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单词 Dazzling
1. You are my most dazzling lights!
2. In are the eye tears, what pain dazzling?
3. The evening was crowned by her dazzling performance.
4. He gave Alberg a dazzling smile.
5. I can think of nothing else but your dazzling smile.
6. i can think of nothing else but your dazzling smile.
7. Every tree,(sentence dictionary) wall and fence stood out against dazzling white fields.
8. Last night the team turned in another dazzling performance.
9. The sun caught her dazzling copper hair.
10. Victoria stood out as a dazzling non-conformist.
11. The light reflecting off the snow was dazzling.
12. I can't see because the light is dazzling me.
13. She topped off her performance with a dazzling encore.
14. He shielded his eyes against the dazzling declining sun.
15. Fashion designers look back to the 1960s with dazzling psychedelic prints.
16. And show your cleavage in our dazzling separates.
17. He gave me a dazzling smile.
18. Smart weapons can clearly produce a dazzling display.
19. They polished their boots to a dazzling shine.
20. She gave the gateman a dazzling smile.
21. The sun glared down, dazzling them.
22. Audiences will be mesmerized by the film's dazzling photography.
23. We walked out of the cinema into dazzling sunshine.
24. It was a dazzling golden glow.
25. Seventeen-year-old Foxy Brown occasionally displays dazzling skills.
26. A dazzling fountain of lava burst from the volcano.
27. Johnston showed a dazzling display of football talent.
28. I am alive only when I am with you. When I am alone, the most dazzling sun seems to have lost the brilliance.
29. The Times critic described her dancing as 'a virtuoso performance of quite dazzling accomplishment'.
30. Lungs pounding out torrents of frozen breath, we speed down narrow forest corridors, then burst into dazzling clearings.
1. The evening was crowned by her dazzling performance.
2. He gave Alberg a dazzling smile.
3. Every tree, wall and fence stood out against dazzling white fields.
4. The light reflecting off the snow was dazzling.
31. Hot light leapt out from the damascened chromium steel nozzle in a dazzling silver thread.
32. In its dazzling raiment of spring, the land belies the tragedy that inflicted such sorrow on the people of Oklahoma.
33. Slow at first, the motion gathered speed until it was too dazzling for the eye to follow.
34. The light from the window spilled along her cheek and lips, and made a dazzling star in her glass.
35. The movie's only saving grace was its dazzling special effects.
36. I sank into an exquisite passivity staring ahead as dazzling colours flushed and flew, metamorphosing into duck elephant cat dog house.
37. The sun was so dazzling that it was impossible to even look at its reflection in the water.
38. Lithia Park offers footpaths through a dazzling array of terrain.
39. In his prime, Vermeer developed what can only be called a formula( ), and a dazzling one.
40. As for the patio surface, remember that pale colours reflect light and can be dazzling in the sun.
41. But it is a strength of her moving and dazzling achievement that Abbott is never conventional, preachy or platitudinous.
42. The sun is dazzling here, like the sea, but there is something sad too.
43. She called it the science of shopping, the ability to resist the temptations of dazzling packaging.
44. Everything has been beefed up, from the sound to the onstage visuals, now in dazzling Human League proportions.
45. Glacier walking is a piece of cake; well this bit was, with rolling hills of dazzling serenity.
46. They came to a large square, dazzling white from swirling snowdrifts.
47. After a dazzling spell at the Beaux Arts school in Paris, Nouvel got his first few jobs building private houses.
48. To begin with the variety of the subject was so dazzling, at times blindingly so.
49. There was Cousin Noreen, all alone in her dazzling white attic, listening, and waiting for inspiration to strike.
50. Meanwhile, for Stan the basic business of discovering fossils proceeded at a dazzling pace.
51. The Collector watched this brief engagement in the dazzling circle of crystal but could no longer understand it.
52. A dazzling beam of light fell through the windows that looked out to the stables.
53. She describes the horrors of matrimony with vivacious comic indignation, dazzling wit and choice of expression, and with breathtaking eloquence.
54. Huge semi-circular feathers in dazzling hues sprang vertically before sweeping in wide arcs to the ground.
55. This could be followed by a wider shot to take in the overall scene, showing the dazzling displays and hurrying shoppers.
56. Studying you, I note your limpid gaze, felicitous expression your dazzling waist.
57. In the light Smith saw two personages, dazzling him with their brightness as they stood in the air.
58. The men from Verdun viewed this dazzling scene with mixed feelings.
59. It pays to advertise and many cleaner species employ dazzling stripes or have characteristic bobbing movements to draw attention to themselves.
60. It often needs the imagination and the company of children to help you to appreciate afresh the bird's dazzling beauty.
61. Great electrical bursts of dazzling blue and purple light explode behind copious amounts of dense smoke which obscures the entire stage.
