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单词 honestly
释义 Word family  noun honesty ≠ dishonesty adjective honest ≠ dishonest adverb honestly ≠ dishonestly  hon·est·ly /ˈɒnəstli $ ˈɑːn-/ ●●○ S3 adverb  1  TRUEused to emphasize that what you are saying is true, even though it may seem surprising 真的,的确〔强调所说的话是真实的,即使可能让人吃惊〕 I honestly don’t know how old my parents are. 我确实不知道我父母的年纪。 I can honestly say that I never worry about him now. 我确实可以说我不会再为他劳神操心了。2  spokenANNOYSHOCK used when you are shocked or annoyed by something someone has said or done 真是的,真不像话〔用以表示震惊或生气〕 SYN really Honestly! Do you ever listen? 太不像话了!你到底有没有听?3  spokenTRUE used to try to make someone believe that what you have just said is true 真的,不骗你 It wasn’t me, honestly! 那不是我,真的!4  HONESTin an honest way 诚实地,正直地 SYN truthfully Tell me honestly, Kate, what do you think of John? 跟我说实话,凯特,你认为约翰怎么样? We talked openly and honestly. 我们开诚布公地谈了谈。 ‘No, I don’t, ’ she answered honestly. “不。”她诚实地回答道。Examples from the Corpushonestly• I was going to give you it back, honestly.• Please fill out the questionnaire as honestly as possible.• I honestly can't think of anything we wanted that this holiday didn't provide.• I knew it was wrong but I honestly could not make myself say yes to that man.• I honestly don't know.• I honestly don't think we'll be in court all day tomorrow.• Dorothy and I love the city, although our children have quite honestly had some problems.• Oh honestly! I don't know why I even bother.• Honestly, it makes no difference to me where we have the wedding.• I don't honestly know why he agreed to do the film, except that all he wanted was a fifteen-minute death scene.• How could she honestly make this pigheaded man see sense?• But then, she admitted honestly, so could she!• I can't believe people honestly teased you about that.• Honestly, they didn't hear that from me.• He honestly thought it was all right.• He needs to talk honestly with Billie.hon·est·ly adverbChineseSyllable  used are what you is emphasize true, to that saying Corpus




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