diagnose the problems and then help with such practical aids as they have at their immediate disposal.
30 The Helblaster volley gun is a special case, and every Imperial army should have at least one of these weapons.
1 Aim to have at least half a pint of milk each day.
2 A growing number of households have at least one computer.
31 Whatever national curriculum we have at secondary school, this curriculum will have consequences for primary school.
32 In a schedule that should be released next week, the Eagles will have at least four national television appearances next season.
33 The brewers have at last woken up to the fact that their high-street shops have become dinosaurs slouching towards extinction.
34 This directory must exist and the user must have at least read and write access to it.
35 By choosing a relatively small company, we have at least avoided the complications of group or consolidated accounts!
36 This year, I am delighted that my hon. Friends have at least found the same page of the hymn book.
37 A linguistic item must in general have at least the complexity of a simple sentence to show such properties.
38 He knew enough psychology to have at least some insight into what those early shaming and terrifying experiences had done to her.
38 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
39 We occasionally have vacancies for bartenders who must have at least two years' experience of working a cocktail bar.
40 When the 1990 results are published in June, almost all of the 20,000 active names will have at least one open year.
41 We have at long last entered a world which does begin to make sense.
42 Microlights have at last achieved what they set out to be: a largely reliable and relatively cheap way to fly.
43 I have at last discovered the true secret to quitting smoking.
44 Have at least one proper meal a day, hot if possible.
45 Household and family About a third of all households in Great Britain have at least one dependent child.
46 And it will isolate the more effective techniques that parents have at their disposal for communicating with their children.
47 So will I have to upgrade by replacement in order to make use of the software I have at the moment?
48 Seventeen years' investment in a relationship and what do I have at the end?
49 But some staff members have at one point expressed sympathy for a Valley secession.
50 Large stores have at last cottoned on to the fact that mothers with pushchairs can't cope with stairs.
51 It is only the teachers who have at certain times a real stake in lying.
52 Applicants for teacher-training courses need to have at least one year's experience.
53 Do not wait; the time will never be 'just right.' Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along. George Herbert 
54 Official inertia and resistance to change have at times seemed to spring from a sense of hopelessness.
55 Upland farms usually have at least 50% or even all of the land classified as enclosed, sown, short-term and permanent pastures.
56 The candidate must have at least a 3.3 grade-point average and have played varsity lacrosse.
57 It has not proved so. Table 5 indicates the best available information I have at time of writing.
58 Since then, despite deep and life changing bonds being formed, some relationships have at times threatened to go badly wrong.
59 The Prime Minister I should be happy to add that training scheme to the many other excellent training schemes we have at present.
60 Planes must have at least a half-mile of visibility to land.
61 By s. 282 of the 1985 Act every public company must have at least two directors.
62 Table 5 indicates the best available information I have at time of writing.
63 Going through that rigmarole wouldn't protect what we have at all.
64 But 20 years have at least seen her interests come in from the cold.
65 Ideally we like to have at minimum five females per three males.
66 The one mechanism they have at their immediate disposal to stimulate growth is the exchange rate of their currencies.
67 In many developed countries, politicians have at last realised the promise offered by the magnificent achievements of computer hardware engineers.
68 We have at times withdrawn tactfully from a weak sponsor to align with a new sponsor who is more powerful. 5.
68 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
69 Chances are you have at least one television set in your home that is used by most members of your family.
70 Have at you! shouted the swordsman, striking his opponent.
71 Glogg: Aha ! All right! Have at it, boys!
72 Hackers do not have at a loose end more.
73 But does not have at present the vehicle valuably.
74 Most computers have at least one floppy disk drive.
75 Cannot create table. A table must have at least one cell, and the number of cells must not exceed 5,000.
76 The village is said to have at least 12 spectres, including a highwayman, a phantom monk, the hanging body of a schoolmaster and a poltergeist in the local pub.
77 Try to have at least one well-informed opinion about the task at han.
78 We will have at any rate in our cathedral a decent , godly , modest morning service.
79 Those bailouts have at least in part led to the second major concern facing investors -- sovereign risk stemming from uncontrolled spending.
80 But the destruction through the reverse process is much faster. We have at least one step, out of the intermediate, which is faster than the step into the intermediate.
81 Most marathoner runners I know have at least one story about a marathon spectator who they wanted to strangle in the middle of their race.
82 Absoluteness again how, still have at least a remembers there.
83 You will want to have at least one Aquarius at any gathering.
84 The intake and exhaust shafts are geared to the rotor shaft and have at least one opening each that is aligned with the intake and the exhaust valve ports.
85 This week America can claim more credibly than any other western country to have at last become politically colour-blind.
86 But since the 1990s villages have at least had the nominal power to elect their own heads (real power is often still held by unelected Communist Party secretaries).
87 The criticisms have at least an element of truth and validity.
88 You may be arrested for vagrancy if you do not have at least one dollar bill on your person.
89 The ultimate is have at least 8 channels of compression and at least 4 channels of noise gates for a 24 track recording.
90 His words of sincerity and affection have at last drawn the badger.
91 Almost half of all Americans have at least one family member who passed through Ellis Island.
92 As regards sportswear shirts ans wash-and-wear cotton shirts , we would inform you that 10 parcels we have at present are under offer elsewhere.