62. He had to keep dazzling the crowds to hold off his detractors.
63. From the start, their approach to the matches had been exciting with a dazzling display of flair from the batsmen.
64. Harvard has assembled a formidable team of black academics under the leadership of Henry Louis Gates, a dazzling self-publicist.
65. Fight Club star Brad, 36, was planning to wear a dazzling white tuxedo.
66. A flock of dunlin flew across the marsh in a silver swirl, catching the sun, dazzling the eye.
67. The world was full of noise, dazzling light, blinding darkness, torrential rain.
68. Risking everything, Saskia auditions for the position of best friend with a dazzling burst of literary fantasies.
69. The festival of Lucia is a dazzling display of the art, music and dance of an ancient culture.
70. Their bare legs pump bicycle pedals, they clatter on wooden-soled sandals into the dazzling light over the work benches.
71. She tipped the sunshade back a few inches and let the dazzling rays toast her face.
72. Shops with Style On Capri and Ischia dazzling boutiques sell marvellous leather shoes and very chic clothes.
73. He rode to fame on the mambo and cha-cha craze of the Eisenhower years, dazzling audiences with his frenetic riffs.
74. Baryshnikov is probably the most dazzling virtuoso we have seen.
75. He was a great and prolific writer of everything from poems and personal memoirs to dazzling essays on painting and photography.
76. Theatre managers were quick to realise the dramatic potential of such a dazzling light.
77. Poor man, shut out, as they all were except her, from that glimpse of heaven's dazzling sweetness.
78. The dazzling inlay of precious stones was long ago picked out with daggers.
79. The scene was transformed into a wilderness of dazzling white.
80. Lily looked at the faces above the dazzling white shirt fronts.
81. During his short but dazzling career he broke almost every scoring record in the National League.
82. And the most dazzling evidence of his vitality was the death of his sister.
83. Fire kept flashing in the cave, dazzling her,() and it was getting harder and harder to think clearly.
84. The remaining 14 selections are equally familiar baroque trumpet fare and they are all articulated with dazzling clarity and enthusiasm.
85. Even in Britain people noticed dazzling, lingering sunsets last winter which left a distinctive purple afterglow.
86. Cast Iron quality and a dazzling range of vitreous enamel colours.
87. The calendar below shows the 13 dazzling international exhibitions being held in the 12,000 square metre exhibition hall.
88. His playing is highly individual, swinging, fluent, thoroughly griping and regularly dazzling.
89. Outside the light was dazzling, the sky as blue as lapis lazuli.
90. Many of the individuals in these groups have dazzling individual skills mathematical genius is often one.
91. She looked dazzling, with her long blonde hair and diamond earrings.
92. The main link between the two productions lies in David Troughton s dazzling performance.
93. Against the darkened portion of the asteroid there was a sudden, dazzling explosion of light.
94. He erupted for two dazzling touchdowns, calling to mind his 235-yard, signature effort against Washington in the 1993 Rose Bowl.
95. Our cake looks dazzling, tastes wonderful and no one else's will hold a candle to it!
96. But they can not touch the dazzling artistic integrity of the female performances.
97. He had, Jaq noted,() obtained a new cloak trimmed with dazzling white ermine death's heads.
98. Dazzling jewelry was sometimes spread out on her dressing table.
99. Traffic was at an angry crawl, a dazzling confusion of lights and wet reflections in the premature darkness.
100. And it's Zack who gets the crowd bouncing up and down in time to his dazzling raps.
101. Just a short distance away, looming above a glacier, was the dazzling, ice-hung bulk of Chonku Chuli.
102. For years and years they crossed rivers and oceans to find the Simorgh, that fabulous creature, radiant and dazzling.
103. The dazzling display of blooms took 18 months hard work to create and cost Newtownabbey man Edward Cooke £500.
104. One more dazzling feature is the anti-dazzle rear view mirror.
105. Sitting on the next bench were two young women, dazzling creatures, well dressed and well fed.
106. Clark produced another dazzling display to help Keegan celebrate his November Manager-of-the-Month award in impressive style.
107. Their descendants became the dazzling white lipizzans.
108. The light is too dazzling.
109. The sun shines with a dazzling light.
110. He was anticipating his expectations at a dazzling rate.
111. Adorable noises, cute screams. Dazzling by every slightest sound.
112. The sky is clear and blue, the sunlight dazzling.
113. The dazzling light from the digital device dizzied me.
114. He has clear blue eyes and a dazzling smile.
115. Come so, beautiful and dazzling sootiness makeup was born.
116. Its grave mound no tombstone, only a dazzling grass.
117. Dazzling visual effects, gem explosions and twisting diamonds spice up the game experience.
118. The sun transform the gild cupola into dazzling point of light.
119. I love the beautiful young girl of this portrait, my mother, painted years ago when her forehead was white, and there was no shadow in the dazzling Venetian glass of her gaze.
120. She executed a dazzling swallow dive from the highest board.
121. He was always pure - hearted in that dazzling world with its myriad temptations.
122. There is no mainstream, one thing we can feel is dazzling and inconstant changes.
123. Jason did not like Shanxi, the new team manager as Baoboweisi dazzling curriculum vitae.
124. Chess playing is a game of such abstruse and dazzling complexity.
125. From a veteran who we had thought was vanishing up the cul-de-sac of his own thriller fetishism (Femme Fatale, The Black Dahlia), here is a dazzling renewal.
126. The city is the commercial center, great numbers stores standing, dazzling goods display in the counter.
127. When the quadrille was over, I went over and said good evening to the hostess who, for the benefit of her guests,(Sentencedict) was displaying a dazzling pair of shoulders and much of her magnificent breasts.
128. We followed a sandy track with dazzling views through clumps of juniper and wild olive to the blue-green sea far below.
129. She looked dazzling radiant rich brilliant voluptuous all at the same time.
130. I can not see because the light is dazzling me.
131. Dazzling and costly evening is installed, will change ferial missish, colourful Jing 4, vigor 4 shoot, it is absolutely most the princess with dazzling brilliance.
132. Multifarious Alpha effect let players feel the best dazzling effect of S 60 devices.
133. Throughout his time at Old Trafford he has played with dazzling flair, breathtaking skill and a fleet-footed assuredness that has created unforgettable moments of magic.
134. floated a dazzling, majestic sun . Fragments of powdery cloud, like spray flung from a wave crest, sprinkled the radiant, like - blue heaven.
135. For those who say no to laser treatments, dermabrasion and chemical peels, the Biotox D'Light Challenge Pack gives a glimpse of a dazzling clear, luminous skin within a short time.
136. The Ice show, "Frozen in Time", combines elaborate costumes, dazzling special effects.
137. Transform the release of a magic square diamond brilliance, is a magnificent day and night of dazzling.
138. The emerging cityscape is often dazzling, but also energy intensive and polluting.
139. Components to permute and combine into a dazzling array of services ?
140. The city is the commercial center, standing, dazzling goods display in the counter.
141. The sunlight at the heart of the painting eradiate everything, a dazzling example of Turner's obsession with the power of nature.
142. We believe you should already experience our fashion and elegant lobby, the brand new and professional golf balls, as well as the dazzling and day-like lamps.
143. Professor Cassie Mole finished the last page of draft manuscripts. Opens is closing tightly the window blind 0.1 dazzling judgments to break through the gloomy defense line.
144. The Lieutenant in his dazzling uniform smiled and talked blandly.
145. Dazzling her pearls and emeralds gosling - gold the painted design on her forehead.
146. High purity aluminum pressed reflector, asymmetrical type, and dazzling controlling ability.
147. Thus the composition of the grand "palaces" steep "mountain" Praia "Yu-zhu, " boundless "Lin" magnificent and splendid, dazzling, beautiful.
148. Face dais, back blackboard, in times endless flow, the teacher is you each is 45 minutes, braid countless dazzling aureola with pains sweat and wisdom.
149. These advertisements propaganda strange the Aladdin cave treasure house is more dazzling than Arabian Nights in.
150. O my Lord, sustainer of all that lives, Your real face is covered by Your dazzling effulgence. Kindly remove that covering and exhibit Yourself to Your pure devotee.
151. As demonstrated at Emirates Stadium last season, the Catalans can be almost unplayable when they are at their dazzling best.
152. But different cloth art product, effect of its style, modelling, illuminative will be very different, this is unavoidable give a person dazzling sense.
153. At this night, although the stars cans not compares with dazzling firework.
154. He was strapped into a chair surrounded by dials, under dazzling lights.
155. Welcomes is returning to the cabin signal light dazzling flash, the helicopter starts to descend gradually.
156. But the strike ended one week ago, and Oscar organizers are promising a traditional ceremony for a global TV audience with big stars, dazzling fashion and, hopefully, memorable winners.
157. He has created immortal dramatic work such as"Teahouse"and"Longxugou ditch"for us,(http:///dazzling.html) which has increased the dazzling ray for Chinese and the world dramatic world.
158. I believed devoutly in her power to fascinate him, in her dazzling loveliness.
159. The Skeletonized Tourbillon Co-Axial Platinum Limited Edition combines the complex Tourbillon technology with dazzling design elements.
160. It lends vibrancy, dazzling color, and deep savoriness to foods.
161. The Arabic numeral and so on), may act according to the customer the request for its design manufacture dazzling personalized flash chart article LOGO.
162. The fiery harmonica wizard took the humble mouth organ in dazzling amplified directions that were unimaginable prior to his ascendancy.
163. And then there are ancient Aboriginal cultures, dazzling salt pans, secretive reptiles, rough-cut canyons and pristine gorges.