93 WHO recommends that donated drugs and medicines should have at least one year's shelf-life remaining.
94 What method does meniscus injury have at present medicable ? What is best method?
95 I have at this time, turned into a non - stop spinning gyroscope.
96 Dropdown list form fields must have at least one item in their list.
97 And overbold I may be accounted, for though I have been a lover of fairy-stories since I learned to read, and have at times thought about them, I have not studied them professionally.
98 The Internet2 backbone in the U.S. is at 10 billion bits per second, that’s 300,000 times faster than the connection you have at home.
98 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
99 Plants have at least two names – a genus name, which is general and capitalised, and a lower-case species name that is more specific, for example, the Jerusalem artichoke is Helianthus tuberosus.
100 Each plugin must have at least one main method attending to a specific duty.
101 The next day Winston sent a telegram to Clementine: " Have at last plunged into a daub. "
102 The ABC company institute themselves a victim of greenmail when they realized they had bought back their have at a much higher price.
103 Most of us have at least one or two on a constant loop, repeating the same negative —and often untrue— drivel day in and day out.
104 The destination system must have at least an equal amount of processors and memory available (as dictated by the active partition profile) as the host mobile partition.
105 You must enter a valid report name, valid start and end dates and have at least one section in your status report.
106 Settling down has been the Turks' secret to asserting their dominion. Traditionally a nomadic people, they have at last adopted a system of centralised rule to form the Seljuk Empire.
107 After their long argument the two brothers have at last buried the hatchet.
108 The survey, led by William Anderegg at Stanford University, included only researchers who have at some point written scientific assessments or signed public documents in relation to ACC.
109 This blouse a special offer today. You can have at 0 % regular price.
110 Any proposal for a negative income tax must have at least three elements-an income floor, a marginal tax rate, and a cutoff point.
111 If we had left little earlier, we would have at station.
112 As step 6 in the process states, it's important to have at least a couple days of slack time in between sprints.
113 Japanese firms have tried to be as penny-pinching on pay in their foreign operations as they have at home.
114 It also means that I can see what tools I have at a glance, reducing the chance that I'll wind up with a monkey wrench I don't need.
115 What does seem clear is that pedophilia, like many sexual disorders, may have at its root some childhood sexual trauma.
116 Have at present quite the error that masses of one part farmer took type breed aquatics.
117 Lounging on a charpoy in Pasiyapur, the former pradhan says that all its 60 pasi families have at least one son working away.
118 First, you must have at least two Virtual I/O Servers running at a level that supports Active Memory Sharing on your managed system.
119 Attila and "scourge of God" have at one time been considered synonyms .
120 If you have at least one employee, you must have worker's compensation insurance.
121 Step parameters: same guideline as Parameters, and have at least one parameter set as key field (default is NOT key field).
122 But have at the same time gain able high-priced also possible centre of gravity person development reputation is sensitive, price realizes with value consciousness and low price quality base model.
123 The machine is supposed to have at most t breakdown time windows so as to modify its velocity, that is, the process time of each job may be different between before and after the breakdown.
124 It should be in the public interest to help avoid sudden reversals of risk appetite among financial intermediaries and investors, which have at times proven to be destabilizing.
125 Most boys, and many girls too, have at some time or other started a stamp collection.
126 Almost nine out of 10 Chinese married women or those living with a partner claimed to have at least an equal say in big-ticket purchases such as property and cars.
127 The Nominees must have at least 1 year continuous full-time service with the organization.
128 Most dreamers have at least one tie-dye T-shirt in their wardrobe.
129 Since 2002 Tokyo courts have at least acknowledged that Unit 731 took part in experiments in germ warfare.
130 Most starchy foods have at least a small amount of resistant starch in them.
131 Women having fewer than 3 bowel movements per week experience 4.5 times more fibrocystic breast disease than women who have at least one movement per day.
132 I be glad we have at last finalize this deal.
133 Presentation must have at least 1 slide to run slide show.
134 Each enterprise may have at least side of red line overlooking street.
135 "If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family Anatidae on our hands," said Rose, quoting Douglas Adams.
136 The Chinese authorities have been unable to sterilise this massive increase in reserves and China has seen rates of domestic cost and price inflation that have at times been uncomfortably high.
137 To have at least one sheep constituted an irreducible minimum, a sufficient condition for the activity to occur.
138 All the members that want to cash out their direct earnings MUST have at least 1 active 1st level referral in their downline (must be active for at least 30 days).
139 Engineers at Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois have at least made a stab at it.
140 Every family is said to have at least one skeleton in the cupboard.
141 And RN An R . N . must have at least a 2 - year nursing degree.
142 The file's directory entry contains a hard link (or pointer) to the inode for the file, so every entry listed should have at least one hard link.
143 Do you have at least 1 year of experience as an Account Executive an Advertising Agency?
144 To prevent insider deal, the SPV must have at least one independent director and there are many restrictions on the action, especially the limit on its entering into voluntary bankruptcy.
145 All workflows have at least one starting state in which all the content starts.
146 Would have at this time, when suddenly the door open, and tumble into one person, it was who had left instructions to the land unless a teacher.
147 If one has become the boss or CEO in the physical, one will have at least two parallel lives as an employee to just such a kind of boss or CEO.




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