164. Easy to get lost in the lustrous and dazzling crowds, forget Wengyou rope drive time.
165. Chopin, "the poet of the piano, " was as great an innovation in the pianistic world as Liszt, whose dazzling spectacular virtuosity was the antithesis of Chopin's more refined genius.
166. They lived in this ecstatic state which can be described as the dazzling of one soul by another soul.
167. A growing body of research by sociologists and behavioral economists finds a dazzling array of cognitively, culturally and socially distinct ways in which people approach money.
168. In this dazzling image, the galaxy NGC 1427A is seen as it travels through the Fornax cluster of galaxies, to which it belongs.
169. The dragon in fokelore has tough and dazzling scute, can easy to do reek giddy.
170. At dusk and nightfall, the waxing crescent moon and the dazzling planet Jupiter couple up together in the southern sky.
171. Drink in the salt air as you discover a secluded cove, relax to a dazzling sunset view, or make an aerial pass over a picture-perfect lighthouse.
172. When wake up from dream of time, open eyes to see a full mountain time wild green, bamboo such as arrows Shi sting go into eye pupil, a huge flower unbridled ground the Zhan open, red get so dazzling.
173. It has the dazzling red of a sheet of flame.
174. The sunshine is dazzling.
175. Glass in clear, frosted, or color in cabinetry can make a kitchen look like a dazzling showplace.
176. A northern flicker flashes the dazzling gold of its wings near an old tree stump.
177. In beautifying the city for the Olympics, Beijing has created dazzling topiary gardens, and street displays, called parterres, using millions of flowers and plants.
178. Its light turned the overhead surface into a dazzling mirror pocked with dark splotches.
179. A new sumptuous d é cor that evokes the dazzling light of a Midnight Sun.
180. But with a torch, suddenly the Buddhas transmogrify en masse, a magical entity dazzling out of the darkness.
181. He called her a "dazzling singer" but added that she "puts good taste through the wardrobe wringer . All crass and no class."
182. Who looks into the distance from a high place by far missing, the warm sunlight lets me to one's heart's content fantasize, outside nine days are that most dazzling rays.
183. But after thickly dotted ground repeats a shop to stick wall of good one side, often be dazzling, desultorily , the vision pounds too ultra intense.
184. In addition to a dazzling variety of wildlife, including several marine turtle species, the archipelago's rich lagoons spawn a treasure available in few other places: black pearls.
185. Heinz Martin Breuer uses the medium of painting. His paintings are dazzling, vivid, and they are not stingy with colors.
186. When we take chair lift, high in the Alps, to see the scenery, we gaze down from dazzling heights, and see some of the most beautiful flowers found anywhere.
187. If the scale of his ambition is dazzling, at the heart of his plan is an invention which is engagingly simple.
188. He pointed out to her the dazzling fittings of the coach.
189. Sophie Marceau is dazzling as the alluring Marquise: she captivates at every scene.
190. I recall, especially a dazzling spring day in Norwich when I attended the Maundy Service, the cathedral providing a spectacular setting.
191. At the Met, the encyclopaedic range – encompassing everything from Jackson Pollock to medieval armour – is as dazzling as at the Louvre, but there place itself has more quirkiness( ), more personality.
192. Major in art museum, senior show window glass surface, reduce the dazzling light reflex, enhance the perspective effect by display items.
193. Now suddenly he was standing in a new dazzling white room with blood-red "happiness" characters on the walls.
194. A dazzling array of celebrities are expected at the Mayfair gallery to see the pictures.
195. Wander the narrow alleys of any souk and you'll realise why Moroccan food is so tongue-tingling: the carefully shaped, rainbow-hued piles of spices are dazzling.
196. The girl flashed a dazzling smile at the television crew and cameras bearing down on her.
197. These were the qualities which gave Lee the dazzling campaigns of Second Manassas and Chancellorsville and won Vicksburg for Grant.
198. From that point on, you will have an abundance of dazzling invitations(), each more glamorous than the next.
199. A red sun is slowly rising, shedding rays of dazzling brilliance.
200. Summer, and day, in WO Zhai beans found in that hidden in the leaves of dazzling small loofah.
201. Hydrangea dragon highlights the characteristics of light at night performance, the dragon off, sparkling, dazzling, breathtaking.
202. But those dazzling statistics mask an often more mundane reality.
203. They range from larger-than-life statues of Akhenaten to exquisitely sculpted reliefs and dazzling jewelry to such poignant reminders of everyday life as a perfectly preserved child's sandal.
204. La Perla also designs cocktail dresses and the showing concluded with a dazzling "black" bridal gown that shone with elegance.
205. Ltd. is located in the "China Stone City" -- - Water Town, Nanan City, China Building Materials is a town of a dazzling "star.




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